worst wrestling moment you have seen

the Albanian viper

ready to strike since 1986
now this is my 1st thread so be patient i was flipping threw some you tube videos ad i couldn't help but see some moments that made me say :wtf:one imo would have to be the character of glacier i mean come on this guy was what supposed to be what a ripoff of a video game character i for one was intrigued in the beginning but as time went on it was like really all that hype for this it was pathetic so in closing i want to know what was the worst wrestling moment you have seen?
David Arquette winning the WCW world title. It is still the most embarassing moment in the history of wrestling. In 3 seconds they told the entire world that their belt was completely worthless. It was the final nail in their coffin, and they went out of business 1 year later.
Chyna defeated Jeff Jarrett for the IC title. As much as I wanted to see Double J fail, I would never wish that on any Superstar. In the end, scripted or not, he was defeated by a female. I don't know why, but I think this is one of the worst wrestling moments i have ever seen.
Shawn Michaels over-selling to Hogan at SS. He showed what an unprofessional pussy he really is. I don't care what the politics were backstage or what Hogan demanded, it was a crime for Shawn to rip off the people that way and act like everthing he felt Hogan was.
Shawn Michaels over-selling to Hogan at SS. He showed what an unprofessional pussy he really is. I don't care what the politics were backstage or what Hogan demanded, it was a crime for Shawn to rip off the people that way and act like everthing he felt Hogan was.

I'm pissed I forgot about this. I probably would have made it my choice. I wasn't even pissed about the disrespect to Hogan. (Even though HBK was never close to his league). HBK went out on live PPV and told everyone wrestling was fake. He couldn't have made the sport look worse if he got on a live mic and told Hogan he forgot the finish. I don't see why Vince didn't fire him. Imagine if CM Punk took an Attitude Adjustment, hopped right up, and laughed while pointing at Cena. Michaels pulling that overselling crap told millions of people that nothing really hurts, and pro wrestling is a joke. Most disrespectful thing anyone has ever done.
You guys are overreacting a bit

David winning the belt, okay, I'll give you that, but Shawn was hilarious, thus entertaining, in that match. It was the best overselling ever done in a match. From start to finish. It's just like when The Rock takes the stunner. He's the absolute best at taking it, oversells it, but makes it look good because of it!

David's win is more justifyable as an overall worst ever moment, not what Shawn did, nor Chyna defeating Jarrett. I mean what the fuck world do you live in? Chyna could kick his ass for real.

Getting beat by a woman isnt a bad thing. I dont care if you're stuck in the old way of thinking, the bullshit way of thinking. Women can be physically better than men and Chyna was that to most. She could hang. And hell, she was built that way, but even if she wasnt there's nothing wrong with it.

I enjoyed watching Sable Sable Bomb Marc Mero on Raw

I remember Chyna lifting guys, clotheslining Rikishi once outside the ring and spinning him in the air.

Chyna beating Jarrett wasnt the worst moment of all time

The next thing you know ppl are gonna start bringing up Katie Vick, Hand-Young and The Gobbledy Gooker. These were funny moments, bring up something really bad overall, not because you didnt find it funny or it wasnt your cup of tea. David's win is a wider range bad, you certainly can understand what I mean by this.

I dont even think The Finger Poke of Doom is the worst

Opinions are entitled, but worst ever has bigger guidelines. Get it?
lol. hogan is the king of disrespect. laying down for sting since he didnt like the decision is complete bs. would have been my choice, but my number 1 is when hornswoggle won the cruiserweight title. he was the last one, and it really just killed the entire division.
it was a singles match on Raw, booking John Morrison to out grapple and out mat wrestle and come out on top in chain wrestling against
Bryan FUCKING Danielson is/was bullshit, same thing as having him go over Dolph Ziggler and Evan Bourne who are more ring generals than he will EVER be. I was literally pissed off for the first time at what I saw on my television, PISSED. Ticked off, totally just angry and peeved.

Why do I dislike Morrison you ask?

he botches most of his highflying moves, can only get over on highspots and his parkour stuff, guys like Tyson Kidd, Trent Baretta and Evan Bourne can get over on pure ring ability, Morrison can't, Morrison was on a reality show tough enough when 24 year old Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal was facing the likes of AJ STyles, Amazing Red, CM Punk and Tyler Black in amazing freaking matches. Morrison can't WRESTLE, he can fly, he can flip, he's a poor mans'/WWE's Jack Evans.
You guys are overreacting a bit

David winning the belt, okay, I'll give you that, but Shawn was hilarious, thus entertaining, in that match. It was the best overselling ever done in a match. From start to finish. It's just like when The Rock takes the stunner. He's the absolute best at taking it, oversells it, but makes it look good because of it!

David's win is more justifyable as an overall worst ever moment, not what Shawn did, nor Chyna defeating Jarrett. I mean what the fuck world do you live in? Chyna could kick his ass for real.

Getting beat by a woman isnt a bad thing. I dont care if you're stuck in the old way of thinking, the bullshit way of thinking. Women can be physically better than men and Chyna was that to most. She could hang. And hell, she was built that way, but even if she wasnt there's nothing wrong with it.

I enjoyed watching Sable Sable Bomb Marc Mero on Raw

I remember Chyna lifting guys, clotheslining Rikishi once outside the ring and spinning him in the air.

Chyna beating Jarrett wasnt the worst moment of all time
The next thing you know ppl are gonna start bringing up Katie Vick, Hand-Young and The Gobbledy Gooker. These were funny moments, bring up something really bad overall, not because you didnt find it funny or it wasnt your cup of tea. David's win is a wider range bad, you certainly can understand what I mean by this.

I dont even think The Finger Poke of Doom is the worst

Opinions are entitled, but worst ever has bigger guidelines. Get it?

The worst moment I've seen is not the worst moment of all time. As strong as she was, there was no way she should be Jarrett in a match. All of her feats were just that, feats. Rikishi spinning after being clotheslined was one of his trademarks to sell a clothesline. Had nothing to do with Chyna. She beat Jarrett for the IC title because Jarrett decided to go to WCW. One of the worst moments I have seen hands down. You have your worst moment you've seen, this one is mine. Didn't know we were taking a test and there were right or wrong answers.
Vince Russo and David Arquette winning the WCW World Championship, i cant pick which ones worse, because they were both absolutely awful, and an embarrassment to Pro-Wrestling.
it was a singles match on Raw, booking John Morrison to out grapple and out mat wrestle and come out on top in chain wrestling against
Bryan FUCKING Danielson is/was bullshit, same thing as having him go over Dolph Ziggler and Evan Bourne who are more ring generals than he will EVER be. I was literally pissed off for the first time at what I saw on my television, PISSED. Ticked off, totally just angry and peeved.

Why do I dislike Morrison you ask?

he botches most of his highflying moves, can only get over on highspots and his parkour stuff, guys like Tyson Kidd, Trent Baretta and Evan Bourne can get over on pure ring ability, Morrison can't, Morrison was on a reality show tough enough when 24 year old Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal was facing the likes of AJ STyles, Amazing Red, CM Punk and Tyler Black in amazing freaking matches. Morrison can't WRESTLE, he can fly, he can flip, he's a poor mans'/WWE's Jack Evans.


John Morrison is much more interesting a character than Trent (jobber) Baretta or Tyler Black (who)?

I love how some of these people come onto this site and throw out names of indys that no-one has heard of, to come off as smarter than others.

You're just pissed off because John Morrison is better looking than you!:lmao:
The worst wrestling moment i have ever seen would have to be the death of WCW (as well as ECW).. i was a huge fan of WCW, yeah, the final year or two were pretty bad but i stuck with it.. seeing a McMahon on Nitro must have meant that hell froze over.. it was terrible seeing just one company around.. which is why I'm glad TNA is here now and hopefully can become competition one day like WCW was :)
A basketball player ( I think Shaq) came on Raw one night and Big Show put him over. To have a basketball player make the biggest wrestler look bad was nonsense. It was just terrible.
I'm pissed I forgot about this. I probably would have made it my choice. I wasn't even pissed about the disrespect to Hogan. (Even though HBK was never close to his league). HBK went out on live PPV and told everyone wrestling was fake. He couldn't have made the sport look worse if he got on a live mic and told Hogan he forgot the finish. I don't see why Vince didn't fire him. Imagine if CM Punk took an Attitude Adjustment, hopped right up, and laughed while pointing at Cena. Michaels pulling that overselling crap told millions of people that nothing really hurts, and pro wrestling is a joke. Most disrespectful thing anyone has ever done.
HBK can be one of the best guys in the world in the ring, or the biggest jackass ever. At Summerslam 1995 against Vader of all people, Vader didn't move on a splash or some shit. So HBK just lands on his feet, stomps Vader, and yells "MOVE". He's lucky Vader was under orders to protect him otherwise Vader probably would have pulled his head off and shoved it up his ass.

Another unprofessional/terrible moment I can think of is Teddy Hart taking bumps off the scramble cage in ROH basically shitting on the match and the company.

Another Teddy Hart moment is a match in Mexico, he's teaming with Evans. Evans tags him in, Hart comes in, hits a canadian destroyer, picks the guy up, hits a powerbomb lungblower, then tags out. Probably the fakest I've ever seen pro wrestling look in a match where the wrestler actually thought it was a good thing he was doing.
Shawn Michaels over-selling to Hogan at SS. He showed what an unprofessional pussy he really is. I don't care what the politics were backstage or what Hogan demanded, it was a crime for Shawn to rip off the people that way and act like everthing he felt Hogan was.
It's so weird that so many people feel that way. In my opinion this was one of the best Hogan matches of all time. Face it, Hogan at his prime was a bad wrestler. Hogan at age 107 was downright horrible. The way Michaels sold (or oversold) Hogan made him look like a dominant force. There was no way for anyone to credibly put Hogan over, so you might as well compensate for Hogan's lack of movement by flying around like Mr. Perfect used to. It was a very entertaining match. That's a lot more than I can say for most Hogan matches.

The worst wrestling moment in history. I gotta agree with everyone who pointed out David Arquette winning the WCW title. The gravity of this travesty was just unbearable.
One remembers incidents like the Shockmaster or Mae Young giving birth to a hand or Triple H pretending to be Kane f*cking a corpse, but none of those events had any really tragic consequences. The Arquette thing singlehandedly erased any remaining doubts that WCW was in the process of dying a horribly painful death.
Hornswoggle winning the Cruiserweight Championship. This was the moment that KILLED the Cruiserweight division. I mean even if they wanted to get rid of the title they could have at least showed respect to all the Cruiserweights that have carried it and competed for it over the years. They gave the Cruiserweight division the worst send off possible. I was so disgusted. I remember it being the second match of the show I couldn't even stay focused on the the Pay Per View because I was so pissed off and disgusted about it. The Cruiserweight division was one of my all time favorite things to watch in wrestling. Seriously why the fuck did they do that? They could have at least showed respect to their talent and made someone like Chavo Guerrero or Jamie Noble retire it not freaking Hornswoggle.

John Morrison is much more interesting a character than Trent (jobber) Baretta or Tyler Black (who)?

I love how some of these people come onto this site and throw out names of indys that no-one has heard of, to come off as smarter than others.

You're just pissed off because John Morrison is better looking than you!:lmao:

I can see your one of those guys who thinks they have actual lives. Chances are the more you know about something obscure (Indy music or wrestling) chances are you are smarter.

On topic I agree with the David arquete or he ever you spell he Last name winning a world heavyweight championship in WCW was one of the major faults of a company already failing and on it's way to death. Michaels over selling was not bad and I found it. hilarious.
yeah gotta agree on the owen hart incident. how anyone can say that to carry on that ppv was the right thing to do just defies logic. it goes to show how much of a money grabber vince is.

If it was me i would of stopped the ppv as soon as word came through that owen had died and made arrangements to explain to the live crowd in attendence what has happened to owen and that they would be able to get TOTAL refunds if they wished from vinces own pocket. But vince came up with some stupid excuse that if they stopped the show there would be a riot. Only a total dingbat would start rioting because they had to stop the show due to this "ACCIDENT".
I'm torn between two of WCW's old school "beauties"

1 - Rick Steiner being scared shitless by a video of Chucky threatening him. That was random and fucking poor.

2 - The Shockmasters debut....yeah I don't know what else to say about that!

Oh, and to say that Vince should've stopped the PPV straight away...surely they'd ahve to at least waited until they had found out he was definately dead and notified his family? It's one of those situations where there was no truly right answer, and made even sadder by the fact the situation came about in the first place.
On a serious note: The Owen Hart fall incident and the Chris Benoit tragedy were the two worst overall ...and let's not forget the eddie guerrero is burning in hell incident by randy orton...very classy.

on a more comedic side: Rosie O'donnel wannabee vs. Donal Trump wannabee
...so bad that it got TNA chants on RAW.
Oh, and to say that Vince should've stopped the PPV straight away...surely they'd ahve to at least waited until they had found out he was definately dead and notified his family? It's one of those situations where there was no truly right answer, and made even sadder by the fact the situation came about in the first place.

thats what i meant to say that they would of had to wait to of got word that owen was dead but as soon as they did they should of stopped the ppv if there was any way possible.

can you imagine being one of the guys who had to go out and wrestle AFTER it had happened knowing that is where one of their friends had just died.
What about the egg opening and that gobbledy goop bird coming out, someone help me out what was that thing called again. It was just flat out stupid
For me, my worst moment in wrestling was watching live as JR announced that Owen Hart had passed away from his accident. Truely one of the worst moments in wrestling history.

If you are talking worst = Stupid.

Anything Chavo did with Hornswoggle
Finger poke of doom
Jarrett (I think) lying down in world title match
The current fad of calling women 'fat' on WWE TV.
The time when Rey Misterio beat Kevin Nash, what a joke.
Nash is a legend in the business and he gets beat by some scrawny midget? Remember this was pre-WWE steroid abuse. Then suddenly he's the giant killer and eventually he ends up in WWE with a world title run... That is a massive slap in the face to legends like Rick Rude, Jake the Snake Roberts, Curt Hennig etc etc who worked their asses off to perfect their craft entertaining millions worldwide yet never won the world strap but merely paving the way for spot monkey who has to use a mask to cover the fact he looks like an 8 year old nerd going bald.

People complain about X-Pac being a tiny guy who stood toe to toe with guys twice his size, but Rey is 1,000 times worse in my opinion, we never had to suffer through all this ultimate underdog crap for years with X-Pac nor did he take a main event spot away from many more who deserved that spot unlike Rey who got his push because Eddie died. His career is a joke.

People talk about all the careers that guys like Hogan, Nash etc allegedly "destroyed" or "buried", a real shame that Rey wasn't on their hitlist. Nash should have vetoed his loss to Rey from the outset, rather than attempting to do what was good for the business by jobbing to one of the least deserving wrestlers in the modern era.

As a side point, I would not have any problem with Rey had he stayed a sideshow attraction styled spot monkey in the cruiser/light heavy weight division where he belonged, but instead he has the audacity to rise to the main event and remain there as a permanent insulting stain on the business.
The death of Owen Hart and continuing the PPV after the fact was hands down the worst moment for me. I understand its hard to make a good decision at that point, you have 20,000 people in the Kemper Arena expecting a show and although I agree the show must go on there is always special cases (like when NFL didn't play a week because of 9/11, that was a class act), this was a special case and should have never happened.

Benoit was a shocker but when they did the tribute show they didn't know the circumstances so you can't blame WWE for that, if he was murdered (which they probably thought he was at that point) everyone would have praised the Benoit tribute show, just saying.

When it comes to on air kayfabe stuff that's tough but here are some of my worst moments:

1) The January 4th, 1999 edition of Nitro. Not just the finger poke of doom but the entire show from making Goldberg look like some sick chick stalker, to them taking a shot at Foley for winning the title (which hilariously cost them the ratings that night), to Hogan coming back and getting the title (which NO ONE wanted to see), to them making Goldberg (their only hot commodity at the time) look like a chump throughout the show and at the end getting destroyed, it was just a giant clusterfuck all around.

2) The Kiss lip sync concert

3) Russo winning the title and wrestling with a bunch of football gear on

4) Mae Young giving birth to a hand

Those are the worst moments that have stuck with me over the years.

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