Worst Finisher in recent (Attitude to now) in the WWE?

Worst finisher.

  • The Worm

  • 619

  • Starshippain

  • Overdrive

  • Khali chop (or like it)

  • other (please post which)

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First of all, while I would never choose Cena's Attitude Adjustment or Santino's Cobra as the worst finisher since the Attitude Era, I see no point in creating a thread asking what the worst move is, if you're going to immediately limit the possible answers. If I had thought it was the AA, and could make a good case for it, that answer should be just as acceptable as the rest... But hey, your thread. Go for it...

I really want to say the Worm by S2H. It was ridiculous and would never actually put some one away...but then if I do we have to open up the entire catagory of basic finishers that would never put people away. The Worm is just a long line of finishers that makes no sense as a finisher, it's just that S2H wasn't big enough to get away with it. The Rock could win with an elbow, Hogan could win with a Leg Drop, and Warrior could win with a Splash...lame. So I guess I should steer clear of the Worm.

I'm going to go with the moves that should be really powerful, but just look pathetic. Wade Barrett's finisher is kind of annoying, because he's a great athlete, he's a big guy, and yeah, the finisher should look brutal, but there's just no pop. No sizzle. He does it, and it's like...yeah...it's done. There it was. Now the match is over...great. It's just not very exciting at all, and it's not something that can be hit out of nowhere. I say it's probably on par with John Cena's AA...Not the worst since the AE, but it's up there.
The reason I barred Cena's is because people already say it doesn't look believable might as well not have this become a Cena bashing thread with people going "Cena's AA sucks", same applies to Santino's Cobra, I wanted people to delve into their minds and come up with one that isn't the obvious choice.
I would go with Jeff Jarrett's Stroke. While it barely connects the way that it's intended to, I really can't see how a reverse russian leg sweep could finish anybody. It doesn't look the least bit believable unless he hits it from the turnbuckle. Yet, this is the move that has made him a multiple time world champion.
Please don't beat me up, but I have to go with Ray Mysterio. The "619" is just so weak that it never comes across as a move that would put someone out. And isn't it nice how there's always a wrestler (his opponent of course) that gets hit and goes out of their way to land draped over the middle rope. Perfectly setting up his finisher after we likely just watched him get his butt beat to death for 10 minutes. A good example was last weeks Smackdown. The "619" is just a weak finisher for me.
I can agree with the 619 but I'll go farther with Mysterio's splash off the top rope. He weighs 180 lbs. and it looks like it just doesn't hurt.
I'd have to say that Otunga's messed up version of a spinebuster seems to be a bad move. Most people when landing on a spinebuster land once and are out, in recent times, when I've seen him execute it, the people seem to still be bouncing, or whoever he's performing it on seem to have to do the majority of the work like lifting up and making him just DROP them. Which looks kind of bad on their neck and head, 'specially in Steamboat's case. I also will agree that the 619 is a bad finisher because it seems to be too predictable to set up for, because it allows too much time for the opponent to either come to their senses, to catch Rey (which is what seems to happen the majority of the time now.) Then whatever Layla's finisher is, some kind of neckbreaker, or something? Called the Lay-out? I don't see how a neck-breaker corresponds to laying someone out. If she did some kind of spinebuster or splash or something, maybe, but maybe that's just me. Then we have Terri Runnels, her finisher included a diving crossbody, all it would take for someone to counter it is move out of the way quickly, and she wore heels for quite a bit of her matches.
Scotty 2 Hotty's worm was awful. Just a bunch of moving around for a slap? Same goes for the People's Elbow, too. Just an animated elbow drop. Five Knuckle Shuffle as well. All of the moves is more flash then substance. Otherwise, the overdrive that Orton used to use and MVP uses right now are both terrible. Not only does it look quite awkward, at least imo, but it's just like a spinning slam to the opponents back. Meh.
I have got to go with David Otunga's spinebuster. It's weak and purely executed. Spinebusters are used by HHH and Batista in almost every match but they aren't finisher worthy and never get the 3 count so why should David get the 1-2-3? Exactly. I mean come one! This guy is supposed to be apart of Nexus, a powerhouse, and his finisher is that? He should be embaressed to use it.
I have got to go with David Otunga's spinebuster. It's weak and purely executed. Spinebusters are used by HHH and Batista in almost every match but they aren't finisher worthy and never get the 3 count so why should David get the 1-2-3? Exactly. I mean come one! This guy is supposed to be apart of Nexus, a powerhouse, and his finisher is that? He should be embaressed to use it.

He should adopt a sidewalk slam, mainly because it is an easy move to set up and because it isn't really used anymore. or possibly a superplex akin to snuka i presume?
The Attitude Adjustment and the Cobra definately aren't the best finishers ever created. But at least I'm slightly entertained by the Cobra.

My least favorite finishers are the AA, KO Punch, Diving Body Splash, and ANY move used as a finisher by 2 or more people. For example, the Knox Out/Cross Rhodes and that spinebuster used by Kozlov, Ezekiel, and Otunga. Be original.
I have got to go with David Otunga's spinebuster. It's weak and purely executed. Spinebusters are used by HHH and Batista in almost every match but they aren't finisher worthy and never get the 3 count so why should David get the 1-2-3? Exactly. I mean come one! This guy is supposed to be apart of Nexus, a powerhouse, and his finisher is that? He should be embaressed to use it.

I agree with you on Otunga's spinebuster, all he does is pick up his opponent up in the spinebuster position and lightly drops them down with no slamming force whatsoever. However I disagree about the move as a whole not being finisher worthy as I've seen Triple H put a match away with one a few times and, I may be mistaken, Batista could have as well it just depends on the power and intensity that one has when doing the move. Nexus seems very hit or miss on finishers to me, when I was watching the elimination match on Raw all I could do was say "what?" when I saw Slater and Young hit their finishers, they looked like horribly executed basic moves that in no way should end a match. Does anyone know what those moves are?
Cena's AA can't be chosen!!!:suspic: you just limited alot of responses, but your right it's the obvious answer....

OVERDRIVE!!!what a piece of shit!:banghead: I'm sorry if I got angry lol, but seriously, what kind of damage does? I mean you are just turned around!!! nothing more!!

and probably I'm going to get bashed by this but, Hogan's leg drop and Rock's people's elbow.....:confused: both of them are just simple moves taht ANY other wrestler could do. I mean HBK did a higher elbow drop and it's more convincing than Rock's. and the leg drop....OMFG I hate Hogan. that is a move than hurts a little bit.
Gotta go with the 619 or Otunga's "finiser" if you even wanna call it that. The 619 is just so predictable and corny. Not to mention 2 feet hitting you in the face sounds painful, but it never looks that way when he does it. And Otunga's semi spinebuster is just terrible looking. It doesn't look like it does any damage either. The first time I saw it on NXT, not only did he botch the shit out of it, but it looked like he was just picking the guy up and dropping him quickly. When he actually got the pin after that I was like "that ended it?!" So I guess since technically I should pick between the 2 I'd definitely have to pick Otunga. That thing is just horrendous.
I've got 3.

1. THE WORM- Just a really crappy finisher. Not much to be said here, other than it sucks.

2. OTUNGA'S SPINEBUSTER- Really weak move. Triple H does it better, and it's his signature move. Very badly executed move, and Otunga needs a better finisher.

3. HOGAN LEG DROP- Come on. How can this hurt?!?!?!? When Hogan did it, you knew that match was over. He never got much air, and with a few execeptions, he would win with it. Hogan was good, but his finisher sucked.
The Overdrive. You can call it whatever you like but it's the worst thing I've ever seen a man do with his leg.It looks like it would do more damage to the user than his opponent.However,the inverted overdrive looks like it could break a neck.
There are so many right now that are on the up and coming stars it's very worrying. I did a whole thread on it a few months back, the Skull Crushing Finale, Dream Street, Wasteland (Barret's finisher), plus nearly all of the new Nexus finishing moves (Sheffield's clothesline & Gabriel's 450 aside) are dreadful.

Really worrying for the future of the WWE, because if you look at all of the main eventers in the WWE, they all have good, impactful finishers (RKO, Sheamus' kick, Tombstone etc...)
I would have to say its the Codebreaker by Y2J, When he came back am like huh what kind of finisher is that and then the next thing i know i saw The Pope doing it in TNA one time... that finisher doesn't look like a big impact finisher. All i can say is that the codebreaker looks like a weak finisher
There are so many right now that are on the up and coming stars it's very worrying. I did a whole thread on it a few months back, the Skull Crushing Finale, Dream Street, Wasteland (Barret's finisher), plus nearly all of the new Nexus finishing moves (Sheffield's clothesline & Gabriel's 450 aside) are dreadful.

Really worrying for the future of the WWE, because if you look at all of the main eventers in the WWE, they all have good, impactful finishers (RKO, Sheamus' kick, Tombstone etc...)

I disagree with you on the Skull Crushing Finale, the Miz seems to pull off that Full Nelson Facebuster extremely well and it definitely has a lot more impact than the Reality Check or Mizard of Oz ever did. When he does it right he can pull it out of nowhere which is pretty rare for a move you do behind an opponent. I think the problem is that he just needs someone to sell it correctly, the SCF he did to Sheamus the other week onto the MITB briefcase looked sick.

I would agree with you on the Wasteland if all he did was flop the opponent over and weakly toss them to the ground but he builds it up well with the angry yell while leaning back just before brutally throwing them down to the mat. It looks great when performed on smaller guys that will bounce when they hit the mat and hell it can even give someone minor injuries like it did to Mark Henry. Now I can't even remember what Dream Street is and I've seen Ted wrestle dozens of matches so I'll have to give you that one.
Just thought of another one that I'd have to throw in there. The Elijah Express. It didn't even look painful and there was almost no build up to it besides him pulling down his knee pads. Big deal...
I hate starshippain as a finisher too. If Jomo had a more devastating finisher as his own then I could see him getting a main event push to the title. However he should keep starshippain and it could be like when Jeff Hardys Whisper in the Wind just a move to get the crowd out their seats and get an obvious 2 count from it. It could then set up for him to use something else to keep them down for the 3.
Gotta be The Rock's People's Elbow......how embarassing being beaten in public with that move! For all the Hogan legdrops haters, i believe the move mite be called The Immortal Legdrop...making it more painfull! and if you get punched from a man the size of big show, its gonna knock you out, its a very believable finisher!

Really any submission finisher can be a candidate, not because of the actual move but the way its executed. There is nothing more frustrating when watching a classic bout take place than it to finish with a 4-5min submission set, because come on, these moves would have you tapping out in no time at-all and yet its portrayed to be weaker than it is when used in WWE, for instance, the sleeper hold. This move is used in many movies etc and the guy just konks out in like 10secs. Hells Gate, used to win a mma fight on hundreds of occasions with tapout occuring in 15-20secs max, yet somehow these wrestlers can last 2-3mins sometimes in big ppv matches. Ankle lock: could possibly be the worst of the 3. if someone slaps the ankle lock on you then you are gonna tap out in a split second, it wouldnt suddenly hurt after like 3mins of continuous pain.
Big Show's KO Punch is believable due to his history as a boxer and considering how big his hands actually are. That and it's one of the best sold finishers and also one of the last 'true' finishers that actually wins the match.

I think the worst finisher is Starship Pain just because even though he excutes the turns properly - Morrison barely ever connects with the opponent. It looks ridiculous. I'm a proud supporter of him reusing the superkick. Call it Starstruck or something.
The Big Show's KO Punch is the best. It is believable and hard to screw up. I mean, would you want that big (in the words of The King) Christmas ham coming at you? I think the problem with judging some of the more "basic" finishers (like the Khali chop, which I like) is that wrestling have become so convoluted. Someone brought up Barrett's finisher. Wade isn't a midget you know. That is a 6 and a half ft drop to the mat/floor. lol

But I think Morrison's is the worst. Say what you will about The Worm or The People's Elbow, at least those moves weren't botched a regular basis. lol
The 619 is just the worst. Rarely, it is sold nicely, but most of the time a guy twice Rey's size has to first drop to his knees with his arms over the second ropes, which never, ever happens in any other match, then clumsily kneel there in that unnatural position while Rey runs the ropes and comes back, then sell that little swinging kick by standing up from the force of it, then falling down, taking the legdrop and taking the 3 count, or perhaps after falling down from the seated senton right after. I like Rey's wrestling a lot for the most part, but I'd be happy if I never saw the 619 again.

As for Big Show's knockout punch or Khali's chop, those guys have hands literally as big as your head. It is going to hurt more than half of the finishers you see, if you want to consider the realism aspect. The difference is that Big Show can wrestle very well for a freakishly large guy, and Khali can barely move around.
1. any kind of chop, (Khali, Scotty 2 Hotty, etc.). The chop is a super lame finisher because it is very unrealistic for someone to stay down as long as they make the wrestlers do.

2. The Lie Detector that R-Truth uses. It looks weak like Sean Valjean said. It is extremely lame to use as a finisher. It should definitely be used as a signature move, but not a finisher!

3. The Play Maker that is used by MVP. It can be pretty slow and weird looking. To me it just doesn't seem like a finisher move unless it can be used right on the spot. By "right on the spot" I mean "being put on the wrestler very quick out of nowhere and slamming them down to the mat pretty hard".

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