Why TNA SUX....


Dark Match Jobber
1. Worst part about being from England, having to tell your parents your gay first of all.

1A. Mayonaisse. Of couse, I have to devote some space to England's bland, greasy and simply miserable cuisine. Trite, but necessary. Why every British food establishment coats their entire meno in the bland, tastless dressing baffles me. Turkey tastes a lot better when it is not drenched in mayo and covered in plastic for five hours. Trust me.

2.The library. While obviously this is exclusive to Oxford and not the nation as a whole, the oh-so-wonderful Bodleian has caused me more grief than my tutorials (well, that's a slight exaggeration). First of all, as an associate student with visitng status, I can only go to the Bod between 5 and 10 p.m. Maybe I have restricted hours because I hold an American passport (see number 5), maybe not. Since I am one of the four college students who happens to be a morning person, adhering to this ridiculous schedule requires that I rearrange my study habits. In addition to my limited access, not being able to access to a photocopier (I know, I know, copyright laws) coupled with having to request books from this mysterious bookstack turns another otherwise boring trip to the library into an irritating and boring experience in the bureaucratic Bod.

3.Everything is closed on Sunday. For the people who live in the real world Sunday is a day to relax, spend time with the family, and depending on your religious affiliation, for worship. For many college students, however, it's time to run errands and cram before Monday or Tuesday's tutorial. However, neither of tasks are feasible when store windows are dark and the librarians also enjoy their day off. Ironically, the only life brewing along the streets is from the liquor stores and the pubs ...

4.Closing times. Everything closes around the time the sun sets, and for a country that is between 50 and 60 degrees North latitude, that's pretty damn early. I'm from New York, so I am accustomed to the 24-hour schedule of the city that never sleeps. While the pubs do remain open until a whopping 11pm, that's not too late considering on a Saturday night back home when my clock reads 11pm I am still contemplating which shoes to wear and if I need my warm coat. What are English people hanging out in pubs going to do on New Year's Eve - ring in the new year in their pyjamas?

5.Being treated like an American. I don't want to accuse all English people of acting rude or snotty toward Americans because some are very pleasant, but after seven weeks I've come to the conclusion that sometime in grade school English children are taught to equate 'stupid' with 'American.' Yes, we are arguably louder and more demanding, but that doesn't mean we're all ignorant. Interestingly enough, British radios blare American pop music, televisions broadcast American t.v. shows and the movies play American flicks. If we're so dumb, why do you cherish our popular culture? And one last thing: any country that manufactures the Spice Girls shouldn't throw stones at glass houses ...

Also add in the fact, if you don't like us we will blow your shit up.
Anything to make your life that little more unbearable... is that noose in the bathroom looking more inviting now?
I've noted several grammatical errors in your post I think you'd be more than happy to discuss.

Number one: In the first sentence, your is used incorrectly. The correct grammatical way of spelling this is the contraction 'you're' meaning you are of course. Please note this next time.

Why every British food establishment coats their entire meno in the bland, tastless dressing baffles me.

Very poor grammar. Meno? I believe that's menu young man. Tastless? I believe you should check your spelling next time mister.

3: not being able to access to a photocopier . Poor grammar. Remove the second to. To think that this man is a college student.

And lastly, this is not a grammatical error, but just a foolish statement:

Also add in the fact, if you don't like us we will blow your shit up.

"Blow their shit up" eh? My God. What is this shit you speak of?

And I suspect you need some work on your comma use young man.
1. Worst part about being from England, having to tell your parents your gay first of all.

Mine are dead, so no issue there.

1A. Mayonaisse. Of couse, I have to devote some space to England's bland, greasy and simply miserable cuisine. Trite, but necessary. Why every British food establishment coats their entire meno in the bland, tastless dressing baffles me. Turkey tastes a lot better when it is not drenched in mayo and covered in plastic for five hours. Trust me.

I've never tasted mayonaisse.


2.The library. While obviously this is exclusive to Oxford and not the nation as a whole, the oh-so-wonderful Bodleian has caused me more grief than my tutorials (well, that's a slight exaggeration). First of all, as an associate student with visitng status, I can only go to the Bod between 5 and 10 p.m. Maybe I have restricted hours because I hold an American passport (see number 5), maybe not. Since I am one of the four college students who happens to be a morning person, adhering to this ridiculous schedule requires that I rearrange my study habits. In addition to my limited access, not being able to access to a photocopier (I know, I know, copyright laws) coupled with having to request books from this mysterious bookstack turns another otherwise boring trip to the library into an irritating and boring experience in the bureaucratic Bod.

I cant read.

3.Everything is closed on Sunday. For the people who live in the real world Sunday is a day to relax, spend time with the family, and depending on your religious affiliation, for worship. For many college students, however, it's time to run errands and cram before Monday or Tuesday's tutorial. However, neither of tasks are feasible when store windows are dark and the librarians also enjoy their day off. Ironically, the only life brewing along the streets is from the liquor stores and the pubs ...

My shops open on a Sunday.

4.Closing times. Everything closes around the time the sun sets, and for a country that is between 50 and 60 degrees North latitude, that's pretty damn early. I'm from New York, so I am accustomed to the 24-hour schedule of the city that never sleeps. While the pubs do remain open until a whopping 11pm, that's not too late considering on a Saturday night back home when my clock reads 11pm I am still contemplating which shoes to wear and if I need my warm coat. What are English people hanging out in pubs going to do on New Year's Eve - ring in the new year in their pyjamas?

Who is this Corey Davis?

5.Being treated like an American. I don't want to accuse all English people of acting rude or snotty toward Americans because some are very pleasant, but after seven weeks I've come to the conclusion that sometime in grade school English children are taught to equate 'stupid' with 'American.' Yes, we are arguably louder and more demanding, but that doesn't mean we're all ignorant. Interestingly enough, British radios blare American pop music, televisions broadcast American t.v. shows and the movies play American flicks. If we're so dumb, why do you cherish our popular culture? And one last thing: any country that manufactures the Spice Girls shouldn't throw stones at glass houses ...

Your from Kentucky. Your mothers a Godwin. That is all.

Also add in the fact, if you don't like us we will blow your shit up.

Also add in the fact, if you don't like us we will blow your shit up.

George Bush is that you, oh yeah and thanks for adding to the stereotype that every American is a gun toting redneck that just wants to blow up everything, really appreciate it, shouldn't you be but-fucking your dad or siter or something, that's how you do it in Kentucky right?
How dare you insult england?! many greats have come from england, people who will truely go down in history. People like Tony Blair, Jack the Ripper, Garry Glitter, Tim Hedman, Alan Titchmarsh, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Robinson, Trevor McDonald, and Steve McClaren. So get your facts right before you start hating on england, just because we are totaly dependent on America doesnt mean we dont totaly suck.
....Did you really just name drop Jack the Ripper as though he's something to be proud of?

Actually that entire list is nothing but garbage. Tony Blair was a corrupt piece of shit. Margaret Thatcher was an even more corrupt piece of shit. Tony Robinson sucks and always will.

Oh but that song by Gary Glitter is cool though. Na-na-na-na-na--HEY! Na-na-na-na
George Bush is that you, oh yeah and thanks for adding to the stereotype that every American is a gun toting redneck that just wants to blow up everything, really appreciate it, shouldn't you be but-fucking your dad or siter or something, that's how you do it in Kentucky right?

I think thats West Virginia, the Inbreeding Capital of the US
I think calling Tony Blair corrupt is a bit of a stretch. He's a prick, sure, but...

Has anyone mentioned how shit we are at every single sport yet?
....Did you really just name drop Jack the Ripper as though he's something to be proud of?

Actually that entire list is nothing but garbage. Tony Blair was a corrupt piece of shit. Margaret Thatcher was an even more corrupt piece of shit. Tony Robinson sucks and always will.

Oh but that song by Gary Glitter is cool though. Na-na-na-na-na--HEY! Na-na-na-na

Ahh well i guess we do suck then, I don't agree with Jake on much but Gary Glitter oh yes! the funny thing about him is that in nearly every single one of his songs the lyrics could be applied to him touching up little kids.

Seriously... "Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang?!" "Hard On, Hard on Me" Literally EVERY song is like that! That just personfies coolness.

So yea anyway its good that we are bad at sport, its a good way of making money, just bet against england winning all the time. I mean cmmon did anyone actualy expect MCdoughnut to win us anything? Lescott in an England shirt.. wow dreams do come true.
Normally prisoners stick together, but this guy is a cock... and that is comimg from me!!! ENG-ER-LAND, ENG-ER-LAND, ENG-ER-LAND!!
Oh yeah and most English women aren't very attractive.

And yeah, I'd say Tony Blair was corrupt considering his hand in the Iraq War.

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