Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

I keep reading about changes from the book that seem to have been major in the finale. Anyone care to elaborate.

Anyway I liked it. Seemed less bloody for some reason. Even with all the deaths happening. I'm starting to dig Stannis (in part due to Miko) and I do wonder what on earth Daenerys is doing. She seems to be meandering story wise. I do feel The Mountain being poisoned showed that Prince Oberyn knew what he was doing and had a back up plan.

And even in death Charles Dance is a badass.

I am stoked for next season wondering what on earth happens. Might even read the books to see haha
I keep reading about changes from the book that seem to have been major in the finale. Anyone care to elaborate.

Anyway I liked it. Seemed less bloody for some reason. Even with all the deaths happening. I'm starting to dig Stannis (in part due to Miko) and I do wonder what on earth Daenerys is doing. She seems to be meandering story wise. I do feel The Mountain being poisoned showed that Prince Oberyn knew what he was doing and had a back up plan.

And even in death Charles Dance is a badass.

I am stoked for next season wondering what on earth happens. Might even read the books to see haha
Well Arya and Brienne never met in the books so Brienne in the books is unsure of the status of Arya. Nothing major from that change since everything resolved the same as in the books.

The major change is in Tyrion and Jamie. Spoiler for books.
During their escape, Jaime reveals that their father made him lie about Tysha being a prostitute, and that she was just a peasant girl who had genuinely loved Tyrion.
Tyrion sees this admission as an unforgivable betrayal and abandons Jaime, promising retribution on Jaime, Tywin and Cersei. He also torments Jaime by telling his brother of Cersei's repeated infidelities, and falsely claims responsibility for Joffrey's death.

But most are probably complaining about the lack of appearance of the lady stoneheart character from the epilogue of book three. Wouldn't google her unless you want major spoilers.
I'm starting to dig Stannis (in part due to Miko)


Sorta bummed the end was Arya and not Lady Stoneheart, but I read somewhere that would be the deal all along. The viewers would have collectively shat a brick if Stoneheart made an appearance, though.

Amped for Season 4. I imagine Dorne to look like Ancient Greece or some shit and The Kraken's Daughter should get more screen time.
I have always viewed Dorne as being more like the sandy deserts of Arabia myself.

Bran's story has progressed much quicker than I expected, so either something will have to added (Sean Bean cameo perhaps?) or that story will progress into territory not seen in the books yet. Removing Jojen didn't bother me either. Pity about no Coldhands, although I suppose the moments he could have appeared at Craster's and outside the cave of the Three Eyed Raven were given over to Bran-Hodor.
Bran storyline was just them walking around in the snow while Jojen telling him about stories and Meera hunting for food. Not exactly good for television. I think next season they might do flashback scenes from earlier books that they cut for the show using Bran's visions to pad up his part on the show.
Probably removed Coldhands to hide his real identity since they can't hide that like in the books. Sort of similar to how they choose to switch Selmy's appearance in front of Dany from the books.

Always imagined Dorne as a desert area too. Kind of like Egypt.
I think the best bits of Dorne died with Oberyn, now you'll get useless gouty Doran and "the oranges are overripe" and "I've been plotting for so long that everyone else is killing those I want dead". And the fit neatly into video game caricature with their offseting characteristics and weapons of choice "Sand Snakes". And Areo "dull robot/ultimate fly on the wall" Hotah. Boring, boring, BORING! Although the show is following the books very loosely so it might be redeemed, and if not then Arriannes tits.*

Hopefully we get plenty of the North since Stannis/Bolton/Ironborn storylines should really kick off now.

*This is solely the opinion of one man who is too invested in the character in his sig.
Hopefully we get plenty of the North since Stannis/Bolton/Ironborn storylines should really kick off now.

I thought Jon Snow's "my father died for Stannis' claim" was a nice introduction to that next part of the story in the north.

Also there was Roose's last comment of the season, which few people picked up on, when he says to Ramsay that they should head to their new capital...
I know they're planning to spend more time in Dorne next season, which I think is largely a good thing in regards to introducing quite a few new characters and as a way to not let the plot advance too much in relation to where the books are.

Along with Dorne, Braavos, a prolonged focus on the North (Wall + Wintefell/Caitlin/Dreadfort) as well as introducing the big hitters in the Iron Islands would give me immense pleasure. I just don't think that 10 episodes would be quite enough to flesh these stories out enough to do them justice and that like Tyrion and Tywin's scene at the end of the last season it would feel rush and slightly lightweight.
Барбоса;4917763 said:
I thought Jon Snow's "my father died for Stannis' claim" was a nice introduction to that next part of the story in the north.

Also there was Roose's last comment of the season, which few people picked up on, when he says to Ramsay that they should head to their new capital...

Can't you see the burnt out remains of Winterfell in that scene as well, or am I just seeing things? Either way, that's easily the most anticipated showdown in Winds, and hopefully will be fully covered next season, although that'll mean cutting down Stannis/Jon bickering at the Wall. The fact that that and Mereen was cut at the end of Dance was fookin' criminal.
EDIT: Better put this in tags...

I would imagine that Stannis will be on the Wall for a large part of the next season, with the election and re-establishing of the defences. He might head south through the hill tribes (Big Bucket could be a good introduction) and we might even see the capture of Deepwood Motte and Asha/Yara.

I cannot see Stannis vs Boltons until season 6 though. There is plenty of plotting and negotiating with northern families to be done before then, establishing who is in the Bolton camp, who is willing to help Stannis, maybe the introduction of White Harbour, the infiltration of Winterfell by the Bard, plus the addition of increasingly bad weather - the Starks are always right in the end after all. The best we might get is for Stannis' last scene in season 5 to be him declaring in front of his northern allies - Mormonts, Umbers, Glovers, etc. - that his next target is Winterfell.

As for Mereen, the show has to be very careful with the playing out of Dani's story. It is intensely uneventful for long stretches in the book, with the insurgency of the Harpies the only thing of real note. I could see season 5 end with Dani's wedding to Hizdahr. That leaves the siege to begin and the numerous players to arrive in its midst for season 6 and 7.

What will happen with Bran has actually got me intrigued as he has arrived with the Three Eyed Crow far earlier than you might have thought. The prayed for cameo of Sean Bean might be on the cards yet, plus several more glimpses of the past, present and even future through Bran's eyes.
I am leaning the other way here, there is a lot of crap in that that can be cut and they're only planning on seven seasons, not to mention that apart from one major shocking moment not a lot actually happens, which is fine for two books which are essentially world builders and setter uppers (not fine, crushing let down actually) but not exactly the kind of TV they've been putting out since season 2, and the GOT makers seem to want to make every season more action packed than the last. Winds of Winter looks to be stacked and Dream of Spring is looking like it'll never be printed, but I imagine there is more than 2 seasons worth of material in those two.
Барбоса;4920399 said:
Where did you hear seven?

The only suggestion I have heard was eight.

I'll post you the link as soon as I find it, its a Bennioff and Wiess interview, they say that interest cannot reasonably be expected to carry for more than seven seasons, what I think they really mean is that increasing star salaries with the likes of Kt Harrington and Coster Waldau getting into Hollywood and budgets for increasing supernatural and money for locations is only going to go up and that GOT could die a horrible, expensive death if interest does actually start to wane, especially with the instant axe mentality of networks these days. Quite sensible really.
I've been hearing about 8 seasons too.

Anyway I doubt there will be any iron island storyline until Winds of Winter is published. The characters that have not been introduced yet have almost no interaction with the established characters in the show. Their only major contribution to the plot can be easily brought into the show without casting any actors.

I'm sure they are going to go way off books for the next 2 seasons. Hopefully we get a decent ending for the show that won't spoil the books' ending, because GRR Martin sure as hell won't finish Spring in time.
I still say this is the best bit of non-verbal acting in the whole damn season & exactly how I felt after watching The Mountain & The Viper.


Tyrion says so much without saying a damn word & I cannot imagine anyone else playing this part. Dinklage man, Peter fucking Dinklage. Ahhh, so good.
I just caught up with the books, thought I'd see how big the differences were with the show.

Pretty fucking big, turns out.
Doesn't have to be Stannis vs Bolton quite yet.

Could be Stannis going through the north gathering allies before fighting hill tribes and the Greyjoys at Deepwood Motte, much of it would be covered in snow.

It could also be an additional battle against the Wildlings. If they were indeed 100,000 strong, they could do with a further defeat to lead to their crossing of the wall. Get us another battle against giants, mammoths, Thenns etc.
Барбоса;4933447 said:
Doesn't have to be Stannis vs Bolton quite yet.

Could be Stannis going through the north gathering allies before fighting hill tribes and the Greyjoys at Deepwood Motte, much of it would be covered in snow.

It could also be an additional battle against the Wildlings. If they were indeed 100,000 strong, they could do with a further defeat to lead to their crossing of the wall. Get us another battle against giants, mammoths, Thenns etc.

Could be, I feel we are owed a proper Knights vs Giants and Mammoths showdown, since all Stannis did was, as predicted, kill a bunch of people sitting around a campfire. And I really did miss that three column heavy cavalry attack with a light cavalry feint, although the pincer movement was cool as well I suppose.

On the other hand, I am literally dying to know if he manages to beat the Boltons, most people seem to think its a foregone (despite the letter Jon received) but I am not so sure, and if GRRM can't hurry up with the book I really don't mind it being spoiled by the show. And like I say, all evidence points to them not being interested in mincing around.

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