Is TNA Building Their Divisions Around The Wrong People?


I Had Sex With The
I started watching TNA since it debuted on Spike, and I've been watching ever since. When it started out I thought it was better than WWE even though it was only an hour long, but ever since hogan came in and took over the entire show to me has looked second rate, and I think the reason is the divisions are all messed up.

Currently the "big 5" in each division are as followed

World Championship

Jeff Hardy
AJ Styles
Mr. Anderson

Global Championship

Rob Terry
Brutus Magnus
Orlando Jordan
Eric Young
I can't even think of a 5th

X-Division Championship

Doug Williams
Amazing Red
Young Bucks

Tag Team Championship

Ink Inc
Beer Money

Knock Outs Championship

Beautiful Person #1
Beautiful Person #2
Beautiful Person #3
Former Beautiful Person

Knock Outs Tag Team Championship

Beautiful People (they are the only team still around I believe)​

This is completely wrong IMO

First off TNA needs to cut the fat, so to speak.

Knock Outs Tag Team

Eliminate the Knock out tag titles, there are no challengers, and the belts are a joke. They never should have been made. In addition to that, break up the BP's. They dominate both women's divisions and the gimmick has grown stale.


Next decide what to do with the Global Championship. Either give it to a white guy and repackage it as a mid card belt. (that sounded really racist, I say that so the gimmick of it being a non american belt goes away) Or get rid of it. The title hasn't been seen in some time so TNA should decide quickly.

If the Division Stays they need to give some one like Pope or Wolfe a good run with it to help build them to the main event.

If they keep it the division should look like this

Mr. Anderson
Matt Morgan
Eric Young
D'Angelo Dinero
Desmond Wolfe​

Now its time for the divisions I feel should stay.

Knock Outs

You need to incorporate more challengers into the division. Sarita and Taylor Wilde need to bee put in the title picture. Also resigning Tara would be a step in the right direction. They need to go back to what made the division popular, good wrestling.

I think The division should be focused around these 5

Hamada (Amazing Worker)​

Tag Team

Honestly I like the direction this division is taking. It has a good mix of old and young talent. I would like to see the young bucks a little more though, Also i would like the British Invasion to return. I am Curious as to how ECW might play into this division though.

These are my top teams

Ink Inc.
Beer Money
British Invasion
Generation Me


Here is where I may Take some criticism. I think most of TNA's Main eventers belong here. TNA Is building their company around guys that are not good enough to be the face of a company. And they are releasing good workers from the X-Division such as Daniels and Petey Williams. This Division needs more steam, and I think my top 5 would make this division great.

My top 5 goes like this

AJ Styles
Rob Van Dam
Jeff Hardy
Brian Kendrick​

Can you imagine those 5 in an ultimate x match? epic.


This is Where things get interesting. TNA needs to figure out who is the new face of the company, because it is not RVD. They have a good mix of Old and young talent here, but they can't seem to push the talent in a good way.

I think it's time to give the strap back to Kurt. Until they can build up a few Guys the division needs to be ran by older guys who have been there.

Right now my top 5 looks like this

Kurt Angle
Samoa Joe
Jeff Jarrett

I know I'm gonna take some crap for that, but I think thats the best for the company right now, But they need to slowly build guys like Morgan, Wolfe, Anderson, and Pope up to be stars, because I think they are the future of the company.

Here are some Q&As for ya:

1.) Do you like the guys TNA is Building around?
2.) What titles should stay/go/be created
3.) Who are the guys you feel should be the top 5 in each division
What the hell you are thinking to put Sting, Abyss and Jeff Jarret in heavyweight division. JJ and Sting are part time wrestler now. We know that they wont be around here for more than a year or so and definately not wrestling if they stays after that period. Abyss is a good worker but no chance in a hell that he can be the face of the company. He is extreme but does not have natural charisma that Mick Foley had during his prime.
Did you really put RVD, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy in x division ?? What the hell. These 3 are definately face of the company right now. RVD and Hardy were champions in the big league so they know how to protect company's image and deal with things. AJ Styles is with the company and already had 7-8 month long reign with the heavyweight tittle last year and fans are pleading for more and you want to put him in X division what the hell is wrong woth you?
I am agree with you on knockout tag tittles, they need to go.

Rather splitting the whole BP team they shoud split one member at a time and try to add a new member in the team to build up a new talent and give her a rub with ever popular Beautiful People.

Global tittle needs to go as well. They need to consider their X division tittle as their version of intercontinental or US tittle and should be considered as midcard tittle.

Their tag tittles are also good right now.

I like the way they are going with the X division tittle right now. Doug Williams is having a good reign and Kendrick is superb as a challanger. He is really showing more charactor than he ever had. Their X division is very good right now , all they need to do is to have a feud for the tittle than just random matches what they actually are doing as of late.

I kinda like their distribution of talent for the tittle right now. They have right people in rigth position. All TNA need to do is come up with new entertaining storyline and have continue feuds for the tittle that goes for 2-3 months atleast. If they keep their storylined as the top prorities right now they will definately increase their ratings with in a year or so.
If you have AJ & RVD in the X Division then something is wrong. I'm not a huge fan of RVD as champ but he is a name who should be in the upper mid card and always appear in any spot of the card.

There are enough X Division guys who are good enough to be on top of the division with enough build. The Global title should be a gateway to the mainevent. And the Knockouts are lacking depth because Russo has built the BP to such an extent that no one else matters.

TNA have the right guys in the right places but it's the build & booking which is causing people to not take a lot of the contenders seriously.
What the hell you are thinking to put Sting, Abyss and Jeff Jarret in heavyweight division. JJ and Sting are part time wrestler now. We know that they wont be around here for more than a year or so and definately not wrestling if they stays after that period. Abyss is a good worker but no chance in a hell that he can be the face of the company. He is extreme but does not have natural charisma that Mick Foley had during his prime.

Sting and Jarret are short term solutions, they need some one there until guys can step up. As for Abyss he wouldn't be face of the company, rather just a big heel presence such as a kane like character.

Did you really put RVD, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy in x division ?? What the hell. These 3 are definately face of the company right now. RVD and Hardy were champions in the big league so they know how to protect company's image and deal with things. AJ Styles is with the company and already had 7-8 month long reign with the heavyweight tittle last year and fans are pleading for more and you want to put him in X division what the hell is wrong woth you?

The fact that those 3 are the faces of the company is the problem. I'm a fan of all 3, but AJ is the only one deserving of that world title. As for RVD and Hardy being champions in the big league, both runs were terrible and neither still has momentum from their run.

Rather splitting the whole BP team they shoud split one member at a time and try to add a new member in the team to build up a new talent and give her a rub with ever popular Beautiful People.

Lacy Von Erich is garbage and needs to be either a valet of fired. As for Rayne and Velvet, the BP gimmick is stale and it has run it's course.

Global tittle needs to go as well. They need to consider their X division tittle as their version of intercontinental or US tittle and should be considered as midcard tittle.

I agree the global belt means nothing. As for the X-Title as mid card belt, I disagree. It should be it's own division, not a stepping stone for a different division.

I like the way they are going with the X division tittle right now. Doug Williams is having a good reign and Kendrick is superb as a challanger. He is really showing more charactor than he ever had. Their X division is very good right now , all they need to do is to have a feud for the tittle than just random matches what they actually are doing as of late.

I do like the current feud with Williams and Kendrick, but they seem like the only 2 X division guys.
If you have AJ & RVD in the X Division then something is wrong. I'm not a huge fan of RVD as champ but he is a name who should be in the upper mid card and always appear in any spot of the card.

That statement right there is one of my big problems. When TNA started out the X-division title was as important as the world title it seemed, now you don't even consider it a upper mid card belt.

Those 3 guys should be brought in to bring the division back to life and let guys like Angle, Abyss, and Anderson run with the world title.

those guys can always jump back to the main event, just not at the same time. Too many high flyers are in the Main event
I think they could put more spotlight on some better guys. They clearly don't want to have Desmond in the World Title scene right now so why not put the Global belt on him and let him run with that. Then you could have the entual World vs Global title in either a one off match or a Unification match. But I see why TNA are using Hardy and RVD as well as Anderson in the main event scene. It's name value. Casual fans know those names (or in Anderson's case face) so TNA are banking on that to attract viewers. Whether it is working and needs to be reevaluated is another thread in it's entirety.
That statement right there is one of my big problems. When TNA started out the X-division title was as important as the world title it seemed, now you don't even consider it a upper mid card belt.

AJ is far better than he was when he was the figurehead of that division. He has matured into the best in the world. The belt doesn't need him. He should have far loftier ambitions. If you want to blame anyone for the perception of the X Division title, blame the booking.

Those 3 guys should be brought in to bring the division back to life and let guys like Angle, Abyss, and Anderson run with the world title.

The best way to push the X Division is to let them have great matches with good talent. Williams is doing a fine job but they dont have the talent of 2005 there any more.

And you are suggesting Abyss for the main event. It shows what a devastating fail you are suggesting.

those guys can always jump back to the main event, just not at the same time. Too many high flyers are in the Main event

Too many high flyers in the main event? Are you freaking kidding me?!!! That is an insane notion!!

AJ is the best wrestler in America on his day.

RVD is RVD, I dont like his reign as champ but he has name value.

And Hardy is the most popular wrestler in 2009 and former three time WWE champion.

They belong in the main event of any company. TNA is lucky to have them.
Nice Idea LegendKiller716 expect for the three main eventers in the X-divison scene don't know what you are thinking but numbers already caught you out there.

Okay in my TNA I would have in the

World Championship
Kurt Angle
A.J Styles
Jeff Hardy
Samoa Joe
Mr Anderson

Desmond Wolfe
Matt Morgan
Eric Young
Mr Anderson
Kaz or Abyss could not decide who

Doug Williams
Amazing Red
Petey Williams (Re-sign him TNA)

Knock Outs

Tag team
Beer Money
Team 3D
Brit Invison

Knock out tag team
Who really cares number 1
Beautiful People
Orlando Jordan and his girl/boyfriend
Who really cares number 2
Who really cares number 3

These are the people I would like to see in the TNA division mainly.
One of the things I've always liked about TNA, is that I have a hard time telling where their divisional lines are. I don't look at the X-Division and think about five guys that are never going anywhere. And I don't look at the Heavyweight division and see a bunch of people who are hogging the spotlight. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are probably the most beloved TNA originals, and they both tore up the X-Division before taking hold of the main event. But they've both paid a visit to their old hunting grounds since making it big, and it wouldn't even be a huge deal to see Joe win another X-Division title. And that's what I like about the use of the TNA roster. I don't see a bunch of guys stuck in divisions, with no hope but to play the mid-card role for the rest of their career. Look at the Victory Road card for tonight. It's difficult to tell which are supposed to be the "main event" matches. You have the obvious World title match, but you also have the two most popular guys, in Angle and Pope, going at it. You also have Ric Flair and Jay Lethal. You also have the former World champion AJ Styles in a tag team match with Kazarian. When I look at TNA I don't see a bunch of divisional lines, and that's what I enjoy most about their product.

But that doesn't mean I don't think certain divisions should be restructured or rethought. I also think the Knockouts tag division is a waste of space that was only good for a few months while they had material to work with. The Beautiful People gimmick is getting stale, and there's nobody relevant to tag the belts from them. The Global championship is kind of a waste to me as well. If TNA really wanted a mid-card, Intercontinental-type championship, they need to use it better. It needs to be the place where all the future world champions go before moving up to the big time. Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and EY haven't exactly been the most entertaining of guys, and they don't shape a division. But, it has more potential than the Legends championship held by a guy, Booker T, who you're not quite sure about in terms of legendary status.

I also agree with the people who think you're crazy for wanting JJ and Sting in the main event title picture. They're part-timers now, especially JJ. Sting has held the title a few times, and he's done all he's ever going to do for TNA. And JJ is just getting old and washed up, and he's losing entertainment value by the week. Now, I hate Abyss, but I can see why they're pushing him in the main event. I guess he's going to be joined by the ECW faction, but I really do think it's a last ditch effort to make Hogan look like less of a fool for choosing the Monster as his go-to-guy.

Ken Anderson
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
D'Angelo Dinero
Desmond Wolfe

Those are the guys that I think should be holding up the World Title picture for the remainder of the year. Some of those guys have been there before, but there's a lot of new blood and new feud potential. I look forward to the possibility of a Pope/Styles title feud.
I love the way that you entitled the thread "Is TNA building Their Divisions Around The Wrong People?" and then proceeded to build your own divisions around the wrong people.

Lets start with the things I agree with you on:

Getting rid of the KO Tag Belts - they serve no purpose, there's hardly any singles wrestlers around at the moment.

Make the Global Title the mid card title - Perfect for guys like The Pope, Desmond Wolfe and Jay Lethal.

Now, lets get rolling:

The X-Division - I think this should be more like the cruiserweight title. I've heard so much about how good the X-Division used to be, but Douglas Williams is doing nothing for it.

World Title - RVD, Hardy, Anderson, Joe and AJ Styles - not Sting or Jarrett - you need to build it around younger guys (Relatively young anyway - RVD isn't exactly young).

I will agree that TNA needs to cut the fat at all levels, I'd say the roster is 40% too big.
I can understand why the guys i chose are getting criticism, but i think that TNA has to build their main event around guys that have already earned their keep in TNA. They need to introduce new people to the main event slowly. In one week TNA's entire main event was thrown out the window and replaced with what we have now. I did have second thoughts about AJ though. I agree he should stay in the main event. I originally put him in the X-Division be cause he was the face of the division and he can bring the title back to life.

As for Hardy and RVD, I stand by what I said. I think they would make great X-Division workers, but I don't believe them in the main event. I didn't like them in WWE's main event either. (OT, you don't even begin to know how angry I was when Jeff won the title in my home town). I think AJ and Anderson should be TNA's top face and heel respectively.
Umm Doug Williams is one of thier best heels atm why would u kick him out of the X division?

His current "im the anti X division guy" angle is actually pretty good and its nice to hear a guy with some talent on the stick in the X division.

As far as the global title goes they might as well make it a hardcore belt considering I havent seen Rob Terry on tv in a month, he was in major fued with Orlando Jordan and then they just disapear off tv.

For the World title scene Stings days as a holder of the world title are over other than this deception angle im not sure what left for him to do in TNA.

In Jarrets case it was fine him holding the title in the early days but now with all the talent in TNA having him hold it now is a joke and a bad one at that because it involves buring younger talent.

Finally Abyss can't carry the title at all hes not over enough for that and if he does capture it more then likely hell job it to someone else (Dreamer maybe) within a month.
I agree that the Global Title needs to be re-packaged. I am always a fan of a Television Title. RVD's most infamous run was as the ECW Television Champ. With that said, I would like for it to not really be a more prestigious title than the x-division, but more on equal footing. The X-Division really set TNA apart in the beginning so it shouldn't take a back seat to any title. But, realistically, The Matt Morgan's of the world just shouldn't compete for an x-division title, therefore they need another belt. Hence the TV Title. Honestly, If I ran the world it would be the National Championship. WWE doesn't have a title by that name if you were worried about being different. Its a new idea. Plus, if a foreigner wins it, they can claim it as their nation's title.

For the main event picture, I would have:

AJ Styles
Mr. Anderson
Occasionally have a program with Sting

IN the hunt for the National/TV Title
Eric Young
Jay Lethal
Terry (although I wouldn't mind to see him just go away)


Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin (if they are not going to get a tag title run, split em up, let them re-make the x division)
Daniels(could compete for the Global Title, and if Tomko ever got in shape, I think they would make one heck of a tag team.)

Tag Division:
Gen Me(Just freaking call them the young buck, and make them lose those stupid looking outfits)
Beer Money( I would mind seeing Roode and Storm get singles pushes sometime soon.)
INK Inc.

*I would also debut a new tag team here. They currently have on their security team two pretty talented indy wrestlers, Phil Shatter and Mikal Judas. I would like to see them come in as a new team. Possibly give them a mouthpiece like Lacey would help them get over.*

I would do away with the Knockout Tag Title. Honestly, there isn't enough interest to have two women's titles. But, I would push Daffney, Taylor, Serita, Angelina, Velvet, and Bring back Melissa Flash.
I see alot of people saying something I touched on in another thread that the roster is too big. I even saw someone say that they the roster is 40% too big? Really? You do realize that TNA has a roste of about 50 and you want to take out about half of that. So you get left with 25-30 including knockouts which means you have about 15-20 men on the doing that then people would then bitch and moan that TNA doesn't have enough guys to have alot of interesting feuds and it would be the same thing over and over.

I also want to add my two cents into the X Division debate. I personally ama huge fan of Doug Williams' character. The X Division was always seen as the high flyers (with the exception of guys like Joe) doing their spot fests with no story or intelligence to the match. I like Doug being the guy who throws all that out the window and dares someone to be able to beat himusing his style or any style and still coming out on top. I enjoyed the cruiserweights when I was a kid but I watch now and the matches are exciting but it's the same thing. The fact that TNA is doing something out of the ordinary with the division is something they don't get credit for and should.
Ok this is it. Tna- 2009 the best wrestling show of the year for sure. 2010- completely destroyed in my opinion. i dont no if its hulk and eric coming up with these new ideas but it is a load of shit. first of all Rvd spends time on who hes going to sign with then decides to sign with tna. 1 reason money. He got paid 240 grand plus in wwe and is getting paid loads more in tna. what is the point of this they give him the title and it wont be a good 5 months till someone else will take it from him. also the promos go forver. i swear i watch 30mins off promos every time tna is on. The new interview thingy they got going on is very annoying because the storyline makes no sence.

What tna should be doing is becoming the new ecw. everyone liked the hardcore ecw and thats what tna should become. they are trying to become the next wwe. slow down think about making the crowd happy and that doesnt mean making the good guys win all the time. Rvd i dont think has lost since hes joined. poor old aj styles got his spotlight stolen from since the arrival of anderson hardy and rvd. three new guys come in and take over. i dont no if its just hogan or who is making the get go these days but its pissing me off. Anyway beats the crap wwe has on these days.

Just my opinion plz feel free to set me straight or reply.
about taking 40% of the roster out isnt a bad idea when you look at it because it is a bit full and people on the roster i havent seen in years. making the roster smaller by 40% is a bit over doing it though.

So everyone is used shorten it to who they think will thrive in the future and benefit TNA.




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