Why is WWE so uninteresting lately??

I don't remember Raw being so consistently enjoyable ever and this includes the AE. Now a lot of that comes from the fact that I watch Raw recorded from my DVR and skip the stuff I don't care about. But still I find it pretty enjoyable. To me Raw's biggest flaw is that when it ends it doesn't draw me in to come back next week. I'm left satisfied but with no significant desire to tune in to see what happens next. I'm not sure why that is, maybe they aren't preparing to bring in new talent, maybe there are no good questions to be answered, maybe I have grown too cynical (thanks a lot IWC and aging in general). Of all the stories of the past 10 years the one that had me drawn in the most was the walkout. I was so interested in seeing how that would play out. Would they do a show with a handful or talent, would the exiting talent find a way to put on their own show? That's the kind of stuff I feel is missing, I want be excited about what happens next. Otherwise I feel like the talent, production, and creative have done a very good job.
My issues with the current product run deeper than just the events unfolding in the ring. In today’s era they have lost the sense of believability. So many of the “talents” are trying to be everything but great wrestling performers and this is only magnified by management wanting us to see these super stars as true celebrities. In past eras we could tune into weekly programming and it was easy to get lost in the story telling and the characters, especially the characters. We knew them as their in ring persona and not their real life selves. Being members of the IWC we get so many unimportant details shoved down our throats by dirt sheets/sites, the talents and the promoters. I understand the back stage happenings have been public knowledge for many years but it has never been to this extent. It makes it quite difficult to get lost in the excitement and enjoy the ride.

Another major issue I have with the current product is the attitude management and creative have towards the intense fans. It is as if they believe this group of individuals are complete morons. As an example I point to the recent news stories involving the demotion of Daniel Bryan. He was blamed for low buy rates and moved back to the mid card as the powers that be believe fans want “larger than life” performers headlining the card. This is a complete crock. The fans want compelling characters and edge of the seat action headlining all cards. This “larger than life” physique believed to sell is management and creative trying to cover their asses because they cannot create the characters or the excitement needed to reach the levels of success experienced in years past.

Finally I take slight issue with the Road to Wrestlemania. I understand it is the most important time of the year and should be treated as so but the downside is the remainder of the year gets completely dumped on. I will give them credit for attempting to boost Sumer Slam this year but it was still a lackluster effort. On the Road to Wrestlemania they pull out all the big guns relying on characters of yesterday to drum up some interest for the event. The performers they dumped on all year are pushed to side not getting the chance to ever elevate themselves. They need to take a page from the NFL where the entire year is an over the top event. Sure it all cumulates with the Super Bowl but workouts, free agency, the draft and every week of the season are now must see.
"It's hard to muster enough interest for WWE"

"It's a chore to get through"

Unless you watch it because it's part of your job, you can just change the channel. It's not that hard. There have been times where I am not enjoying Raw and I switch to something else.

There are many positives in the current WWE product. There are also things that we can be critical about. This thread is just a circle jerk for those upset with the WWE because they don't use their fantasy booking ideas to help "improve" the product or because their favorite superstar is getting "buried".

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