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Worst Finishers

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Dark Match Winner
Ok I know one of these has probably been done but after Raw this past week I had to start this thread. I know in another thread it was pointed out about Santino's Cobra finisher but did anyone see when they slowed down the replay on Zigglers Zig Zag on Raw the other night? If simply look like all he did was pull Kofi down to the mat and got the win! Is that really his Zig Zag finisher or was it botched?? If thats his finisher its the worst one ever! Anybody else have any finishers you think are the worst please share as well!!
We have the legendary AA, but since John Cena is an icon the finisher is alright..
I don't like John Morrison finisher, it looks stupid, i mean it looks cool on TV, but we know that doesnt have that finishing effect...

I love The Miz finisher and i dont understand where came all the hate!!
Actually when you think about it realistically, the Zig-Zag would be a painful thing to be hit with in a real life situation. Imagine someone that weighs around 230 pounds grabbing you by your hair or neck and driving you with a lot of force into the ground. Not only could the impact leave you with a possible concussion depending on what the surface is, but it could also send a shock down your spinal cord, temporarily leaving you numb. I've experienced something like it in a rugby match, when you land hard on your back and you lose all feeling for a moment, scary shit.

Yes, I do think about these things when watching wrestling. Sue me.

I agree on the "Cobra", it's all a comedic thing. The Skull Crushing Finale, is one move which when hit, makes me wonder why its a finisher in the first place. Really, all hes doing is tripping you while holding your hands up so that you hit the floor directly on your face. Done onto a chair or steel, fine, it could do some damage, but in a wrestling match it really doesn't look very strong.

The Worm by Scotty Too Hotty is an obvious move which was, much like Santino, simply for comedic reasons. The Bionic Elbow, used by Dusty Rhodes used to always make me wonder could it really but you down? I guess when hit with an elbow to the head, it could, but damn it looked weak. Oh, and he Leg Drop, made famous by one Hulk Hogan never really made any sense to me. He's putting his leg across your throat, once again in certain aspects its believble, but in others and more, it's just not!
- McGillicutty's swinging neck breaker
I'm suppose to believe that generic move is enough to finish off an opponent? I'm sure they can find something better for this guy.
- Santino's Corba
Do I have to go into detail over this one?
Love JoMo, hate his finisher. Sure, it's flashy and innovative, but it's often botched and doesn't have that "finisher" vibe to it.

Oh, and thank God that R-Truth doesn't use the Lie Detector. I don't think that I have to say anymore about that move.
If we are talking about the moves of only male superstars, I am going to go with R-Truth's new finisher. I have no idea what it is, but it looks like he takes more of the hit than the opponent. If we can include Divas, I am going to go with whatever that thing is that Kelly Kelly does. She may be hot, but she her finisher is terrible.
The Samoan Spike for a guy Umaga's size, the best move he can come up with is a thumb to the chest?

it wasnt to the chest it was to the major neck artery(granted a few times he prob botched..) imho he always did it best when he fought lighter guys as he would lift them in chokeslam form then drill them with it....

scf is alright depends on whos taking it...sometimes looks good sometimes doesnt..

someone said above joe hennings finsihier(not calling him by that stupid name)....... its technically not just a swinging neckbreaker....he adds more twist to it....if u watch instead of landing back, when not botched he adds more torque n lands on his stomach...it adds uniqueness ...but gran would think he would do some sort of variation of the perfect plex...whether itts the original , buster, driver.... or i forgot who did it in ecw but i know johny kashmeire did used it ....he hooked the the leg with his far hand brought them up then dropped them neck first across his knee....

i hear some ppl complain about adr finisher.... my thoughts r basically if u knew bout him u knew he has mma experience and its believeable that he could really break someones arm...

im gonna go out to left field with my pick.....im gonna say ken anderson...... the mic check has been done and done and done over again.... i mean ok in wwe he wasnt allowed to use the swanton or the green bay(or lambo) plunge.... so the mic check could be seen as a forced finisher....but totally dissapointed he has not switched back to his orignal finisher in tna

also matt hardys new finisher is pretty dumb...
Is this of all time or current?

Currently The Miz's finisher is not that great, I think he'll change it again as it's not a move really to stick your career with. Least The Cobra makes me laugh.Miz deserves a better move.

Of all time it has to be The Goon's Body check into the ringpost leading to a countout victory. Terrible.
You know I have to agree on this one kind of. The Zig *** is justa jumping take down. Although I have seen worse. For example: World's Strongest Slam. I think that's just a dumb finisher all in all. Good post though.:)
The worst finsher was the Berzerker's (original WWE name "The Viking") he was in the WWE in the very early 1990's. His finish was pick his opponent up like he was going to give them an atomic drop but he would simply throw his opponent out of the ring over the top rope and he would run around inside the ring like a moron until his opponent was counted out and he won. So he won all his matches by countout...He never had a pinfall victory to my knowledge. Top That one anyone!!

Not the finsih but Berzerker did have one cool moment i remember...It's when he came after the Undertaker with a sword and he threw it and the blade was stabbed into the canvas of the ring.
If I had to pick some of the worst finishers, Dolph Zigglers is up at the top and so is R-Truth's finisher with the Miz slightly behind both of them. I don't really count Santino because everyone knows he is there for comedic purposes.

I don't want to sound like im defending Mark Henry or Hulk Hogan, but you try getting slammed by a 400lb dude and landed on at the same time and tell me his finisher is bad. Same thing with a leg drop from a 275+ man on your throat. Sure those moves aren't flashy, but you gotta put into account who is doing the move.
Easily, and by far and away, Sin Cara's top rope C4. Its one of the worst not only right now, but possibly in history.

"Oh let me very carefully and gingerly stand up on this top rope with you so you can flip the motherfuck out of me"

Awesome looking move, but literally impossible to set up without it looking outrageously fake
For guys it's the worm for sure. Lawlers fist drop and i love Mick foley but the mandible claw was lame.
The divas Trish Stratus stratusfaction was horrible. The opponent had to hold her up, lame.
someone said above joe hennings finsihier(not calling him by that stupid name)....... its technically not just a swinging neckbreaker....he adds more twist to it....if u watch instead of landing back, when not botched he adds more torque n lands on his stomach...it adds uniqueness ...but gran would think he would do some sort of variation of the perfect plex...whether itts the original , buster, driver.... or i forgot who did it in ecw but i know johny kashmeire did used it ....he hooked the the leg with his far hand brought them up then dropped them neck first across his knee....

haha I used his WWE name only because some people may not know off hand who I'm talking about. You make a good point about his finisher having a bit more too it than just a swinging neck breaker but I still don't buy it as a finisher. If he did a combination of that with the perfect plex (set up like you're doing a perfect plex with the leg strapped, but spin instead of lift) that could be cool.
The rock is my all time favourite wrestler ever, but the Peoples Elbow has to be the stupidest finishing move ever. It's not a finisher, it wouldnt finish anybody off. That said Hulk Hogans leg drop is even more ridiculous. I think most of the finishers today (when executed properly) look genuinely painful and like they would do real damage in a real fight, but come on, an elbow, seriously, a leg drop, seriously.
Ok I know one of these has probably been done but after Raw this past week I had to start this thread. I know in another thread it was pointed out about Santino's Cobra finisher but did anyone see when they slowed down the replay on Zigglers Zig Zag on Raw the other night? If simply look like all he did was pull Kofi down to the mat and got the win! Is that really his Zig Zag finisher or was it botched?? If thats his finisher its the worst one ever! Anybody else have any finishers you think are the worst please share as well!!

Santino's Cobra - like Santino - is only around for comedic value.

I've said it 100 times on these threads - Ziggler's finisher is terrible and it's the reason he isn't main event. When he doesn't use the Zig Zag he uses the always exciting and POWERFUL SLEEPER HOLD. LOOK OUT!!!!!

And now that I think about it, and I didn't mean for this to turn into a Ziggler bashing because I actually think he has potential, but is he trying to turn 100% into Billy Gunn. The look, the hair....using a Famasser? really??
Brad Armstrong (and later, Virgil) using the Russian Legsweep as a finisher.

That leglock that Repo Man used to use. It just didn't look like it hurt to be in it.

Molly Holly's Molly-Go-Round took too much to set up and was too easy to counter.

Santino's Cobra, The Rock's People's Elbow, and Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm and the like are done more for entertainment purposes. They would hardly be effective in putting someone away but for some reason, people like them.

I think a lot of people hate Hulk Hogan's legdrop because it's so weak compared to the finishers other people used on him and he kicked out of.

Now that the wrestling business has been exposed, moves like the Heart Punch (Ox Baker and Stan Stasiak) or the Clawhold (the Von Erichs and Baron Von Raschke) are considered passe, but back in the day, they were considered deadly and it was dreaded if those got used on their favorites.
Unless you're an old school fan, you wouldn't know that Lawler's original finisher was the piledriver, and he was good at it. However, I have not seen anyone do a regular piledriver(not the tombstone) since Owen Hart broke SCSA's neck by botching it. The fist drop was never really intended to be a finisher, but it worked out that way after he came to WWE.
Seriously?? How can ANYONE forget the "Stroke" by Jarrett....could be how him and Karen got together is by her stroke :blush: .....but either that, or "The Pounce" by Monty Brown. Seriously? Throw someone into the ropes, and then meet them half way in the ring and run into them? I've done more damage when I've hit someone at the grocery store with my cart.:banghead:...and yet,...people buy into these lame ass moves....well...most people. ---oh wait----how about the Warrior's weak clotheselines, puffing in the ring like a 70 year old hooker on her last blow....and then jumping on someone to squash them?? :wtf: I swear...looking back, it amazes me that ANYONE would have "approved" or jobbed to the move.
I agree about the stoke. It is lame. I kinda liked the pounce tho. It is the same thing as the spear, but with a different twist to it.
In defence of the Mandible Claw, that move can actually do some real damage if performed properly.

The Stroke's weak, although I always liked Kanyon's Flatliner.

As for the Spear, I've never bought it as a finisher from Edge, especially since Goldberg's looked more effective and he only really used it as a signature setup to the Jackhammer.

Oh and @dmac: I haven't seen a piledriver in a WWE ring in years, but recently Tommy Dreamer and AJ Styles have both used piledrivers in TNA. I'm pretty sure Foley used a piledriver after Austin's neck injury, but his was more like a sitting DDT the way he just sat back and pulled his opponent so they bent down into it.

What do I think is the worst finisher? Hmmmm...

I gotta go with the 619, the setup's too contrived, neither move looks like a legit match ender, even when you combine the kick with the splash or whatever. A Rey Mysterio splash just looks ineffective, especially against most of his opponents because you know they could easily catch him. I used to love it back in WCW when he just used to use the spin as a flashy counter when he was whipped to the ropes.

I'm sure there are worse finishers, but of those around at the moment I'll take the 619, along with the aforementioned Zig-Zag and Shelton Benjamin's paydirt. Seriously that move just looks like he's taking a Rock Bottom. Actually, I always thought the Rock Bottom was weak.
I read a couple people saying the AA is not really a devistating finisher, when done correctly its painless with a tucking manuver, with out the tucking manuver this move knocks the windout of you due to the force of your weight collapsing on you.
I agree with you Karilas. Foley's version was different. Dreamer and AJ have both used the piledriver recently, but go watch a Lawler match pre-WWE especially in the 80s. He did it better than these guys do now. I think Austin's injury scared Vince away from letting people use the piledriver anymore, at least the traditional one.
The People's Elbow- The Rock is my favorite wrestler(check the name), and it's "the most electrifying move in ALL of ent.". But let's be real, you expect a guy to lay there while you remove your pad, toss it, run to the ropes 2 times, then FINALLY drop an elbow on your chest? Like i said i love rock, but as i got older i did realize that the move is a little bit ridiculous.

Bronco Buster
- again, one of my favs, I love 'Pac! But you really expect someone, usually of the same sex, jump up and down with their junk in your face. Really? (Miz voice) REALLY? No sirry Bob!

619- ok this is really ridiculous! First of all, when he does it, he usually sets it up so that the receiver is facing the titantron. This means the receiver can look on the screen and see when Rey is coming. Plus, whenever Rey sets it up, the receiver "just happens" to fall into the second rope! Come on!

Like i said, no disre. These guys are actually in my top 10, it's just their finishers are a little absurd!
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