Homicide or Hernandez- Who'll go further in their respective divisions?

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
Well, it inevitably happened. LAX split up. I was happy and sad. I was sad because LAX broke up. I was happy because well, LAX broke up. I loved them as a tag team, but I loved them as individuals also. They've both been on the receiving end of evident pushes. But who will do better in their respective divisions.

Homicide cashed in his X Division title shot, and not only did he get the title he has deserved for a while, but he ended Suicide's reign as the champion. his high impact, full speed style is one of the most exciting in all of wrestling. He's unrelenting in the ring. He never seems to take a break. Sure his mic skills aren't good, but his charisma is great. The crowd absolutely love him. And he really knows how to get them involved.

He has some great moves in his repetoire. His tope con hilo, spinning european uppercut/elbow, gringo cutter. But he possess the sickest, awesomest, deadliest move in wrestling today. Whenever he cranks out the gringo killah, it not only spells the end for his opponent, but it makes me mark the fuck out. When he won the title, I knew he had to use it. And when he did, it was like the return of one of my favourite wrestlers, I was that ecstatic after not seeing it for over a year. the best part about being in the X division is that they seem to be the only wrestlers willing to take the bump. Brilliant.

But unfortunately I see Samoa Joe winning the title at Hard Justice, just to continue the MEM's run of dominance. It would be terrible though. Why give him the title if he's just going to lose it to Joe? Let suicide lose it and let Homicide keep his title. Maybe I'm wrong, and Homicide will retain. Doubt it though.

It's pretty obvious Hernandez is getting a single push in the heavyweight division. He has the title shot, the new shorts and music, and he just scored a win over Samoa Joe. Not many people can claim that. He dominated Sting a few months ago, and I feel that if he got the chance the next time, he could win the world title. But probably only once the MEM break up. He won't get a chance untill then. Hopefully this push leads somewhere. I definitely see him as a main eventer and mid carder for the next while and into the future.

Now, if anybody replies and I get this from someone who didn't read this post, I might scream:

Ignorant Bastard who didn't read the post said:
Obviously hernandez will go further. X division sucks,and Hernandez is big, so he'll do better.

The question isn't who will go further in TNA, but in their respective divisions. Will hernandez go far in the heavyweight division and break the upper mid card/main event scene, or will Homicide have a good reign as X Division champion. Personally, I think Homicide will be a great champion, maybe even the best since the times of AJ and Joe, but TNA seems like they have big things planned for Supermex, and he;s going to make one big splash.

A BIG one.

What do you guys think.
Homicide for sure.

I just can't see Supermex with the TNA title with the MEM's rein of dominence. And even when the lost all of their control, Hermandez just wouldn't be a great champion. He's BIG for sure with a lot a charisma, but I don't see him having a World Title anytime soon.

But Homicide is just plain good. He has a ton of great moves (Not to mention the Gringo Killah) and has a ton of charisma. He already has the X-Division belt, and I see a good championship rein here. I just hope MEM doesn't get TOO involved in the X-Division. Joe's 290 pounds! Why give him the X-Division belt? But, Homcide will definatly go farther in his Division.

So, although I DO see a Supermex title rein, Homicide will go farther.
I think its Homicide as well. Hernadez is getting old, he's 39, so even if he won the title, it wouldn't be a long reign.
I guess it all depends if TNA is 100% behind Hernandez and is ready to make him a big superstar. But since guys like Styles & Joe play second fiddle alot of the times, I'm just not sure Hernandez will get that far. He is talented enough, and over enough to do huge things in the mainevent, but will TNA do it? Right now their pushing him strong, but I just am unsure that the push will countinue. Also the age factor could be brought into it, but with guys like Foley, Sting, Nash, ect, TNA doesn't seem to have any problem pushing the elderly.

Homicide has already had a pretty shitty X reign already. His match with Joe was alright, but really TNA hasn't done much to highlight Homicide's reign yet. He is having another match with Joe at Hard Justice, yet he isn't even really feuding with Joe(during the riot Joe & Lashley were going at it).

But unlike Hernandez who I think might just get lost or forgotton by TNA and their "creative" team, Homicide is in the less overcrowded, less star filled X-Division, so he should become a huge star and go far.

So I think Hernandez has more potential to go further than Homicide, since Hernandez really is the total package, but I think Homicide has the better chance at going farther in his division. Hopefully both end up at the top of their respected divisions and prove that LAX was a great stepping stone for both.

Even though Hernandez and Homicide are technically proficent wrestlers. Hernandez has something working for him that Homicide doesn't have....

Charisma and better mic skills

Watching Homicide's promo on TNA talking about 187 versus 13 came out rather flat where Hernandez' interview segment showed Hernandez with some ability but with the potential to develop better mic skills.
Hernandez is pretty old with some injuries he's 40, and I do believe he will be world champ, but I also think Homicide is gonna go far in the X-Division, and he does have more years left in him. But I'm only juding by age so it's just a coin flip.
Hernandez is pretty old with some injuries he's 40, and I do believe he will be world champ, but I also think Homicide is gonna go far in the X-Division, and he does have more years left in him. But I'm only juding by age so it's just a coin flip.

You didn't give an opinion on who you thought would go further. I think Homicide as well. I don't see Hernandez as Heavyweight Champion material. Homicide will thrive in the X division. Hernandez will get lost with far better wrestlers in his division. Angle,Sting,Styles etc. Where Homicide will dominate a much weaker X-Division. So I'm going with Homicide.
Hernandez. Largely because Homicide is shit and Hernandez isn't. What? Don't look at me like that. Anybody that thinks Homicide can cut a decent promo must be one of those rare people that speak his specific dialect of unsure twat. Otherwise, he's just an above average cruiserweight.

I'm confident that Hernandez will become world heavyweight champion - even if he will be a predictably, and sadly, underwhelming one.

Come to think of it, Homicide has - technically speaking - already reached the pinnacle of his division. It's just that winning the X Division title means fuck all, whereas winning the world title still means something. Not much, but something. It means a lot when someone other than Angle or Sting hold it.
Technically speaking, isn't Homicide already at the tops of the X-Divison since he's the X-Division champ? That being said, his reign hasn't been all that hot thus far. During his match with Joe, Homicide just looked really weak. While the match ended rather stupidly I thought, Joe looked like he could pretty much take Homicide out at any point during the match at will. For a while, the X-Division has been on the decline I think and TNA has put much more emphasis lately on the Legends strap. Homicide can advance further credibility wise in the X-Division. If he gets past Samoa Joe, comes out with a clean win , that could go a long way to establishing his credibility.

With Hernandez, it's too soon for me to tell where this is ultimately going to go. I dig the fact that TNA has made the guy less of a stereotypical Latin thug while still putting emphasis on his roots. However, a couple of good performances don't necessarily mean much. TNA could very well screw this up if they decided to. Hernandez's age has been brought up, he's 36 according to Wikipedia, and he's still young-ish but if a push is ultimately going to happen for him, I think it needs to be now. While it's true that TNA has had little issue with pushing older wrestlers, those older wrestlers are well established. Even though I think most of the older guys are shit in the ring now, they've been big stars for a long time and have accomplished much more than Hernandez. I'd like to see Hernandez go on to the main event scene, I hope it happens.
Homicide is absolutely abysmal on the mic and Hernandez can get over a bit on it. I think ultimately Hernandez will win the TNA title and get at least one run before he goes. Homicide will get a few X-division title wins but that title is relatively meaningless right now.
hernandez i dont watch to much tna but i watched last week and ill tell ya the guys a beast and definatlly has all the right big guy quality can you imagine hernandez going to wwe? that would be sick
So far Hernandez looks like he's gonna get farther than Homicide. All the TV time he's getting, new theme and ring attire, and him claiming that he'll be TNA Champ in the future. Those are some pretty strong indications if you ask me. Yeah his age is somewhat of a factor but look at the MEM.

At the moment, Homicide seems underrated as X-Division Champion, especially since the X-Division STILL hasn't been refocused. TNA doesn't care about the X-Division and they sure as hell wouldn't care about making Homicide look credible. TNA only gave him time to cut a promo on Samoa Joe (and an awful promo at that) for their feud? Shame on you, TNA.
I hope Herandez gets pushed to the moon. I wanna see a Border Toss on EVERYONE... Remember when he did it to Gail Kim? It looked like she died. I think they're both terrible on the mic. But since when has that mattered in TNA. Good luck to both of them though, maybe a Homicide & Joe fued can bring the X-division back from the dead.

Agreed. I'll sum up why via a huge multi-paragraphed reason after I've finished replying to You.

Largely because Homicide is shit and Hernandez isn't. What? Don't look at me like that.

I'm only looking at you like that, because you were the first person to speak truth in this thread.. it surprised me.

Anybody that thinks Homicide can cut a decent promo must be one of those rare people that speak his specific dialect of unsure twat.'

"Burrrrrtrah! Holla Mommie." You mean, when he says shit like that.. it doesn't come out sounding like a reincarnation of Raven?! Obviously he's a great mic worker, he graduated from the Konnan school of promos.

Thank fuck, and here I thought it was just me.

I've actually started just making up my own promos for him, whenever he talks. Like take the most recent one.. I zoned out for a bit, figured he was continuing to hit on the White woman, Lauren I think it was, then bitched about her for not wanting to go on a date later.

Otherwise, he's just an above average cruiserweight.

Average Cruiserweights are entertaining and high flying. Homicide is neither. He's under-average. And considering Hernandez does more high flying moves, well then..

I'm confident that Hernandez will become world heavyweight champion - even if he will be a predictably, and sadly, underwhelming one.

You said he'd return a Pay per view or so back, and cash in. So it wasn't that predictable. I think he'll cash in at Bound For Glory. He currently doesn't even have the case, I noticed it was still being carried around by the British Invasion the other night.

It'll take him 2 months to get it back.

Come to think of it, Homicide has - technically speaking - already reached the pinnacle of his division.

If by pinnacle, you mean he was given the Championship because his Father passed away and nothing else.. then yes, yes he has.

It's just that winning the X Division title means fuck all, whereas winning the world title still means something. Not much, but something. It means a lot when someone other than Angle or Sting hold it.

Winning the X-Division used to mean something. You know, back when the division was filled with talented workers.

Anywho.. the reason I'm backing Hernandez is for namely two reasons.

1. Hernandez is more over with the audience. Homicide returned, received a chant of "cash it in", then went back to being boring and forgotten about. I guarantee come Hard Justice, the "heel" Samoa Joe will get cheered, and the "face" Homicide, will get booed.

I doubt Joe wins the title though. Call me crazy, no don't actually, but I think Elijah Burke will be the guy who takes the strap off Homicide.

As for Hernandez, I see him becoming the next big thing (only, Mexican, and not working with the UFC/MMA on the side) and winning at Bound for Glory - the show that means something, slightly, for TNA.

People have been referring to his age as being up there.. as if thats a major downfall.. when I can't help but laugh, especially considering Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, Sting & Kurt Angle are all not exactly.. young and fresh.


2. Homicide is boring, and likely going to be released soon - so he can go back to ROH. TNA cut lose Austin Aries, and look how much of a mistake that was. Naturally, Homicide will be cut next.
Yeah, Hernandez for sure. Homicide doesn't even look like a ROH World Champion let alone become one in the same company as Bobby Lashley, Sting, Kurt Angle, Booker T, etc. The only thing Hernandez going against him is his age (36), but if Angle can be champ, then so can SuperMex. Any athlete who can still go, no matter the age, should be champion.
I feel that both of them will get to where they have to go with Homicide already being the X Champ and Hernandez on his way to becoming the World Champ. I’m just not sure how long it will be before he gets his chance to hold the TNA Title. Besides, how much further can Homicide go if he already holds the X – Title??

How about this for an idea?? Kurt Angle and Eric Young vs. LAX with both Titles on the line. If LAX wins, Hernandez gets the World Title and if the leaders of M. E. Mob and W. E. win, Young gets the X – Division Title. This could be used to turn Eric and the World Elite on Kurt and the Main Event Mafia or the even “unthinkable”, turn Homicide on Hernandez and makes the ME / WE Alliance even stronger.
Both of them will definitely go far I think. I can see Homicide becoming a multiple time X Champ if not, he will have a lengthy reign this time around. Hernandez, hopefully will become TNA World Heavyweight Champion soon too. I have been wanting this to happen since he won his feast or fired case. I think though, before he can challenge for it, or at least in my opinion, he should get his case back from Rob Terry. Although, even without it Hernandez is a legitimate contender. He's probably one of the best, well rounded big men I have ever seen. His Border Toss is freaking sickening. I hope both go far in their respected divisions, but at the same time, I hope like Hernandez said on Impact! that they will reunite sometime down the road and be the tag champs again or even just a tag team. I loved their work before they both went out.

King Patrick, I like your idea for the match, but I think we will see Homicide turn on Hernandez soon enough. All he seems to care about right now is that he is the X division champion and nothing more.
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