Will we ever see a EXTREME elimination chamber match again?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the infamous "Elimination Chamber" DVD coming out today. There has been only one "EXTREME Elimination Chamber" match in WWE history.

Dating back to the first & only ECW brand pay per view "December to Dismember" in '06. It was for the WWECW championship involving WWECW champion Big Show, Test, Rob Van Dam, Hardcore Holly, C.M. Punk, and the victor of the match Bobby Lashley. The gimmick that made it an "EXTREME" elimination chamber match was the weapons.

A steel chair, crow bar, table, and a barbwire baseball bat! Now barbie couldn't fly in today's WWEPG program PPV or not. But what if they axed the barbie bat and replace it with something else, like a steel chain like from a "biker match"? that would be cool!

But my question remains. Will we see another extreme elimination chamber match again in the future? Hmmm???
Given the WWE's PG rating I highly doubt it. When was the last time we even saw a normal hardcore match, let alone a hardcore match in a chamber.
I remember getting this on On Demand. The match wasn't good. A regular Elimination Chamber is good, but an extreme elimination chamber is bad. Plus, with WWEPG it would be a watered-down version of it that no one would like. SO overall, probably not. Highly unlikely
Whilst I remember watching this match and being probably on of the only people that like the idea and the match (I'm an ECW mark) I highly doubt that WWE creative, in their current PG format would even consider another extreme elimination chamber match. Hell, we only really get extreme rules matches at the extreme rules PPV these days and we only get elimination chamber matches at the elimination chamber PPV so unless WWE quits PG and decides to hold a extreme chamber match at one of these PPVs then I'm sorry but no.
I don't watch wwe anymore (did watch that shooting star into rko on youtube) I will say that to me...since i recall ordering this ppv there were only 2 or 3 highlights to that match....test raking rvd's eyes with crobar,cm punk tossing a chair to only to have it tossed back and hit with a vandamanator, and the rolling thunder from in ring to out the ring on to holly i think
Not a chance. And it has nothing to do with the PG rating. It's because ECW doesn't exist anymore. And even if it did, they're not doing brand exclusive PPVs anymore. And even if they were, Elimination Chamber matches are exclusive to one PPV a year - Elimination Chamber in February.

And that's the only reason they had an extreme EC. Because it was ECW exclusive. That's never going to happen again, therefor there will never be an extreme EC match again. Not to mention, that was the worst PPV in pro wrestling history, and the less reminders we have of it the better.
Definitely not. The Elimination Chamber by itself is already a great match as well as the best weapon WWE has to offer. Having weapons and junk like in 2006 was just overkill.
I was actually pondering this the other day. Yea I mean we will never see a Mankind vs. Taker type hardcore. But we will see edgy stuff but nothing 2 hardcore because blood is out of the picture. And no chair shots 2 the head anymore 2 prevent concussions and neck injuries.
That was a once in a lifetime match. It was done for the newly-resurrected ECW and to make the main event match seem extreme. Nothing more than this. The original Elimination Chamber is already brutal enough and gets people excited when they see it featured on the card. The entire point of having that type of cage match is to eliminate weapons from use besides anything that could be used in the cage. If it was a Hell in a Cell, it'd be a different story.

ECW is dead in the WWE. No need to revive the Extreme EC match.
This definitely should not happen. The first match was a one of a kind match to try and sell an ECW pay-per-view. The pay=per-view was a flop. This match just sucked, it ended up being the worst Chamber match ever and that is saying a lot.

Let's not relive this painful chapter in WWE, ECW is done. They couldn't base a pay-per-view around that show. And December 2 Dismember as awful as it was proved ECW didn't deserve another one. Terrible match let's just forget about instead of try and bring it back.
I was actually thinking about this the other day and I came to the conclusion. No. There will not be another Extreme Elimination Chamber due not just to the WWE PG but also as others have mentioned, it sucked.

Not to say there will never be another just now and the near future I do not see any Extreme Elimination Chambers.

But to straight up answer your question, Yes, there probably will be another Extreme Elimination Chamber but probably not for another 2 to 5 year.
I doubt they'll have it in this mental PG era,
I think the WWE was like kissing it goodbye with this dvd,
I mean,
It did come out of no where,
& The name of the DVD,
Was clearly pre-pg,
So don't hold your breath if anyone out there is waiting for it

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