WM 29: Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
After going over three of the biggest faces in the company last night, you'd expect WWE might have something big planned for The Shield at Mania. However for me nothing actually springs to mind with the exception of a 3-on1 match vs. Ryback in which he finally get's his revenge. In a way it makes sense, but Ryback should win and that'd then effectively kill off The Shield.

Personally I think WWE should have a tag turmoil match. It's a bit lame and it's purely a way of getting a lot of guys from the roster onto the card (Rhodes Scholars, Team Hell No, Prime Time Players, Ziggler & Langston, Clay & Tensai, 3MB, Primo & Epico etc). But WWE has a match like that year anyway and with lost of part-timers returning there isn't a lot of space on the card.

Chuck everybody in this match, give it 20 minutes, Team Hell No can walk through most teams before coming against The Shield. That keeps The Shield going with them having a new take on the Freebird tag rule and it'd help break up Team Hell No.

Naturally somebody else should have a better suggestion than this.
I really hope they don't have a 3-on-1 handicap match against Ryback. Ambrose and Rollins should be involved in the tag team championship picture and Ryback should face Reigns 1-on-1. It's just ridiculous to have the entire Shield take on Ryback. They've gotten the better of him time and time again and then if they had this match, we'd be expected to believe that Ryback can suddenly hold his own? Way too 80's wrestling for my style.
I have a weird feeling they'll throw the Shield into some kind of match involving Team Hell No, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara or any of the other leftover top babyfaces who don't currently have a match set for the event. But WWE will need to spice this up in order to create interest. Since there was a Hell in a Cell match last year, we can probably rule that one out. But it wouldn't shock me if they were all thrown into a steel cage or something... maybe even a TLC match. Who knows but The Shield definitely has it coming to them.
Nothing really springs to mind in regards to The Shield. They've had two very strong matches thus far and have scored significant wins over teams made up of some of the top faces in the company.

I could see WWE come up with some sort of specialty match for WM, maybe something along the lines of a ladder match for the tag titles involving The Shield, Team Hell No, Mysterio & Sin Cara, Clay & Tensai & The PTPS. Of course, that would leave one member of The Shield out of the match, though at least one of them has got to go on as a singles competitor if two of them do compete as a regular tag team.

I don't see a handicap match with Ryback in the future. In every encounter, they've left Ryback laying so a handicap match doesn't make any sense. Plus, as has been said, Ryback was the one who was pinned last night by Rollins clean so, as of right now, it just doesn't pay off for Ryback to go up against The Shield.
At first I thought it would be The shield v Ryback/Sheamus/Orton. That was before the match at elimination chamber- if they can't win with Cena there is little logic to suggest adding Orton would help their chances but I guess it's not just about winning. There isn't an obvious match they can have which is a good thing. The WWE can get creative.

A match for the tag-team championship would be interesting; however, which two would face the champs. It would allow them to take turns defending the belt giving each guy good exposure.

There could be a match with Ryback and Sheamus bu they need a new partner. Orton? Mysterio? We have seen Ryback face them twice before so they would need to do something very good/different.
My guess is that it will not be a 3-1 handicap match, but might be a Shield vs Ryback Guantlet match. To predict the end, I'd say that Ryback beats Ambrose, then Reigns, then Rollins comes out and they have a pretty competitive go around, before Ryback pins him. At that point, a fourth member is added to Shield. He comes through the crowd and jumps Ryback before the other three join in the beat down.
My bet is after Wrestlemania, Lesner, Rock, Jericho, and whomever else shows up for a WM appearence will be once again dispersing. This being said, WWE will be needing a refill on top stars, both face and heel. They're likely hoping that at least 1 of these guys can fill at least one of the spots.

My money is on The Shield losing at WM, and the next night one of them will be beaten out of The Shield, and promoted as a top face, starting a program with the remaining two. One the others could establish himself as a top heel, and the other could either stick around and team with him or moved on as a midcarder.

If none of them standout enough to be top singles wrestlers, they could also have some type of Survivor series style match with Punk as their 4th and when they lose, The Shield and Heyman turn on Punk the next night, and Punk goes face and feuds with The Shield and Heyman.

Like or hate Heyman, I can't think of anyone in the years I've been following wrestling that can help draw heel heat to whomever he's paired with than he does.
I would actually have Rollins and Reigns go against team hell no for the tag titles while Ambrose goes after a singles title, perhaps a triple threat with Wade Barret and a returning Christian? Or he could go against Cesaro in a triple threat with the Miz.

In any event I would have The Shield sweep taking both matches and titles. They have solidified themselves as a dominate team in just two matches, put some gold around their wastes, it would give WWE an excuse to have them in some more matches, and let us see them far more.

Then again I'm not oppose to having them hold the tag team titles and they alternate who can defend them either. In any regard they have been sold as a dominate TEAM so it only makes sense they should be gunning for those titles, especially since I think Hell no has run it's course.
I have a weird feeling they'll throw the Shield into some kind of match involving Team Hell No, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara or any of the other leftover top babyfaces who don't currently have a match set for the event.

Thats what I thought too, kind of like the 8-man tag at Wrestlemania 27 with The Corre versus Kane, Show, Marella, and Kingston. Not that I want it to happen though, just that its the most likely match scenario for them. Either that or as somebody mentioned earlier, a 3 on 1 handicap match against Ryback.
I couldn't imagine there being a third six-man tag match. I belive this will playout as WWEs top babyfaces wanting to finally put the nail in Shield's coffin and having the Shield be backed into a corner with a 5 on 3 handicap or something of the sort.

This still doesn't sound like a tremendous idea, but with many top faces obviously not being involved in other matches, I see them being thrown into the battle against the Shield, but I still see Shield prevailing and carrying on at least to Summerslam. It just wouldn't make sense to have Shield lose at this point. But at the same time, with WWE building Ryback, does it make sense for him to lose at his first Wrestlemania?

Regardless, this is the most intriguing storyline to me and highly anticipate the next few Raws to see what they have planned to take place at New York.
The Shield vs Triple H & New Age Outlaws could work if they use the 7 weeks to build the storyline. If not this then I think they should probably let Ambrose have a big singles match and have Rollins, Riegns in his corner to help him get over against a solidified star.
After another big win on Raw I don't see handicap matches or multi team tag title matches as a likely use of them at Mania, they are being put over stronger than any heels have been in a long time, I think they'll have a substantial match at Mania.

My guess is a street fight against Roidback and two partners, where he'll finally pin one of them. I'm guessing Sheamus will be one partner and maybe Taker could be the other if he's not fit enough to work a singles match.
Ryback and Sheamus will keep being tormented by the Shield over the coming weeks. They couldn't beat them with Cena, couldn't beat them with Jericho. Finally, they will be in the ring calling out the Shield, Shield will come out and then the lights will go out and the gong, then Undertaker, setting up Undertaker, Sheamus, Ryback vs. The Shield at WM.
My first thought for the Shield at WrestleMania would be to team them up with Punk and Lesnar and a 6th Star for a match against Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Ryback. Then I thought, maybe Sheamus vs. Ryback would be better, thus eliminating the need for a 6th mystery partner and freeing CM Punk up to join Cena and Rock in the WWE Title match. So now, I’m going with Brock Lensar and the Shield vs. Triple H and the Brothers Of Destruction / Team Hell No. I’d rather see this 4 – on – 4 match than HHH / Lesnar II.
Could be totally off base here, but I'm imagining they'll be involved in an eight man tag match at WM.

Not sure why, but I just feel that they might do some sort of Shield and Lesnar teaming up against HHH, Ryback, and the New Age Outlaws.

I don't know why I feel so strongly that the NOA are going to be involved at Mania, but it's this weird hunch I keep getting.
Hard to say. I had them pegged as winning the tag titles from Team Hell No, but beating the top faces in the company like they have makes me feel like the tag titles are too good for them.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were thrown into a multi-man match. They need something relevant. I could see them teaming with Lesnar to take on HHH and a team of three superstars. DX Reunion?

It's hard to find a prominent role for these guys IMO.
Hard to say. I had them pegged as winning the tag titles from Team Hell No, but beating the top faces in the company like they have makes me feel like the tag titles are too good for them.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were thrown into a multi-man match. They need something relevant. I could see them teaming with Lesnar to take on HHH and a team of three superstars. DX Reunion?

It's hard to find a prominent role for these guys IMO.

Team Heyman vs DX would be big but without Shawn I'm not sure the DX team will feel like it has enough.

Just to riff off that idea, Flair and Orton are in the company, if Batista was willing to come back in for a run then Lesnar & The Shield vs Evolution could work.
Look, we know that the Shield will be in a match at Mania. We can safely assume that somehow Ryback will be involved. It looks like Sheamus could be involved. After this past week, Jericho seems to be in the mix. Now, I would have loved for Jericho to turn heel and lay out Ryback when he was backing him off, but to no avail. However, the six guys here do open up a great possibility.

First, I'll be pissed if we get another six man tag. What I'd LOVE to see would be a 2 out of 3 challenge. Lets see Reigns beat Sheamus, then Ryback destroy Ambrose and then get a classic between Jericho and Rollins. Or if the E is insistent on having a six man, then have Reigns beat Sheamus, Jericho and Ambrose have a classic match that Chris wins, and then after Ryack and Rollins roll in a good match, have it goto a double DQ, and Vince comes outed says e won't haves tie, and starts an immediate six man street fight.

Have Team Hell No drop the titles and officially split. I'm feeling that they've been building towards a Kane/Bryan match at 'Mania this whole time, so now's the time for them to drop the titles. To who? Needs to be a face team. Maybe a returning New Age Outlaws? Maybe Mysterio/Sin Cara? Maybe Tensai/Clay?

Kane vs Daniel Bryan

New Age Outlaws 'C' vs The Shield (Freebird rule)

Keep Ryback away from them. Let him move on. They both need to keep winning, and the more he loses the less momentum he has. I feel like Ryback should be winning the Intercontinental or World HeavyWeight Championship... or a big man match vs Mark Henry or Big Show.
Hard to say what they'll do with The Shield, but I don't think they should be anywhere near the tag team titles. It wouldn't fit their characters. They are about fighting so called injustice not glory.

I think the should be getting a rub off a returning legendary tag team such or stable like New Age Outlaws/DX. Winning the match and possibly introducing a new member who might help them get the win.

But what I think might happen will be them interfering in a match on behalf a current face and subsequently turning that person heel. Who that might be ... Lord only knows
A lot of horrible ideas here lol no offense though. Some I like, such as the Gauntlet with Ryback, and DX vs Shield. It's just really that tough of a situation to work out. I mean they already had two 6 man tag matches back to back at Chamber and Raw with Jericho and Cena switching roles. Are they going to do it again with someone else? That would be a terrible idea for Mania of all ppvs.

I would however like to see DX vs the Shield...mainly HHH and the Outlaws. But then what happens with Brock if Taker isn't back to face him instead of Triple H? Going to be interesting to see this play out, but I just hope it's not redundant with Ryback an Sheamus involved. The only thing other than DX vs Shield is Ryback in a gauntlet match with the Shield.

Going back to DX real quick, I suppose if Xpac is in shape to go, I wouldn't mind seeing the Outlaws and him against the Shield with HHH still taking on Brock.

So either...

1: HHH & the Outlaws w/ Xpac vs the Shield
2: Brock vs Taker


1: Outlaws & Xpac vs the Shield
2: HHH vs Brock


1: Ryback vs Shield (Gauntlet)
2:HHH vs Brock
I was thinking about this earlier. I keep getting this feeling that they're going to be involved in the McMahon/Heyman feud. Next week before the match between McMahon and Heyman starts, I think the shield will attack Vince. The week after, the Shield would come out to adress the crowd when Triple H's music hits, he walks down the ramp and stares at them. A few seconds later Ryback's music hits and he and Triple H go into the ring and the shield quickly runs off into the crowd. Triple H and Ryback feud with the shield for 2-3 weeks (several segments and attacks) before Vince makes his "epic" return only to be humiliated by Heyman. Out of anger, he accepts Heymans challenge for WM. Vince will team up with Triple H and Ryback to face the Shield (w/ Heyman) with the stipulation being that if Vince's team wins, The shield and Heyman will leave the WWE and never come back, but if The shield wins, then Vince has to hand over ownership of the company to Paul Heyman. At WrestleMania, the finish would be Triple H screwing over Vince and costing him the match by nailing Ryback with the hammer (setting up a possible summerslam match between the two). The next night, Triple H would reveal that he was controlling the shield the whole time and was working with Heyman to get full control of the company from Vince. Triple H becomes the new "boss" and appoints Heyman as the new GM of both Raw and Smackdown. I think they could go far with this storyline, and it could open up some more possibilities with the shield for them to stay together throughout 2013 and eventually part ways in late 2013/early 2014.
Honestly, I don't envy the WWE at all and their Shield/Mania dilemma. I think it will have to be one more Six Man Tag match, with something big on the line ie Shield disband if they lose, but if they win, they get shots at the Tag Titles, or they each get a shot at the title of their choice. When they do eventually break up, I think it should be a Ambrose/Reigns vs. Rollins, who I think could be a great face.
As the title says
much speculation about the undertakers health status for wrestlemania 29, what about him returning next week only to be beat down by the shield?
set up a shield vs orton, taker and ryback battle

taker and ortons experience and big name value will push the shield along with ryback to great levels i believe

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