Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Yeah, I watched the whole thing burying a smile so as not to ruin it for my wife, who sat watching like this:

Pretty much the only thing that brought it slightly down was that Jaime was there to see it in this version and it made me feel slightly bad for him. Slightly. But not so much to be noticeable.
The only thing that would have made the little fuckityfuck's death better is if....

No wait. Nothing could have made it better, it was perfect as is.
I have to wait a couple more hours before I can watch it but I was so happy that I had forgotten Sigur Ros would be involved in the wedding episode, that I got a nice surprise by seeing so many links of them in the show and their version of Castamere.

Plus the whole death of the golden haired twunt is great.
Not a dignified death. But then again he wasn't a dignified character.

I'm stoked to find out who did it. Does his brother get the throne or does Marjory Tyrell stay as Queen??
RIP Joffrey, :( I'll miss you. Ramsay is a decent replacement and more evil but nowhere near as relatably so
I loved Dario Narahis' takedown of that guy and his horse and the subsequent insult to the city
When Belwas demands bogroll give the man some fucking bogroll. Must be all that liver and onions.

Sucks they gave the badass Meereen scene to the armored Daario. Could've at least let the guy get a lick in. Strong Belwas would have.
A lot of new of new information in this week's episode - basically everything on/beyond the Wall is new, with the last scene of the White Walkers being especially interesting as it gives an answer that the books have yet to.
Don't think they had a choice if they already cast the actors playing Bran's storyline for this season. They have nothing to do until ADOD at this point.
I have absolutely no problem with the addition of the storylines that will culminate at Craster's Keep.

There were numerous holes and inconsistencies in Martin's timeline and this is a way to smooth it out with perhaps a five way fight - The Night's Watch, the mutineers, Bran and co., an advance guard of Mance Rayder's army and maybe even a couple of White Walkers.

We could even see Bran saved by Coldhands.

I would almost expect a similar addition to Dani in the east. She has a long wait for things to happen there if the books are followed.
I just want undead dragons in the TV series even if they never appear in the book series.
Frost wurms would be so cool.

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