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Worst Finisher in recent (Attitude to now) in the WWE?

Worst finisher.

  • The Worm

  • 619

  • Starshippain

  • Overdrive

  • Khali chop (or like it)

  • other (please post which)

Results are only viewable after voting.


What is the worst finisher in the WWE, during or since the Attitude Era? 2 people not allowed, Cena, since there are enough Cena bashers already, and Santino's Cobra.

For me it is William Regal's Power to the Punch, the move is where you physically must break the rules and use brass knuckles to win by a punch to the face, they could of easily made it as devastating as Show's knockout punch (this was back in Regal's gm of Raw days) or given him a better move to work with, which they eventually did, but still a cheating tactic to win EVERY match is to much even for a heel (especially if it is the same way)

A note: The move doesn't have to be the/a wrestler's current finisher. Just thought that my be important to note.
The most abysmal finisher i've seen taken seriously would have to be Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm. What a unbelievable, time wasting finishing maneuver. He would incapacitate his opponent until they were flat on their back and then jumped on one foot as the crowd spelled "W-O-R-M" and then he would execute the worm dancing maneuver, after which he would get up and do a chop drop down onto his opponent's chest. A chop drop is basically dropping a open hand chop to the opponent's chest. Every time I seen him get his odd victory while using that finisher i always couldn't help but think: How on earth could that have possibly kept his opponent down for the three?

Another finisher that is still god awful to this day is The Great Khali's "Brain Chop" again having a chop related finishing move. It's awful, all he does is swing the side of his hand at the opponents head. Ok I still don't see how that has enough impact to finish somebody off in the ring. Luckily he ended up utilizing a double handed chokeslam after he used the chop, I guess it was used to make the ending to his matches more realistic. But Khali did and still does get a fair share of victories using that idiotic chop to the head.

Anything that has a chop as the main selling point of a finishing move is unrealistic. How about if I just slapped someone across the face and pinned them after that every time? Would that make a good finishing move? Hell no, but that is basically the equivalent to the two shitty finishers I listed off here and any other finisher that uses a mere chop.
One finisher i would have to say is terrible is Big Show's knock-out blow. I mean sure he punches you in the face but how hard? I can't ever seeing this keeping an opponent down for the three count depending on how hard he connected to me the knock out blow as a finisher is HORRENDOUS. I mean it would hurt but i just don't see it as a finisher.

Another finisher that i can't stand is Khali's chop. Chop's wouldn't keep an opponent down for a two count little low a three count. Khali's whole move set is terrible and his finisher proves that he is just not a wrestler. The impact is terrible and isn't even painful. To me chop's and punches aren't finishers so thats why Big Show and Khali's finishers are the worst in my books.
One finisher that I cringe at everytime he's about to execute,
Is John Morrisons Starship Pain,
This past Monday when he did it on Ted,
He just bearly grazed him w/ his forearm.
That move has a really good set-up,
&A really good name,
But the execution is just terrible.
Besides his MIC skills,
That move is the only thing I that's holding him back
First off, HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIZE OF BIG SHOWS HANDS, if you can believe someone getting hit in the head with a baseball bat would keep them down, believe this
second off, the worst finisher is, oh, wait for it, SPEAR, i mean i love edge, but how can i guy that scrawny in comparison to the other guy just hit a guy with his shoulder in midair and have them down for 3, its ruins my immersion
One finisher that I cringe at everytime he's about to execute,
Is John Morrisons Starship Pain,
This past Monday when he did it on Ted,
He just bearly grazed him w/ his forearm.
That move has a really good set-up,
&A really good name,
But the execution is just terrible.
Besides his MIC skills,
That move is the only thing I that's holding him back

couldn't agree more, giant, and i mean giant morrison fan, but he needs to take starship pain back to a signature move or at least something he doesn't use all the time, give him the superkick vinnie mac, give him the superkick, its beautiful when he does it
One finisher i would have to say is terrible is Big Show's knock-out blow. I mean sure he punches you in the face but how hard? I can't ever seeing this keeping an opponent down for the three count depending on how hard he connected to me the knock out blow as a finisher is HORRENDOUS.

Do you understand what KNOCKOUT means? LOL

Since Hogan has been back since the attitude era I would go with the Leg Drop. No explanation necessary there.

If Hogan doesn't count,then I would have to say the Hell's Gate. I don't feel it is a bad move per se, because it is a real submission. I just think it was a horrible move for the Undertaker.
I'm going to second the Big Show's knockout punch. I really expect something more creative for a wrestler of his strength. Punches aren't even suppose to be legal in a wrestling match yet alone be the finisher. Whenever Show wins with that I always think to myself, "that's it." It's just to plain and boring.

Also dislike the overdrive. I honestly don't know how that move could do damage. Maybe I'm just not seeing it but I have a hard time believing that move can put someone out for the 3 count.
R-Truth's Lie Detector for me. I mean, it's just a flying, spinning forearm. Not to mention that it makes contact with it's target about as frequently as Starship Pain. Most of the time, he just kind of spins over his opponents without really hitting them.

Also, it's such an anti-climatic finisher. It comes out of nowhere and looks so weak that I'm never sure if he'll get a 3-count with it, despite being his finisher. And when it does score the win, it's like "...huh?"
honestly id have to say MVPs finisher I think it called the playmaker, its just a slow and awkward positioning move. Besides looking horrendous it has very little impact.

Now if there were no banned people from the poster I would say the attitude adjustment, I mean a gorrila press or millatary press would be a better finisher.

As to the Kali chop and Big Show punch, they are over 7 feet tall with alot of upper body strength it may not look pretty but if one of them hit me in or over the head as hard as they could I probably would be on the ground.
I'm going with the sleeper hold that dolph ziggler does. What makes it so special when he does it? Sleeper holds are performed regularly in so many matches yet when ziggler does it, its lights out. I'm not feeling it, he should stick with the zig zag.
I think Dolph using the sleeper is pretty lame. Even when the announcers are selling it huge and he's put out a couple people with it, I just can't accept it as a legit finishing move anymore. It's been a transition move like a side headlock or rear chin lock or abdominal stretch. All of the sudden Dolph uses a sleeper and it's supposed to be so vicious. Just doesn't work for me.
So, whoever thinks the KNOCKOUT (take note kids) blow is a worse finisher than starship pain is crazy. When Big Show came back to WWE after a few years off a couple of years ago, he was leaner and meaner than he was in years. He attributed it to training as a boxer. Big Show is gigantic. He's a god damned monster. It's called a knockout punch b/c it knocks you out (get it) long enough to pin you (that's about ten seconds if you really think about it)

Starship pain is painful to watch and, while very pretty looking, is so unbelievable as a finisher. JoMo barely hits it. Nay, RARELY hits it the right way. You remember Moonlight Drive? That front flip neckbreaker he had in ECW. So much better. Starship pain is the worst finisher in the WWE right now.

Followed very closely by the ZigZag. "I'm pulling you down onto your back kind of quickly"? Dumb Dumb Dumb.
I'm definately going with John Morrison's Starship Pain. I'll admit that it looks kind of cool, but it doesn't look painful at all. I laugh everytime he does it. Sometimes he even grabs his arm or something like it hurt himself. I'm all for signature finishers that are just meant to look cool, like the Worm and the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but I think Starship Pain tries to be taken seriously, but can't. If he did it as a joke and made it look even more obviously fake looking, but on purpose, I might mark for it though.
Santinos Cobra was banned because it was the obvious best finisher in recent history, am I right?

Hmm I hate Edges spear, I love Edge, one of my top five all time favourites, but the spear he does looks aweful, and with no impact, spear is for the big guys who can move around the ring, like Skip Sheffield who put Edge to shame when he executed a picture perfect spear on him a few weeks back.
I'm going with the sleeper hold that dolph ziggler does. What makes it so special when he does it? Sleeper holds are performed regularly in so many matches yet when ziggler does it, its lights out. I'm not feeling it, he should stick with the zig zag.

Ahh! Opinion respected, but the reason every other wrestler can do a move and not win a match, but when it's someone's finisher it puts someone away is b/c you're supposed to believe they've practiced, and honed this move so much that they're the best in the world at this certain move. It's theirs. They do it better and more effectively than anyone else. Come on guys. It's FAKE! If you don't suspend some disbelief it's no fun. And when you don't suspend disbelief you spend too much time on message boards complaining about fake things.
My vote goes to whatever the hell Wade Barrett calls his finisher. IT is, for all intents and purposes, a flipping Samoan Drop, without the flip. And, a flipping Samoan Drop is just a setup move.
My vote goes to whatever the hell Wade Barrett calls his finisher. IT is, for all intents and purposes, a flipping Samoan Drop, without the flip. And, a flipping Samoan Drop is just a setup move.

The wasteland isn't a Samoan Drop, its an intense throw from the tall muscular Barrett. In a normal flip a guy would just flop him over and be done with it but Barrett leans back and forcefully throws his opponent forward and onto that mat. It is a move that is intense enough to injure a man like Mark Henry when botched so that tells me that it could be believable to put an opponent down for the 3 count.

A move that does deserve the title of worst move in the last 8-9 years would have to be John Morrison's Starship Pain. That move has about as much build and impact as RVD's split legged moonsault and I have never seen it used as a legitimate way to end a match. Morrison also misses or barely hits his opponent half the time he performs it. It is one of the things that is holding him back along with his lacking mic skills and stale gimmick.
"I'm pulling you down onto your back kind of quickly"?

Oh man, that had me dyin' bro! Classic!!!

Anyway... I am gonna say The Lie Detector... As much as The Star Ship Pain is botched or looks weak... The Lie Detector surpasses it... It always looks like he misses and it just ruins the finish... So, The Lie Detector gets my vote...

I have a vote for a Diva's Finisher as most times botched! The Stratisfaction was botched so many damn times by Trish, you would think Sid trained her LOL!!!!
Actually since people have turned this from a "worst finisher" thread to a "botched finisher" thread I shall change my vote from Power to the punch to Starship pain, mainly because RVD can do it better than Morrison and RVD doesn't even use it as a finisher
My first choice is the Rolling Thunder from RVD. It's technically a signature move though.

So if I HAVE to pick a finisher, it's the Reality Check. It's look like it takes too long to set up and isn't that powerful. Plus it looks awkward.

Of course finishers don't have to be crazy powerful. You can beat the shit out of your opponent and then a small leg drop to send the crowd home happy.

And in defense of Khali, have you seen the size of him? I dare you to get chopped in the head and not be down for 3. I also dare you to survive the Vice Grip. Get past your personal feelings for the guy and he is pretty fucking dominant when he gets his hands on somebody.
I would have to say R-Truths lie detector, that move just looke weak as hell, the only reason they let him use it is because he spins apart from that its just a regular forearm smash. Why should I believe that a move that almost everyone uses as a regular move would get a pin just because you add a spin to it?
I always thought D'Von dudleys lifting reverse DDT, the "Saving Grace" was pretty horrific as a finisher, it just did not look painful in the slightest, and no way would keep someone down for the 3 count

The Overdrive used by Randy Orton when he debuted in the WWE was another awful move, just looks so unrealistic to set up. I think it is the same/or very similar to the Playmaker, which MVP uses now. It is just BAD

Also, the Brain Chop from Khali and the knockout punch by Big Show, they just dont look good
Gail Kim. That stupid thing where she somehow drops her opponents face onto her foot. I can hardly even tell what she does.
Also David Otunga. It's a damn spinebuster.How many wrestlers use some version of this move; HHH, Batista and they dont even use it as a finisher.
John Cena's finisher without ANY doubt. It's a simple fireman's carry slam, at least Wade Barrett's finisher looks like it has more impact.

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