Why isn't Chris Jericho Doing Better?


Why isn't Chris Jericho doing better? This last run was basically the Wyatt feud that ended in a lackluster fashion and wasn't very good. A series of good, but not meaningful matches and now he is leaving after this weekend again. Why does Jericho keep coming back if he has nothing left to prove and no stories to tell?

Tough to do much in a 3 month run.....especially when everyone knows it's a 3 month run.

I agree the Wyatt feud was lackluster, but I don't think it's right to place the blame on Jericho. Wyatt has been lackluster for awhile now. The Bryan feud was the last time he was compelling. At least it ended with an excellent cage match.

Jericho is still very good, IMO. I think a longer run would be needed for him to really put on a great feud though.
Because Jericho coming back now is always for a couple of months to put a new guy over. People aren't hyped because a) Jericho fans know it results in Jericho's eventual loss and departure, and b) a couple of these guys he's lost to have not advanced very far (have to wait and see before passing judgement on Bray though).

Now some people are starting to say that this is damaging Chris' own illustrious and pretty amazing career, because instead of going out with a bang, he's looking likely to just go out with a whimper instead.

It's just a case of already knowing what happens in far too much detail.
Well Y2Jerk or Y2JObber chris Jericho likes to put talent over instead of focusing on his title shots and try to measure and be up there like Edge and HHH he prefers jobbing away. Why does he bother returning when he has no financial need from wwe might as well make a splash in TNA work less since money has no value for him! He wants to focus on a useless rock band that won t get anywhere and after Sunday Y2Jobber wil give the easy loss to Randy Orton as he wins
Well Y2Jerk or Y2JObber chris Jericho likes to put talent over instead of focusing on his title shots and try to measure and be up there like Edge and HHH he prefers jobbing away. Why does he bother returning when he has no financial need from wwe might as well make a splash in TNA work less since money has no value for him! He wants to focus on a useless rock band that won t get anywhere and after Sunday Y2Jobber wil give the easy loss to Randy Orton as he wins

I don't expect much from someone named "wwesux" and who starts off his post by calling Jericho "Y2Jerk"(seriously? Are you 11 years old?)

But this is just awful. How can you even type something like "money has no value for him!" WHAT???

Why would he want to go wrestle in the minor leagues(TNA?) How many wrestlers out there with a choice, would go to TNA over WWE? Maybe nobody.
Maybe because Jericho honestly feels as though he still has enough star power to put people over. Maybe he wanted to do so much more but was handcuffed by Vinnie Mac. Nobody knows what's going on with Chris Jericho better than Chris Irvine. Also, I think the main reason Y2J keeps coming back is because he truly loves performing, whether it be in a ring or in a band.
Maybe because Jericho honestly feels as though he still has enough star power to put people over. Maybe he wanted to do so much more but was handcuffed by Vinnie Mac. Nobody knows what's going on with Chris Jericho better than Chris Irvine. Also, I think the main reason Y2J keeps coming back is because he truly loves performing, whether it be in a ring or in a band.

I think this pretty much sums it up for the most part. Jericho loves wrestling and while he could always go to any other company in the world to wrestle, he knows that he can make a lot of money for the limited amount he'll be working. He loves it, but he's also being smart about it. If it was all about the money, or even mostly about the money, Jericho probably would've hung up his boots a long time ago.

Jericho has a reputation of being one of the most unselfish guys in the locker room. When he was a young guy in WCW, he was essentially restricted to being a mid-card comedy act despite the fact that he was great inside the ring and could very much hold his own on the mic with anyone in WCW. However, Jericho wasn't one of Bischoff's boys. Because Jericho had such a tough time in WCW because the powers that be wouldn't give the guy a shot, Jericho himself is someone who enjoys putting over younger talent, he's attained legendary status in his career, can still deliver in the ring & on the mic and programs with Jericho can benefit up & coming guys.

MAYBE that generosity has resulted in him not being as big of a star as he could have been, but I doubt it. Even if it has, Jericho won't complain and he's not got all that much to complain about. He's made a lot of money, he's worth somewhere around $20 million when last I heard, he's still virile, he's in great shape and can still deliver the goods when most guys his age, including pro wrestlers, have long since started going downhill.

Also, Jericho's only back for a few months at a time. As a result, he's not gonna be winning any championships nor is he gonna be viewed as a serious contender for championships. Jericho turns 44 in about 6 weeks or so, which means he's not gonna be the future of the company. He's still got enough juice as a wrestler and star power to possibly help get younger talent over while making a nice chunk of change. He obviously feels that it's worth his time and that he has enough to offer.
What can you really do with Jericho? You can't build anything long-term because he only works in short stints, and he ultimately has to be beaten for that reason (it also wouldn't be sensible to put a 44-year-old over young guys). He can still go, but ultimately all he'll ever be is a mid-carder who gets beaten in his feuds. The best you can hope for if you're a Jericho fan is that he gets a tenth IC title reign.
The Wyatt feud was fine before the booking went all crazy and started having Bray jobbing to everyone in the roster (I call it, next RAW they'll use him to put over Slater and the Gator)
The Lyonheart Chris Jericho aka Christoper Irvine is one of the most selfless wrestlers of all-time.. A true gentleman in and out of the ring,and of course he has paid back the business 10 times over from what he has received.. Im sure if you were to ask him,he would say he hasn't done enough..

Chris returning sure we all know its going to be only for a short time,but when he is here the true fans absolutely love it.. his days of winning titles,are long over but he doesn't need them anyway.. He has a lot of Juice left in the tank adn im sure only wrestling here and there has saved so much wear and tear on his body..

44 years old you wouldn't know that by looking at him.. Dude is in amazing shape jericho loves the business and loves helping out younger talent! He does whatever is asked of him

Why isn't Chris Jericho doing better? This last run was basically the Wyatt feud that ended in a lackluster fashion and wasn't very good. A series of good, but not meaningful matches and now he is leaving after this weekend again. Why does Jericho keep coming back if he has nothing left to prove and no stories to tell?

Your question makes no sense. Jericho is a future Hall of Fame'r and he doesn't have to come back and do anything. He's done pretty much everything there is to do in the WWE. I would presume he comes back when asked to help a younger or newer wrestler out.

You can't really blame the entire Wyatt fiasco on Jericho. Bray Wyatt has to shoulder some of the blame as well. In my eyes, he's not that great of a wrestler, Luke Harper is much better. Wyatt's pretty much failed with every opponent he's had, Bryan, Cena and now Jericho.

I think he's proven that he doesn't have much chemistry with anyone that they've put him with so far. That's what's hurting Bray Wyatt, and will continue to do so.
The problem is simple, the concept of Jericho coming back as he did worked that he was winning the title on occasion, as a shock and it kept his "Elite" status fresh. That Mania main event he had also played a big part in it.

It's now a long time since he's had any major win and that is coming into play, he's now just another old timer... and it doesn't get the people over like it used to.

They ruined it by not having him win the IC title instead of Miz...or Ziggler If Bray is gonna end up feuding for it anyway, then beating the 10 time IC champ for it was far better. WWE have in the words of Gorilla "gone to the well one too many times" and Jericho is tapped unless he gets his 10th IC title cos let's face it, they're not giving him the World belt again.
"If you were a kid, and this was all you saw of the Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla, you wouldn’t think Chris Jericho was a big deal. I’m not okay with that."

This line from the article jumped out at me because it's kinda true. I think there are enough younger fans who've been shown the Attitude Era and Monday Night Wars and as such have some idea about Jericho's talents, but for the most part they only have these generally lackluster runs to form their own opinions. Do I understand why they are set up the way they are? Yes. Do I respect Jericho for being selfless and being more interested in doing good business and entertaining the fans than anything else? Yes. Do I hate most of his recent runs? Yes.

Losing isn't "putting over". And without momentum, a good angle, or belt to defend/challenge for, Jericho hasn't really put anyone over in a long while (really, since his match with Bryan on NXT). These short runs don't really let him get the chance.

At this point, Jericho's return appearances are more entertaining than the actual matches that follow. This saddens me somewhat.
The other side of the coin of course is that he is aging... He will inevitably lose speed and agility and there will come a point where he will again either have to stop or adapt his style even further. Do we really want to see him as "technical wizard" ala Bret Hart? The cage dive this week seemed a lot like a "last hurrah" of that Jericho.

He will always be able to pop a crowd and the value of younger talents working with him (not just during the match) won't diminish... he's a great "guest teacher" in a way. But as I mentioned the only way he is EVER...EVERRR gonna be relevant again is to win the IC for that 10th time... if he can do that, perhaps with the Ric Flair style "lose and it's over" angle then it's worth bringing him back. Otherwise, it might be time to call it a day.
Short term stints like Jericho's don't work as well in todays wrestling due to the internet. Something like Terry Funk in 1989 wouldn't work as well today because everyone would know before hand he was leaving at the end of the year so there is no way he was winning the title. That isn't Jericho's fault or a reflection of his work, it's the state of the industry in the computer age.

It is hard to build anything long term around a guy who returns in frequently and for only short term stints.
I think the reasons are a little more simple

- Uncreative writing: While it had an awesome start, it eventually descended into a rehash of 'Bray Vs Daniel Bryan' but in a less creative kind of way. Bray attacks, abusing his advantage in numbers and kicking Jericho's ass (on a weekly basis). At least the Daniel Bryan feud had twists, handicap matches, cage matches and cross feud matches to keep things fresh.

- Predictable finishes. Actually, a lot of people expected Jericho to lose during their first PPV bout, but I didn't. Jericho was losing every confrontation leading up to it, which usually means he will score a win. Building up to their rematch, Jericho won against the other Wyatts, so it was more obvious Bray would win.

- A lack of chemistry, both in the ring and out. Jericho is at his best when he's allowed to banter. I knew this feud sucked when Jericho came out and harassed Triple H and Stephanie shortly after her arrest. That is the kind of Jericho we all want and that segment was more compelling than the entirety of the Bray feud. Bray isn't the kind of person you can banter with, at least based on what we've seen so far (Cena tried it, but it didn't work). Instead, Jericho and Bray had separate promos...even when they were in the same room together, they might as well not have been because it was just one monologue immediately following the other.

- Jericho doesn't want to take many risks. He's older, more likely to get injured and that would disrupt the tours with his band.

In general though, I just thought it was an unengaging feud. Funny Jericho> Serious Jericho and Bray's motivations were underdeveloped and rehashed from previous feuds.
The Wyatt feud was fine before the booking went all crazy and started having Bray jobbing to everyone in the roster (I call it, next RAW they'll use him to put over Slater and the Gator)

The Wyatt feud got boring fast to me, mainly because it seemed like every single Raw Bray would attack and lay Chris out with Sister Abigail. Got very repetitive.
The Wyatt feud got boring fast to me, mainly because it seemed like every single Raw Bray would attack and lay Chris out with Sister Abigail. Got very repetitive.

Yeah I was hoping we'd see more of the Jericho we saw during his first feud with Punk where he tried to get into Punk's head to break him.

It could have been a feud on psychological warfare to see who will get broken first.
If you listen to his podcast he said he came back specifically to work with Wyatt and to help put him over. WWE has done a poor job of booking Wyatt since though and the blame can't really be put on Y2J
Good for you don t expect much from someone who hates worst wrestling excrement and to answer your question MVP , Jeff Hardy ,Bobby Lashley chose TNA over wwe so STHU! Many more benchwarmers in wwe would do anything to get out of their contract if misused and get noticed in TNA !! moron!
I don't expect much from someone named "wwesux" and who starts off his post by calling Jericho "Y2Jerk"(seriously? Are you 51 years old?)

But this is just awful. How can you even type something like "money has no value for him!" WHAT???


Why would he want to go wrestle in the minor leagues(TNA?) How many wrestlers out there with a choice, would go to TNA over WWE? Maybe nobody
Good for you don t expect much from someone who hates worst wrestling excrement and to answer your question MVP , Jeff Hardy ,Bobby Lashley chose TNA over wwe so STHU! Many more benchwarmers in wwe would do anything to get out of their contract if misused and get noticed in TNA !! moron!

In most cases these retreads were no longer wanted by the WWE or were not highly valued by WWE, so they went to TNA. If WWE really wanted and valued those guys, they'd be in WWE. Period. As you said "WWE benchwarmers"....yeah, pretty much. That has happened where WWE benchwarmers choose to leave to be featured more heavily in TNA. That's why TNA is the minor leagues.

Jericho is not a WWE benchwarmer, by the way. He's always heavily featured. He would have absolutely no reason whatsoever to go to the minor leagues. Ridiculous post. Please apply yourself.

Love how you can't make a post without name calling too. Grow up.
One of the problems is that this role putting people over thing makes him look like a non believable threat. In other words he's not over, therefore can't put people over. The other problem is that he simply got stale, he's going for the nostalgia pop rather than reinventing himself like we are used to from Y2J.
One of the problems is that this role putting people over thing makes him look like a non believable threat. In other words he's not over, therefore can't put people over. The other problem is that he simply got stale, he's going for the nostalgia pop rather than reinventing himself like we are used to from Y2J.

I believe he talked about this on his latest podcast episode with the Hardy brothers. I was multi-tasking at the time and half paying attention, but he talked about how you can't lose all the time and still be credible and noted how he's won a lot more during this run.

Which I guess is true, he's won the great majority of his matches and the Wyatt cage match he was booked to where he had the match won but interference prevented him from escaping.

At least he is aware of it and shares that belief, because he's seemed to win a lot more during this run than his previous short runs in 2012 and 2013.
A select few performers have caused Vince McMahon to reverse his long-standing policy of working for WWE only under the full-time contracts he demanded. Before, if you didn't want to follow those rules, you didn't work there. But men like Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar and Rob Van Dam had sufficient power and influence to allow them to work deals in which they worked abbreviated schedules.

Included in the new rules, however, was the written understanding that it's unfeasible to have these guys come to work at specified intervals and tear up the competition at every turn. From a storyline aspect, it must have played havoc with the poor writers to find ways to get this done: giving the fans the pleasure of seeing people they wouldn't get to see otherwise .....while having them win championships and run off all competition.....only to disappear from WWE shortly after. Many fans dislike the storylines now; imagine how phony it would all look if the part-timers were running roughshod over everyone and vanishing soon afterward.

Fortunately, men like Jericho and RVD were amenable to performing as enhancement talents to worthy contenders, allowing for the growth of those performers, while still allowing Y2J and RVD to be featured prominently and earn (presumably) big bucks and giving fans the opportunity to see these top guys.

Granted, folks who want both guys to come in each time and win world championships are disappointed......as are those who expect them to be winning all their matches.

Jericho and RVD are doing fine. It's a tribute to them as people that they would give of themselves in this manner....while still managing to do well for themselves financially.

Everybody wins.

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