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Why is WWE so uninteresting lately??


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've always been critical of WWE's programming, but I've always mustered up enough interest to WATCH it. Sadly though, I haven't watched a 3-hour-Raw in forever. I've been reading results, and watching some YouTube clips without actually feeling like the die-hard fan I used to be.

Apparently, WWE feels that the decreased buyrates and ratings are due to the lack of big guys in the main event. I don't think that's it though. If I look back, my interest started dying down around Ryback and Big Show's pushes last year in the WWE and WHC title pictures. I stopped watching the PPVs, stopped watching Smackdown, and soon enough, I was avoiding Raw altogether.

But I think I can go back even further to find the root of the problem. The last storyline that made me want to watch the show was CM Punk's walkout and Christian's heel turn, both in summer 2011. After that, I never really got into any of the stories WWE has put on. I've enjoyed some gimmicks here and there, like Mark Henry's Hall of Pain, Daniel Bryan emotionally abusing AJ, and others, but but none of the feuds were that exciting.

And I think that's the big issue: storylines. I'm just not interested in any of them, and I think most people are probably feeling something similar. WWE can blame Punk and Bryan all they want, but putting Ryback and Show in the main events isn't going to bring back the ratings. Their problem is that instead of giving us emotional feuds that drum up deep personal hatred between two guys that they want to tear each other apart, they are giving us lawsuits and authority figure drama.

I would mark out for Daniel Bryan AND The Big Show, but not when they are talking about lawyers and power struggles.

I marked out when Shawn turned on Bryan, called him a little puke, and then Bryan put him in the LaBell Lock. That's a feud I can get behind. I wanted to see them tear each other apart, maybe lead up to an Unsanctioned Match like Shawn had with Jericho. But nope, WWE dropped the story and Bryan is now in random beatdowns. How am I supposed to feel interested in such a boring story about random beatdowns??

I don't know. I'm obviously ranting here, but I don't know what else to say. I'm just finding everything rather bland and boring, and end up watching older clips online instead of watching last week's Raw. Everything Shawn and Jericho did in 08, and Punk and Jeff did in 09 is better than what they're putting on right now.

So what do you guys think? Even if you don't agree that it's uninteresting, throw up your thoughts on why others might think it is?? Is it the lack of "big guys", is it the lack of good stories, or is it something else entirely??
To me the WWE is not interesting because they focus on sophomoric stories and totally ignore IN RING action. I want to watch wrestling for, wait for it, WRESTLING and on the average RAW over the last 15 years there has been minimal wrestling. The roster doesn't matter, its the presentation. Sports entertainment sucks, period. I don't care to listen to 45 minutes of HHH whining or Steph screeching. Basically lets have less McMahons and more wrestling. I was watching some early RAW's on youtube and couldn't believe how much of the show they actually had matches, like almost the whole time! It was awesome. So, more matches, less blah blah blah.
I think one of the major problems right now is the people in the main event. The Big Show does not belong there, he should be helping a younger guy get over like a Dean Ambrose or anther babyface. Lets face it, no one gives a shit about The MAIN storyline right now. Alberto Del Rio is being shoved down our throats every week and is the most boring dude on the roster (seriously) he is BORING!

The WWE always do this every year and I am sure it will pass come 'Mania season. We still have another 2 months of pain and suffering to get through until we hit 'Mania season. I don't know what the WWE have planned for the TLC PPV in December but I am assuming yet more uninteresting and boring matches/feuds. John Cena returning at Hell in a cell was great for the company but since he is STILL feuding with ADR, it's gotten boring and stale.

The way I see it, this is only A temporary situation in WWE and hopefully won't drag out for much longer. I am willing to keep watching and wait it out for the good periods in wrestling because that is what makes being a Wrestling fan so great. This is all apart of the process, there are ups and downs but they always get back to being great at some point (hopefully WrestleMania XXX)!
No man, this is the WWE! WWE=entertainment, what don't you get about that? if Raw was ALL wrestling it would be BORING as SHIT. Vince is not in the (wrestling) business, he is the MONEY MAKING business and it's about time you got used to that.
I actually think they are doing quite well at the moment. Best for a long time...

- Got this new exciting charactor change for Kane.
- Road to Wrestlemania 30!
- Cody Rhodes and Goldust have got a spotlight.
- Tag Division is looking good
- Tyson Kidd has returned
- CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are working as a team
- Bray Wyatt's got an epic gimmick
- Corporate Ministry is forming
- Excellent World Champion
- Damien Sandow looks great
- Big Show is looking good
- The Shield are getting in the spotlight
and some other things. The future is actually looking bright so I don't know why you think it is uninteresting. Maybe it's because at every PPV, their is a screwjob to finish, it's getting boring like -

MITB - Paul Heyman attacks CM Punk with a ladder
Summerslam - Triple H pedigrees Daniel Bryan allowing Orton to cash in
Night of Champions - Referee fucks up the call
Battleground - Big Show goes ape shit and knocks everyone out
Hell In A Cell - Shawn Michaels superkicks Daniel Bryan

And Survivor Series will probably have Kane attack Big Show allowing Orton to win because we havn't seen Kane vs. Big Show enough
What more do you want?

To me, WWE hasn't been this interesting since 2011. The whole "power struggle" storyline has definitely made me more of a fan over the past few years. Alongside all of the other storylines - I don't remember the last time most of all of the storylines were interesting. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatts, John Cena as World Champion, The Rhodes Family getting back together, Shawn Michaels, Corporate Kane... all of it is making me want to tune in more and more. And they're NOT undermining the wrestling at all. Most of the matches since Summerslam have been superb. I'm loving RAW right now (and Smackdown, in small doses) and I don't expect the product quality to go down especially since Wrestlemania 30 is almost here.
Raw has 1 hour 30 minutes worth of content stretched out into a 3 hour show. Smackdown has 45 minutes of content in a 2 hour show. They show too many highlights, have too many adverts and too much filler. There is very little good fresh content, The Shield in there 6 man tags have carried WWE TV for months and now there looking like splitting, WWE TV is gonna get difficult to watch.

They do not have enough content for the amount of time on there show. Each of there shows goes 1 hour to long
Raw has 1 hour 30 minutes worth of content stretched out into a 3 hour show. Smackdown has 45 minutes of content in a 2 hour show. They show too many highlights, have too many adverts and too much filler. There is very little good fresh content, The Shield in there 6 man tags have carried WWE TV for months and now there looking like splitting, WWE TV is gonna get difficult to watch.

They do not have enough content for the amount of time on there show. Each of there shows goes 1 hour to long

Well actually if you look on Youtube at the full show's of RAW with out the breaks it is 2 hours, which means their is 30 more minutes worth of Content that your giving it credit for. As for smackdown, they are 1 hour, 30 minutes which means Smackdown is actually 30 minutes longer then you think it is.

Your complaining about highlights but their is a reason for that. The reason for that is so that people are updated, they could be late watching the show or it could be their first time watching. Most shows have adverts so you cant even pin that on WWE, it's about money. It would cost to much to have every single show Commercial Free, if you have such a big problem with adverts, download the WWE app. What you consider "Filler" I consider giving tag teams and diva's a chance in the show so it's not just WWE RAW Presented, Directed, Written and Starred by Triple H, Randy Orton and John Cena.

The Shield do look like they are splitting, ok fine, that's a point that I do agree with however one thing that I will say is we are getting the Wyatt's and they will fill in that empty space. Also they will have a feud when they split so that will be "good fresh content"
Well actually if you look on Youtube at the full show's of RAW with out the breaks it is 2 hours, which means their is 30 more minutes worth of Content that your giving it credit for. As for smackdown, they are 1 hour, 30 minutes which means Smackdown is actually 30 minutes longer then you think it is.

The Shield do look like they are splitting, ok fine, that's a point that I do agree with however one thing that I will say is we are getting the Wyatt's and they will fill in that empty space. Also they will have a feud when they split so that will be "good fresh content"

Firstly I know the show without adverts is longer than I said but the times I quoted was for good content.

Also I understand the Wyatt's are replacing them the Shield but in terms of match quality the Shield have been unrivalled in quality matches in the year they have been in WWE and I simply do not think the Wyatt Family have the ability to put on a 2 star 6 man tag and the Shield have had multiple 4 star matches and I would say there TLC debut was a 5 star match. The Wyatt Family just has no balance as they are 3 power guys, The Shield balance is what produces such great matches
I have also stopped watching the product recently. I think WWE has a number of problems right now. You are more than welcome to disagree with what I have to say but it won't change my opinion on the matter. I just finished typing it out and came back to the top to warn you. This is a long post, don't bother reading it.

Firstly, I feel like they have killed the momentum of every face wrestler they have. Cena has the WHC, and it feels like a step down for him. Something to keep him occupied until he fits back into the WWE title picture. They spent about 2 years making the WHC look like a second tier title, and now they hope Cena can repair it somehow, but I feel like it is just a place holder for him until the story created after his injury is resolved.

Other face wrestlers that have lost a lot of momentum, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. For some reason it looks like the goal since Summerslam was to move Daniel Bryan's momentum onto the Big Show, which has just mellowed out Daniel Bryan's reactions and given Big Show a slight boost. So instead of another potential huge face, we have two above average ones. Plus we have a lot of people disheartened that their hero couldn't win the title. The everyman lost.

CM Punk was frustrating during the Paul Heyman rivalry. Paul Heyman was a great heel, but CM Punk was false promise after false promise of revenge for months. The promos were fine at first, but then it just felt like a reason to keep Punk away from the main event story. I agree with the decision to keep Punk out of that story, but it made little to no sense at all. Everyone remembers Punk's pipe bomb promo, HHH's power trip is the kind of thing that we expect Punk to take objection towards. Even now he is going after the Wyatt Family instead of HHH. He should have at least interacted with HHH a bit, then have weekly beatdowns by the Wyatt Family forcing him to take a stand or something.

The heels aren't doing much better. Orton's current heel run is defined by HHH. Without HHH Orton would most likely be getting more cheers than boos. Orton's vicious beatdown of the Miz probably gained him some fans. I don't know what else to say about Orton, there simply isn't much else to him.

The Shield are probably the only thing I am still happy with, and they are showing signs of breaking them up. I think it is too early for that, give Ambrose a world title. He can beat Cena with help from the Shield. Ambrose can act a bit too arrogant and Reigns takes offense. Reigns and Ambrose both try to argue for Rollins to be in their corner in the ensuing arguments. Eventually Reigns earns a title shot at Ambrose. It is a simple story, but it works. If the Shield is going to break up, at least make it worth it.

I guess the third biggest heels are the Wyatt Family. I like the intensity of the promos, but they just don't mean anything. Bray is a creepy dude, that is all I know about him. Well that and he has the power to make Kane wear a suit. Instead of a vague cult promo or a beatdown, give his cult some substance. Have him stand up and insult some religion/political party/whatever. Just give him anything other than vague cult messages and I might actually react to him.

It is obvious that Raw constantly has last minute rewrites, their stories have less consistency than Lost and are just vague reasons to have a cliffhanger. The ones that do make sense are the ones that never changed eg Punk Heyman. It doesn't help that every single match on Raw is predictable, except maybe the Diva's matches. I can't remember the last time I was surprised by who won. Kofi vs Del Rio, 3MB vs anyone, Axel vs Punk. All matches that happen often and they are one sided from the start. The only interesting thing is how long the match would last.

Also... AJ is making far too much sense for a heel especially one that is meant to be "crazy", no one will ever cheer someone from Total Diva's over her. Except maybe Naomi if they let her be as athletic as she can be.

So yeah, I prefer to spend 5 minutes reading the results than 3 hours watching the show. I occasionally watch clips from the show after if any of it sounded interesting. The only thing I watched last week was the Shield music botch in the promo.

Anyway, that is my rant over. I apologize for wasting anyone's time if you read that. Mostly just wanted to get it off my chest.
I haven't watched WWE in a long time, and for a long time I didn't even read the results, just kinda kept an eye out for happenings. I will say that I am reading results more frequently now, but still not watching yet.

The only wrestling I am currently watching is NXT on Huluplus, other than that nothing has me interested. For me I am just tired of seeing the same guys in the same programs over and over and over. Certain guys need to just move down or even move on. I just can no longer get interested in watching HHH, Big Show, Orton, Cena, Kane, none of them do anything that i haven't seen a million times before.

I want to see several new people move in to the main event scene, not just one guy comes in, faces the same guys over and over and then gets sent packing and blamed for bad ratings. Maybe no one is buying it because only half the equation is fresh and new... Give me Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the world title and let Orton and Cena and Triple H and Big Show go fuck off somewhere else, I am sick of them already
I have to agree about the storylines. They just don't pull you in as much as they seemingly used to. As for the amount of wrestling on the show, I think it needs to be a sort of balance. You can tell so much of a story inside the ring, and you also have to continue that story outside of it. That's what I think it's all about. Case in point, when you watch other sports, are you more interested when the Yankees face the Red Sox, or when they face the Mariners (not trying to hurt the feelings of any Seattle fans out there)? Things seem more impressive when there is a story behind them. CM Punk and John Cena can put on a good match, but would it be as good if they didn't hype it up through interviews and backstage altercations, and other such things? That being said, there is a point where it can be overdone, and the matches seem less important in the grand scheme of things. Thus, the balance I previously mentioned.

As for me, and my general feelings on the WWE...I don't mind it too much, I'd have to lean towards approval. I like what they're doing with some of the things, I don't like others. It's a give and take. They give you some good stuff that you want to see (i.e. Trish in a bikini), but you have to take some of the things you don't want (i.e. William Regal in a bikini). That being said, if there was a good enough story behind it, I think I could handle Regal in such a situation, lol.
Wretlemania 29 was rather lackluster for me this year but for awhile there I thought WWE was doing really well, it was the best that it had been in a long time IMO. Every PPV from Extreme Rules 2013 to Summerslam 2013 was great & delivered in some fashion or another. But there is three key reasons that ever since Summerslam I think things have been on a pretty fast spiral downwards.

1.) The time between Summerslam & Survivor Series has always been sort of been WWE's "down season". Since WWE never has an off season it's only natural that there is a time of the year that things are at a bit more of a lull & that time of the year has fallen between Summerslam & Survivor Series for many years now. Let's face it, it's the time of the year that is farthest away from Mania or the hype of The Rumble & the road to Mania & it is also when the 2nd biggest show of the year has just ended, so naturally things must re-build. So whether fans want to argue that this years "down season" was better or worse, it's usually around this time of the year that things cool down for the most part no matter what happens.

2.) The lack of good storytelling. WWE had some great stories to tell coming off of Summerslam this year but they didn't tell them very well. The Authority/New Regime/Corporation 2.0 storyline got too convaluted & the only characters too come out of it more interesting than when they went in were The Rhodes Brothers, who haven't really even been a part of that storyline since Battleground. Del Rio has been a cancer to the WHC title picture & his feud with RVD was forgettable at best. Del Rio is a solid worker but he is a terrible champion & needs to build on more personal feuds, with emotional storytelling before he ever gets back into a world title picture. Not to mention the pairing of RVD & Ricardo was one of the worst & most random decisions in recent memory. Total Divas & the ladies featured on the show have been taking up WAY too much screen time & AJ Lee hasn't had single solid opponent since capturing the Divas Title, even though tons of PPV time has been wasted on her defending the title against Brie Bella & other talentless nobodies. The Shield have been made to look more like pathetic lackeys for HHH & Steph, rather than the powerful enforcers they should be. The Wyatt's were put on the back burner before randomly getting put in a feud with Punk & Bryan a few weeks ago. Damien Sandow was gettting groomed to take the World Title, then he lost his cash-in match to an injured Cena & now isn't even in the title picture. Curtis Axel was almost completely forgotten about except for the occasional random IC Title defense. I could go on but basically WWE seemed to have everyone in a great place post-Summerslam & quickly messed most of it up.

3.) & Finally the last thing that has ruined things lately for me is the talent WWE has recently decided to push. The Big Show is the main babyface on RAW?!?! THE BIG SHOW for chirst sakes! That is a HUGE problem in & off itself IMO. The Big Show should be doing nothing but putting over young talent in the upper mid-card until he retires. Then you have Ryback who got another big push into the main event scene & once again just proved he doesn't belong there. Then of course John Cena is back & trying to bring back prestige to the WHC. Not only have I never found Cena entertaining but he is more boring & dull than ever in my eyes & his recent goal for the World Title just seems like some pathetic attempt at WWE trying to act like they care about the World Title. When in reality it will never be anywhere close to the WWE Title again & I think even casual fans would be more intereted if some more fresh & newer superstars would feud over the World Title on Smackdown. Also Y2J & RVD left again, Mark Henry is injured, etc.

I think WWE has all the tools to build back up again but as of now they haven't been telling good stories lately & they haven't been utilizing the best possible people to tell those stories.
To me the WWE is not interesting because they focus on sophomoric stories and totally ignore IN RING action. I want to watch wrestling for, wait for it, WRESTLING and on the average RAW over the last 15 years there has been minimal wrestling. The roster doesn't matter, its the presentation. Sports entertainment sucks, period. I don't care to listen to 45 minutes of HHH whining or Steph screeching. Basically lets have less McMahons and more wrestling. I was watching some early RAW's on youtube and couldn't believe how much of the show they actually had matches, like almost the whole time! It was awesome. So, more matches, less blah blah blah.

The funny thing is, people consider their favourite era the "Attitude Era". Guess what, there was an authority figure storyline then too. A lot of "Raw" was conducted on the mike, and if you look, especially in mid-1999, most of the roster couldn't wrestle themselves out of a paper bag, except most of the main-event guys. I mean, who cared about seeing Disciples Of Apocalyse vs The Truth Commission. A hand was given birth too, and the Big Show was irrelevant even back then.

At least Triple H isn't claiming that there is a "Higher Power" and it will be revealed to be "him, it was him all the time". No corpses are being made love to, no "Dr Heines" and no hands being given birth too.

What's the difference? Daniel Bryan is playing the SCSA role, Triple H is playing "Mr McMahon" and Randy Orton is playing "corporate Rock". Hell, Big Show is kinda playing the Mankind role. Steph is still playing herself, and Kane is part of the corporation, like he was in 1998-99, and we have the McMahon-Helmsley era Part II. If anything, you should think that imitation is the best form of flattery.

Also, Big Show drove a truck down to ringside, and yelled "Yes! Yes!". "Stone Cold" drove a truck down to ringside and squirt beer.
The funny thing is, people consider their favourite era the "Attitude Era". Guess what, there was an authority figure storyline then too. A lot of "Raw" was conducted on the mike, and if you look, especially in mid-1999, most of the roster couldn't wrestle themselves out of a paper bag, except most of the main-event guys. I mean, who cared about seeing Disciples Of Apocalyse vs The Truth Commission. A hand was given birth too, and the Big Show was irrelevant even back then.

At least Triple H isn't claiming that there is a "Higher Power" and it will be revealed to be "him, it was him all the time". No corpses are being made love to, no "Dr Heines" and no hands being given birth too.

What's the difference? Daniel Bryan is playing the SCSA role, Triple H is playing "Mr McMahon" and Randy Orton is playing "corporate Rock". Hell, Big Show is kinda playing the Mankind role. Steph is still playing herself, and Kane is part of the corporation, like he was in 1998-99, and we have the McMahon-Helmsley era Part II. If anything, you should think that imitation is the best form of flattery.

Also, Big Show drove a truck down to ringside, and yelled "Yes! Yes!". "Stone Cold" drove a truck down to ringside and squirt beer.

Like I said, history has a way of repeating itself, whether we want it to, or not. It may be just slightly different. Andrew Jackson said the only good Indian (Native American) was a dead one. Bush said the same thing about terrorists...maybe not in the same exact words, but, ya know...yeah.
I would go on to reply specifically and elaborate, but it's kinda late at the moment, so I will link you to a thread I created like 3 hours ago, which is pretty much a good answer to your question. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=264959

The main point here is probably this:
-Everything has been done before. When Austin went against the corporation, it was huge. Possibly the most successful story in the history of the WWF/WWE. The reason, though, it was so successful (apart from the fact that Vince and Austin were A+ at their segments and performances in general), is that it was the first time it had been done, at least in such a grand scale. Up until recently, we had Bryan going up against the corporation too, but let's be honest, no one was so hyped about it as much as we were for Austin. Many can blame this on the booking, but, to be completely fair, rehashing a story line of old because it was successful is not good TV always. We know the ending, we know how it goes because we have seen it before. We are not as excited because of that and therefore, we tend to blame the Superstars involved for its "failure", while it is the storyline itself. Sure, the booking plays a huge part, but it is just as much the booking can do. Cm Punk's pipebomb character went over so much because it was new and exciting. The booking was bad (he lost to HHH), but he was still exciting and went over huge. That's why Punk is considered one of the best today.
The next time you attend a WWE show, take a look around the audience. Just spend a good five minutes pivoting in place so you can get a good scan over the entirety of your surroundings. What did you see?

You probably saw groups of parents who admittedly don't know anything about it and are just there to chaperone.

You probably saw little kids wearing John Cena jerseys and Zack Ryder head bands who mark out for Diva matches.

You probably saw individuals with various forms of mental disability syndromes.

You probably saw shit faced morons occasionally screaming something like "Y2J" in a failed attempt to get the chant going during a match or segment involving The Miz.

The WWE makes enough money off of placating these fans, of whom there's a new generation every year, so they can be virtually unaffected by losing you as a fan. I agree that in the past they were better at being a more all inclusive form of entertainment. Now-a-days they don't care if watching Randy Orton have a lack-luster spaz attack bores you, just as long as it's good enough to excite the pseudo-sentient super fans.
Then of course John Cena is back & trying to bring back prestige to the WHC. Not only have I never found Cena entertaining but he is more boring & dull than ever in my eyes & his recent goal for the World Title just seems like some pathetic attempt at WWE trying to act like they care about the World Title. When in reality it will never be anywhere close to the WWE Title again & I think even casual fans would be more intereted if some more fresh & newer superstars would feud over the World Title on Smackdown. Also Y2J & RVD left again, Mark Henry is injured, etc.

I agreed with everything you said in your post except from this quoted part. I also don't enjoy Cena being the same old dude blah blah blah. It might also seem like WWE is trying (pathetically) to bring back prestige to the WHC. Pathetic or not, it is a good thing, we need the WHC to provide good stories for Smackdown, instead of waiting only for the WWE title storyline and whatever program Punk is on. Cena, not matter how good/bad he is, he makes people watch him and this means that people will watch the WHC scene and if WWE succeeds in telling compelling stories with it on the line, then the prestige might come back. And for your last statement, no, the last thing the creative should do is put some young randomers in the WHC title picture. This will devalue it completely. At least, at some point, you had Sheamus, who had a good run with the WWE Championship as a heel back in 2010, then you had Mark Henry, who was a convincing champ, and then, no matter how boring he was, we had Del Rio, also a former WWE Champion. Say what you wanna say, but the title holders were semi-decent names, it's just that the booking and the feuds were weak and out of the spotlight without any focus. I don't think anyone would care to see, let's say, Sandow vs Big E Langston for the WHC. They are not big names so people can't really go deep to care about them. You need established stars to feud and hold it before you actually hand it to some up-and-comer, like it was done with the WWE Championship at MitB 2011 and Summerslam 2013. Do you think Cm Punk's pipebomb and title victory would have that much impact if he had beaten Sheamus for the WHC? No. Same for Bryan. When he cashed in this MitB contract, the Philly crowd marked out (as expected), but then, every other arena was like a graveyard. If, at Summerslam, he was facing Del Rio for the WHC, although hot, he wouldn't be considered to top guy in the WWE at the moment. This goes to tell you how bad putting young randomers in the WHC picture at the moment is. It was kinda off-topic, but I had to reply to that.
WWE is really LAME these days..... Slow pace,,,lazy Athletes......The energy that used to be there even Until 2007 is not there..There Ain't any lack of good STORYLINES. There ain't any lack of GOOD WRESTLERS. What it lacks is really ENERGETIC CROWDS....Wrestling is REVOLUTIONIZED by the energy that a live CROWD gives to it. So it has been. LIVE CROWDS are the factor that makes a SUPERSTAR.. Energetic CROWDS are ABOVE any superstars... Where are those CROWDS from ATTITUDE ERA...The crowd after WRESTLWMANIA 29 was the BEST to see this year...But after that nothing went GOOD... DANIEL BRYAN was good with the CROWD but he didn't EVOLVED...Nowadays CEOWD is really LAZY...THE LOVE for WRESTLING is MISSING really...CAN there be a day when WRESTLING be like OLD DAYS...YEAh... Someday something SPECIAL may HAPPEN that SPARK A new ERA..and bring that ENERGY CROWDS....
- Got this new exciting charactor change for Kane.
That's definitely a positive thing, but not much of a game-changer. From what I saw, it seems like he just cameoed on Raw without mattering.

- Road to Wrestlemania 30!
Road to WM happens every year. This isn't groundbreaking.

- Cody Rhodes and Goldust have got a spotlight.
- Tag Division is looking good
The tag division is definitely looking better than before, but once Cody and Goldie won the tag titles, they seemed to lose depth. Their feuds are now based on "beats champ in non-title match, gets title match" just like the other million midcard feuds WWE has done.

- Tyson Kidd has returned
WWE has never cared less about Tyson Kidd then they do right now. And that's just really sad.

- CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are working as a team
- Bray Wyatt's got an epic gimmick
Punk and Bryan have been relegated to teaming, which is definitely a step back for both of them. Bray's gimmick is great, but doing random beatdowns is not the way to get him over. He's BRAY WYATT, not 3MW.

- Corporate Ministry is forming
- Excellent World Champion
I don't think Undertaker would ever join the Corporation again, so not happening. And who's the excellent world champion? Cena/Orton? It's 2007/9 all over again. I am much less inclined in watching a TV show if all they're showing is reruns, and that's basically what WWE is doing.

- Damien Sandow looks great
He jobbed to Cena for a couple of weeks straight and was then forgotten completely. He probably won't even be on Survivor Series. I'd hardly call that "looks great".

- Big Show is looking good
Big Show has looked the same since 1999. Nothing special.

- The Shield are getting in the spotlight and some other things.
It seems like they will be splitting up soon. It might be good for them, I don't know, but most likely 1 or 2 of them will get lost in the shuffle.

The future is actually looking bright so I don't know why you think it is uninteresting. Maybe it's because at every PPV, their is a screwjob to finish, it's getting boring like -

MITB - Paul Heyman attacks CM Punk with a ladder
Summerslam - Triple H pedigrees Daniel Bryan allowing Orton to cash in
Night of Champions - Referee fucks up the call
Battleground - Big Show goes ape shit and knocks everyone out
Hell In A Cell - Shawn Michaels superkicks Daniel Bryan

And Survivor Series will probably have Kane attack Big Show allowing Orton to win because we havn't seen Kane vs. Big Show enough

This is also one of the main reasons WWE has been dropping in buyrates. They can't put on the same ending every month and expect people to buy their PPVs. What I said earlier about reruns applies here in an even stronger capacity. No way is anyone going to waste $300 on 5 PPVs that all ended in screwjobs. If I was one of the poor suckers who ordered them all, I wouldn't EVER order another one again, not even WrestleMania.
Can I just say one thing because I'm seeing this about CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, just because they are not fighting for the WWE Title, their not losing momentum. You don't need to be the WWE Champion to show that you don't have momentum. Like at Survivor Series 2009 time, Kofi Kingston was on the top of his game and he had loads of momentum but he wasn't fighting for the WWE Title...
Can I just say one thing because I'm seeing this about CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, just because they are not fighting for the WWE Title, their not losing momentum. You don't need to be the WWE Champion to show that you don't have momentum. Like at Survivor Series 2009 time, Kofi Kingston was on the top of his game and he had loads of momentum but he wasn't fighting for the WWE Title...

Why is it so hard for people to understand what you said? I agree with most of your post earlier on this topic as well. We have multiple things going on in WWE.


I'm okay with Punk & Bryan feuding with Wyatts.

I'm okay with the new tag team focus. (Bourne and Kidd returning could mean new teams)

I do like the corporate angle though I felt that Big Show isn't right for this angle. I don't know who would be right. Big Show just doesn't do it for me.

Kane in a suit? I can dig it sucka. This brings out a whole new character out of Kane. A Humanized monster. I'm confused though on if he's still wrestling or taken the Triple H road and become a part time talent. Either way, I'm not gonna bad mouth it because we haven't even seen it for a week.

Just a lot of sour grapes cause their "guy" isn't being pushed to their liking.

Also, I find it funny that people claim to have not watched raw or wwe for years, yet they feel they can comment on the subject of current storylines based on reading results and watching 90 second youtube clips
After reading so many of these posts, it seems that the primary reason that WWE seems "uninteresting" to some is the same I've see a million time; namely the old "they're not doing what I want them to do with my personal favorites" complaint. Don't get me wrong, there are things going on in WWE I'm not all that wild about. For instance, I've got no real interest in Big Show vs. Randy Orton because I think it's a stale program that we've seen many times over the years. It's not that I don't believe that Orton & Show aren't doing good jobs in their roles, because they are, but it's a feud we've seen several times before and it doesn't feel nearly as fresh as a lot of what's been going on the past few month.

While the WWE Championship feud between Bryan & Orton didn't go the way a lot of people were hoping, myself included, I disagree wholeheartedly that it's been uninteresting. They had great matches, Bryan looked strong as he only "lost" because of multiple screwjobs and there was a genuine sense of unpredictability that the title scene hadn't had in a while. For the first time in quite a while, there didn't seem to be any solid consensus on who would ultimately walk away as champ. Isn't unpredictability something that numerous internet fans have been crying out to see for a LONG time now? But, since it ultimately didn't have the outcome some wanted it to have, that doesn't at all mean it wasn't a quality program.

People have wanted to see tag team wrestling as a whole start to mean something in WWE again. It's a process that started about a year ago and one that looks to be really kicking into another gear. I'm not saying it's going to be epic, maybe it will be and maybe it won't, but it's FAR better than it used to be. Rollins & Reigns Harper & Rowan, The Real Americans, The Usos and Cody Rhodes & Goldust are five strong teams that each bring something different to the table. Even Los Matadores has potential. I'm not exactly wild about them, but they're not the running joke I honestly expected.

People have been wanting WWE to do something more significant with the Wyatt Family for a while now and they're getting it. They're currently embroiled in a feud against the two most universally over babyfaces on the WWE roster and two of the top in-ring guys in all of wrestling in CM Punk & Daniel Bryan.

Even he WWE Divas are becoming somewhat relevant. There are actual storylines taking place and some actually decent wrestling matches. They're not the stuff that epics are made of but, again, it's a massive improvement compared to where it's been for many years.

It's not perfect. I highly doubt there'll ever be a time in which EVERY program featuring EVERY wrestler is the stuff dreams are made of.
For instance, I've got no real interest in Big Show vs. Randy Orton because I think it's a stale program that we've seen many times over the years.

That's a good point, and it's a problem of WWE's own making because there's just too much pro wrestling on TV, by the company's own choice. In the early 90's, WWE had one hour of original programming a week: Monday Night Raw from the Manhattan Center in New York City. Now, they have six hours of brand new content a week; more if you include NxT. Yet, they can't have a roster of 800 people who all get a share of TV time and all get paid, right? So, there's a tendency to see the same old feuds executed by the same old people.

Look, we're the audience; we want to be entertained. Despite the fact it's virtually impossible to keep coming up with new stuff, we demand to see things that have never before been done in the world of pro wrestling ......and to have those amazing things be followed by more amazing things......every damn week.

Personally, I'm impressed by how much of what Creative comes up with is fresh and new, especially considering the amount of programming there is to fill. But if you find WWE uninteresting, stop watching. No, you don't have to be appreciative of the almost impossible task before the producers and writers; you don't have to be cognizant at all of how hard it is to keep the original content fresh and exciting.

As I've been saying for a long time, while most episodic TV produces 22 new shows a year, WWE does around 50. Plus, they have more than one show to do.....every single week.

It can't all be fresh and innovative; it simply can't. If I were Vince McMahon, I'd cut the original programming back significantly......but if he did it, fans would be howling with displeasure over that, wouldn't they?
Meh, WWE isn't that bad at the moment. It's not amazing, but I'll take what we're currently getting over Raw between 2003 and 2005.

Yeah, Big Show vs. Orton is lame and we've seen it before. But we know it's not a long-term programme, it's got the Big Show in it. He's not a future star, he's a veteran in the last few years of his career. Show vs. Orton will happen at Survivor Series, there'll be a chair or table match at TLC, then Orton will get a new challenger at Royal Rumble. It's not that big a deal.

There's still a lot of good stuff on WWE TV at the moment. Anything the Shield does is gold, same with the Rhodes brothers. It'll be great to see Punk and Bryan to team up to take on the Wyatts. Just because they're teaming up doesn't mean they're being demoted somehow. There's a difference between teaming up and being in the tag team division. Plenty of top stars have teamed up to take down a common enemy, most notably the Mega Powers. It makes for some really entertaining programmes. If we see Punk and Bryan vs. The Rhodes for the tag titles at Wrestlemania, then you have a reason to complain, as great as that match would be.

The road to Wrestlemania is looking fun and unpredictable for the first time in a few years. We have Orton, Bryan, Punk and Cena all needing something to do at Wrestlemania. And I assume there'll be some matches with Taker and Lesnar, with maybe the Rock, Triple H and Jericho stepping back into the ring for Mania XXX. Any combination of those names would make for some great matches.

Plus, we've got the Royal Rumble in a couple of months. We've got no idea who'll win that. Earlier in the year, Punk seemed like a lock. Then Bryan got super hot. And what if Orton or Cena lose their title before the Rumble? Or what if there's a winner from out of nowhere, Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt or Dolph Ziggler? This year, we all knew it would be Cena vs. The Rock II: WWE title edition. But this year? Who knows.

Also, there's plenty of great talent in NXT waiting to come forward after Wrestlemania, Wade Barrett is hopefully getting a repackage and a push when he comes back, and Damien Sandow is actually doing something. See, it ain't all bad.

Plus, AJ. AJ to the max.

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