
Psh. How can a wrestling machine like Hart compare to someone that acts cool? Seriously, like wrestling ability means anything.
Both men are the only men to hold all of the six major titles in the business (WCW/WWE that is).

Bret won the Triple Crown in WWE and WCW the only man to do that.
Edge has won both the Triple Crowns in the WWE (Traditional like Hart) and the newer won (US, WWE Tag, and World Heavyweight title). Again, both are the only men to do this. Say what you will about Edge, he collects gold, he doesn't hodl onto it, but he can win it.

However, Bret Hart winning 3 major tournaments in 8 years speaks volumes.
he said in his book that the TV matches paled in comparison to a series of match they had working house shows in Alaska. ridiculous.
A series of house shows in Alaska. Does that sound like a joke to you? I know it's real but that sounds like the end of a joke you play on a rookie.
Just too many to name man.

The match with Roddy Piper at WM8? fuckin CLASSIC man. Gave Yokozuna his two best matches ever. MADE Steve Austin.

Just. fuck man.
But Norcal!

Edge had FAKE SEX in the ring. Seriously, Edge WAY > Hart. It's just not even close man. How can you compare classics to FAKE SEX???
I hope people use better logic this time around. Later in the week, I plan to take out some weapons. But weapons that Bret Hart has left for us to use.
It's a popularity contest for the most part. No one ever gave me an answer about what Edge would use to beat Taker, yet he won anyway, "because he was cooler."
I dont get it thought. Bret hart is just...better, in every damn way.

its becuase we have allowed people to so throughly lean on the kayfabe fantasy crutch this year, is how we got this shit going.

in years past, Edge wouldnt have gotten ONE vote. it all started when Liger lost to Lesnar :(
Yes he is. Taker is cooler though. Let's say for argument's sake they're equally cool. Could we possibly go to wrestling ability as a tiebreaker?

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