Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Best moment was...

mother saying "wake up Jon, you cunt!"

Just out of nowhere during the ending. T'was amazing.
Things learned from this episode: Never shoot a giant with an arrow & Tyrion Lannister has big brass balls.

Big round of applause to Lady Gollum. This winter will be much more interesting with a little Snow.
I know BastardBowl is upon us, but I'd pay real money to see a Deadliest Warriors between Ramsay Bolton and Euron Greyjoy.
I believe we indeeed did.

Also MTFO at Sword Of the Morning, and armour with Targaryen sigils in general, especially after having just finished that GOT universe history book
What's wrong with the two biggest villains in GoT facing off?
I'll need to start cheering for the dead to storm past the wall and wipe both of them out.

Барбоса;5491255 said:
Nice to see the Sword of the Morning being a badass.

Also, did we just see the "birth" of Jon Stark?
Nah. Surely it'll take at least another half season to get up those steps and make things crystal clear for Bran.
Nah. Surely it'll take at least another half season to get up those steps and make things crystal clear for Bran.

His actual birth taking place in the Tower of Joy (R+L=J and all) but also his metaphorical rebirth at the end with the suggestion being that him having died nullified his oath as a member of the Night's Watch.
Your actual meaning occurred to me a couple minutes after I replied.

And yeah.

So how did Rickon get home from Skagos? I assume that's one of the many hanging threads from the books which were trimmed because they have little overall significance to the big picture. In which case, I have no idea what purpose Davos serves anymore except to give show-watchers a familiar face at the wall (still love the guy though). And for those paying more attention, what are the chances that Rickon's capture could play into a larger northern plot against Ramsay?

While I'm here, what's the plot from the book everyone is most displeased got cut?

Just in case it comes up later (but probably not):

I'm disappointed that we never got Mance undercover in Winterfell.
So how did Rickon get home from Skagos? I assume that's one of the many hanging threads from the books which were trimmed because they have little overall significance to the big picture.

Much like the identification of Rickon by Ramsay, the presence of a dire wolf may have made Rickon and Osha recognisable to whatever boatmen they employed (tried to employ) to take them to Skagos.

In the books,
the Manderlys, leaders of the northern revolt against the Boltons, are about to send Davos to Skagos to get Rickon to serve as their Lord Stark

And for those paying more attention, what are the chances that Rickon's capture could play into a larger northern plot against Ramsay?

That would be the idea... If he wasn't now in the hands of Ramsay. Rickon is more likely now to be used the opposite way - as a figurehead to unite the north under the Boltons against a potential attack from the south. And of course as a tortured, eunuch, punching bag.

While I'm here, what's the plot from the book everyone is most displeased got cut?

Honestly, I can't think of many that have been completely removed that I miss.

I might have liked to see the exploring of other Stark children as wargs beyond Bran, like Jon and Ghost and Arya using the cat as her eyes while blind.

Beyond that, it is just maybe some more depth on certain stories that I miss.

On aside, did we hear the Umber at Winterfell talking about how his father is dead?

If so, RIP Greatjon
While I'm here, what's the plot from the book everyone is most displeased got cut?

Lady Stoneheart leading The Brotherhood without Banners as they take vengence against The Freys and other enemies. I also liked The Blackfish, whom the TV show has forgotten.
Not a major story but I really like the Wolfpack arc with Nymeria leading an ever growing group. I get the feeling it is just a symbolic story to mirror Sansa drawing the Northern houses to her and would have cost quite a bit in terms of CG.
Randyll Tarly is on the way...

And I have a sneaking suspicion that Tyrion is going to instigate a Siege of Meereen so the Unsullied can fight Astapor and Yunkai on their terms. Which the Dothraki will get involved in having chosen Meereen as the target for their raid in the aftermath of Daenerys being rescued by Jorah and Daario. Add in Tyrion releasing Viserion and Rhaegal and we could be in for some fun.
Барбоса;5491299 said:
Honestly, I can't think of many that have been completely removed that I miss.

I might have liked to see the exploring of other Stark children as wargs beyond Bran, like Jon and Ghost and Arya using the cat as her eyes while blind.

Really wanted to have Jon say something like Ghost or you (to Davos) when Davos asked what he saw when he was dead to give a tasty little hint of his warging skills. Starting to doubt if they're going to open up that possibility now.

Барбоса;5491891 said:
And I have a sneaking suspicion that Tyrion is going to instigate a Siege of Meereen so the Unsullied can fight Astapor and Yunkai on their terms. Which the Dothraki will get involved in having chosen Meereen as the target for their raid in the aftermath of Daenerys being rescued by Jorah and Daario. Add in Tyrion releasing Viserion and Rhaegal and we could be in for some fun.


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