Why OK?


Lord And Master
Staff member
Why is it whenever some typical new poster comes in and makes a thread, the first word they write is "OK"?

"OK. Orton RKO'ed Sheamus and got Speared by Edge..."

"OK. Hogan took Ric Flair's ring..."

"OK. Carlito is still in there somewhere..."

Why in the blue fuck do you say "OK" when you start a thread? What? Do you think I'm your pal or something? Do you think I was sitting next to you watching and asking myself the same thing you were? Just what are you trying to affirm? That we're paying attention to you? You're writing on a fucking computer and the first thing you type is "OK"? Are you trying come off naturally? Lilke you would when you speak? If so where the ever intriguing "like" sticked in the most unconventional of places?

"OK. So, like, Orton totally got Speared, like, hard."

Riddle me that nature boys. I go to read a wrestling inspired piece of critical analysis and the first thing I read is a grammatically misplaced "OK"? Good Lord.
OK, well.....

Sorry had do it, but seriously its a forum for anyone to join, I dont see it being as big as a deal as someone posting a thread with texting and ebonic type words.
OK, well.....

Sorry had do it, but seriously its a forum for anyone to join, I dont see it being as big as a deal as someone posting a thread with texting and ebonic type words.

You'd have no idea how annoying specific things can turn out to be if they're repeated too often.

I can't say I've noticed it Killjoy, but I do agree with you, it could be quite annoying to start off every damn thread with.

But on the other hand, I don't know, could be fact that it just comes natural for them, and they don't really put much thought into writing the actual "Ok"
It could be worse.... at least you can read most of those "Ok....(insert discussion here)" posts.... have you seen posts by people like The Cork? Good grief, trying to read that guy's posts nearly gave me a migraine.
OK, well.....
You son of a bitch.

Sorry had do it,
I hope you're happy. Because I'm not.

but seriously its a forum for anyone to join, I dont see it being as big as a deal as someone posting a thread with texting and ebonic type words.
When you try to stimulate intelligent dialect between two or more people it is best to use actual grammar.
I do hear you though, Riaku! My biggest pet peeve, is the IMO, I hate that shit, of course it would be your opinion, your the one telling it, that always irked me.
So like I said, I can see where your coming from
I do hear you though, Riaku! My biggest pet peeve, is the IMO, I hate that shit, of course it would be your opinion, your the one telling it, that always irked me.
So like I said, I can see where your coming from

That fucking irks me too. They have enough energy to write a fucking OK at the start of their post, but are too fucking lazy to write "in my opinion"? What the fuck happened? Did you lose your enthusiasm along with your grammar?
Why in the blue fuck do you say "OK" when you start a thread?

Oh, great. You're throwing a new peculiarity into the mix while I'm still trying to figure out..."Meh" and "Teh."

Plus, I can't understand the new way people describe conversations with others. They used to say "I said...." and now they say "I'm like....."

I hope you're happy. Because I'm not.

That fucking irks me too. They have enough energy to write a fucking OK at the start of their post, but are too fucking lazy to write "in my opinion"? What the fuck happened? Did you lose your enthusiasm along with your grammar?

You are*

See, that is quite annoying, right? Ironic really. Were you too lazy to type out "you are"? I ask because it is basically the same thing.
You are*

See, that is quite annoying, right? Ironic really. Were you too lazy to type out "you are"? I ask because it is basically the same thing.
You are, you're. They are both grammatically correct. Right? If not, tell me now so I can go yell at my english teacher for being so fucking lousy.
Can he type out just one post without botching it?

Can you not use one of my bad self-depreciating jokes to mock me?

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