Women, Tag Team, Cruiserweights: The Forgotten Divisions

The tag team divison is the worst. I am a huge fan of tag team matches. They need alot more tag teams/tag team matches. Like old school wrestling when they had LOD, the rockers, Demoliton, bushwackers, nasty boys, hart foundation all at the same time. Then they can do battle royals for belts like they did a few times. I just wanna see more teag team action. And the Hardys go back to being a tag team!
TheOneBigWill said:
Candice, Jillian, Melina, McCool, & Maria are all coming into the division as strong options to compete against Beth Phoenix, Victoria & Mickie James.

I was just wondering why you included Melina and Jillian on the same side as Candice, McCool, and Maria? They really should belong with Beth, Victoria, and Mickie seeing as Jillian's been wrestling since 1998 (longer than any other Diva) and Melina since 2000.

garyjp said:
2 Womens Titles
WWE womens Title & ECW Womens Title

:blink: I can't see how having two Women's Championships will help the division in the least bit. In fact, it'll probably hurt it. The Women's Division isn't that strong on Raw, even with Melina, Jillian, Beth, Candice, and Mickie because they literally do not know how to make good Diva feuds anymore. It's the same old recycled stuff. Tag team matches, title shot match, title match, then back to tag team matches. If another Women's Title was added to the scene there'd be no one to really feud for it, at least not a good feud. ECW has Kelly and Layla who are improving, but should be no where near a championship in the near future. SD has Victoria, Michelle, and Torrie (as well as Maryse, Cherry, and Anastasia). We all know what an amazing wrestler Victoria is, and she could possibly feud with Michelle/Torrie if there was a title there, but we've already seen how horrible their fueds are. Victoria/Torrie have the potential to be something substantial, but they can't support a second Women's Title.

Sheesh that was a bit drawn out. Sorry, I get a little too overenthusiastic about this stuff.

Flames Out
I am really liking the idea of Iron Mike's for the 3 divisions. ECW could definitely go back to its roots with the Cruiserweights vying for the TV Title...it could be like an X-Division title of sorts. There's no weight limits but it could still be exciting. Guys like London and Kendrick, Jamie Noble, Gregory Helms (who I still feel could be one of centerpieces of the rebirth of ECW), Elijah (sp?) Burke, Punk, Kevin Thorn (I may be in the minority for that one but something screams star about him), Matt Striker (without Big Daddy Flab)...the list could continue forever with the guys that I personally enjoy watching on Raw and Smackdown and just get lost in the shuffle of the bigger, more "marketable" stars.

I also like the WCW idea just to shuffle the cards a bit. Start fresh if you will. I feel that if the 3 brands were made into 3 different "federations" altogether, there is an endless possibility of marketing strategies and such, which I'm sure is what the head office is looking for...
Hey, it's Kevin (Not Kelly) McElvaney from the WrestleZone editorials section. I'll be devoting this week's edition of my column, Offbeat Shenanigans, to the problems with the tag team division(s). That should be up by tomorrow, so check it out!

I think the women's division is gonna get a nice shot in the arm when Nattie Neidhart finally gets called up from the developmentals.
What about mid card i think its screwd up royal right now i mean whos even supposed to be in the smackdown mid card except MVP obv as hes US champ and matt hardy currently out of action, how many times has Umaga just been given the Intercont belt i mean why the hell give him the belt if all he does is feud with heavyweight main eventers, apart from Jeff hardy whos left in Raw mid card i dunno MR KENNEDY?

Tag teams i believe that could work i mean there's a couple of good teams in WWE right now and they could always bung 2 good main eventers ass a team anyway. Have the World Tag team belt as the top belt and have the WWE tag team belt as the secondary belt defended on ECW and Smackdown.

Cruiser belt i hope comes back and all cruisers go to Smackdown i mean i allways seen that as the attraction for Smackdown Chavo, Noble, Super Crazy, Nunzio, Helms(oh helms yeah) and Shannon More and other cruisers.

I hope that womens wrestling in WWE changes i mean Beth is a good Power wrestler and Mickie James has some ability also with talent like Nattie Neidhart a power wrestler it could be entertaining and be a real competition instead of kelly kelly who hardly wins or wrestles. I like what tna is doing with women wrestling so basically copy that!

Nah WCW is dead leave it alone and dont call Smackdown WCW SD, to be honest at one point i thought TNA was great then i sort of thought it was turning into WCW light but its progressing with its tag teams like LAX and Motor City Machine guns getting time on air and with less focus on the WWE guys but using them to get noticed.

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