Will Hogan ever be in WWE again?


Championship Contender
The following are some quotes from wrestlezone uk taken from The Chicago Tribune regarding Hulk Hogan:

When asked about when he would be coming back to wrestle: “About every third person was saying, ‘When are you going to get in the ring again?’ They don’t realize that, even though I look the same way I looked 30 years ago—kind of—my body is pretty beat up. It’s kind of hard to explain to them. The hip replacements, the back surgeries, the elbow surgeries, the shoulder surgeries…I never like to say never, but right now I’m on the rebuild and rewind process."​

About the signing itself being challenging for him: “I tried getting through it without letting everyone know I was having a hard time. I’d never had a chair there at an autograph signing before. Now I have a chair in my bathroom so I can brush my teeth. When I shave, I shave half my face, lay on the floor for 10 minutes and then shave the other half of my face. I had a hard time walking through the Chicago airport today. I stopped one time to sit down and acted like I was doing something. I walked farther and then went into the men’s room. I leaned on the sink to crack my back and pretended I was looking at my face."​

About returning to the ring: “It seems to get farther and farther in reach. I just don’t want to exclude it from my thought process. It’s like the one place that, when I’m in there, I’m totally free.”
On the pythons: “They used to be 24 inches when I was 27 years old,” he says. “Now, last time I taped them, they were about 20 inches. That was a couple years ago. I haven’t taped them since. I’m afraid too.”​

Clearly all the years of wear and tear are catching up with Bollea, not to mention the fact his personal life isn't so rosey at the moment. After reading those quotes, do you think we will see Hulk back in the WWE or is he finished for good? (just speculation...we're not doctors obviously)​

Also, if he were to return for only one big dream match who would you like to see him go up against?

For me, I would probably have to say John Cena....the crowd response alone would be enough to draw me in and the match (while it wouldn't be a technical masterpiece), would still be a spectacle between the past and present. There could be parallels between this match and the Hogan/Rock match from 'Mania 18 in that it would feature two of the biggest stars in the biz...of course if Hogan is in as much pain as he appears to currently be in then this may never happen.​

Anywho, what does everyone else think?​
John Cena v. Hulk Hogan has to happen. Vince knows it, Hulk knows it, and Cena knows it. If Hulk is truly in this condition, WWE needs to prepare for Hulk's last match and build to an eventual match at Wrestlemania 26 with John Cena. It just has to happen. Give Hogan the rest of 2009 to heal and train. Prepare him for 2010. How would I book a Cena/Hogan Wrestlemania match? Like this:

By the time the Royal Rumble comes, John Cena is going to be hungry for the WWE Championship again. After he fails to earn a shot on Raw, he earns a spot in the Royal Rumble. Where does Hogan fit into all of this? Well, let's say the Royal Rumble comes down to the last entry and left in the ring are Cena and some other superstars. Who is the 30th entry? Hulk Hogan. The fans would go nuts, and Hulk would make his way to the ring. He would "hulk" up and toss out everyone but Cena and maybe Jack Swagger.
Then, out of no where, Cena tosses Hulk out. The arena would go crazy. However, Hulk would react quickly and pull Cena over the top rope, causing his elimination and giving the win to Swagger. This would be a perfect start to possibly the feud of the decade. This, of course, would all lead up to the match wrestling fans all over want. John Cena v. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 26. The stipulation? If Hulk looses, he will never wrestle again.
Then, out of no where, Cena tosses Hulk out.

I think Hogan being thrown to the floor would near kill him. I don't think he will EVER wrestle again, I just don't see it. He can hardly walk he's that busted up. However, is he done with WWE? No, not by a long shot. He's still the man of the company and could easily walk into doing cameo appearances or GM roles. He'll always have the chance to make appearances but to actually wrestle? No way.

Edit: Any chance of Hogan being one of these guest hosts on Raw?
if Hogan came back and faced Cena the better question would be who would win
I personally vote Hogan but wouldnt mind Cena winning either Fan of Both but like Hogan better
hardymark is right, hogan in a royal rumble would permanently cripple him. can you imagine how botched the elimination would be seeing hogan being tossed over the top rope? it would probably take a good 10 seconds for him to reach the floor. as for a match at wrestlemania, i mean, its a good idea because their probably both equal in wrestling skills. cena doesn't do much moves that differ than hogan, cena has the FU which is the equivelent of a hogan body slam leading up to the leg drop. the "you can't see me move" where he runs across the ring like hes doing the peoples elbow is the same as the hogan leg drop. wouldn't compare to a hogan vs rock, where both men were cheered like no other. you wouldn't hear one pop in the arena for cena. right now, i don't see hogan coming back for a long period of time. he could use the money, he just seems more suitable in TNA with the MeM, but i just can't picture hogan doing that to wwe, even if his relationship with vince could be strained at times.
I would only say Cena/Hogan if Cena was able to get the win. a big caliber loss could truly hurt Cena's role as the "face of the WWE". Remember Hogan's last match in WWE was against HBK who basically had to mock Hogan in both the match and post-Raw interview just so it wouldn't kill his character, and that was with a long time established veteran in HBK, not a fairly green guy in Cena.
You know if the "Guest Hosts" angle is still going long enough for him to consider being a GM for a night I'd say come back Hogan, but I don't want him in the ring to wrestle anyone, not even Jesus Christs.
I personally believe if hulk vs cena happend at WM26... that Cena would lose to him. Cena has a great deal of respect for the business and I think he would give hulk that last WM win! Cena love him or hate him, I respect everything he does for the entertainment that I smark for! The match has to happen. Even if hulk can only gets to Cena's 4th move out of the 5!! Hogan no matter how hold he gets, will always make my hairs on my arm sand up and shout, this is wear the power lies BROTHER!!
I don't see Hogan coming back, he's is to banged up. From that article that you posted you can really tell that he is starting to feel the effects of all those years. As much as I would love to see hogan in the ring again. I don't think it will happen, his body has taken to much punishment.

If he was coming back like many I see him facing Cena. I think that it would be a reasonable match. Do I know who would win? I think Cena should win. He's the face of the wwe it would be wrong for him to lose to Hogan at his age.
I don't think Hulk Hogan could wrestle an entire match. It wouldn't be anything pretty to watch. He is broken down, he is losing muscle mass. The stress of his life is taking a toll on him. I applaud him for not continuing with the steroids, and for not having a crippling pain killer addiction. He has traded on his name and been productive outside of the business. He doesn't have to come back.

But if he did, I would assume it would be as John Cena's tag team partner. Maybe Hogan and Cena vs. Randy and Cowboy Bob. Hogan and Cowboy Bob could spend minimal time in the ring. Both of them could deliver a promo in their time, and I don't think that those skills have diminished. They could put the match over just the same as if it were SNME in the 80's.

Orton and Cena one on one is the long term feud everyone is waiting for. It has been teased, but due to injuries, has never been allowed to run it's course. It is this generation's Hogan and Savage. If Hogan were to come back for one more match, it should be to give an Orton/Cena feud his blessing, and having another old-timer, especially one of his rivals, allows for Hogan to return to his former glory for a night, get paid, and move on.

That being said, unless he takes on a GM role, I would hope Hulk is done. He is as close as it gets to leaving this business gracefully, and it would be a shame to see him do something to ruin his legacy this late in the game.
fromthesouth must not have a cable provider or internet regularly. cena vs orton is the feud everyone is longing for? are you nuts? its the same crap we've seen for over a year. and to compare orton/cena to savage/hogan, you should be slapped all the way back to the civil war, where the south got stomped anyways. savage/hogan was one of a kind. two great faces, best friends, miss elizabeth, it had it all. i dont recall cena and orton ever getting along, and have enough tenure under their belts to even be remotely compared to savage or hogan. coo-coo coo-coo
fromthesouth must not have a cable provider or internet regularly.

Umm, ok?

cena vs orton is the feud everyone is longing for? are you nuts? its the same crap we've seen for over a year.

This is the third or fourth HHH/Cena/Orton PPV Triple Threat. Cena and Orton have had one PPV main event match one on one that ended in Orton slapping the ref. The feud has been built several times, but injuries and HHH have always gotten in the way.

and to compare orton/cena to savage/hogan, you should be slapped all the way back to the civil war,

I think you don't read for meaning. This is the feud between the biggest stars of their generation. HHH is getting older, and these are the two guys the company is built around now. I'm not saying the build is anything close to Hogan and Savage, but I mean it's the best we can do right now.

where the south got stomped anyways.

I'm sure that was necessary.
savage/hogan was one of a kind. two great faces, best friends, miss elizabeth, it had it all. i dont recall cena and orton ever getting along, and have enough tenure under their belts to even be remotely compared to savage or hogan. coo-coo coo-coo

This is the second post I have seen tonight that questions John Cena's experience. In all honesty, I think you missed the point. Is there a feud in today's WWE that is bigger than Cena/Orton? Is there anything the WWE can do to create more excitement than that amongst the general fan base? The eight year olds they market to do not about Savage/Hogan, and Cena/Orton is the best they can do.
I'm not 1 to bud n2 lil WZ IWC arguments but Cena and Orton had more than one on one fight. I'm also sure that HBK vs Taker is the biggest singles match to be offered rite now not Orton vs Cena. Maybe 2 years frm now when hbk n taker r retired.

Sidebar: "u should be slapped back to the civil war [...] where the south got stomped anyway" lol very funny
I am not here to take sides or anything but I have to say that the Orton/Cena feud has been done before, is it to the extent of Orton/Trips hell no but it has happened.

FromtheSouth, Orton/Cena have actually headlined 3 PPV's one on one. Summerslam 07 where Cena got the win, then the next PPV Unforgiven 07 where Cena got DQ because he was pissed at what Orton did to his dad and then the one you mentioned NW0 08 when Orton got DQ. I myself would prefer to not see Orton/Cena again but I am sure Creative will make sure it happens again. I mean I guess it isn't as played out as Orton/Trips but still it's been done. Push some new talent WWE please.

In regards to the thread, I surely hope Hogan comes back if he can! If he can pull 1 match out of that aging body then yes he needs to wrestle Cena at WM 26. I like the idea someone mentioned earlier about him being in the Royal Rumble especially if it's a surprise could you imagine the ovation if Hogan came out. I think it would be the biggest pop of all time. That being said, there is no way his body could handle that, so i am sure it wont happen. I am a huge Hogan fan and I don't really care for Cena, so if the match was to happen I would want Hogan to win but from a business standpoint Cena should win that match and I believe Hogan would agree to put him over IMO!
Why would he do a stupid thing like that? His body is fucked up beyond belief. While he could get a crowd to pop like the best of them, his matches would be sub-par and boring. Kind of like they were before. I'm joking, but seriously, Hogan in WWE again would not be a good idea for him. Maybe if McMahon was really struggling for money, Hogan could make a non-wrestling appearance at a PPV. But he's in no fit state to wrestle.
So I have been hearing a couple people say if Hogan comes back for wrestlmaina 26 He should go over cena. Well I'd like to start off by saying Hogan will be less likley to even wrestle in the wwe again let alone a wrestlmaina. In my eyes Hogan had is days in the spotlight and should only come back to put people over . Back in the late 80's early 90's during Hogans era he was the top dog, but now that we are in the Cena era he is the top dog, and in no way should Hogan go over him. There is a pretty big generation gap between the two era's called the attitude era, in which the wwe needs to focus on letting those guys start putting the people over, (AKA Triple H , HBK) . But as far as Hogan stepping back into a wwe ring thats a no! As far as Hogan coming into Cena's era and beating him NO.
I'm not 1 to bud n2 lil WZ IWC arguments but Cena and Orton had more than one on one fight. I'm also sure that HBK vs Taker is the biggest singles match to be offered rite now not Orton vs Cena. Maybe 2 years frm now when hbk n taker r retired.

Sidebar: "u should be slapped back to the civil war [...] where the south got stomped anyway" lol very funny

Okay, If knew anything you said there I might respond to that. Though it's something about Taker and HBK being the biggest match they can offer? Well you might be right, Yes HBK vs Taker is one of the best they can offer.

If Hogan came back, I think a match between him and Cena could be decent match that would bring a lot of people in More so than HBK vs Taker. Because of the nostalgia of having Hogan back. It wouldn't be as big as Rock vs Hogan, but pretty close. Though as I've said on here before I don't think that will happen.
I only think Hogan should come back for that match if he can honestly get into good enough shape, which at his age will be pretty damn hard. As far as him going over Cena as a wrestling fan I would route for Hogan to beat him but I do agree that Cena should win the match because this is his era now. I mean hell Rocky beat Hogan at WM 17 and Hogan came out of that like superman, then again that was 7 years ago and Hogan was still in decent shape. All in all this is probably a mute point because I don't think Hogan will be able to come back but if he does I sure as hell will Mark the f**k out.!!!
Well I'd like to start off by saying Hogan will be less likley to even wrestle in the wwe again let alone a wrestlmaina.

I personally think that if he were to wrestle one more time, it'd make the most sense for him to wrestle at WrestleMania. It's the biggest show of the year, it offers the biggest spotlight of the year (suitable enough for an exit like Hogan's), it would also offer the biggest pay cheque. If he were to return, he'd hardly make his last appearance on an episode of Superstars, would he? It'd make the most sense from near enough ever angle you look at it for him to make his last appearance at the big one.
The question isn't whether he'll make an appearance again, the question is why would they bother having someone else job to him, which happens everytime.

There comes a point when you have to say enough is enough. Ric Flair pushed way too long, but alteast in Flairs case he could still go and was in reasonable condition.

Hogan is a huge name, and will always get pops just by his appearance, and rightfully so. But watching him wrestle the last few comebacks is not in the least bit entertaining.

As for a final exit. He's been gone for the better part of a decade from regular in ring action and is a Hall Of Famer (ergo retired), he was well and truly finished along time ago. Having him come back "One More Time" will serve nothing but get bums on seats and get people to say what if he went one more time yet again.
After reading the comments from Hogan himself about how he needs to sit down while brushing his teeth and take a ten minute break to lay down after shaving half his face I feel sorry for him. I don't think a WWE return is likely because of this. But you can tell the passion is still there. I think he could pull off one more match if he wanted to. But it would have to be with a really good worker like Cena or Edge. Wrestlemania 26 seems like the most likely scenario any later and it will be too late. But if he trains hard and eats his vitamins for one more match then I won't mind. Remember Hogan lives for the fans. A Hogan vs Edge match or a Hogan vs Cena match would be great. Edge or Cena would obviously have to carry it but none the less I'd feel like I was 13 years old again. If Hogan can wrestle one more match without ruining his back for life I say go for it.
It's been said many times already in this thread, but it's so true that it bears repeating.

As much as 99% (yay for made up statistics!) would mark the hell out for "one more" Hogan match, the dude is hurting more than most of us can even comprehend. One wrong move and he would be in a wheelchair for the remainder of his days. For his own sake, I hope we don't see "one more" Hogan match.
I Totally agree with Lenicius Hogan needs to stay a way hes had a hip replacement and dont get me wrong i like Hogan but Hogan is getting older its not 1989 anymore and hes no ''Spring Chicken '' And for the people who want to see Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN hes done he walks like hes 80 now and one more thing what Lenicius said one more match could put him in a wheelchair now does all his ''Hulkamainacs'' want to see Hogan in a wheelchair i dont think so.
I'd say as long as he doesn't die beforehand we will probably see Hulk Hogan climb into the ring at least one more time; whether it be for WWE or TNA.

I'm not disputing that Hulk Hogan is beat to death at this point but really he doesn't look to be in too much worse shape than he was 3 years ago when he was fighting against Randy Orton. Which wasn't much different than his return 5 years earlier than that with the WWE's nWo.

Let's remember Hogan has a tendency to exaggerate good stuff so I'm sure he'd be willing to exaggerate the bad stuff just to make it seem like he was overcoming MORE obstacles. Not saying that I believe this definitely IS what's going on; just that I wouldn't put it past him.

And if they are to do it they should do it right...
Four Way Elimination Match
"the Immortal" Hulk Hogan vs. "the Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. the Ultimate Warrior vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper
Wrestlemania Main Event

And they should do it classic style wrestling for 1 match only, throwing back to their glory days. The slower grapples and lengthier submission holds will come through better since they are both slower than that once were.

One night only, everyone swallows their pride and goes out to have 1 final night in the spotlight.

....Granted it's a stretch to believe you'd get Ultimate Warrior in there but still the other 3 seem like they'd be game if they were physically able at the time.
From the sounds of his last interview, it seems he's pretty beat up, and I dont want to see him return so some younger star has to do the job to him. If I remember right his last match was his HBK match, and HBK had to do the job which was completely bullshit. So if he comes back it better be as a guest GM and not as an active wrestler

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