Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Барбоса;4877547 said:
Dear me.

Daario was recast because the original actor did not want to return as far as I know.

I've read that original Daario is due to take over the Transporter role from the Stathe.

I must say I do prefer the new guy already although neither have been close to how I had Daario from the books pictured in my mind - essentially a skinnier, smaller and smaller version of Drogo.

I think the only thing that has particularly annoyed me in the show is the idea of Ghost being caught at Craster's Keep. He might have been in the books but I can't recall it happening, although Jon always points out that Ghost just loved to wander off and do his own thing for a while so its not totally crazy that Ghost may have ran into trouble on one of his adventures.

I don't remember Ghost being captured either, but that feel good moment with Jon seeing him was worth it I think. Little Finger is finally at The Vale and Danaerys is going to rule, so now I hope to see more Stannis and more of Tyrion's trial for next episode.
I think the only thing that has particularly annoyed me in the show is the idea of Ghost being caught at Craster's Keep. He might have been in the books but I can't recall it happening, although Jon always points out that Ghost just loved to wander off and do his own thing for a while so its not totally crazy that Ghost may have ran into trouble on one of his adventures.

Considering the whole episode at Craster's Keep with Karl, Rast, the mutineers and Craster's daughter-wives is not in the books at all, Ghost was certainly not captured.

However, I liked it as addition as the direwolf disappears for a long stretch during the books. I think Jon sends him away, perhaps in an attempt to warn the Watch of the wildling attempts to climb the wall but he fails to do so before just appearing again.

Little Finger is finally at The Vale and Danaerys is going to rule

That both of these things have happened already just shows how much work has had to be done on Martin's rather inconsistent timeline. Either already quite boring stories are going to be drawn out for too long, largely forgotten or embellished with new stuff.

I fully expect something akin to the addition of the episode of the mutineers taking over Craster's Keep to be injected into the Dani storyline - maybe a battle with the Yunkai? - in order to full out her time there as there really is very little for her to do from the material in the books. Similarly with Little Finger and Sansa.
I don't remember Ghost being captured either, but that feel good moment with Jon seeing him was worth it I think. Little Finger is finally at The Vale and Danaerys is going to rule, so now I hope to see more Stannis and more of Tyrion's trial for next episode.

I wondered how they were going to play the invasion/escape at Craster's Keep but I found it was really well balanced and liked the continuation of what could be a recurring theme in this and later seasons; Bran seeing (either in person or through his 'power') members of his family but being unable to connect with them. That's twice he's seen Jon but been unable to call out for him and what with them both being in the North, I wouldn't mind it happening again.

Hound talking smack about Syrio Forel made me a tad grumpy but he made a good point.

The teaser for next week's episode has me incredibly excited as the Iron Bank are finally appearing onscreen, the dragons are back, the trial begins and the Greyjoys re-enter the mix.

Барбоса;4883855 said:
Considering the whole episode at Craster's Keep with Karl, Rast, the mutineers and Craster's daughter-wives is not in the books at all, Ghost was certainly not captured.

However, I liked it as addition as the direwolf disappears for a long stretch during the books. I think Jon sends him away, perhaps in an attempt to warn the Watch of the wildling attempts to climb the wall but he fails to do so before just appearing again.

Aye, I was trying to remember if any wildlings had ever caught Ghost and the tv writers just used that scenario for the Keep but it was a better move than just having Ghost away for most of the time without a great explanation. It may have been a bit too Disney but I was hoping for a moment with Summer and Ghost sharing a look before heading off in separate ways as an echo of Bran and Jon staying separated.
The best part about Bran in the show is that we actually get to see him use his powers more often and to better effect than exploring. He is savagely boring in the books.

Beast Hodor was great, although it kind of made the whole Bolton-backed Locke episode to finish off the Starks rather anticlimactic.
Yeah the tease of Hodor looking at his bloodied hands but the camera not focusing on his face was a really nice touch and I get the feeling that they are going to play up Hodors confusion and suspicion of Bran a lot more now.

Probably a combination of both. Seriously though, what the fuck was that?

Tyrion/Tywin really made that episode bearable I think. Tywin has been a favorite of mine for a while now, and this episode is the reason why. Even with the trial he still tried to have his family prosper with the deal he made with Jaime. It's out of the fucking window now, but it was a good touch of politics.

About the trial by combat:

Oberyn's steady "Elia Martell, Princess of Dorne, you raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children." line from the books should be excellent in the show. I see it eclipsing the popularity of Sandor's chicken speech and Tyrion's trial speech.
Whoa lookout, theres a fucking random Ironborn scene chucked in there, and its shit... rest of the episode was good though.
Not really sure if I am a big fan of all this added shit though, some of its alright, I quite liked Locke, and Karl Tanner was an amusing distraction, but some of its season 2 Daenerys bad, although she sucks whatever season it is.

And seriously, Ramsay without a shirt, put a fucking breastplate on you mug, this was advertised as realistic medieval fantasy (with dragons and magic, but fuck off) why you going all Spartacus on us!?!
Episode 7: The Pillar & The Stones

Did nobody share their thoughts on Mockingbird? Oh well. Time to talk about The Mountain vs. The Viper then:


That shit was awesome. It was bloody. It was bloody awesome.

I don't know what the fuck is going on with the Daenerys parts though. I know Jorah was going to get the door slammed on him, but the situation between Grey Worm & Missandei is just awkward as shit. They should have just left it at Jorah's exile I think.

Was wondering how they were going to go about Littlefinger's interrogation at The Vale without a person to put the blame on. Glad they went at it this way though. Makes more sense than introducing a new character for one episode I suppose.

Even though Ramsay is an evil little shit, I kinda felt for him when Roose gave him legal papers that stated his surname was now Bolton. Kinda opens a whole new can of worms though with why Ned didn't change Jon's name. Don't remember if that was in the books, but I would assume Caitlyn would have been against it, so it sort of makes sense that Ramsay can have his name changed but not Jon.

Sand Snakes Are Coming.
Even though Ramsay is an evil little shit, I kinda felt for him when Roose gave him legal papers that stated his surname was now Bolton. Kinda opens a whole new can of worms though with why Ned didn't change Jon's name. Don't remember if that was in the books, but I would assume Caitlyn would have been against it, so it sort of makes sense that Ramsay can have his name changed but not Jon.

The legitisimisation of a bastard requires royal ascent - which Ned could likely have gotten from Robert of course - and usually only happens when there is no true born heir, so Ned had no need of doing so. I think Roose gained Joffery's ascent as part of the bargain that led to the Red Wedding.
The Grey Worm & Missande bit was awkward. Will it be of significane. I don't know For some reason I really enjoyed Tyrion talking about his challenged cousin and him crushing beetles.

Also as Spidey pointed out Ramsey having his father's actual surname makes it interesting as to why Jon couldn't have it changed. Was it because Caitlyn wouldn't allow it or was he protecting Jon from something else??

I loved Prince Oberyn and am sad that he's dead, although I shouldn't be surprised. Also I believe the Hound is going to end up dead/mutilated. Wounds that aren't tended to have a habit of doing something nasty in Game Of Thrones
I think they brought it up maybe last season too in a scene between Jorah and Selmy. It may have been more of a suspicion at that point than outright knowledge though.

Alfie Allen is bloody fantastic as Reek/Theon too.

Ah for whatever reason I remembered the conversation happening right in front of Deanerys so I may have unjustly hated the exile scene.

He has been really enjoyable, plays the part just well enough that you begin to sympathize with him but he played his part earlier part memorable enough that I realize that he deserves all the misery that he gets.

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