Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Its odd, but Lena as Cersei does nothing for me but as a normal brunette she gives me a throbbing erection.
I'm not buying this one. I get that Sandor would love a shot at his brother but too much has happened to get back to this storyline. Plus he was pretty f'ed up by Brienne in the show. He also said he was looking to join up with the Second Sons.

But if it does happen it could be an epic battle.

I'm starting to buy in on the idea of Cleganebowl and am getting very excited. Fuck Mania, Martin, Benioff and Weiss know how to book a main event.

Eat shit past GSB and your negative attitude.
Good read. Is there an overall plan as to what the articles will be about? As in, this and the next one are looking at executions but will there be one on customs, military tactics, religious involvement etc.?
Good read. Is there an overall plan as to what the articles will be about? As in, this and the next one are looking at executions but will there be one on customs, military tactics, religious involvement etc.?

The Blog itself will be about Ancient History in general with an on-going section on GoT.

I wouldn't say that there is any overall plan to the GoT entries other than aspects of the show/books that could have taken influence from aspects of Ancient History.

I will say though that I do have a list of at least 24 subjects to be looked at. Without going into detail, there are things like the Titan of Braavos being the GoT equivalent of the Colossus of Rhodes, the Wall is clearly Hadrian's Wall and the Unsullied are Spartans. There is even a couple of ancient sieges that are decided by Greek fire, which is essentially wildfire.

Now, I cannot say for certain without GRRM knew about these ancient precursors to many aspects of his GoT world but they are there.
That ending.

Барбоса;5483311 said:
Areo! Nooooooooooooooooo!

RIGHT! ! One of the baddest motherfuckers and did virtually nothing his entire portrayal in the show.

Also were is Bronn, goddamit
I haven't read the books but it's hard to get out of my head that the series is beyond the books. I worry that it is going to skew my opinion and enjoyment of the show negatively. Like I'm going to just assume everything sucks because I have a reason why it sucks.

For example, I couldn't get out of my mind last night how disingenuous Tyrion's scene with Varys felt last night as they walked down the street and met the woman with a baby. This despite the fact that I've probably watched multiple scenes between the two that were completely for show purposes and loved every minute of it.

I imagine there is some similarity in the way others who read the books feel and react to the show when it doesn't meet their image or differs from the books.

Third best HBO premiere last night. I assume. I don't watch Silicon Valley.

Really enjoyed this though.
Why would the Dornish people rally for the mistress and bastard children who put the ruling family to extinction?

Normally the other houses would kill off the uprising in short order and make an Yronwood or Dayne the new Lord if there's no cadet Martell, but I guess everybody just goes along with it.
Clearly the Dornish people are against the handicapped having power.

Over/Under on Jon Snow coming back as a zombie thanks to Lady Gollum?

Also, Dragons are kind of shitty pets. Never around when you need them.
Why would the Dornish people rally for the mistress and bastard children who put the ruling family to extinction?

Normally the other houses would kill off the uprising in short order and make an Yronwood or Dayne the new Lord if there's no cadet Martell, but I guess everybody just goes along with it.

I would recommend tracking down the short animated "History of..." videos they put on the blu-rays, or waiting for Barbosa to explain it better but Dorne was founded by a female and have followed the powerful leaders, whether or not they are male.

As she pointed out, Doran had lost the faith of the people and the Dornish love a good bit of revenge.

Wishful thinking on my part but the Boltons discussing Stannis being dead but not knowing Brienne was involved gives me a tiny glimmer of hope that the mannis may pop up again.

Before Brienne and Pod popped up, I was half-anticipating the wolf-pack led by Nymeria to pop their show cherry to protect Sansa against the hounds.
I would recommend tracking down the short animated "History of..." videos they put on the blu-rays, or waiting for Barbosa to explain it better but Dorne was founded by a female and have followed the powerful leaders, whether or not they are male.

Yeah, not much more needed. Dorne has a history of female leaders. The Rhoynar who appear in Daenerys' long royal title were a people from Essos who crossed to Dorne under the command of their warrior queen Nymeria, allied with the Martells and united Dorne.

As to the Dornish coup in the show, it could easily be exactly what Ellaria said - the people of Dorne are sick of Doran's apparent passivity (although he was far from it) and will follow a strong aggressive military leader, male or female.

Now, of course, it is early days with the Sand Snake coup. Who is to say that the death of Doran will be made public? He has barely been seen in public in years due to his gout so Ellaria and the Sand Snakes could just continue to rule in his name, keeping the coup within the palace walls.

To my mind, that would be the most logical way forward. Going the open route would be dangerous as the extinction of the Martell line could cause chaos.
What was Dorne's stance on illegitimate children again? Could the Sand Snakes make any sort of legitimate claim in that territory on the basis of being Oberyn's offspring?
Really don't know why so many people are still complaining about the Sand Snakes in the show. When they were doing nothing, people rightfully complained. Now they're finally doing shit, and people still aren't happy about their actions.
What was Dorne's stance on illegitimate children again? Could the Sand Snakes make any sort of legitimate claim in that territory on the basis of being Oberyn's offspring?

The fact that they all have the surname Sand would suggest not legally.

For me, House Martell is extinct and the only person capable of changing that through the legitimising of a Sand Snake as a Martell might be Tommen as King of Westeros.

But then that might be a different scenario than Roose and Ramsay, although I don't think Oberyn was behind the door about acknowledging the Sand Snakes as his offspring so maybe they could be legitimised.
What was Dorne's stance on illegitimate children again? Could the Sand Snakes make any sort of legitimate claim in that territory on the basis of being Oberyn's offspring?

I don't think they're as concerned with "pure" succession as much as they are with being popular and close enough to the right line of blood. The videos below touch on bastards and succession in Dorne. (Worthwhile watching all of these videos by the way, very cool way of seeing how different characters and areas view different traditions and events, like Robert's rebellion.


Really don't know why so many people are still complaining about the Sand Snakes in the show. When they were doing nothing, people rightfully complained. Now they're finally doing shit, and people still aren't happy about their actions.

The bad pussy is certainly intriguing.

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