Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

I mean... Sandor Clegane is though to be "dead" too. Yet there's an entire theory that he's not actually dead. Rather that The Hound — the metaphorical representation of all his hatred and anger and sadness — is metaphorically dead. That Sandor himself, the man, is alive and now living at peace on the Quiet Isle.

Again, "dead" in this realm just doesn't carry the kind of weight we seemingly expect it to. Not when entire armies can be raised from it. Not when blood magic can bring a bifurcated man back and a woman with her head nearly cut off back from it.

Frankly, I couldn't give less of a shit what the show-runners or actors are saying in interviews the both of them are granting to an enterprise who is owned by the same company as HBO is (Time Warner). Especially when interviews like this are so easily taken out of context (or can be argued were taken out of context) because they lack certain, shall we say, finality.

Knowing what "dead" in this realm means, or often doesn't mean, an interview in EW about the supposed fate of a character that's carried by the quote "I've been told I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm not coming back next season" is one I'll take with a large grain of salt.

When dead is dead in this world, it's accompanied by a better, more finite quote like. "He's dead. He's never coming back. Ever. No magic, no tricks, no bullshit. The character is dead." Usually in a more print-friendly rendition.
Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jewelled crown of Westeros upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!


It might as well go this route. I mean everyone of note seems to be dead or in shit
Harrington is lying because, realistically, what else could he say? "Nah I'm actually reborn as a mythical warrior that the show hasn't mentioned yet". The guy was screwed (and clearly annoyed) because details of him being signed on for Season 6 & 7 were leaked and EW put him on the spot about it.
They did talk about Melisandre's leeches killing three kings in this past season and if there is one thing that the show likes, it is foreshadowing so I would not be surprised to see some Greyjoys.
Everyones been aged up and rhe Greyjoys were older than most in the books anyway. If I wasnt confident in it being crap somehow I'd be pleased.
Him as a Greyjoy or Randyl Tarly would be good.

McShane as a man that Stannis Baratheon respected would be good casting, but then McShane does look like a pirate.

Considering there has been mention of him playing a mysterious role, how about something like the voice of Bloodraven or even the Night's King? Or maybe a character from the past seen through the eyes of Bran - Brandon/Rickard Stark or one of the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy?
One of the elder Starks would be awesome.

As the Ramsay wedding has passed, has the boat potentially sailed on Wyman Manderly being introduced? I could buy McShane killing and cooking 3 Freys, all the while smiling and double-talking with Roose.

Last night I stumbled across a YouTube channel that discusses some common (who is Azor Ahai, R+L=J) and uncommon (Euron and Daario being the same person, High Sparrow is actually Howland Reed) theories. The one about what will happen with Arya is quite touching and one I'd actually want to see play out.
IMDB are saying he is the new 3 eyed raven -

The Three-Eyed Raven is getting a makeover in season six of “Game of Thrones” — Variety has confirmed that Max von Sydow will take over the role, which was originated by Struan Rodger in the season four finale of the HBO drama.

The enigmatic character is responsible for teaching Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) about his supernatural gifts, including his ability to transfer himself into the body of other creatures through the process of “warging.” Although Bran and his allies were absent throughout season five, they are confirmed to be making a return in the new season, which has commenced filming in Europe.

While von Sydow is not expected to have much screen time in season six, he will reportedly play a major role in the events of the new season. The same has been said of fellow new cast member Ian McShane, who is playing an undisclosed role.

2 good castings though and still a few more to come!
So apparently Rory McCann (Sandor Clegane) was spotted in Belfast, Ireland, where GOT Season 6 is largely being shot. This has lead to rampant speculation that the aforementioned "Cleganebowl" will in fact occur, as fans have been clamoring for.

If you aren't familiar with Cleganebowl, the short story goes like this — it's almost guaranteed that the Mountain died of the poisoned spear of Oberyn Martell during Tyrion's trial by combat. Despite winning the fight, he died anyway, and his body was given to Qyburn who has effectively Frankensteined him, dubbing him Ser Robert Strong. Strong will serve as Cersei's warrior in her trial by combat against the Faith (Militant), who will apparently name the presumed dead Sandor Clegane their warrior, thus beginning what fans have dubbed CLEGANEBOWL.

AltShiftX, a popular YouTube channel for theories on ASOIAF has a whole take on it here:

When I first read all this, I simply could not process the level of hyped I was.

I shall allow this day to fade to memory. Better that than to be let down.
Watch the AltShiftX vid, NorCal. You won't be able to let it fade.

In fact, take an hour and just go watch a few other of his vids. You'll be salivating for answers.

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