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Worst Skic mills...er...Mic skills.

yep i have to agree the most talented wrestlers "meaning wrestling ability" were also the worst on the mic save for Ric Flair "watch his sixty minute man speech" Stone Cold Steve Austin "watch anything he's done or mainly the speech where he coined the phrase austin 3:16 at the 1996 king of the ring which i wholeheartedly believe the rise of austin began along with the attitude era."

Dude, it's common knowledge that Austin's rise began at that KOTR and with the "3:16" promo. And, of course, the Attitude Era came with him. You're not saying anything that isn't already accepted wrestling lore.

Also, I think one more exception to the "best ring workers are bad mic workers" statement is Kurt Angle. In fact, he might be the ultimate exception. Let's face it; it takes a lot more mic skill now to win a crowd than it did 20 years ago. What Angle's accomplished in becoming wrestling TRUE "Total Package" is incredible.
If I can be seriuos for a moment, Lance Storm, while he was in wwf/e was pretty bad on the mic. And him having to read off of cue cards made it worse. Dont forget that just about anytime he would talk the whole crowd would chant 'boring, boring'.
Your opening cracked me up, BigShow. At first I was like, "that's a lame way to start a post," but then I remembered that it was actually Lance's catchphrase. Poor guy.

We could go on forever if we start listing guys like Storm, Malenko, and so many others from the mid-card. I think the point of this thread was to look at guys who got serious pushes despite their charisma problems.
Originally Posted by Nicole13Edge/HardyFan
Okay I'm not cranky that everyone is commenting on what I say. I was just saying that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
sorry, but you must realize that if someone does NOT agree with you, they are going to say so. so when you make a stand behind someone like that, be prepared to feel the backlash, i know, as i've made MANY Anti-Cena comments, and been gang beat by all the Cena supporters for it.

now then, i agree with the Scotty Stiener picks. if you youtube a lot of his promo's they do include subtitles in it, Bret.. well.. his lack of promo skills use to be made up for with his excelent in-ring work, not so much anymore. Jeff hardy. dont know how i forgot him. oh, wait, because when it came to Promo's, they were forgettable. i mean, even now in TNA he's ripping off other peoples material. "Creatures of the night" well for anyone who has watched WWE since the 90's, you would know that The Undertaker use to refer to his fans as that. good job Jeff/TNA staff.

Also, I think one more exception to the "best ring workers are bad mic workers" statement is Kurt Angle. In fact, he might be the ultimate exception. Let's face it; it takes a lot more mic skill now to win a crowd than it did 20 years ago. What Angle's accomplished in becoming wrestling TRUE "Total Package" is incredible.

Rasha, you're 100% right there, except you missed another, Jericho. always been one of the top Promo guys in the company, and is also great in the ring. there's a thread on who is the best all round wrestler, and Angle and Jericho are the top two picked.
As good as he has always been in the ring, Rob Van Dam is AWFUL on the mic.

He has no emotion in his voice, just sounds high and is completely un-threatening. There is no way he could ever strike fear into his opponent. I dont think I have ever seen a good promo from RVD, other than his "shoot" at the first ONS PPV in 2005.
Let me quote my favorite line of Billy Madison, "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Kozlov doesn't even speak English, and I'm sure you do not speak any relevant language as him.

Also, to compare Jeff Hardy, and claim that he IS good on the mic because of his cute country accent, to Edge is ridiculous. Edge shows no accent, shows pure emotion and never thinks of any lame similes (i.e., Jeff Hardy's whole "I'm watching this paint dry" promo.)

Please do us 2 favors. 1. post a rational thought next time. and 2. make like the guy from 8 mile and shoot yourself in the weiner.

Actually, I have heard Vladmir Kozlov speak English on two seperate occasions. Once to HHH in a promo on SD building up to Survivor Series `08.
And once in Jan `09 just before the Rumble. He said something like "Everyone listen up. Raw, Smackdown, ECW, especially you Triple H, 29 men can not defeat Vladmir Kozlov." So take it easy, dude!

Anyways, when I think bad "Skic mills" I think Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley. Benoit on the mic was exactly what Chris Jericho called him, "Mr. Roboto." And Lashley has the Mike Tyson problem.

Also the Ultimate Warrior. His promo at Wrestlemania VI was one of the worst I have ever seen. Just 5 minutes of incoherent rambling. To this day I can hardly understand a word he says. ANNOYING!
I was going to reply to this thread earlier but I want to see how many disappointments I could find after a day or two and lo and behold, I have.

Wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Batista, Chris Benoit, and Vladmir Kozlov do not need to talk on the mic to get their point across. They never have to because of their intimdiating presence or in Benoit's case, his in-ring ability which got him over. Ultimate Warrior was billed from Parts Unknown. Do you really expect him to be William Jennings Bryan out there? Terrible choices.

My pick is Randy Orton. The only times I've been entertained by an Orton promo was when he was feuding with Angle and Mysterio in 2006. Ever since then, he's been one big pile of boring. He was bad enough on the mic when he was a heel but I'll have people telling me that was his gimmick. Now that he's a face/tweener, he's even worse. He still does his promos in that slow boring voice. He doesn't know how to cut a face promo to save his life and I don't think he ever will so I'll put the TV on mute every time he speaks because he'll never say anything interesting.
I was going to reply to this thread earlier but I want to see how many disappointments I could find after a day or two and lo and behold, I have.

Wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Batista, Chris Benoit, and Vladmir Kozlov do not need to talk on the mic to get their point across. They never have to because of their intimdiating presence or in Benoit's case, his in-ring ability which got him over. Ultimate Warrior was billed from Parts Unknown. Do you really expect him to be William Jennings Bryan out there? Terrible choices

But with Brock and Batista, mike skills would've made them much more money. Look at Batista, when he turned heel and released the real Batista he became one of the hottest guys in wrestling. If he'd found those skills earlier there's a good chance he, not John Cena, could easily have been THE face of WWE.

Benoit's skills got him over to a certain level but, as he lacked in personality, he wasn't able to make that leap up to the main event. They tried him there but he wasn't good enough to stick there because he sucked on the mike.

Warrior though I agree with, he might've made no sense but the level of intensity from him resulted in, like Jericho said on the DVD, go "I don't know what he said but, yay".

My pick is Randy Orton. The only times I've been entertained by an Orton promo was when he was feuding with Angle and Mysterio in 2006. Ever since then, he's been one big pile of boring. He was bad enough on the mic when he was a heel but I'll have people telling me that was his gimmick. Now that he's a face/tweener, he's even worse. He still does his promos in that slow boring voice. He doesn't know how to cut a face promo to save his life and I don't think he ever will so I'll put the TV on mute every time he speaks because he'll never say anything interesting.

Yeah I don't get the Orton fanaticism on the net either. He's good in the ring but, to me, his interviews have-uh, a-uh large-uh case-uh of-uh the-uh uh-uhs that triple H suffered from in late 99 - early 00.

For me though I'd have to go with Marty Jannetty. The bloke had, at the time they broke, a very similar level of in-ring talent to Shawn Michaels but he had none of the personality to get across to the fans and, between that and the fact he's a douch, resulted in him being a complete fail.

Other notable mentions:

Sid Vicious
Ahmed Johnson
Ken Shamrock
Steve Blackman
Dan Severn
R-Truth. I can't stand to hear him him speak, let alone rap. He talks like a caricature of himself. He's been in the business long enough to know better by now. I cringe evertime his music hits or they give him a mic. I'd rather hear a the audio from a Khali sex tape then listen to that idiot.
There are so many that spring to mind that it's hard to just pick one. I'm not sure if I could just pick one.

My top ones, in no particular order, would probably have to be The Ultimate Warrior, Sid Vicious, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Sabu, Eric Young & Jimmy Hart.

The Ultimate Warrior's promos usually consisted of one long shouting match and/or sequence of rambling incoherancy and it was pretty much the same with Sid Vicious. RVD, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy just seem to have difficulty stringing words together. RVD's promo on iMPACT recently is the worst I've heard from him. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone struggle so much on the mic as Sabu. The few times I've seen him try to cut a promo, the word awkward was practically tattooed on his forehead. He could barely spit out his own name at times. Eric Young, God bless him, has tried as both a serious and comedic character and I just find myself hitting the mute button, changing the channel or just wanting to go deaf for about 5 minutes. He tries, he's tried hard, but he just can't cut it. Jimmy Hart was and is just plain annoying as hell. He always sounds like Mickey Mouse hopped up on PCP whenever he gets a microphone in his hand.
I'd have to say Michelle McCool's mic skills need vast improvement. GRanted, she is talented with her in-ring work, however, her ability to cut a decent promo as a believe-able personality needs tremendous work. If there is a season of NXT for mic skills alone, I would please suggest someone sign her up and have her pair with the Miz.
Another one I never really understood was R-Truth, granted, he's good for singing, but when he speaks, sadly, all is lost. The other night when he was telling Edge that he was on his own against the Nexus, had I not read the spoilers, I probably would have been lost in translation, should he choose to sing for all his promos, then he'd probably feel a bit more comfortable, I know there are some people who are on that level performing more than speaking.
Then there's Bobby Lashley, granted, a monster in the ring, but crap on the mic. I know there are people who prefer to let their action do the talking, but that seemed to be about it with him. Action, and anytime he had to talk, it was a scripted, boring, rehearsed phrase, even when he was angry about something that should have been from the heart. I can only hope if I'm angry about someone trying to take my dream away, I can be as calm as Lashley.
oh i been watchin a lot of Ahmed's laitly actually, and you're right, not that great, but his Feud with the Nation of Domination, every one one of them screwed up their promo's quite often! wasnt untill Rocky came in to take that over that the Nation's promo's went without errorr
I'm going to go with Lex Luger. If there was one person that I cringed every time he spoke, it would be Luger. The man would botched just about every interview that he had. Here's an example of one of his classic promos:


Also, I actually enjoy Scott Steiner promos. I think his way of talking fits his juicehead gimmick perfectly.
I'm going to say Ahmed Johnson for me too I never really understood a word he was saying. Even in his shoot interview it sounded like he had a bag of marbles in his mouth.

I'm surprised people keep mentioning Sid Vicious. I thought is whisper then shout promos really fitted his character well. Watch this one

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JGGrr9Zf4c8&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JGGrr9Zf4c8&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

(you'll have to wind to 5:18 to hear it) and you'll see what I mean.
The thing that always bugged me, or at least I didnt agree with, Was the bashing that Ultimate Warrior got for his promos. Were they odd, yes, were they loud,yes, BUT this man sold the hell out of his character, and I loved it. They were comic book-ish, outlandish and not as incoherent as many portrayed them as if you just LISTENED.He wasnt the best, he didnt have catchphrases which most people get hard ons from, but he was great for what he was trying to convey as a character. It seems like alot of the haters came from being puppets to the ''Self destruction'' dvd.
Some of his best and coolest promos

My personal picks for the worst mic workers:

Lex Luger

Tyson Tomko

Big Show, Im sorry, his spit filled mouth almost NEVER comes off as intimidating or the least bit entertaining.

Scott Steiner, I dont care how funny he was, it wasnt meant for him to be entertaining, His Big Poppa pump stuff is horrid.
Hey I'm gonna throw another one into the pot.....

Rikishi, not as big as some of the other stars (in stardom, not physically). My reasoning is because it killed what looked to be his big push. The fact he couldn't cut a promo for roody-poo, destroyed any momentum there was in the feud.

"I did it.....for the Rock"
I realized, there's another one I need to add, Maryse. Granted, many guys think she's the hottest thing to look at, but its always going to be looks or skills. You can't have both. She will end up just yelling in French or just hold her hand up like it will do the talking for her. Sorry Blondie, it doesn't work like that, but maybe your hand will have something more sensible to say. I'm surprised no one mentioned Hornswoggle yet. How can anyone take that grunting for so long? Granted, we know he's a leprechaun, but please, anyone who's seen the movie "Leprechaun" knows they can talk real English. Let's have him talk, he did speak some real words once on "The Peep Show" either let him say words or get him the F off our tv's.
As far as simply botching shit goes, it's a tie for me between Sid Vicious and Scott Steiner.

Biggest botched promo ever was when Hogan couldn't get his lines out on SD when he was in the ring yelling at Vince. It was pretty bad and SD had decent ratings in those days, so a lot of people saw it LOL.

Jeff Hardy is bad on the mic. A "cute country accent" really doesn't make me get behind him and believe that he is gonna get in the ring and take it to Undertaker, or Kane, or The Game, or even Abyss! I think he lacks strongly in the ability to cut a promo department. Still hope for him to get better. We have been hoping for over 10 years now. I think it might be time that I accept it probably isn't gonna get better!
Ummmmm seriously what are you guys thinking that said that Jeff Hardy has horrible mic skills thats like saying Edge has horrible mic skills and we all know thats not true. Jeff is great on the mic and he has the cutest country accent {sorry I know that doesn't count I just had to add that.}.

As for the diva with the worst mic skills thats Michelle McCool. Her voice is just so irritating and you just want to tell her to be quite and never open your mouth again.

As for guys I've only watched the WWE for 7 years so all of these people that you are naming I don't really know. Ummmmm I think that the guy with the worst mic skills is Vladimir Kozlov. I mean he has no expression in his voice and he seems like he doesn't know what hes going to say next.

Also for the ones of you that said Bret Hart has no charism your wrong he has a lot of charism.

It clear that you have'nt watche WWE for long. Because You think that Jeff has good mic skills. at best hes below average. he just screams at the mic nothing else. And Michelle McCool has decent mic skills. its just her gimmick BTW. you should'nt judge a person by his/her voice. And finally Kozlow has pretty good mic skills. its just his gimmick. WWE wanted to make him a Russian stereotype
OH and my pics for the worst mic skills are

Ultimate warrior.
Jeff Hardy.
Im shocked no one has said John Morrison. his promos are just horrific

I know im gonna get bashed about this But Hulk Hogan. His mic skills were just boring to ME. it was just Brother this and brother that a brother in unicycle. But ist just my opinion.
Ellila I gottta correct you on JoMo.

JoMo as a heel equals awesome promos.

JoMo as a face equals awful promos.

My vote for worst mic skills have to be Rey Mysterio.
Probably the worst I can remember off the top of my head was Kerry von Erich (RIP). I remember him saying really goofy things like, "There's only one Tower of Pisa and only one world champion," which was bad enough, but clinching it was that he pronounced "Pisa" as "pizza." And he kept saying it...promo after promo after promo.
Mysterio definitely has horrible skills as does Evan Bourne. Hopefully, especially with a heel turn, WWE can bank on Kaval being a legitimitely intimidating small guy.
I got two words for ya .... Ultimate Warrior. I had no idea what the hell he's talking about. Something about rocket ships and fuel???

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