Would you like to see the Powers of Pain return?

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So during the Holiday period I got the chance to watch a lot Chikara online and got hooked on the King of trios tornament that the company holds each year. During the 2012 Tornament there where a couple of appearances by the Powers of Pain and while they never made it far in either the King of Trios tornament or the Gauntlet match on the final day, I was impressed by what great shape both guys are still in and how sharp they both looked in the ring and it got me thinking. would there be any intrest in seeing the Powers of Pain return to either WWE or TNA. Now I'm not surgesting that they would return full time seeing as both guys are now in there 50's and would more then likely not want to anyway but rather a few brief appearances before having one last match at wrestlemania against one of the young up and coming teams or even a brief feud against somebody like Bad Influence or the Tag Champs in TNA to help promote the Division.
I see no purpose in bringing back the Powers of Pain to either WWE or TNA. TNA spent years and millions of dollars bringing in former stars who were well past their prime, were never really big stars in the first place, never drew a dime or some combination of any or all of the above. Now that they've had financial problems the last 6 months or so, I don't see them returning to a strategy that's already been a massive failure.

As for WWE, again, what purpose would they serve? There are already number of teams on the WWE roster, with talk of bringing up talent from NXT to pair with veterans to form tag teams, who are far younger, far more talented and with far greater potential than The Warlord & The Barbarian. Bringing them in so they can be jobbed out to some of those younger teams would really serve no purpose as neither was significant singles or tag team star. So, working with them won't exactly be much of a rub for anyone. It wouldn't be worth bringing them in as singles power wrestlers either. At 51 & 55 years of age, The Warlord & Barbarian can't compete with the likes of Ryback, Mark Henry, Big E. Langston, John Cena, Big Show, Harper & Rowan, etc.

The Powers of Pain was a pretty generic, low rent team comprised of a couple of one dimensional powerhouses who had great looks but never really made it above being lower mid-card talent when they were in their prime. Allegedly, Batista claims that The Warlord is his favorite wrestler, so that's a pretty strong endorsement of just how untalented they are. WWE & TNA would both be much better off spending their money on someone else or in some other way than hiring a tag team comprised of a couple of 50+ year old, never-was, lower mid-card powerhouses like the Powers of Pain.
No, WWE and TNA would have nothing to gain from a Powers of Pain return. They were a fairly insignificant team and while they may still be in good shape in their 50s (I haven't looked up what they look like, just going off the OP), they would have nothing to contribute to either company.

WWE have a strong roster as it is, with plenty of NXT talent looking to make the step up. To bring back a team with a combined age of over 100 years old (who were never major stars anyway) for a last run would be pointless. The majority of fans would have no idea who they were. TNA should avoid them too, as they are short of money as it is and need to be careful which new talent they bring in.

If they were ever to come back to WWE it would be in something like a legends/gimmick battle royale, or on something like an Old School Raw for a 1 off appearance, then go back to the indies.
This might have worked for "Old School RAW" but at the end of the day fans want to see Demolition back first... POP were not as low rent as people think, but they were clearly the 3rd string when you had Road Warriors and Demolition also in the business at the time.

Barbarian was the better worker and his latter WCW work showed he had more to offer, but Warlord was a bust once the team was done. It's scary that they seriously considered putting the IC on him instead of Mr. Perfect... The only saving grace was that they did get the managers mixed up... Had Warlord been with Heenan rather than Slick, I could have seen him progressing further... Barbarian always seemed wasted with Heenan in the same way Terry Taylor or Brooklyn Brawler was... bottom rung of the Family, not cos of ability but cos they just weren't needed in there.

If they need a team to come back for a night, they have the NAO's or APA... Too few fans would now remember the Powers original run for it to have real meaning... If it's a HOF induction, Demoliton go first without question...and the pop for them if they showed up on RAW etc would be far better than anything Warlord and Barbarian could have accomplished.

Ultimately both guys were done for when Taker showed up... He had the look, better all round ability and took that big man spot from both of them... It's not a knock on them, they're a good solid old school team but they're not legends...
I could see a modern day Powers of Pain-like team being formed. Something of a throwback to the Road Warriors, Demolition, PoP. Personally, I'd put Ryback and maybe Sheamus together, give them some sort of crazy look, and just let run roughshod over people for awhile. It'd certainly be better than whatever crap they're doing with Ryback right now, and it'd bring Sheamus back to dangerous heel territory instead of happy-go-lucky Irish brawler (the suckitude of that gimmick is off the charts).

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