Would the Wrestling industry be better off without TNA? (seriously)

Would the Wrestling INDUSTRY be better off without TNA?

  • No it's better to have choice and competition.

  • No... simply because I'm a TNA mark and don't need an excuse.

  • Yes because TNA are doing more harm than good.

  • Yes... simply because I'm a WWE mark and don't need an excuse.

  • No opinion because I don't think it would really matter.

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Obviously this thread is open to everybody, however I am really interested in the TNA haters opinions on this one:

It seems that there is suddenly a hell of a lot of people ripping on TNA at the moment.
Some of it is fair criticism, most of it seems to just be people picking at it for the sake of nothing else to do?

What I want to know is, do you think the Wrestling INDUSTRY would be better off without TNA being around?

My opinion is that at the end of the day, (much like your women) it's better to have plenty to choose from to keep you interested.
Imagine if you only had one type of music to listen to for the rest of your life?

WWE's best years were when it had competition. Since they bought WCW they have gone stale due to being too content. It's like your typical girlfriend, they get comfortable that they have no competition so stop trying as hard. Then one day you turn around and they've morphed into a fat lazy bitch.

If TNA folded they would also cost a lot of people their jobs. How many wrestlers have burned bridges with WWE? Do you not think they are entitled to provide for their family?

Take football for example, I support Manchester United, which means I pretty much hate every other team. But I don't wish any of them to fold because who would we then have to compete against?

I could go on about this all night, but I don't want to sway opinions just yet. I would like to see what people really think.

And please think sensibly about the answer, don't just vote or post against TNA because your a fan of another promotion.
I think the Wrestling Industry would suffer greatly if TNA were gone. I mean wrestling would suck because feuds would get old even faster than they do now. TNA is made up of lot of former WWE wrestlers. Most of them old and slow. Why would people want to see them. But TNA also has a lot of young talent that could bring and is bringing some excitement back. I mean I personally think Robert Roode and James Storm are the stars of the future. If TNA folded where would they go? Vince would sign them for a while and then they would either quit or get fired. TNA is great for business. People don't like them. So what? They make the WWE even better.
It would not be better off. Without competition, WWE could do whatever the hell it wanted and no-one would care because they have no one to capitalise. As a result, ratings plummetted.
The thing is, TNA for all it's flaws is bringing the best out of WWE. They have no choice but to adapt or risk people discovering an alternative and that's good for business.
It also gives people who wouldn't get a look at WWE main events somewhere they can go to work in an environment on TV and iron out mistakes before they go to WWE if they get the chance

Note, this is the reasons why it is good for WWE that TNA stays in business. I enjoy TNA sometimes and whether you enjoy it or hate it, it's giving WWE something to work with. All you have to do is look at the Diva booking lately and you're seeing a more physical approach. Why? Because TNA's knockouts are drawing ratings.
Competition is always a good thing. In fact it wouldnt mind seeing another wrestling organization become main stream as well, I would take a guess ROH is the only one that could do it. The wrestling industry is an ever changing business and more the two companies push each other the better off the fans, the writers need to be and better the overall business would be.
Well this threads only just been opened yet we already have people actualy voting against TNA lol.

But I am still waiting to hear a decent, logical answer as to why people are voting that the industry would be better without TNA...

Maybe the fact that nobody can ctually back up their vote with a post shows that they are wrong and they know it?

Just my opinion of course.
Well to me if there was no TNA the WWE would make every wrestling fans life miserable. TNA wrestlers is a bunch of old time WWE stars but don't forget Matt Morgan is much better in TNA than he was in WWE. Also TNA has new stars the WWE don't such as James Storm, Aj Styles and of course KAZ. Also TNA has awesome matches such as the Ultimate X which is the best so far and the Terror Dome match was alright. And eliminate all this and we'd see the same ol matches WWE puts on and the TNA knockouts are better athletes are better than the WWE Divas.
The obvious answer is no. Just for the sake of giving these performers jobs. As bad as the creative/artistic direction is, everyone knows that the talent is there to be able to someday compete with WWE. Besides your initial question, this quote is something I would lke to express and look into as well.

"It seems that there is suddenly a hell of a lot of people ripping on TNA at the moment.
Some of it is fair criticism, most of it seems to just be people picking at it for the sake of nothing else to do?"

Certain critics claim that there are no "TNA haters." However, it has come to my attention that there is a HUGE double-standard where TNA is concerned compared to other wrestling organizations. Here is the evidence for my argument, and feel free to comment on it: In the pwtorch, there is a reax going on that states: "Why I don't watch TNA Impact." I have not seen this type of reax for any WWE programs yet the complaints I have been reading apply to both WWE and TNA such as: "Lack of new talent: There's no doubt TNA has a wealth of talent at its disposal, but how much of this talent is suitably positioned?" I think the same can easily be said in regards to WWE especially with Hunter vs Orton in the main event for the nth time. I also have heard criticism towards their highly acclaimed Women's Division which I feel is honestly is one of the best divisions out there: "Over-hyped women's division: I am a strong believer that women's wrestling can play a crucial part in a TV show and I look forward to the diva matches on Raw each week, so thepositive reviews of TNA's women's division encouraged me to take a look. However, this division has been ludicrously over-hyped. The reason it pops the highest quarter hour ratings is because men channel surf and stop briefly to see attractive women bounce around on a show aptly named - TNA!" In another site and on pwtorch, the critics were putting the WWE Divas on the same level as the TNA Knockouts even though it is obvious that the Knockouts are pretty much the new X Division. Finally the headlines for the reax on pwtroch for TNA Impact are usually negative: "TNA Impact Reax #1: "If there wasn't so much Dr. Phil drama happening, tonight's Impact would have been quite good." However, a show like ECW gets this headline: "ECW Reax #1: "All through the night Mike Adamle seemed on track. I really didn't hear anything that set off alarms." Mike Adamle on track, come on! However, the negativity towards Don West and Mike Tenay never ceases. I notice this at a consistent basis with many sites, not just a one-time thing.
This was my letter tho the WWE.
OMG what happened to the WWE? I barely could watch any brand without being bored to death. Ever since the passing of Benoit the WWE has gone down hill.The same rivalries still exist and they are boring me!!!! What happened to the push of Shelton Benjamin? The Santino character has got to be the most annoying ever. I miss Heyman for ECW (who's better to run it).Why is there still a ECW one night stand with no ECW originals? I feel the WWE has made a mistake with the 3 brand under the same umbrella. Sell- no Give ECW back to Heyman secretly fund it and pretend it did happen like in the old days.Maybe I'm getting too old for wrestling or just that my favorites are dying off but wrestling suck for me. I miss Kurt ,Booker ,Christian, Rhyno. You know it and I know that TNA doesnt need these great stars. They were making themselves. I think the WWE should trade and get there stars back from TNA. Send Khali, Umaga and Santino to TNA and let them grow there. Thank you for WWE 24/7 it has really saved me from hating something I have loved since the age of 2.

PS Stop it with the Divas thing. There are only 3 who can actually wrestle. VIctoria, Mickey and Beth.

To make a long story short TNA is better for the indusrty because if it wasnt for TNA we would not the able to see some of the best stars that have ever graced WCW and WWE.
We need TNA. Chavo vs CM Punk, HHHvs Randy Orton, JBL vs John Cena. No matter how you wrap it; its still the same thing. It's like waking up Christmas morning and seein all your wonderful presents nicely wrapped and you have socks in each package.
It would not be better off. Without competition, WWE could do whatever the hell it wanted and no-one would care because they have no one to capitalise. As a result, ratings plummetted.
The thing is, TNA for all it's flaws is bringing the best out of WWE. They have no choice but to adapt or risk people discovering an alternative and that's good for business.
It also gives people who wouldn't get a look at WWE main events somewhere they can go to work in an environment on TV and iron out mistakes before they go to WWE if they get the chance

Note, this is the reasons why it is good for WWE that TNA stays in business. I enjoy TNA sometimes and whether you enjoy it or hate it, it's giving WWE something to work with. All you have to do is look at the Diva booking lately and you're seeing a more physical approach. Why? Because TNA's knockouts are drawing ratings.

The WWE have made it abundantly clear that they don't think TNA is a threat and they already do whatever they want. With that said TNA is a training ground of sorts. Young guys can cut their teeth and TNA and come over to the WWE when they are more seasoned. Also like you mentioned TNA can try things out and the WWE can take certain aspects of TNA that are working and use for their product. I think the slight change in booking the women's division in the WWE is key example of the this. The WWE itself would lose a valuable tool in TNA so ya the industry probably wouldn't be better off.
The WWE have made it abundantly clear that they don't think TNA is a threat and they already do whatever they want. With that said TNA is a training ground of sorts. Young guys can cut their teeth and TNA and come over to the WWE when they are more seasoned. Also like you mentioned TNA can try things out and the WWE can take certain aspects of TNA that are working and use for their product. I think the slight change in booking the women's division in the WWE is key example of the this. The WWE itself would lose a valuable tool in TNA so ya the industry probably wouldn't be better off.

TNA might not be a threat to Raw and SD just yet, but theres no denying the threat to ECW. Ok, so ECW's not the biggest competition around, but it goes under the banner of a company that has been in existence far longer than members of TNA's roster have been alive. As a small company, it's not going to challenge WWE for years to come, but it's always going to be an annoyance until then, because like it or not it's there, waiting to steal viewers.
On a side note, how come if TNA are doing more harm than good, Deus Legend & Gaming24/7 have yet to appear to justify these comments? Is it because there's no denying that competition makes WWE worry a little that they might someday have a serious competitor on their hands if they get it together?

Come on, justify your reasons.
tna is ok but hey have zero star power storm and roode are dirt the only ones weorth watching are aj angle and booker t
hey tna fire shark boy curryman and super eric bring in some better non 8-11 year old gimmicks the gangstas ddp hall give all these guys one last run
tna thanks for misusing raven to the max you idiotssssssssss
I've said this before and I'm going to repeat it again. TNA is NOT competition for the WWE. People need to get that out of their mind because the thought that it is, or that WWE even views it as anything close to competition is absurd. Yes, having TNA around is good for the industry because it gives wrestling fans something else to watch and it gives the wrestlers who aren't in the WWE, or never will be, a place to make some sort of name for themselves.. but it's not competition for WWE and it doesn't take any fans away from the WWE product. If TNA was gone it wouldn't effect the WWE at all, they would still continue on the same way as they have. TNA does give hope for smaller, independent promotions and gives them something to strive for, which is better for the industry as a whole.
I agree 100% with MISTERROBB. TNA provides no competition to WWE whatsoever. I doubt people within the WWE know or even care what's going on over there. Whether the TNA fans want to admit it or not, WWE IS the wrestling industry. While the other organizations have their followings and their loyal fans, they are all light years behind the WWE in all respects. Star power, money, profile, storylines, quality of wrestling matches (with the exception of the knockouts vs the divas), and so on. So TNA does not benefit the industry by mounting a challenge to WWE, because the challenge is simply not there, and likely won't ever be. Sting, Angle, Cage and others have tries to change this fact, but they've all failed.

Having said this, I don't think TNA should fold or anything. It has a loyal fan base (albeit small). It gives wrestlers somewhere to hone their skills, until WWE snaps them up if they're any good. It gives guys who couldn't cut it in WWE somewhere to gradually fade off into the sunset. I'm just saying they have no true influence on the wrestling industry, positive or negative.

It's like with pro football (in North America). It's the NFL by a mile. Saying TNA threatens WWE would be like saying the CFL threatens the NFL. Ludicrous. The CFL continues, as well it should, with its small but loyal fan base, so I'm not suggesting the league fold. But to suggest they affect the landscape of american football is preposterous. And it's equally preposterous to suggest that TNA does either.
i think tna getting established stars is out of the questin due to old age but firing raven is stupid he could of main evented the first two pay per view vs angle instead o f cristian
and pleaseeeeeeee fire curry man super eric and sharkboy and give the gangstas hall and ddp one last run they still have alot to contribute
they are all light years behind the WWE in all respects. Star power, money, profile, storylines, quality of wrestling matches (with the exception of the knockouts vs the divas), and so on...

MONEY- of course

PROFILE- of course

STAR POWER- maybe to a newbie or kids under the age of 18, but TNA have a pretty good ratio of stars to the size of the company. And don't forget the likes of Nash, Steiner, Sting were bigger 10 years ago than what Cena, Orton, Edge is right now in the present. (my opinion)

STORYLINES- Not a chance. I'm not saying TNA's storylines are great, but they are certainly no less than WWE's. Not a single promotion on the planet could compete with WWE's storylines during the Attitude Era (apart from the NWO), but in the past 3 years I'd have to say that with the odd exeption, TNA has won that battle. Before anybody even tries to bring up anything with TNA, let me just remind you about Vince vs GOD (!!!!), JR's cancer, Vince's death and The brother and sister shit (!!!!)
Now if you can tell me ONE TNA storyline that is worse than any of these then name it, otherwise don't even go there lol.

QUALITY OF WRESTLING MATCHES- indeed, the knockouts smash the divas on a weekly basis. WWE has the odd great match (usually due to the involvment of HBK), yet the X Devision is by far better than any match the WWE put on. Infact how many moves and spots have we seen the WWE guys copy from TNA in the past couple of years? The only wrestling matches that outshine TNA's are maybe the ROH ones (my opinion).

At the end of the day, to be where TNA is right now after only such a short time in existance is a massive acheivement. And for people to write them off and constantly put them down, is a little ignorant.
Everyone writes TNA off as a faliure due to it not yet competing with WWE yet where was WWE when it was as old as TNA is right now?
i think tna getting established stars is out of the questin due to old age but firing raven is stupid he could of main evented the first two pay per view vs angle instead o f cristian
and pleaseeeeeeee fire curry man super eric and sharkboy and give the gangstas hall and ddp one last run they still have alot to contribute

I have a great respect for Raven due to his carreer so far, yet to say he could have main evented against Angle is a bit over the top.
The guy has been fat and out of shape for a while now. And I don't mean Samoa Joe out of shape where he's fat but can still go, I mean fat as in he probably couldn't even run around the ring!

Raven needs to get back into shape before he can even think of getting to the level he used to be.
STAR POWER- maybe to a newbie or kids under the age of 18, but TNA have a pretty good ratio of stars to the size of the company. And don't forget the likes of Nash, Steiner, Sting were bigger 10 years ago than what Cena, Orton, Edge is right now in the present. (my opinion)

I think you're grasping at straws on this one. Steiner, Nash and Sting have done nothing in their time in TNA that has drawn ratings. The signing of Sting was a big deal, yes, but it didn't bring that massive exodus of WCW fans that left the industry back to their TV sets to take Impact up to 3.0's.

I would agree with your statement that guys like Nash, Steiner and Sting were bigger stars ten years ago then Edge, Orton and Cena are currently, in fact, I don't think you could argue against that and I would love to see someone try. However, that argument has no weight to it. I could simply say, well look at the WWE's agents that they show on TV, including DiBiase and Rhodes to name just a couple, and they were certainly bigger names then the three TNA guys you just mentioned.

Star Power is what it is. This is a very tough business. It's not what you've done, it's what have you done for me lately, and quite frankly, the three TNA guys have done nothing recently but show their age.
I agree with Shocky, only the signing of Sting came close to doing anything for ratings. The thing is that these guys were great in the past...but this isn't the past. Nash and Steiner are shadows of the men they were, and if they sign Warrior, well then that'll just make a man who was one of the legends of WWE (before he went crazy) look old, weak and past it when he tries to cope with faster, younger and fitter men.

WWE at least use the names they have at their disposal, like Rhodes and DiBiase to put over the new stars and use others like Malenko and Finlay to build up the younger guys in and out of the ring
I think the wrestling industry always needs competition, I think anyone who disagrees with that probaly thinks that Val Venis should have been WWE champion. Its great to have TNA around I mean if i had to watch WWE every week, as much as its good it would bore me alot. One of the things TNA got me to watch them was the fact they had all these stars I hadnt seen in a while because they werent in WWE.
Alot of people do rip on TNA but alot of is because they have witnessed or heard about the WCW and WWE wars and want a repeat when its never going to happen, the other reason is the fact that they have so much talent but just make stupid decisions. But overall yes TNA does make a difference in the wrestling industry not just for the fans but for the wrestlers themsleves. And soon one day TNA might be able to compete a little bit with WWE.
No, TNA will not be competition for WWE. I have a hard time believing, if things keep going the way they are now, that they'll even be around in five years. As for TNA having star power? Steiner didn't do anything when he went to the WWE in his last run, why would anyone believe he'd do anything for TNA now? He's old, he's a roided up freak, he can no longer wrestle or even carry a match to be watchable on his own.. he moves around the ring like his legs are about to collapse at any moment. And anyone who praises him for his mic work obviously hasn't been watching very close attention, especially in TNA, because he's awful on the mic. He rambles incoherently, and he's not even over anymore. Sting lost his value a long time ago, and Kevin Nash can ONLY work on the mic because he's got no legs left and no ability left to work a match in the ring. All one has to do when they want to argue about "star power" and the main attractions of TNA is remind people that TNA can't even compete in the ratings with ECW. ECW! The C show for the WWE.

Good day.
mister rob i diagree if you saying the older stars are useless you dont no what your talking about sting can still draw if put with the write person aka angle or booker t
even thuogh i bad mout tna alot they can beat ecw if they drop the curry man shark boy and super eric crap bring back the gangstas ddp or all they will draw tna drop the gimmicks if you cant beat a c show you are simpley dirt
No, TNA will not be competition for WWE.
Im sure the same was said of WCW (pre 1996) and look how that ended up. WCW very nearly killed off WWE and if not for bad management they could very well have still been the top dog now instead of WWE. Also I have NO doubt they would still be here now and running well, if not for being sold to Vince who closed it down.

I have a hard time believing, if things keep going the way they are now, that they'll even be around in five years.
On what do you base that? Tarot cards? Gypsies palm readings?
Since its debut, TNA has grown year upon year. Based on that FACT, in 5 years time its not unfeasible to think TNA could be doing 2-3's in the ratings.
WWE's dropped into the 2's for the second time recently so TNA is slowly catching them up while WWE is slowing down to help them.

As for TNA having star power? Steiner didn't do anything when he went to the WWE in his last run, why would anyone believe he'd do anything for TNA now?
Even if Steiner had the drawing power of a 1980's Hogan, he still wouldn't have done anything in WWE for the fact that he came from WCW. The only reason Booker T had a run is because he sucked it up (the bullshit from Vince) for years when he first arrived. Only after the years of burying and character abuse did Vince give him a go. Steiner refused to take all the shit off Vince and left before getting a decent push. Shows at least some wrestlers have enough self respect and dignity not to have to kiss McMahons ass for a career.

He's old, he's a roided up freak, he can no longer wrestle or even carry a match to be watchable on his own.. he moves around the ring like his legs are about to collapse at any moment. And anyone who praises him for his mic work obviously hasn't been watching very close attention, especially in TNA, because he's awful on the mic.
Well I've been paying very close attention seen as though I watch TNA on a weekly basis and have done now for 3 years without missing a show.
I think Steiners promos are great (my opinion). I'm not knocking your opinion; but your just one voice. The great thing with Steiners promos is that they come across as unscripted. I don't know if they are?
Anyway with a Steiner promo, its always a refreshing break from what the other guys are doing. The promo where he rips AJ Styles about wearing spongebob PJ's, with his Spiderman pillow (or something like that) was one of the best I've seen in the past few years. I did just try to find it on You Tube, but no luck otherwise I'd have had the proof.
Also at the end of the day, Steiner does give his all in the ring. He's an "old roided up freak" yet he pulls out a Frankensteiner off the top rope for us! Yet he was back in the ring to fullfill his match at the TNA PPV with a FRESH scar straight after his trachea operation (after having his ribcage taken apart). Give the guy some respect.

He rambles incoherently,
Yes he does, and its also funny as fuck! The Sheik does it (x 100) but he's considered a ledgend?

and he's not even over anymore.
He's over every time I've seen him get in the ring since he joined TNA. Whether it's boo's or cheers...
This was my letter tho the WWE.
OMG what happened to the WWE? I barely could watch any brand without being bored to death. Ever since the passing of Benoit the WWE has gone down hill.The same rivalries still exist and they are boring me!!!! What happened to the push of Shelton Benjamin? The Santino character has got to be the most annoying ever. I miss Heyman for ECW (who's better to run it).Why is there still a ECW one night stand with no ECW originals? I feel the WWE has made a mistake with the 3 brand under the same umbrella. Sell- no Give ECW back to Heyman secretly fund it and pretend it did happen like in the old days.Maybe I'm getting too old for wrestling or just that my favorites are dying off but wrestling suck for me. I miss Kurt ,Booker ,Christian, Rhyno. You know it and I know that TNA doesnt need these great stars. They were making themselves. I think the WWE should trade and get there stars back from TNA. Send Khali, Umaga and Santino to TNA and let them grow there. Thank you for WWE 24/7 it has really saved me from hating something I have loved since the age of 2.

PS Stop it with the Divas thing. There are only 3 who can actually wrestle. VIctoria, Mickey and Beth.

To make a long story short TNA is better for the indusrty because if it wasnt for TNA we would not the able to see some of the best stars that have ever graced WCW and WWE.

Trade with TNA?! HA Wow, that uh interesting. I'm sure they'll trade! What a joke. You must not know talent because Umaga and Santino have it.

Anyways on to the point of the thread, TNA is great for the industry. They are slowly getting back to the golden days of TNA. Look for instance at Slammiversary, Petey Williams vs. Kaz. These guys are two of the most famous X-Division wrestlers and they can put on a hell of a show. AJ Styles is losing the comedy gimmick and TNA is pushing WWE to give it their all. So to sum it up, TNA brings out the best of WWE and vice versa.
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