Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Барбоса;5217333 said:
And as for their motivation, what else would it be for an aggressive army? Conquest. We even know who the White Walker's leader is in the show (not yet revealed in the books) and the back up literature perhaps adds a more personal drive for conquest; athough I will admit that the conflict relies a lot on symbolism.


I went looking about, and have found literature on their history, and it makes WAY more sense now. (Night King - Pale Queen, 13th Lord Commander and all that)

Good GOD the show has NOT done any sort of job spelling any of this out whatsoever. They don't even appear sentinent, or anything other than straight away ice zombies just existing for the point of existing.

I think your view is a bit jaded by the fact you already knew the backstory
I don't really blame them for not emphasizing the crown being bankrupt as one of the reasons of the militant becoming bigger. Removing it doesn't derail the story from reaching where it is now and they have only 10 episodes per season.

The reason the faith militant rose to power in the books was due to Cersei's hubris and is usually interpreted as a reflection of her poor decision making and hubris as a ruler. I think the show tried to avoid too much emphasis on portraying Cersei as a bad ruler because they already have a bad female ruler in Dany's plot.

Add Sansa's aunt also being portrayed as a lousy ruler and the portrayal of male rulers like Tywin or Ned Stark as capable and/or respected rulers on the show, I can see why they would de-emphasize Cercei as a poor ruler and let her hubris be more on jealousy towards Margery.
The rise of the Faith Militant just happened too fast. More obvious groundwork should have been laid in previous seasons with regard to the flow of provincial septons/septas into Kings Landing while more emphasis should have been placed on the enfeeblement of the Lannisters in terms of finance and authority since the death of Tywin.

I went looking about, and have found literature on their history, and it makes WAY more sense now. (Night King - Pale Queen, 13th Lord Commander and all that)

Good GOD the show has NOT done any sort of job spelling any of this out whatsoever. They don't even appear sentinent, or anything other than straight away ice zombies just existing for the point of existing.

I think your view is a bit jaded by the fact you already knew the backstory

The books tell the story of the Night's King but there has been no real inkling within their pages that he is leading the Others now. Only fan theories had ever made that leap, as with what Craster was doing with his sons. The show has spelled out things that the books have not, which is a consequence of former being told from POV. The only White Walkers we have read about in the books are through the eyes of Sam. The show has more license to explore.

The Others/White Walkers are most definitely sentient; their hordes of wights are just zombie drones.
Disclaimer: As someone who hasn't read the books...

I have no problem with the story of the Faith Militant. It is clear that they are significant in number. It is clear that Tommen is an ineffective leader. It is clear that Cersei gave them immense power in order to marginalize Margaery. It is clear that Cersei has basically only two allies in the wacko Qyburn and the scared/clueless Tommen. And it has been very clear that Littlefinger let the crown be bled of it's wealth. If anything I am more surprised the people have not revolted against the Faith Militant in support of Margaery.

I've really enjoyed this storyline. I miss the hedonism of the brothels and I prefer Natalie Dormer a little more clean and polished and naked but the story doesn't feel like it has holes.
The people are probably religious and feel that Margaery lied to the faith and deserve some sort of punishment. It's not like they are going to stone her to death or anything.
This episode should have been called "All The Shit it Will Take to Conquer Westeros". Excellent episode full of unexpected twists, even for the readers among us.

Fuck Stannis and fuck Miko.
I think about burning my daughter alive all the time but I don't do it. And that child was a dream compared to all the other little pieces of crap running around my town. Yeah, the cover up and Noxema are going to cost Stannis a fortune when she starts dating but that is no reason to burn her alive.

But seriously, that scene was too much. I don't mind that they kill her but they didn't have to take the scene that far. Same with Sansa's rape and the baby murder of Robert's bastard. Some times I think the producers are just trying to see how far they can push us knowing we are not going to stop watching.

Otherwise a terrific episode. Daenerys is single again and has transportation. That will save us a lot on gas when I take her to Sonic. It is amazing that grown adults who know that something is coming can still get that feeling of amazement by seeing a fictional depiction of riding a dragon. Great scene.
Fuck Stannis and fuck Miko.
I think about burning my daughter alive all the time but I don't do it. And that child was a dream compared to all the other little pieces of crap running around my town. Yeah, the cover up and Noxema are going to cost Stannis a fortune when she starts dating but that is no reason to burn her alive.

But seriously, that scene was too much. I don't mind that they kill her but they didn't have to take the scene that far. Same with Sansa's rape and the baby murder of Robert's bastard. Some times I think the producers are just trying to see how far they can push us knowing we are not going to stop watching.

That scene was pure fan fiction. It'll probably happen in the books but 1. Stannis is in no position to order it, and 2. He wants her to be Queen after he dies, she can't do that if she's burnt.

The creators on Tyrion meeting Danearys; "it made sense to us creatively because we wanted it to happen." Dunno how they're gonna explain that one, except to say "we just went full ******"
Kinda horrifying when you realize The Lord of Light is pretty much the more "real" God in the series.
That scene was pure fan fiction. It'll probably happen in the books but 1. Stannis is in no position to order it, and 2. He wants her to be Queen after he dies, she can't do that if she's burnt.

The creators on Tyrion meeting Danearys; "it made sense to us creatively because we wanted it to happen." Dunno how they're gonna explain that one, except to say "we just went full ******"

The word going around is it was GRR Martin's idea to do it.
Барбоса;5220129 said:
The Lord of Light looks increasingly villainous.

The only 'good' that can emerge is through a balance between Ice and Fire, ie. Jon Snow.

Well if you think about it, the lord of light brought back people from the dead who isn't quite the same as before. Is it resurrection or necromancy?

Both the others and the lord of light's powers has 'cheated' death.
Man, you guys don't even want to know the theories running through my head after these last two episodes. My brain is like a god damn piece of tinfoil
Man, that battle last week between the wildlings and the whitewalkers was one of the most epic fucking things I've ever seen in my life. Like, that was on LOTR Two Towers epic battle level man. Fucking nuts and so awesome after so much waiting. Mr. Snow seems to have a special purpose. About to watch last night's episode now.
Uh yea, The LOL scene was fucking horseshit, and shameful for all involved in the creating of the show. Absolutely unnecessary for it to be portrayed the way it was.

Shame it was a pockmark on the absolute epicness that later ensued.

ill just put it this way, when a fucking kiddy diddler isn't the most heinous thing you portray on your show, maybe you should re-asses your plan.

Boy, the whole Drone/Sand Snakes thing has been a flop hasn't it? So much hype for such a wet fart of an outcome.

Except for line of the night

"Ah, well that's great!.............................................pie looks good?"

and the fact that the Prince of Dorne appears to be the most competent ruler the show has seen, all things considered.
Honestly we saw GoT at its absolutely best and worst Sunday.

The first 30 minutes of this episode were straight up torture porn. Forcing a preteen girl into prostitution and then a few minutes later having yet another preteen girl (and a beloved character) get killed via getting set on fire.... nobody wants to sit through shit like that. I'm not one to bitch about violence or gore or gratuitous nudity, but I thought tonight they went a bit far.

Then of course it hit Meereen and this is what we've been waiting for the last 5 years. And they nailed it, just like last week's ending. Just brilliantly done.
When watching Game of Thrones I've become completely desensitised to everything that goes on. The Lord of Light scene was harrowing but you kinda know what your getting when you sign up for this show; it's always pushing the envelope on what's tasteless and what's not. I didn't enjoy watching it for any reason other than to see Stannis' progression in terms of his psyche. Still, I don't think it was "too much".
Strange. The same people that waved off Sansa's rape as something already commonplace in the GoT world are now saying a child being set on fire went too far when we've already been subjected to multiple deaths of babies and fetus stabbings since Season 1. This show is completely sadistic. It holds no punches.

And Shireen's burning was Martin's idea, so I'd definitely expect it in some form in Winds of Winter:

Some things I've been thinking about..

  • The Sand Snakes shining moment this episode was playing slap hands.
  • Arya is so stabbing the shit out of the pedophile and we all will cheer.
  • Completely surprised we didn't even get one Quaith moment, so Dany riding off in hindsight barely makes any sense at all.
  • Between Cersei's trial, Jon Snow's Wildling Plan, and whatever Doran Martell will do, this finale should be full of moments and will probably last longer than an hour.
  • Stannis has no heir. Why even fight for the throne if your house has no future?
  • Sansa Stark has King's blood.

Hearing rumors about next season focusing a bit more on The Ironborn and whatever it is Bran will be doing, so there is that. I loved reading about The Ironborn in the books, and there's still a bit of material they can work with.
The word going around is it was GRR Martin's idea to do it.

Oh yeah, many people put 2&2 together with regards to Shireens fate years ago, and its always been a concern of mine mainly because of Melisandre and Selyse. I am might've went a bit far with the "fan-fiction" comment, but I felt to the need to justify to GSB that the current Stannis of the show is now a completely, completely different entity from the book character whom I have a love/hate relationship with. Its always possible that Stannis will have an "Agamemnon" moment in future books (which obviously would push him over the line, for me), but at the moment its hard to justify logistically and will require a large deviation(evolution?) from his current character, who there is still excuses to somewhat like and even root for. What with recent happenings everywhere, the most likely scenario is Melisandre going rogue.

As of right now, I won't believe it until I actually read it. I've always considered him a bit of a cunt who treads the line between good and evil, but I guess until we get the next book we'll have to wait and see if it actually happens or if the show-runners are continuing to twist the book material to make him look worse than he already is, which at times was bad enough anyway, it has to be said.

Edit - This isn't a "show deviating from the books rant!" since I am no purist and I don't know whats going to happen. Also, this guy once ate rats and boot leather during a siege... but burns daughter because weather, which is more of a criticism aimed at the show than anything
I felt like it should be the mother going behind Stannis' back to burn Shireen since book Stannis is not with them. Makes no sense for Stannis to burn his only heir after he is so obsessed with the iron throne and who is the rightful heir. Selyne is the religious fanatic, is more indifferent towards Shireen than Stannis and obeys Melisandre's every word. The character was ready made for it to be the one to take the decision making away from Stannis to keep Stannis as a somewhat sympathetic character. Instead they choose to make Stannis a kinslayer because apparently the showrunners hate Stannis.

Book Stannis will probably have to decide whether to burn Theon or not. He has king's blood after all. So they probably adapted that decision into this plot and keep Theon with Sansa or Ramsey on the show.

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