SPOILAHRS: Homicide Wins Something That You'll Never Guess

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Eric Young pinned Suicide who was not defending the X Division Title he does not lose until next week on iMPACT

Angelina Love defeated Taylor Wilde

Homicide retained the X Division Title he has not yet won defeating Consequences Creed

AJ Styles & Daniels defeated Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe when AJ pinned Kurt

Jay Lethal pinned Sheik Abdul Bashir

Beer Money defeated Team 3D and retained the Tag Team Championship. Bashir was involved and ended up going through a table after the match

I’m wondering who made the decision to have Homicide defend a title he has not yet won from Suicide on a show where both appeared. Only Thursday night did Homicide return to TNA TV and regain his Title Match Briefcase. Not sure who the agent was here, either creative team member Dutch Mantel or BG James, but this decision is odd at best.

It's the X Division motherfuckin' title. I guess we're about to see whether our homie Homicide can sink or swim as a singles competitor. Sure, the Notorious 187 has always been the weak link of LAX but that ain't saying much.

I'm moderately excited. Then again, I was also moderately excited when Alex Shelley won the title and we all saw what happened there. Far as I'm concerned, this is motherfuckin' vengeance! In your ass, Suicide!
I don't know what to expect from this reign. Because if your not a video game character as of late with that title, you don't hold the title... SO I don't know, I hope that he gets a good reign, but who knows. The thing that really cracks me up is the fact that TNA had him defending the title before he even "officially" won the belt... You would think that they have more sense then that.
Technically speaking, he's already won the belt. They just haven't broadcasted him winning the belt. So they're really giving spoilers away for their own show.

Also technically speaking, he is a videogame character. He was in the videogame. Yes, I very much do like nit-picking.

I hope they don't make his reign completely and utterly pointless like when Lethal Consequences won the tag titles with their case and held them for all of a week. I've always wanted to see Homicide/Alex Shelley on pay-per-view. Maybe I'll get my wish.

A feud between a wrestler called Homicide and a wrestler called Suicide though... fucking hell.
This is interesting. This is either sink or swim here for him. He now has the chance to prove whether he can make it as a singles wrestler or if he needs Hernandez in order to be able to succeed in one way, as a tag team wrestler.

I really hope he does a good job holding the X-Division title and I hope they don’t screw up his reign as the X- Division champion like they did with Lethal Consequences when they won the tag team titles and only held it for a week to only give them back to whoever they gave them to, I don’t remember who it was. Also, this better not be like the time Eric Young won the title and had to give it back too. I hope he can prove that he can make it as a singles wrestler, because honestly I haven’t been too excited about LAX ever since Konnan left them and TNA. I guess I’ll just wait and see how his reign turns out to be.
Technically speaking, he's already won the belt. They just haven't broadcasted him winning the belt. So they're really giving spoilers away for their own show.

That's my point Sam, they just gave me a reason not to watch... I know what's going to happen. I find it funny....

Also technically speaking, he is a videogame character. He was in the videogame. Yes, I very much do like nit-picking.

Did I not say he's a character? Yeah I did. I don't know what your nit-picking....

I hope they don't make his reign completely and utterly pointless like when Lethal Consequences won the tag titles with their case and held them for all of a week. I've always wanted to see Homicide/Alex Shelley on pay-per-view. Maybe I'll get my wish.

Like I said I really hope they don't mess it up. It would be a shame.

A feud between a wrestler called Homicide and a wrestler called Suicide though... fucking hell.

:lol: it would be great...
The thing is he is a face in the X division and there are no heels in division. If you want to try and claim shelley and sabin as heels they really are tweeners. Doug Williams is the closest thing to a heel in the X division and he isn't in the X division. Eric Young is a heel now but he hasn't been a part of the X division in months. So the only way for him to have a successful/meaningful title reign is to try and turn him back to being a heel so he can have a long reign and face off against the many faces and tweeners in the division.
I guess he'll be decent. He is moderately entertaining and can do some crazy shit in the ring, which is the whole point of the X Division. It'll be interesting to see if he teams back up with Hernandez when he comes back or they stay as singles competitors.

As for Kaz, I think he better drop the Suicide gimmick soon before it gets old. I'm guessing Suicide will start to go on a losing streak soon, sending him into a downward spiral which eventually leads to Lauren finding him passed out in the back after he ODed. That just seems like some solid TNA booking.
As for the whole TNA having him defend the title before winning it, I remember attending a house show for WWE about 10 years ago where D'Lo Brown had won the European title at either a Raw or Smackdown recording that hadnt aired yet, but it was announced at the beginning of the house show he had won it and D'lo defended the title. So this kinda thing has been going on for a while in most companies. Basically since the internet became commonplace, since title changes on taped shows are typically known before they air, and it adds a since of realism to it.
I'm actually a little bit excited about watching the next 'iMPACT!'. Well, I'm actually considering watching the next 'iMPACT!'. I haven't done that in, ooh, three months. I did always like Homicide. Then again, it's TNA. It's hardly like this'll have the feel of a considerable change even if it is.

Did I mention that Suicide's shit? I feel like I should add that in.
The thing is he is a face in the X division and there are no heels in division. If you want to try and claim shelley and sabin as heels they really are tweeners. Doug Williams is the closest thing to a heel in the X division and he isn't in the X division. Eric Young is a heel now but he hasn't been a part of the X division in months. So the only way for him to have a successful/meaningful title reign is to try and turn him back to being a heel so he can have a long reign and face off against the many faces and tweeners in the division.

Bashir, Kiyoshi...actually you have a pont. There are two heels in the X Division but they're moving more towards the tag team division so...yeah, turn that mofo!
I'll definetly being watching Homicide cash in his Midcard in the bank title shot, Fact is he's highly entertaining in the ring, With his face paced, High impact style, Not to mention his amazing finisher. If he can keep the title for a long reign, We should see some great matches, Think Sabin, Williams, And Daniels in 2004.
i think homicide should have a good run, and when it comes to heels and face in TNA i dont think they really care about that for the x-division bc they pride themselfs on giving the crowd a hell of a show. with all the moves they pull off they give the fans a chance to cheer who they want, which i think is the right way to go....as for suicide i think this is going to be the start of bring back KAZ! i think suicide might start something with angle bc it was angle that "retired" Kaz so they might start having a backstage thing going and sooner or later angle calling out suicide and him showing that he is really kaz!
Fuck,I put all of 20 minutes into my thread on what LAX's possibilities are in the tag division to Homicide winning the title and going single.I still see a short feud alongside Team 3D against the Foreigners.

Anyways,i am totally psyched about this.Homicide is one of my favourite wrestlers there is.His fast paced,kickass style is one of the most exciting styles there is in wrestling.He reminds me a little of a smaller,latino Samoa Joe.But faster and more charismatic.His X division reign will be his first to my memory (correct me if not),which I think is a travesty.He actually seemed like he might be in the title picture,but then his father passed away.Now he's back,and ready to hopefully bring some more crediblity to the X division.And I pray that,please TNA,the Gringo Killah will return.Heavyweights seem to resist taking it,but ,maybe the X division wrestlers are crazy enough to take the bump,and assist me in my enjoyment of TNA.If he uses the greatest finisher in the business,I will fucking mark out.

Another plus,Supermex is now open to challenge for the world title.That should be exciting.I haven't seen him since he was injured,but I hope he kept the stache.
I was anticipating a Hernandez return during the ladder match last week. I wasn't watching this on television, you understand. I was just browsing TNA's YouTube account. I was, how would they say, mucho disappointed when he didn't come out. But hey, we got Team 3D instead.

The most exciting aspect of Homicide's title reign - for me at least - is that it frees Hernandez to pursue the world heavyweight title.
It'll be what happened when Creed & Lethal won the tag titles. They held the titles for about a month in real time, but about 3 days in TV time. Mostly because TNA like to show their wrestlers how much they appreciate them.
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