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Why do Bryan fans want him to be a main eventer so bad when he is a B+

There would have been nothing wrong with Hogan in the mid-card. I wish most of his fans could have seen this, too.

Please, please tell me what specific criteria qualifies people for the top of the card that excludes DB being there? Needing a chant to get over? Damn Ric Flair and his "woo" then. Do you really want to go there?

DB wasn't using the yes chant when the crowd went nuts for his US title defense with Dolph. He wasn't using the yes-chant when he cashed in money in the bank and won the title from Big Show, and the place exploded. Yes, it was a MitB cash-in, but if you compare it with previous cash-ins, DB's pop was bigger. Only Dolph, in front of the post-Mania crowd, was bigger.

It just seems that the DB bashers are really performing mental gymnastics to desperately exclude him from rising to the top. For the last two years, he's made everything from abusive boyfriend to napoleon-complex in a dysfunctional tag team to deluded cultist to outcast underdog to bear obsessed commentator work. He's sold his stories, his ringwork was been outstanding. I put up with a decade of Hogan at the top with his two moves of doom and his obnoxious, repetitive catchphrases. You can stand a few years of DB at the top, with people chanting his name at non-wrestling sports events and Rolling Stone articles (like all the other B+ wrestlers).
OH COME ON, they never wanted him to be in the main event. You should know this by now, they thought he was a mid carder at best. They were going to do Batista vs. Orton and the crowd changed there that. I do not hate the man, but to be honest he would have been better in the mid card, was jake the snake horrible, no. There is no shame of being in the mid card. I also have said i am not a hater, I like the guy.

Again. Like the "B+ player" label, THAT WAS A STORYLINE. That's why Triple H and The Authority were holding him down for months, putting every obstacle in his path for months, doing everything they could to beat him down and keep him away from the title...that's why Bryan started the Yes Movement, and told the fans to keep voicing their opinions because the WWE can't ignore them forever. You really think they did all that just to culminate in a match with Sheamus? Please.

WWE clearly doesn't see Daniel Bryan as a B+ player and they sure as hell didn't plan on doing Batista vs. Randy Orton. Saying otherwise would be like claiming Vince didn't want Austin to have the title in the late 90s or Kane is Undertaker's half brother.

And, for what it's worth, this argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. A person's place on the card is determined solely by their connection with the crowd. The more people that want to see them, the higher in the card they are. That's how it works. If Jake Roberts or Roddy Piper or Mr. Perfect were bigger draws, they too would've been main eventers. They tried Perfect as a main eventer against Hogan and nobody cared. All the things you bring up about why he shouldn't be a main eventer have nothing to do with being a main eventer. It's about drawing, not size or appearance or talent. Daniel Bryan draws. He draws like nobody else in the WWE, and he has for a long time now. That's why he's a main eventer.
Having a connection with the fans? Well, you just answered the question as to why John Cena has been on top for the last eight years- because of "Let's Go, Cena" "Cena Sucks" chants, meaning he has a connection with the fans. Yet many of you say he doesn't deserve to be there.

Hell, Christian used to have a connection with the crowd, but it didn't help him get anywhere (and he was given the title more for being a friend of Edge, rather than his connection with the fans).

Santino Marella has some connection with the fans, is a similar height to Daniel Bryan, but no way should he ever win the WWE Title in the main event at WM.

Also, didn't Zack Ryder have a connection with the fans once as well?

The fans are not always right.

This is Pro Wrestling, or as they put it these days, "Sports Entertainment".

This is not a real athletic competition, this is a show for the fans. The fans are always correct.

Not sure what point you are trying to prove with Christian.

He held multiple World Titles in various promotions and many other "meaningful belts" (including the tag team belts many times back when they actually meant something) and had his time at the top but has already passed his prime. Now he is upper mid card feuding with another former champion. He might not have the same zeal anymore, but he definitely got his due for his connection with the fans and should be a Hall of Famer 10 - 15 years down the Road (for just his Tag Team accomplishments alone).

Cena "deserving" more shots at the title is a debate for sure. There comes a time when there is "too much of a good thing". He already has 14 title reigns, how many more times should we give him the belt? 25 title reigns before he retires? 35?

Talk to us when Daniel Bryan has held a World title on more then even two occasions.
I don't think Daniel Bryan is a main event caliber character. Wrestler, that's different. He's an A+ Not that WWE considers how many holds, moves, reversals, and top turnbuckle/diving spots a guy knows. The higher up the card a guy moves the more limited his move set becomes.

His current character needs very over heels holding him down to play off of. Once he's got the title, and he isn't the underdog it is going to be nearly impossible for his momentum to carry on at this level. The Mania crowd and the hardcore fans and Raw on Monday will go crazy if he wins Sunday. After that it's all down hill.

Anyone that doesn't think that the chant is more over than the character after it broke out at an MLB game? It sucks too because I think with the time to develop a more well rounded babyface character DB could've done so. Instead he is being pushed with this goatface underdog crap because yes ↑ yes↑ yes↑ has become a crowd fad at sporting events like the wave, and Vince will do anything to feel mainstream.
Anyone that doesn't think that the chant is more over than the character after it broke out at an MLB game? It sucks too because I think with the time to develop a more well rounded babyface character DB could've done so. Instead he is being pushed with this goatface underdog crap because yes ↑ yes↑ yes↑ has become a crowd fad at sporting events like the wave, and Vince will do anything to feel mainstream.

Obviously its not, otherwise they wouldn't also be chanting "Dan-iel Bry-an" and "We Want Bry-an" all the damn time.

It's such a flawed argument from people who just refuse to give Bryan credit for anything. It's like saying that Stone Cold was never that over, it was just "what" chant.

Breaking out at an MLB game proves nothing other than Bryan having mainstream appeal.
Obviously its not, otherwise they wouldn't also be chanting "Dan-iel Bry-an" and "We Want Bry-an" all the damn time.

It's such a flawed argument from people who just refuse to give Bryan credit for anything. It's like saying that Stone Cold was never that over, it was just "what" chant.

Breaking out at an MLB game proves nothing other than Bryan having mainstream appeal.

Were the baseball fans chanting his name?

It is possible for the chant to be more over than DB, even if DB is the most over guy in WWE at this moment. It's not an insult to say that the chant is more over.

Do you really think that the majority of the fans chanting yes at that game know any wrestler other than Rock, Hogan, and maybe SCSA? I highly doubt anyone really wanted DB to show up at that game. Chanting yes at a sporting event is just something that's caught on. It has very little to do with WWE at all. I'm sure the 5-10 guys that start the chant love DB, but there's no way the majority of the 40-50k people at a baseball game know where that chant started.

YMCA is more popular than the village people. The YES chant is more popular than Daniel Bryan. That's reality. That's not me being a hater.
I think Daniel Bryan (like CM Punk) is a waste if he's used as a solid main eventer. I feel he has far more to offer as a midcarder. He's got the right size, the lack of an interesting gimmick, and the unappealing ability on the mic. He works so much better as a midcarder. I see him as someone who could grow in the midcard and become an interesting character with an interesting gimmick rather than being pushed to new heights by very vocal supporters.

I remember an old promo given by The Rock where he says "The people made The Rock". This may have never been truer than it is in the case of Daniel Bryan. Sure he's crisp in the ring but that's about the most appealing thing about him as a babyface. At least when he was a heel in the midcard, he was interesting. He'd treat AJ like crap, he'd weasel out of matches, and he'd (more sensibly) chant "YES!" to gloat. His babyface character seems to be void of any captivating quirks or characteristics. That's far more forgivable as a midcarder babyface than a main eventing babyface. *Kofi Kingston nods*

The Rock, Austin, and Hogan didn't need the fans to vocally propel them into main event status. Their characters got people excited. Daniel Bryan's "YES!" battlecry is the most appealing character trait about him since he's been in the main event. That's pretty sad. Hogan was a motivational meathead. Undertaker was a zombie-inspired powerhouse. The Rock, HHH, and Austin embodied attitude and "badassery". John Cena flaunts his ability to be a cross between a GI-Joe and a superhero. Notice that all of these main eventers are unique in their own way but each of them have legacies that stuck because they could be written as legitimate alpha-male dominating forces. Having (and being) an underdog gimmick, does not work for a steady main eventer. Not having an appealing gimmick doesn't work either. This is why I see Daniel Bryan as someone who would be better off as an occasional main eveinter who mostly stays in the midcard (like Jericho). There's nothing wrong with being the best of the midcard. I wish most of DB's fans could see this.

I agree with you, you are right on target, an main event star at times, mostly in the mid card I like that. HOWEVER there needs to be a better mid card.
@OP, The real question is...Why are you a hypocrite? You call DB a B+ player and give us some stupid thread about why we want him to main event when you are obviously a Robert Roode fan who is a C+ player at best. Pathetic! Why don't you go and start a worthless thread about who the TNA champion should be as if it matters. Nobody want your trolling here.

So Roode is a C at most, what just because he is in tna, are you that biased against tna, if he was in wwe you would be worshiping him more than likely. I will give you this, tna has been crap lately. However have you seen Roode's promos, have you. Most wwe fans vaule promos over wrestling. If you watched Roode with no bias, then you would see he cuts a WAY BETTER promo than Bryan, not even funny.

If Roode had the same exposure as Bryan he would be a WAY BIGGER STAR. He has everything, everything. If tna was run well now like it was in 2012, and had the name brand wwe did he would be a way bigger star. I don't get why the hatred for Roode just because he is a tna fan.

Also I am not a troll, just because I have a different opinion from you does not mean I am a troll. This is not even to get a rise out. I honestly think he would have been a better mid carder honest to god opinion. This just proves a lot of wrestling fans can't take someone else's opinions. Not as bad here as Wrestle forums, you are the first to do that to me.
While I am on your side, the guy is popular. He does have people chanting his name. Not a huge star, but not a dud either, in fact as a heel I am a huge supporter of him as champion, face Bryan not so much.

I asked if those baseball fans were chanting his name. That would be strangely impressive.

It feels like as a babyface the chant has become his only distinguishable trait. Everything else about him now has become so bland and generic. Atleast when he come off sounding whiny and annoying as a heel I had to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was doing it on purpose.
This is Pro Wrestling, or as they put it these days, "Sports Entertainment".

This is not a real athletic competition, this is a show for the fans. The fans are always correct.

Not sure what point you are trying to prove with Christian.

He held multiple World Titles in various promotions and many other "meaningful belts" (including the tag team belts many times back when they actually meant something) and had his time at the top but has already passed his prime. Now he is upper mid card feuding with another former champion. He might not have the same zeal anymore, but he definitely got his due for his connection with the fans and should be a Hall of Famer 10 - 15 years down the Road (for just his Tag Team accomplishments alone).

Cena "deserving" more shots at the title is a debate for sure. There comes a time when there is "too much of a good thing". He already has 14 title reigns, how many more times should we give him the belt? 25 title reigns before he retires? 35?

Talk to us when Daniel Bryan has held a World title on more then even two occasions.

Bryan, if he wins the belt next time, will actually have had his fourth reign as either World or WWE Champion.

Once, a couple of years ago, when he won MITB, and cashed in on Big Show, and was playing a heel (remember he lost that title to Sheamus in 18 seconds at WM28), the second at "Summerslam", when Orton cashed in MITB and won it seconds later (triggering the Authority storyline) and the third was at "Battleground" last year.

The funny thing is, he won the title at "Battleground", a B-show PPV, and it make the fans drop off, in fact they increased their support. So, if he wins it at a B-show PPV again (e.g. Extreme Rules), then he will still be as big a star. He doesn't need to win at WM for it to mean something.

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