WM 29: Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

I'm not big on fantasy booking. I just like to think what would make an interesting storyline and go from there.

I think the WWE should bring back the MITB ladder match for this WM. I think with this match you could use some of your roster to fill out the card, but the main reason I would have it is so that The Shield can win the briefcase. I don't know if I would have all 3 in the match or maybe just one, but once they win it, they could use a modified Freebird Rule where any one of them can cash in and all 3 members will be recognized as the WWE Champion.

I do believe that would make for an interesting storyline but, we'll see what happens. It does seem that a 3 man tag match seems more likely, but maybe WWE will want to take a risk.
as someone who has been to the last four manias , I would rather no undertaker than an undertaker tag match. It cheapens his appearance and he only deserves the best out of booking and booking deserves only the best (as good as he can be at this stage) out of him. If taker can't put on a singles match I dont want to see him in a tag match looking even weaker than he would if he went out for a singles match, injured. I feel it would be painfully obvious and I'm not too interested in seeing the undertaker go through the motions when he hit 20-0 and reached the end of an ERA, his ERA. It was the perfect way to end things. four consecutive matches of the year and call it a day.
Also, if they give KANE those gorgeous locks, can't they throw some on taker as well, like they did last year before he debuted his " hair cutting vignettes". This uncle fester taker isn't doing it for me so much, one year gimmick was cool in the cell with the storyline, but lets bring the best look , best match and best wrestlemania circumstances we can!
Taker won't be in a tag match unless that's absolutely the only way they can get him in the ring. Even then...I'm not so sure.

"Taker" has, in a lot of respects, transcended Wrestlemania or at least sits on equal footing. Wrestlemania simply has an empty feeling without him on the card, and you have to believe they are going to milk it for everything it is worth until it is dry.

At this point, I would be highly surprised if we see anything other than Taker v. Punk...setting up a strong "Triple Main-Event": Trips v. Brock, Taker v. Punk, Rock v. Cena. The downside is that 4 of the six participants are part-timers. Maybe that's bad...maybe not. Sting got over incredibly and drew a lot of numbers as part-time in 96-97. Perhaps this is just the place that wrestling is currently. Hopefully it can sustain itself when the part-timers can no longer go.
He would have to be very hurt if he were to wrestle in a tag-team match. Moreover, I really can't see Orton and Ryback teaming with him. With all due respect to the pair of them: I fell that they don't deserve it. This would be made for HHH and Kane. It ticks so many boxes it is unreal. Taker and HHH need on the card. Kane wants his big Mania match. The Shield need an opponent.

I'm not suggesting a tag-team match won't happen, just I don't see Ryback and Orton being Taker's partners.
People get a bit precious over The Streak. This is a huge match. So what if it's a 6-man. It'd likely be a decent match that people would be invested in. Undertaker returns in the next week or so and is immediately taken out by The Shield. He comes back at Mania. People would go wild.

Over the past couple of years Streak matches have been of a high quality. So would this match. So it's not a big deal.
For me, the Shield's WM involvement should be Ambrose/Rollins vs. Hell No and Shamus/Reigns in a street fight. The only way I'd put Undertaker in a tag at WM would be with Kane, for a final appearance of the Brothers of Destruction together.
After tonight I think it will be Orton, Jericho and Roidback vs The Shield at Mania. I know Sheamus was involved but I think he'll end up in a singles match with Barrett.
I have a feeling that the Shield will also be in another six man tag match. I think the participants will be Shield taking on Sheamus, Orton and either Ryback or Chris Jericho. Jericho wasn't at Raw last night and the WWE could always go with the idea of Jericho looking for being briefly put on the shelf.

I think WM will also be a good opportunity to turn Randy Orton heel if they're still planning to do that.
The shield needs to battle team Hell No at Mania. Simple as that. The IWC seems to always be pushing for fatal 4ways at Mania to give as many people as possible a chance on the card. Sorry but not everyone should compete on the card. How many fatal 4ways "steal the show"? none. The shield and Hell No are the 2 best groups/teams of the past year, they NEED to battle on the grand stage. Shield wins and they can either use the freebird rule or have reigns and rollins with the tag strap and give Ambrose the IC or US strap. Regardless, the shield at the top of the tag division will help bring legitimacy to the tag title picture while they develop the other teams.
the shield at the top of the tag division will help bring legitimacy to the tag title picture while they develop the other teams.

Let us say if they did win the titles. I doubt they would develop the other teams. The most they probably would do with them would be to run rampant, flashing the gold, like Evolution. It is pretty sad, that they get more attention as a unit than all of the Tag Team Champions this decade combined. Really, it doesn't matter who they fight at Wrestlemania. Look at the way the Radicals or Radicalz made a debut during Wrestlemania XVI. People barely know of it, and pretty much care mostly about Benoit and Guerrero celebrating at the end of Wrestlemania XX with each major title of the world, showing a lack of appreciation for the lower portion in the card.
Sheamus/Ryback/Orton vs. The Shield makes sense for so many reasons. First off, you take care of three big names with one match, in a feud that makes sense and already has a build. Second, it's the perfect opportunity to turn Orton heel, allowing The Shield to get yet another win while moving Orton and Sheamus forward into what could be an epic feud. It's the best move for pretty much everyone involved.
The perfect plan will be The Shield vs Ryback/Sheamus/Orton.
As for team Hell No, I think if Ohno debuted months ago, him and Cesaro will be perfect to face Team Hell No in WM.
I think it's safe to say that it's going to be The Shield vs Orton, Sheamus and Big Show at Mania as apparently they attacked Show after Raw went off air, it can be seen on that app thingie.

I like this personally, Show is a giant and presents the group with a fresh obstacle. I'm hoping it will be a street fight match, and I picture Reigns spearing Show through a table.
We've all speculated that The Shield will probably be in another six man tag team match for a few weeks now. Given what happened this past Friday on SD! and what happened after Raw went off the air last night, I think it's pretty much guaranteed.

In case anyone missed it, The Shield interfered in the Orton vs. Show mast on SmackDown! and Sheamus ran into the ring before they could jump Orton. Eventually, they did get into it with The Shield gaining the advantage. Sheamus pushed Roman Reigns back into Big Show as Show was getting up and Show reacted by delivering the KO punch to reigns. Last night on Raw, Shield delivered a hand held video message in which Show was addressed. After Raw went off the air last night, The Shield attacked Big Show and beat him down, including delivering a triple powerbomb to him.

I have a feeling that the idea would be for The Shield, who are extremely cohesive as a unit, to take on the dysfunctional alliance of Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show. Following The Shield's retreat this past Friday, Show attacked Orton and delivered a chokeslam to him only to eat a Brogue Kick from Sheamus soon after. Plus, they were in the fourway match against one another on Raw last night.

So, this sets up an opportunity for The Shield to have another big match and to probably go over three more big strars at the biggest show of the year.
I agree that this will be a match at 'Mania. It will also be a perfect opportunity for an Orton heel turn. All eyes will be on Big Show as people will doubt that he can coexist with Sheamus & Orton leaving the door open for a Sheamus/Orton post-mania feud. I predict the finish will be Show delivering a knock out punch to Ambrose but Reigns will take out Show before he acan make the pin. Sheamus will be setting up the Brogue only for Orton to shock the world and deliver an RKO. Rollins then pins Sheamus for the victory whilst Orton looks on with a sick smile from the entrance aisle. Sounds good to me anyway!
Should be interesting. Three superstars who have in common that they are loners by nature, but never shy away from a scrap. You have Sheamus, the fighting babyface; Orton, the much-popped-for tweener of the ages; and the Big Show, the big nasty bastard if it were allowed to be said so on PG television.

All three men have histories with one another: Orton and Sheamus feuded over the WWE title in 2010, which culminated in a Hell in a Cell match; Sheamus and Show of course put on a surprisingly good rivalry late last year; and while Show and Orton have never had any major beef, they have met each other in the ring various times over the years on Raws and Smackdowns - it's hard to believe that Orton has been on the roster for over a decade now.

Of course, continuity is not a word in WWE's dictionary, but three superstars forming an uneasy alliance to collectively confront the Shield seems to be the way to go with this one.

I see the Shield carrying on with their streak of winning high-profile matches; it's still too early to pull the reigns in (LOL) on them. Moreover, neither Orton, Sheamus, or Show would be hurt from the loss, since their downfall will no doubt be their own internal squabbling.

Some fans are clamouring for a heel turn from Orton during this event, myself included to an extent, however doing it there and then may have the accidental by-product of making Show out to be a face. Then again, I don't see why Orton would align himself with the Shield as stables aren't really his bag anymore.

Ultimately, I think the weak foundations of the team will give the Shield a big enough advantage to pick up the win on the big stage, and could be the starting point for a Sheamus/Orton feud, who would undoubtedly put on a good match at the Extreme Rules PPV if given the opportunity.

My only wish is that it be some sort of gimmick match. A tag team tables match would be ideal, perhaps with an elimination twist, since right now Wrestlemania is devoid of a gimmick match, and getting some wood would grant us some memorable spots, especially with that wicked triple powerbomb.
It looks more and more like we will see this, and I also think it should be some sort of gimmick match. A tag team tables match would be just fine with me. Like Diet Soda said, Orton, Sheamus, and Show all have history together so it should be an interesting team. I think The Shield continues to win here in what should be another very entertaining match.
Really, really hoping for a Randy Orton heel turn and then having him be the leader of The Shield. THAT would be awesome. That would put Orton (and the Shield) right in the main event picture. Orton can feud with ADR, Cena, Sheamus. Someone on the Shield can win the IC or US title and then the other two can win the tag belts. After WM, they can make it the summer of The Shield with heel Orton leading the way.
It was announced on SmackDown! earlier tonight that, after issuing a challenge to Orton & Sheamus, The Shield would go onto face Orton, Sheamus & a partner of their choosing. Backstage, after talking with Big Show, Orton & Sheamus introduced Ryback as their partner.

However, while this match is official right now, it wouldn't surprise me to see that changed in the very near future. After The Shield interrupted the one on one match between Ryback & Mark Henry, and after The Shield beat Ryback down Henry delivered three World's Strongest Slams to Ryback. I might be wrong, but I think WWE set up a nice tease her in which Ryback will bow out of the six man tag match in order to get his revenge on Henry at WrestleMana. As a result, Sheamus & Orton will ultimately accept the offer of Big Show to join their team. So, Sheamus & Orton have to sacrifice a partner they trust for one they don't, thereby causing internal friction between them. That friction will give the well oiled machine that is The Shield an advantage that will ultimately help them win.

If Ryback does wind up staying on this team before going after Henry later, then I think WrestleMania will be The Shield's first loss. At this point, Ryback is the one who needs a big win at a ppv, so I don't see WWE jobbing him out at WrestleMania whether it's to The Shield or Henry.
That's a reasonable scenario, and I really like the idea of Big Show joining Sheamus and Orton. First, it's logical: Big Show has a reason to go after The Shield, since they attacked him without provocation.....the first time they delivered their version of "justice" to a fellow heel. Since the time a couple of heels (Jericho & Edge) united with Cena's good guys to go after Nexus ......merging forces to combat a common foe has proved to be an enjoyable, yet unpredictable spectacle to witness.

The second reason I'd like to see Show join forces with the good guys is that you never know whom Show might attack. He could wind up helping Shield go after Orton & Sheamus, who knows? Show has proven himself to be a loner of the Roddy Piper variety; whether good guy or bad, he walked alone through WWE without allegiance to anyone. That's what Show has been doing since he turned bad.....and as a result of it, there's no telling what he'll do in this match. The very fact he approached Orton & Sheamus with the idea indicates he might have his own agenda.

The 6-man match would be good with Ryback, but it might be even better with Big Show.
I see Ryback and Big Show being switched. Big Show vs The Shield is more logical here (he's been getting attacked for weeks by them), and Ryback needs a win over Mark Henry at WM to strengthen him. He's only been beating mid-card talent and jobbers on RAW. Big Show being a heel adds unpredictability and he may attack Sheamus and Orton.
I still say the better match for the shield would have been the Shield vs Team Hell No. I just don't see how anyone honestly could believe the shield will NOT win this match. They have already decimated Sheamus and Ryback many times. Orton has lost way too much stock in the company. Plus even though Big Show has actually won his last 3 mania bouts, he is still viewed as a guy that will not win in big matches and his size has been overcome in previous matches so much that it is still hard to be viewed as a threat.
I have another idea. This match doesn't really matter all that much. It is probably going to hurt the loser more than it helps any winner. My idea is to make it a handicapped triple threat with Show fighting alone or joining with Henry. This way Show or Henry can take the fall from an opportunistic Shield member getting the pin.

Maybe it can help to build the match that people want to see in Show vs. Ryback.

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