Criticizing my Personal Favorites: Chris Jericho

Jericho is one hell of a performer. He can go out there and get the job done with anyone. He has stolen the show countless times. He is one of my top five favorite superstars of all time. He is legendary both on the mic and in the ring.

The only flaw I have with Jericho is ever since he changed his gimmick back in 08, he switched his attire. Now I understand why he did it so it would give more of a serious look just like his new character. But the guy should not be wearing trunks. He looks ridiculous in them. I'm not gay and I hate judging guys but he looks like an idiot..... Go back to the long tights Jericho.
I liked Jericho as being the First Undisputed Champion, I would see him wrestle great matches like the one with Shawn Michaels and when he was teaming with Christian.

I gotta agree with The Disturbed about the trunks he does look weird with them and to an addition to his weird attire is an awful walk he used to do when he was on his way to the ring, I don't know if people noticed but it was irritating to watch how he used to walk. Another one would be his beard at ard 2002 or something, I hated it and it made him look awful..
Y2J is as capable performer as you can find in the business. The only flaw I can find is his ability to draw and I can't blame him for that entirely. He never really got much of a shot at being the top. That shot could have really helped his career and his ability to draw. People just seem to like him more as a heel.

I don't fault him for doing other things instead of wrestling, the routine is a tough one and he has a family so more power to him for finding new ways to earn a living and supporting his family.
My only flaw in Jericho (who I believe to be one of the best of the last 20 years) is that he stopped using the Walls of Jericho in its proper form- The Lion Tamer. That was a legimiately awesome looking submission hold, with his knee pressed on the back of an opponents neck. The WWE version of the move, The Walls, has become nothing more than a glorified Boston Crab with Y2J basically sitting down and putting barely any pressure on the hold. The move doesnt even get a tapout very often any more.

I would love to see the return of the Lion Tamer. Jericho does occasionally pull it out, I remember seeing it used against JTG a year or so back, but it needs to be utilised on a more regular basis as a match ender. There are not that many submission finishers used in WWE right now, so I think Jericho should relaunch the Lion Tamer as his main finishing manouvre.
I also think it is his inability to sell. He has never really made me interested in him. He has charisma and everything, but he is not the guy I would buy a pay per view for. I guess it is not his fault, but maybe it is. His jobbing to other wrestlers like JTG or Evan Bourne makes some people care less about him like me. I don't care how damn good you are, if you are going to be jobbing to jobbers and then getting the big one, i mean come on. He needs more consistency instead of going from low mid-card to mid-card to main event all in one night.
I love Chris Jericho. He is the best at what he does and the first ever undisputed World heavyweight champion.

One flaw like everyone else has point out is he leaves to pursue other activities. If he hadn't left in 05 to be with Fozzy he probablly would have become what he is today. The Character is just brilliant and if he hadn't left we would of seen him become the heel he is today alot earlier then we did. All in All that is the only flaw i can really see in Chris is that he doesn't stick to wrestling and needs Fozzy as another means of entertainment.
I think one of the main flaws with Chris Jericho is his ability to be completely unrealistic in the way he portrays his character. It's kind of goofy to say the same exact things week after week without actually progressing whatever storyline he's currently in any substantial amount. I don't think this is so much of a problem with him as it is with the storylines he gets put into.

Basically, every time we see Chris Jericho, he's got a mic in his hand. 99% of the time, however, he's using that mic to get cheap heat from the crowd, by calling them some variation of "insipid parasites," or making fun of the town he is.

He really knows how to play a character everyone hates, but he spends more time insulting everyone rather than actually doing something truly evil. I think it's one of the main reasons Jericho has never been the face of the WWE. Sure, he's as close as you can get to being a legend in the business, but it's kind of hard to draw heat if you're not actually being evil, just saying evil things.

Wade Barrett drew more heat than most heels in 10 years in the first six months of his WWE career, simply because of his storyline involvement with John Cena. He didn't get that way from talking on the mic; most of his heat came from his actions. I think that's something Chris Jericho never really did.

When Chris Jericho threw HBK through the Jeri-tron, the dude had some pretty brutal heat. But his heat has died down since then, and he hasn't done anything like that since. Before his current break, hell, he didn't even appear to be a threat to anyone on the roster.

With all of that being said, Chris Jericho is still my absolute favorite wrestler of all time -- nobody even comes close. He's a true legend.

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