Worst Finisher in recent (Attitude to now) in the WWE?

Worst finisher.

  • The Worm

  • 619

  • Starshippain

  • Overdrive

  • Khali chop (or like it)

  • other (please post which)

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A move needs two things: Theatrics and a feeling of closure that the match is not finished and there's no going back.

The People's Elbow cannot be considered the worst move because the theatrics more than make up for the feeling of closure even though it's still there. You'd be too busy screaming and trying to catch that elbow thrust before you realize that move is complete bullshit.

Hogan's Legdrop: Same reason as the People's Elbow.

The Worm: Okay, this is considered the worst move simply because it is TOO FUCKING LONG!!!! He's not charismatic, and he wasn't that good. People would be taking a piss and a finished smoking a cuban cigar before that move is finished. So this can be considered the worst move.

619: OH LOOK, HE HAS FALLEN ON THE ROPES I WILL NOW KICK HIM AND HE'LL BE SO DAZED THAT MY LIGHT BODY WILL BE ENOUGH TO DO THE JOB!!! No it won't. The worst move goes to the 619. No charisma, no sense of closure.
You know what another horrible finisher in recent memory? Alicia Fox's weekly botched whatever it is suppose to be.

I don't know who looks more dumb/useless, the chicks who get hit with it because they haven't learned that Alicia will go for it when they are bend over or Alicia because she gets some clear shots at it and still screws it up.

Alicia botches it like she gets an early Christmas bonus each time she botches it. Plus, how f'n contrived it is?

And I guess I didn't realize the Worm was a finishing move since I don't recall Scotty 2 Hotty being more than a jobber. lol
619 because it's just a a double kick to the head. Also the Attitude Adjustment because it's just a standing fireman's carry. They both are weak.
For example, the Knox Out/Cross Rhodes and that spinebuster used by Kozlov, Ezekiel, and Otunga. Be original.

well the knox out and the cross rhodes arent the same move at all look em up on youtube they are completely different

anyway since you barred the AA/FU ill go with yoshi tatsu's roundhouse kick its not that i dont like the move its just that if kaval cant pin someone with any of his kicks why should yoshis one roudnhouse kick beat someone especially regal or shelton benjamin they get beat by this one kick and kaval has done every kick known to man to these fools on nxt like cottonwood and cannon and they kick out at 2 it just doesnt make sense also vance archers reverse ddt how can anyone think of that as a finisher christian does a reverse ddt and nobody gets pinned by it so why should anyone get beat by vance archers

i also agree with that lift up spinebuster that otunga,shad,kozlov,jackson, phoenix, & even rob terry use they all are bad at it in fact the only person ive seen do that move and actually felt it looked pain was farooq or ron simmons if youre unfamiliar with him he's the guy who says DAMN
A move needs two things: Theatrics and a feeling of closure that the match is not finished and there's no going back.

The People's Elbow cannot be considered the worst move because the theatrics more than make up for the feeling of closure even though it's still there. You'd be too busy screaming and trying to catch that elbow thrust before you realize that move is complete bullshit.

Hogan's Legdrop: Same reason as the People's Elbow.

The Worm: Okay, this is considered the worst move simply because it is TOO FUCKING LONG!!!! He's not charismatic, and he wasn't that good. People would be taking a piss and a finished smoking a cuban cigar before that move is finished. So this can be considered the worst move.

619: OH LOOK, HE HAS FALLEN ON THE ROPES I WILL NOW KICK HIM AND HE'LL BE SO DAZED THAT MY LIGHT BODY WILL BE ENOUGH TO DO THE JOB!!! No it won't. The worst move goes to the 619. No charisma, no sense of closure.

i just dont agree with this at all screw theatrics this isnt theater its wrestling the rocks people elbow was decent cause the rock could sell anything but besides that its still just an elbow drop therefore its a bad finishing move and the worm its not that its too long its that its a f****in chop he does all that build just to fall on someone with his hand

and for the 619 yeah its not the most damaging move but it looks more legit than a leg drop elbow drop chop drop combined and why do you think he usually has to do it more than once? mysterio was never really a finishing move wrestler he didnt need them because he had so many moves to do he could beat ya with anything now of course hes like 75% watered down now the 619 still isnt the worse finishing move what about the khali chop or the vice grip? or the spear its a football tackle if any football player could get up from a tackle than a pro wrestler should be able to as well it just makes wrestlers look weak losing to a tackle im not saying the 619 is an amazing finisher is it overrated heck yeah would it even be viable in a real fight? heck no but its just not the worse
The worst one to me is Miz's skull crushing finale it doesn't even look it would hurt. The fine people at the WWE had to give The Miz a special move since they were planning on giving him a push. I think the miz is overrated anyway so him having a weak finisher is just useless.
Gonna have to go with R-Truth's Lie Dectector on this one. It's just a spinning elbow that he barely connects with half the time, yet it's supposed to sell us for a 3 count? Please... the diva's finishers are more believable than that.
Now i will get lots of heat for this. But first i want to say Stone Cold is one of my all time favorite, and his finisher was absolutely shocking, exciting and esthetically great. However if we are talking about its impact just think for a second:

Let's say its not SCSA doing it, let's say a standard wrestler gives you a stunner. What would the move actually do to you? He is pulling your neck down and he will be in more pain by jumping to the floor, where your face is on his shoulder.

However, Stone Cold always made the finisher look perfect, and it could be done out of nowhere to end the match. It's also good that he could perform his finisher against anybody. Thats why Stone Cold Stunner will always be remembered as one of the best finishing moves in history.

But other than its excitement, and Stone Cold using it, as a wrestling move i think its one of the moves that you can't really hurt your opponent much.
Alicia Fox's...she waits for the opponent to be on their hands and knees and then just drops her leg on the back of their head. Looks awkward and not very damaging.
Alicia Fox's...she waits for the opponent to be on their hands and knees and then just drops her leg on the back of their head. Looks awkward and not very damaging.

That move is called the Scissors kick. Made famous by Booker T (King Booker). But she does it very sloppy...not do it like he can do it anyway. But nevertheless, it is a pretty good move.

The move I choose to be the worst has gotta be the Worm by Scotty 2 Hotty without a doubt.

There is no point to that move. All it was was a bunch of stoopidness. Scotty just starts waving his hands in the air, runs like a maniac around in circles, falls face first, and does the worm until he reaches his opponent...And whenhe does all he does is slap them on the chest!

Now that is just dumb. A toe kick looks more affective...and thats a common move!, while the Worm was a finisher?!...really?...
That move is called the Scissors kick. Made famous by Booker T (King Booker). But she does it very sloppy...not do it like he can do it anyway. But nevertheless, it is a pretty good move.

Half the time she doesn't even hit the opponents head and awkwardly lands on their backs. I'm a fan of the scissors kick but it should be done by someone that can jump up and connect with the opponents head like Booker T did every single time I ever saw him perform it. A funny note for Fox it looks like she starts to have an orgasm after she does it, at least that's what I noticed from Mondays crappy match.
I should add that what I meant by my earlier post about alicia's kick was that the way she does it, it looks sloppy and not very damaging. I had no problem when booker T did it.

And perhaps it's been said already, but I didn't run through all the other posts first, but santino's cobra is a pretty lame finisher too. I know it's supposed to be humorous, but it still looks lame.
The finisher i hate today is MVPs overdrive. it looks like the most useless unimpactful finisher today. I have never ever liked it. Its a nothing move. The worm and the peoples elbow are just the same. just somewhat flashy moves to make little kids happy. the overdrive sucks...and so does MVP

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