WM 29: Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

There's absolutely zero reason for The Shield to lose this match, they beat a team led by Cena so any "superhero" trio without him should not be able to get the job done. So far they have been booked brilliantly and WWE can cap this off with them getting a win on the biggest show of the year.

I wish this was a street fight as I think a wild brawl between these 6 would be much better than a regular tag match, but I guess that was needed as a crutch for Lesnar and HHH.
If Ryback was in the place of The Big Show here than I would have went with the face team taking the victory but since he's not in the match I think The Shield's walking away with the win here. I discuss it in more detail in my prediction vid/simulation
The Shield against the Superface Trio. That's easy The Shield will win this one. This will also help Randy's supposed heel turn. While most might feel that Orton doesn't need another stable when he turns heel I still feel it would help push his new agressive side and I also think he would fit in more with the Shield. Same mannerisms, the shield kind of hinted it off on RAW as well as Orton in recent weeks, and he'd look bad ass with the gear then the same old trunks we've seen him with for years. Orton with the shield might help his new heel charcter as it's helped Orton in past stables like Evolution and Legacy. People may not come to terms with him being heel on his own like CM Punk. At least this would be more fresh for him rather then hearing about how boring he is.
Finally a match that I'm actually interested, no one knows who is going to win the match. On one hand you have The Shield, a group that has beaten Ryback, Team Hell No, Cena, Orton, Sheamus and Jericho. Look at those names! They are built as unstoppable.

On the other hand, we have the babyfaces seeking for revenge at the biggest stage. Orton and Sheamus is an interesting tag team...the Big Show....well you have him there so...That being said, it seems that basic wrestling booking says that faces need the wins on such a stage like Wrestlemania is.

Now you need to take in count the rumors of Orton turning heel. Well that is an interesting thing, Orton could turn if his team loses or could screw his team either way it is a win situation for Orton, a man who is an amazing heel. He could feud against Sheamus (he needs something to do after Mania), ADR, once again Cena, Ryback etc.

That being said, if I had to pick a winner I think it could be The Shield but I'm not sure if Orton turns heel.
This one is set up for an Orton heel turn (finally) and a feud with Sheamus. It'll be the reverse of their feud 2-3 years ago when Sheamus wa the heel and Orton was the face.

Shield wins it, Orton becomes their leader. It will be a great heel stable and RKO is far better as a heel and leading a stable.
This one is set up for an Orton heel turn (finally) and a feud with Sheamus. It'll be the reverse of their feud 2-3 years ago when Sheamus wa the heel and Orton was the face.

Shield wins it, Orton becomes their leader. It will be a great heel stable and RKO is far better as a heel and leading a stable.

Orton as the leader of The Shield would be awful. He doesn't need a stable behind him.

Having him turn will also make The Shield look weak, which I don't think WWE wants.
I rub my eyes looking at the promotional graphic; Jon Moxley and Tyler Black in the same match at WrestleMania. And some people say indy wrestling doesn't matter.

The Shield has been built up terrifically. WWE gets some slack from "knowing" fans who think they drop things like Nexus without giving it the chance, but The Shield has had all the time in the world and really have they moved up in anybodies minds at all? Their a good team, they've defeated a multitude of big names but somewhere it has to be stopped. A part of me was hoping they'd have Ryback stomp them out for the months of adversity they put him through but this could work either way.

I don't think Orton will turn heel at WrestleMania. And even if he does those who actually believe in their fickle minds that Cena will turn heel in the main event will have no hope of that happening because two big names turning heel on the same card isn't happening, one would overshadow the other and render it useless. I predict an Orton, Show, Sheamus victory to finally stop The Shield, but don't mind either way who wins to be honest.
Well will we see a Cena heel turn now following that? I still highly doubt it!

Anyhow, great win for The Shield! Good opening match for Mania. Wasn't shocked by Show turning back heel so quickly. Could see a 3 way feud now with Show, Orton and Sheamus. Not a bad way to head to extreme rules!
slightly disappointing match for mine. It's almost as if creative thought "well The Shield can't have great matches at EVERY ppv so we'll book this one as vanilla as possible". It's Wrestlemania, guys!
Good opener to Mania, but after the last match The Shield had I was expecting a little bit more. Still a good match, and was not surprised to see Show lay them both out after the loss.
Thought the match was probably the best on the card and defiantly deserved to go on a bit later on in the card rather than opening the show.

I am so glad the Wwe are standing behind The Shield and letting them go over some pretty big names, and also it is nice to see Vince show some faith in the youngsters of the company and pushing them.
This match was so good. It proves that indy wrestling doesn't matter. It's non-canonical. The only way to be anything is to make it to the Big Show as it were. :)

The Shield have established themselves as real superstars, not wrestlers. They are superstars, and they absolutely tore the house down at WrestleMania.

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