Worst Finisher in recent (Attitude to now) in the WWE?

Worst finisher.

  • The Worm

  • 619

  • Starshippain

  • Overdrive

  • Khali chop (or like it)

  • other (please post which)

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As bad a move as the worm is if I were to see Scotty 2 Hotty perform it today I would still MTFO simply because it is entertaining to watch and it brings that sense of Attitude Era nostalgia with it. When I was a kid I never really realized that it rightfully shouldn't have been a move that finished matches but every time I saw Scotty do that bulldog and jump around I'd go crazy waiting to see it happen. It is sad that the guys that have such horrible finishers today can't find some way to make the crowd mark out like crazy to it despite the fact that it plainly sucks.
Eh, I'll just go with the classic go to "bad" finisher with the 619. I might as well go over the repeated bad qualities.

1. Very unrealistic, in no other matches do you see a person falling on the second rope. That's like having a finisher where your opponent needs to be doing a handstand. It's unrealistic and is stupid.

2. It's a kick to the god damn face with a seated senton. That's like having a kick to the gut and elbow drop as your finisher. (Damn you Hawkins) It just looks stupid how Rey can kick Big Show in the face and have 60 pounds hit Show and that knocks him down for the count.
im gonna go with the 619. im sorry but seein a 5' nothing 120lb soakin wet guy knocking out some one 3 to 4 times his size isnt believable in the least. maybe against a hornswoggle or willow then yes. but other than that the 619 to me is just ridiculous. i will give it some props it does look cool and me bein a 300lb fat ass would never be able to do anything like that, but against the bigger guys it just doesnt cut it.
I had to go with The Worm, it was a ludicrous move, that should never have been a finisher. For one thing, no matter what he does to you to set it up, it takes him about 20-30 seconds to even get to his opponent. That right their is ample time to usually recover enough to move out of the way. Then you throw in the fact that he just drops a chop to your chest and you want us to believe all that is enough to keep his opponent down for the 3 count? Bullshit. It was a weak move used to get the kiddies involved, but should never have been used to end a match, ever.
I have 3 main nominees for worst finishers (excluding Cena, Santino & Hornswoggle, because well, all of them are LAME)

1.- The Worm - Just stupid.
2.- THE MASTER LOCK - Speechless. The move is stupiid.Some say that it looks strong with Masters... for me is equally weak.
3.- Lie Detector - Soo.... you finish your match by knocking out your opponent executing a move that doesn't even touch him. Awesome....

Notable mentions to the Playmaker, Starship Pain, Khali Crop ( or whatever), Leg Drop, people's elbow, the spear of edge, the spear of batista, skull-crussing finale, clothesline from hell, zig-zag, 619, and any finishing move related to Cena, Hornswoggle or Santino...
The Worm received lost of cheers from fans, but it has to be the worst finisher ever. Its nothing more then a dance move with an elbow drop. Has that move ever worked? By the time Scotty even gets near his opponent he is out of the ring. Even if he did hit the move the opponent would be too close to the ropes for him to get the pin. It takes too long to do and doesn't accomplish anything. I believe I have seen Ric Flair attempt a move off the top rope more times then Scotty 2 Hotty beating someone with The Worm.
Starship Pain is the worst finisher. Morrison has enough talent to use something other than this to pin his opponents. This poll has the worm listed but says do not include Santino's Cobra? Odd considering both moves are for comedy. While we are at it, why not include Rikishi's Stink Face to this list? There are so many terrible finishers in the WWE that being able to single out just one is a task in and of itself as evidenced by this thread.
1. Starship Pain- Misses most of the time. Does not look that good when it is hit anyway. Just a showy move without any real impact.

2. Whatever Darren Young's move is. He gets you in a Full Nelson and then it ends up as a flapjack? It does not look realistic.

3. Worlds Strongest Slam- just a powerslam that does not look as impactful as it should for someone the size of Mark Henry.

4. Skull Crushing Finale- Looks lazy and weak.

5. Lie Detector- a stupid move. basically just a elbow or forearm attack with Truth doing a spin at the end of it.

6. Otunga/Kozlov's Spinebuster- both have the same basic move. It looks lazy and not that impactful either.

7. The 619 followed by whatever Rey Mysterio does next. don't really get how the 619 is that effective. Mysterio often follows up with a splash which when he delivers it, it should not hold that many down for a three count.

8. Trouble in Paradise- doesn't look as good as other kick finishers like Sweet Chin Music or Sheamus' kick.
One finisher i would have to say is terrible is Big Show's knock-out blow. I mean sure he punches you in the face but how hard? I can't ever seeing this keeping an opponent down for the three count depending on how hard he connected to me the knock out blow as a finisher is HORRENDOUS. I mean it would hurt but i just don't see it as a finisher.

I will never get this. Ever..whats the problem personally, I would not want a 500 plus pound over 7 foot man to hit me full force with his bowling ball sized fist. Do you want him hitting the fucking Air Bourne? Big Show has they most convincing finisher going.

And to answer this topic...the worm....I do not need to say anymore, the name was enough.
First off, HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIZE OF BIG SHOWS HANDS, if you can believe someone getting hit in the head with a baseball bat would keep them down, believe this
second off, the worst finisher is, oh, wait for it, SPEAR, i mean i love edge, but how can i guy that scrawny in comparison to the other guy just hit a guy with his shoulder in midair and have them down for 3, its ruins my immersion

The spear is awesome dude your crazy and I agree The Big Show's punch is pretty gay yeah its affective but who wants to see a 7 foot 500 pound monster simply punch a guy im sure it would knock somebody clean out but he could probobly flick you and inflict pain he's a fn giant.bring back the choke slam Big Show
The spear is awesome dude your crazy and I agree The Big Show's punch is pretty gay yeah its affective but who wants to see a 7 foot 500 pound monster simply punch a guy im sure it would knock somebody clean out but he could probobly flick you and inflict pain he's a fn giant.bring back the choke slam Big Show

I don't think its so much the move the spear as it is that when Edge does it it looks lackluster most of the time. For the KO punch I disagree, it looks very devastating and every time I see Show do it I mark out a little more than the last time. I would however love to see him bring back the finisher he did when he was the ECW champ, the cobra clutch back breaker. It was always amazing to see him do it to anyone and just throw them away like they were nothing after he did it. The chokeslam has always been one move that he executed amazingly but with Kane as the WHC I think he should use it sparingly so that Kane's looks more devastating.
The Worm, Starship Pain, and the Lie detecter are all terrible like everyone has said.

Their is another one though that honestly doesn't look like it would hurt and that move is the RKO. WHile it does look cool and all and can come out of no where isn't the idea of a finisher to look like a "painful" move that puts an end to the match. Obviously none of the finishers actually hurt to bad in real life since it is scripted but many finishers would hurt like H3LL if actually done which imo is the point of a finisher. To me the RKO just look like yur pulling a guys head down on your shoulder. It can be exciting and it can come out of nowhere but I prefer to judge a finisher based on what it would actually do if actually executed.
The Worm.

I mean, let's think about it. Scotty 2 Hotty just used a simple facebuster to "daze" his opponent for long enough for him to break dance and finish it with a chop?

It was cool at the beginning and fun to use in video games, but after that, not so much.
I gotta go with Khali’s chop. Chops are just plain stupid as a finisher. Chops are never going to look realistic in terms of finishing someone off, even if it is someone like Khali wielding it. Big Show’s KO punch at least looks like it would indeed knock you out. Khali looks so stupid doing that chop, it’s a terrible finisher and much worse than the KO punch from Show, the worm from Hotty and the lie detector from Truth. Sure they’re all kind of lame but at least Show’s punch would KO you if it were real, Hotty’s worm was at least entertaining and drew pops and Truth’s lie detector may miss his opponent too often but at least it looks kinda cool.

I dunno but Khali has the worst finisher IMO.
Definitely the flying elbow finisher by R Truth is the weakest of them all. Starship pain is bad but atleast it will look believable if executed properly. I just don't see how an elbow can keep you down for a 3 count!!!

Wasn't R Truth using scissors kick when he started? What happened to that?
The Worm, Starship Pain, and the Lie detecter are all terrible like everyone has said.

Their is another one though that honestly doesn't look like it would hurt and that move is the RKO. WHile it does look cool and all and can come out of no where isn't the idea of a finisher to look like a "painful" move that puts an end to the match. Obviously none of the finishers actually hurt to bad in real life since it is scripted but many finishers would hurt like H3LL if actually done which imo is the point of a finisher. To me the RKO just look like yur pulling a guys head down on your shoulder. It can be exciting and it can come out of nowhere but I prefer to judge a finisher based on what it would actually do if actually executed.

RKO is not pulling a guy's head down on one's shoulder but to force the opponent face-first to the mat below. So with the height that Orton gets with his jump its a damn powerful move alright. Ofcourse sometimes he messes it up but thats another story.
i havnt seen anyone say this yet which surprises me but im gna go with the code breaker. i love jericho just as much as anyone else does. but when does it ever look convincing. the idea of the move is cool, but it looks like its nearly impossible NOT to botch it
Wade Barrett's finisher is absolutely awful, all it is, is getting your opponent on your shoulders and dropping them in front of you. There doesn't seem to be any emotion behind it, or any thought.

Cena's FU (i will never call it the AA) is poor as well. I've never been a fan of the move. I think Cena should start a submission finisher era and keep the STFU as his main finisher.
Edge's spear still bothers me. I understand it works for his Opportunist gimmick, becasue it need no setup. I understand that he builds it up, and the crowd eats it up. I understand WHY he uses it, but i can't tolerate it.

When i got into wrestling, in the late 90's, we had Goldberg and a Young Rhino applying the Spear. These were two guys who could rip you in half with a spear. Even more modern guys like Batista or Lashley can do it convincingly. However, coming from Edge, it looks pathetic. And he doesn't help himself. This past Monday he used it like 2 minutes in, in a turnbuckle attack. Ran, full sprint, from one corner to the other and hit a Spear in the corner. Cole even identified it. Barrett didn't even go down, he staggered out. Things like that shouldn't happen.
I voted for the worm. It just doesn't look it really does much, and your opponent would have to be comatosed to not get up at some point during the hopping, worm, and chops.

After really thinking about it though I wish I would have voted "Other" because I have another finisher or sequence of moves that make a finisher that I think is worse than all of the others. The Stinkface and then the.....fat guy stereotypically sitting on someone. I just can't stand it. Rikishi was a good enough wrestler for his size that you'd think he could have had something a little better than that but instead he puts his big pock marked ass in peoples faces and then sits on them, WTF? Sure it would make anyone want to lay down for a 3 count to end the horror but was that really necessary??? Not really.

At least the lie detector and starship pain are visually pleasing, the Khali chop and Big Show's Knockout punch are believable due to their size, and the 619 is only performed by Rey Mysterio giving it it's own aesthetic flare. The Stinkface and fat guy sitting on people is just ridiculous.
This will be controversial but I am thinking that the worst ones are actually the People's Elbow... the worm at least needed a modicum of agility... the Peoples Elbow was a horrid move to watch...

I also think the Shattered Dreams was pretty poor...
I voted other, My other vote goes to R-Truths liar detector, i just think that move is overrated personally. its truth spinning in air and "knocking" an opponent down....yup very powerful
I voted other, My other vote goes to R-Truths liar detector, i just think that move is overrated personally. its truth spinning in air and "knocking" an opponent down....yup very powerful

That is because the truth hurts! I wouldn't be surprised is Cole used that very line when witnessing Truth nail the lie detector. It is a very lackluster and could definitely be used as a setup move instead. If a spinning kick can't take out an opponent for a 3 count how would a spinning forearm when kicks are far more powerful? This move is standing between Truth and the uppermidcard/mainevent.
This will be controversial but I am thinking that the worst ones are actually the People's Elbow... the worm at least needed a modicum of agility... the Peoples Elbow was a horrid move to watch...

I agree, although IMO it was never considered a finishing move to me. The Rock was never very skilled in the ring to begin with, so he excelled with showmanship... with theatrics. The People's Elbow was a sham of a move anyway, it took way too long to perform and watching him strut, dance or jirate before the elbow drop pissed me off because all the other guy had to is move. Wouldn't you think that after seeing that move countless times over the years, that the guy on his back would simply say "OH shit, here comes a pelvic thrust, time to roll outta the way"! Hmmm... I wonder what that means whens when he kicks both of my arms and I see a elbow pad go flying?!?

The Worm was outright, just plain turrible! Take everything I was pissed off about above and multiply that by 150 and get my disdain for the Worm. There is no suspension of disbelief for me when it comes to that so-called move.
I always hated the peoples elbow and Hogans leg drop but the Worm was the all time worst finisher. It took way to long , looked way to weak and was just totally lame. At least Hogan and the Rock had a little bit of size and weight to crash down on you with! Scottys impact looked like someone hitting you with a spitball and then putting you down for a three count.

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