Why is new talent being pushed so hard?

As it has been correctly stated in this thread, the WWE is in a rebuilding process right now. Stars take 1-3 years to establish and legitamize as Superstars and solid draws. Vince is pushing hard right now because he knows the landscape of the WWE will be quite different in 4-5 years and he wants the next crop of talent to be ready. The mid carders of today will produce the top draws of this period while many midcarders will take the road agent positions as they retire and replace the older road agents. It's all part of the process and engine that drives the WWE. We saw Vince rebuild back when everyone jumped ship to WCW and a few years ago when Cena and Orton came along. Wrestling is a young mans game and the talent needs to be kept fresh so the athletes stay healty and the product doesnt go stale.
This is silly, Does the OP think that wrestlers such as The Undertaker, Triple H, Rey Mysterio and others to wrestle till their 90 years old?
As people said before the WWE are going into a rebuilding process. Think about it, a good few of thew current Main Eventers are in their 40's and in a couple of years they will inevitability have to retire leaving a huge gap if the young superstars of today arn't pushed today. If the young stars of today arn't pushed now are we going to believe that Dolph Ziggler, John morrison, Evan bourne are all going to be world champions. Thats why we need them pushed right now so in years time their established superstars and we will believe they can be world champions in time. Pushing young superstars is all for the best and in 5 years time, we will all be happy with a new bunch of main eventers and young world champions and wont be complaining how the oldies will never leave, like the situation in TNA. ;)
I almost read this and thought it was the IWC finally completing the transition into being a sad parody of itself, but then I realized that below the surface, it's just another "Matt Hardy/Christian isn't champion yet, waaaaaah" thread.

Why is WWE pushing new guys? Because guys get old, fall apart, and die. Because life happens, and it's about time that they start pushing newer talents. And guess what? The WWE is just like any other job; the guys that the bosses like are going to be the ones who move up the chain. Maybe that's not fair, but that's how it is.
Useless thread is useless.
This really has to be the most stupidest question i have ever seen.WHY in GOD's name do you think they are geting pushed?Old people are retiring if they dont push young guys ,hell even testing,what? they are gonna have a main-event full of unworthy mid-carders who just happen to get there by mistake cause ..hey..they have to fill the spot.They are pushing them to make them believeable.

As the above-me-very-wise-man said its just "Matt Hardy/Christian isn't champion yet, waaaaaah".Those guys will never be champion get it in your head.They are being used as people to enhance talent, get them over.Sure Christian might still have a good feud or two in him.But that doesnt mean he will be world champion anytime soon.

They need to keep testing the water with 28-30 year old guys so they know if they have found a keeper.Like the MIZ for example.
Guys like MVP, Hardy, Christian, are over , yes but they are kinda OLD.sure they are not 40+ years old but they are slowly getting there.I'm not saying they are not good,and im sure they can handle a good feud but WWE needs those 28-30 years old guys now they need to set another foundation.

Sometime in the near future our beloved 40+years main-event stars are going to hang up the boots.And the LEAST WWE can do is have some upper-midcarders who have some nice feuds and are believeable enough to put into the main event.
To me it just seems wrong.

Why? To push tallented guys who'll be carrying the company for a decade or two makes perfect sence.

Wwe pushes so much new talent opposed to people who deserve it.

Pity that the people the IWC think 'deserve it' are shit.

I dont understand why the Wwe does it.

Push tallented wrestlers rather than shit ones? Not rocket science mate.

There are so many superstars that are over with the crowd but instead the push people who we barely know.

if the 'over' guys are people like Matt Hardy, then they don't get pushed because they are terrible.

Just look at Uso. They destroy the champs and all of a sudden they get a title shot.

Your point? This always happens when heels get pushed. They beat shit up.

WTF Thoughts?

I'd gove them, but it'd be classed as flaming.

There's plenty of people who have been there long enough that don't get proper credit and usage.

like who exactly?

They use guys who are just brought in, and yet where's John morrisons title at?

The same place his promo skills are at. Imaginationland.

R truth has been in a couple years now, what does he really get?

Massive pops, ok matches and the only finisher in the company less accurite than Starship Pain. Getting a little old to be getting a young gun push though.

and yet assholes like Swagger gets titles, and idiots like Sheamus get titles?

They do their jobs better than Morrison does. They can work a crowd. THat's why they get pushed and he doesn't. Sad but it's true. Get over it.

I'd take morrison over any of them any day

You're in the minority.
...Is this thread a joke?

There are two reasons certain young talents are getting pushed:

1. They're young and WWE needs someone to take the places of the Triple H's and Undertaker's that will be retiring soon.

2. They have the talent to do so.

The reason Sheamus, Swagger, Barrett, Miz, et. al. are getting pushed is because they can work a crowd and work a match, which is something essential for any wrestler wanting to take the next step. On top of that, the guys on top aren't going to be there forever, and you don't want them to retire and have no young talents ready to step up and fill their shoes. If you don't push younger guys now, you'll be stuck with a roster of midcarders that don't have enough credibility or drawing power to carry the WWE Championship when the old guard steps away.

As for why people like Matt Hardy, R-truth, Morrison, and Christian aren't getting pushed, the answers differ for each of them. Hardy is nothing more than average (though I like him and he IS quite over), R-Truth and Christian could get pushed to the main event but they aren't as young as the guys WWE is currently interested in pushing, and Morrison sucks on the mic.

Man, I was kinda hoping this would be a unique (albeit stupid) thread instead of yet another "Matt Hardy isn't teh champ and it PISSES ME OFFFFF!!!" thread. Oh well.
I cannot actually believe someone is criticising WWE for pushing new talent, I honestly can't.

I, on the other hand, am jumping for joy because it was about damn time they invested effort into creating the stars of tommorow...there's only so many times you can watch the same old thing (e.g. Cena/Orton, Orton/HHH, Edge/Cena etc) and let's not forget, as countless people have said, the top stars aren't going to be here forever, hell, we just lost Shawn Michaels and I can't see other big names like Edge, HHH, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show among others sticking around for eternity either.

What WWE is doing is fecking smart, they are investing in a future so that they can actually continue to operate. Without the current crop of new guys, there will be no WWE in 5/10 years....silly thread this is indeed. If anything, I say push the young guys even harder.
Ferbian, the reason I brought up the Usos title shot is that, as I said, they had one victory. I understand trying to keep the tag titles relevant with a defense, but this is the reason why a lot of people can't take wrestling seriously--half the time, they pull things out of their asses that don't make sense in the "sports" part of sports entertainment. If they wanted to get the Usos some exposure, they should have competition. By any metric, they didn't deserve it, kayfabe or otherwise. I'm not talking about talent, either. It's logic, plain and simple. You don't beat Tatsu and Goldust on Superstars, lose twice in mixed tag matches and get a title shot. The booking there is just stupid and makes no sense.

What the ultimate point of that rant is, is that bringing in some (obviously not all) of the young guys, putting them in tag teams and allowing them to develop themselves serves more of the ultimate purpose not only for making the tag titles relevant and respectable, but to get guys over and make them credible. This is how Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, et al began their rise to the top, and when they made it, it made sense. They could be the faces of the company because people knew who they were, where they came from, how they got there and thus, they gave a shit. It was because they put in the work to get there and had a name and reputation to attach it to. The reason why Miz is where he's at right now is because he's built heat for three years. If some newcomer named Sheamus beats up a tech crew, wins a battle royal to be in a match with Cena, who accidentally falls through a table, becomes WWE Champion under those very circumstances, I don't buy that he has any credibility, and his first reign suffered for it.

This isn't just about "Christian and Matt Hardy waaaah", it's about the big picture in terms of what these young guys will ultimately mean to the company. Bottom line, bring in the new talent, but let them do something to prove themselves before putting rockets up their asses. If people are going to be put on a fast track, at least pick guys who look the part and can work with it. McIntyre's push was BS, no one bought it and now he's stalled. If someone has potential at the age of 24, they have time to work on it. If someone is 30 and close, they should be the ones getting titles first so that the young guys can take them at a point when it's more realistic. Should they push new talent? Abso-fucking-lutely. As long as it's the right people at the right time.
It's an obvious answer...if they don't push new talent, then in 5 years WWE won't have any good stars will they?? A lot of the vets will be retiring soon e.g. Jericho, Kane, Rey, HHH, Taker, Edge etc..and the next guys in the generation will be those like Orton, Cena, Punk...

Pushing the new guys now is a good thing because then you have fillers, make them stars now so that in 5 years time you won't be saying Who the f*ck is he...

Lets take an example, when Austin, The Rock, HHH, Taker were main eventing in 2000, you can say the same thing for Kurt Angle, he was a new guy and he got pushed to the max in 2000, and he became WWE's number 1 top performer in the ring between 2001-2006...It just shows, plan for the future now, so you don't have to in the future, because in 5 years time or so, when guys like Miz, Dolph, Kofi will be main eventing, there will be other new guys who will be getting the pushes, because guys like Orton, Cena etc. will be tiring down and ready to retire...
To me it just seems wrong.Wwe pushes so much new talent opposed to people who deserve it.I dont understand why the Wwe does it. There are so many superstars that are over with the crowd but instead the push people who we barely know.Just look at Uso. They destroy the champs and all of a sudden they get a title shot.WTF Thoughts?

The reason the WWE is pushing so much new and young talent is because many of the older wrestlers on the roster are either leaving, well past their prime or probably will be gone within a few years. HBK and The Undertaker are both 45 years old and HBK has retired. He showed that he's still got it, but how much longer can he go what exactly does he have left to do? As for The Undertaker, it's pretty much the same thing. He's also 45, he's done it all, 25 years of wear and tear in wrestling are really starting to catch up to him, etc. Batista is gone, Triple H is injured and some say he won't be back until around the end of this year, Chris Jericho turns 40 in December and probably will be leaving in a few years himself, Kane turned 41 earlier this year, etc.

In order for a wrestling company to stay competitive and to remain functional in the long haul, you're going to have to develop and push new talent. One of the biggest complaints I heard in WWE last year was that they kept pushing the same guys, well that's stopped. One reason why it stopped is because it's had to stop.

Who exactly would you rather see pushed? Santino? Koslov? William Regal? The Great Khali? Finlay? Hornswoggle perhaps?

Nah, just kiddin', I think they should give him an IC title run or two before he retires though.

On to the thread. Seriously, why do you think they push young talent? It's not like in 10 years time they can call up Taker and say "You got a good few matches left in ya, come back and be our top dude again." Hell even Cena will be getting close to, if not already, retired in 10 years time. They need to make the younger guys more established. When Ziggler first debuted[after the Spirit Squad.....] I would of enver thought him to be a good champ of any sort. Now he is the IC champ and I think he deserves it and he looked pretty damn happy to win it.

Also, the Uso's are a pretty damn good team, mind you I find their name quite.. odd. The WWE is finally TRYING to get a good tag division on the go, and in my opinion, they will do a good job this time around.

It will be sad when all the main guys start to retire, especially Jericho as I look forward to seeing him everytime i watch RAW, but that's just me. So they got to get the young guys up-an-comin so when everyone else DOES retire, they aren't stuck in a shithole of talent that, when mentioned, the casual fan says "who in the blue hell is that?"

Besides, didn't everyone complain how WWE was NOT pushing enough young guys like.. what a week ago? Not to diss man, but, I guess you just weren't thinking that straight when you made this thread. Sorry for the rant, but there is my two cents.
I was hoping for a few things from this thread.

1) - An actual thread which proposed a few ideas.
2) - A few examples and/or comparisons.
3) - Something that would actually invoke an actual debate rather than the usual four pages of "you're an idiot" that we usually get.

Alas, no... what we ended up with was the entire opposite and I too subscribe to the opinion I mentioned in bullet 3.

So this thread actually got me thinking. What if we could actually erase the last four pages of comments and the idiotic original post and start again and this time properly.

Why is new talent being pushed over actual deserving people?

I'm sorry, but I just can't help because the question is nothing but stupid. This thread was pointless from the start. Ugh.
To me it just seems wrong.Wwe pushes so much new talent opposed to people who deserve it.I dont understand why the Wwe does it. There are so many superstars that are over with the crowd but instead the push people who we barely know.Just look at Uso. They destroy the champs and all of a sudden they get a title shot.WTF Thoughts?

What your saying is that push matches only featuring John Cena or Randy Orton, but the facts are that there are newer fresher characters who have bundles of in-ring skills and charisma in The Miz, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, etc.

Using your method of thinking in a mere years time we'd get to John Cena vs Randy Orton number 40, fir the future of WWE to thrive it must evolve in the newer breed it can.
...Is this thread a joke?

There are two reasons certain young talents are getting pushed:

1. They're young and WWE needs someone to take the places of the Triple H's and Undertaker's that will be retiring soon.

2. They have the talent to do so.

The reason Sheamus, Swagger, Barrett, Miz, et. al. are getting pushed is because they can work a crowd and work a match, which is something essential for any wrestler wanting to take the next step. On top of that, the guys on top aren't going to be there forever, and you don't want them to retire and have no young talents ready to step up and fill their shoes. If you don't push younger guys now, you'll be stuck with a roster of midcarders that don't have enough credibility or drawing power to carry the WWE Championship when the old guard steps away.

As for why people like Matt Hardy, R-truth, Morrison, and Christian aren't getting pushed, the answers differ for each of them. Hardy is nothing more than average (though I like him and he IS quite over), R-Truth and Christian could get pushed to the main event but they aren't as young as the guys WWE is currently interested in pushing, and Morrison sucks on the mic.

Exactly. Young talent gets pushed because they are being grooomed to be the "future" of the business. The other people (the ones that are not getting pushed) is because they either are old...suck in some sort of way...or just simply because Vince does not like them (i.e. Christian)

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