Would the Wrestling industry be better off without TNA? (seriously)

Would the Wrestling INDUSTRY be better off without TNA?

  • No it's better to have choice and competition.

  • No... simply because I'm a TNA mark and don't need an excuse.

  • Yes because TNA are doing more harm than good.

  • Yes... simply because I'm a WWE mark and don't need an excuse.

  • No opinion because I don't think it would really matter.

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Whats the whining about which wrestler is from where. Wrestling promoters have been rading talent from eachother for YEARS. Same thing happens in sports, Randy Moss played for the Vikings does that mean he's not really a Patriot? Get real.

Anyways, I think TNA is a fresh lake of water in the dirty dry bland desert atmosphere WWE has created in the wrestling industry. I have been die hard wrestling fan for as long as I remember and without TNA I don't think I would even be associated with the word wrestling anymore. WWE has become a repetitive child's soap opera.
The elimination of any wrestling company is bad for the industry, especially the #2 company in the country. I don't care how terrible the announcers are or how rediculous some of the storylines are, TNA is vital to the staying power of wrestling as a whole. It serves as competition for the WWE and it gives a place for the guys who either don't want to work for Vince, or aren't right for the WWE (for whatever reason) a place to showcase their talents. Just because a guy works somewhere other than the WWE doesn't mean they're not good.
I, personally, dont like TNA. I believe that every promotion should have its chance in the wrestling industry and i believe that if TNA doesnt get their act together they wont be in the industry much longer because lately, over the last couple years, its just been WWE guys in the main events of course w/ the exception of Sting and Abyss and true TNA main eventers in the mid card matches. TNA needs to grow up, get the wang out of their butts and put on a show thats actually worth watching. They need to seriously drop this idea of retaliating against WWE and for what? what exactly did WWE do to them that they need to keep doing this to get attention? to Vince, TNA is shit on his shoe and hes going to wipe it off eventually. He obviously ignores them and their proposals due to the fact that its kind of lame and immature to start a war with a company that could easily kill due to their long time status and TNA's what? 7 years or soemthing? I think that TNA should remain in the Industry of Wrestling because they are fresh, when they think fresh. right now, id really like to see guys like Kaz move up in the ranks. when Kaz got included into the TNA World title match just recently, i was amazed. i rooted for him the whole time, of course as i was checking back to see the results, but i would have rather seen him as the world champ than Joe because, it was Joes time a long ass time ago had TNA not centered the damn show around Kurt Angle to try and piss off WWE in some way, which didnt work and TNA's ratings went down even more when Angle made the jump. but TNA have these great young superstars and they center the show around the old WWE guys cause they want attention. If they stopped that, left well enough alone and did their own thing, they'd have more fans. they'd have WWE's undivided attention. TNA should remain, and re-develop their promotion into the TNA locker room guys getting it done and making names for themselves and let these WWE guys have some of the spotlight as they've had enough in WWE and WCW.
Competition makes for a better product because in the end...the fans benefit.

As for the TNA needs to stop pushing outsiders and develop their own talent....

In order for a product to grow, you need marketable names. Sting, Booker, Christian, and Angle have all proven to be marketable with their track records. A main event with them in it would draw more buys than some nobody wrestlers nobody cares about.

The point, in my mind is, that WWE takes TNA talent (and very little of it) and attempts to train and improve them to become something they didn't in TNA. TNA takes WWE talent and pushes them to the top over all there other talent and doesn't even work (aside from a few talents) to create home grown stars for their long term success, or use the amazing roster they do have that's being buried and simply under utilized.

Yeah, I'm guessing AJ, Joe, Lethal, Daniels, LAX, etc are all getting buried despite being over and entertaining... That term "buried" is so misused it's not funny.

The difference is the guys WWE pick up are TNA midcarders nobody cares about (Naturals, Bentley) . TNA's been picking up main eventers who people actually care about. What is so wrong in using established talent?
no because it would make wwe less entertaining seeing as how wwe would have no reason at all to make a good product because its the only wrestling fed on tv
I agree with the point that TNA waited too long to pull the trigger on Joe. By the time he won, you just kinda knew what was going to happen, especailly when they put the career ending gimmick on the match. Funny thing is, WWE did the same thing with Taker, and actually pulled the trigger. We know that Taker will be back, but it was shocking to see that the WWE could still.....shock. All in all though, TNA just needs to learn a few lessons from WWE. First of all, one show without Angle would not be the end of the world. One without LAX would. Secondly, promote yourself every chance you get. WWE has books, movies, video games. TNA doesn't have the money to make movies, but books and the upcoming video game are going to be helpful.

TNA needs to stick around to push the WWE. If nothing else, it presents a bargaining chip to both wrestlers adn network executives. Can you imagine what would happen if USA netwrok told WWE to stop sucking or watch TNA get their time slot? Eventually TNA will move to Monday and take their shot, thank goodness Windows Media Center (or DVR for the non-nerds) records, because, if done right, it could be way better than WCW/WWF.
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