Raw talent: Pushed by the Fans vs Pushed by Creative

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Wel,l here's my point on this. WWE won't listen to their fans. That's why they have a Creative team and the Creative team are pushing the superstars. I don't think fans wanted Sheamus to be pushed right up the main event match. And he hasn't done anything and he hasn't beaten anyone big. That's a bad move by WWE. I think the match will be ok, but i have a bad feeling it wont be good. He hasn't even been in WWE for a year and he's already getting a WWE title shot. So lame. Hell, Kofi would have been so much better anyway. That's what I think.

BTW, if you think Jamie Noble would ever have been World Champ, you need to go see a doctor.
Orton didn't earn it?? Maybe he didn't have as long of a journey as a lot of other guys,but in my mind, talent wins out. He is by far, no challenge, the most talented guy this business has seen in years. It's just too bad he is stuck in this terrible era of wrestling. He would have fit in perfectly during the Attitude ear. But no, unfortunately for him, he is stuck with bums like Cena, Matt Hardy, Batista, and all the other misfits this company is shoving down our throats. This is the worst wrestling era EVER!!! P.S. who cares about that idiot sheamus, he means nothing.

Orton? seriously? that is crap, sure he is now one of the best (not the best talent by far), but if it was not because of his last name and his buddies he would have ended with no job after he won his first WHC just to take Brock Lesnar off the book as the youngest champion ever and even at that time he was crap.

He was given chance after chance and only after he was paired with Edge (who is way, way more talented than him) and was part of Rated RKO he started to show he matured enough to be consider into the Main event picture again.

Take the "era" thing on the way is just a bad excuse since he was there even before the PG era begun and when he was there haging with the big guns of the Attitude Era on they later days and Post WCW era he choked.

Batista might not be the Best wrestler ever (and yes, Orton is way better than Batista by far) but he was chosen over Orton to face HHH at WM21 because he was over with the fans and Orton was shoved down the fans throats.

Now on the topic, thing is that it is a necesary evil to have someone pushed by creative.

Sheamus is a good way to taste the waters of a new star, maybe not a main eventer yet but a good shot. He might not have done much, but at Survivor Series he was a survivor for his team, eliminated 2 out of 5 guys and specially took out the Intercontinental Champion on his own.

Orton was not going to win be cause it is too soon to put him and Cena in the ring again, specially after the stipulation of Bragging Rights.

Kofi is involved with Orton and there is no way he was facing Cena, it was way too soon to end his program with Orton and start one with Cena with both being faces.

Take Kurt Angle as an example, He was shoved down to the fans throats when he started, he at the time became the Most condecorated Rookie in the history of the WWE (won the European, Intercontinental and WWF titles on his first year) also winning King of the Ring and none cared about his first WWE title reign, then what happened? he became one of the greatets wrestlers out there.

Example of a bad Push? for me that goes to Bobby Lashley, talking about someone being shoved down our throats. The guy is a good power house but nothing more and has no real charisma what so ever, the onlything that has him up on TNA is that he is an MMA fighter who takes wrestling as a hobby and that he was a WWE star. I still remeber when he faced Cena at GAB, first time I heard fans booing both main eventers, the next night Mr. Kennedy defeated him being the bad guy and was cheered like Hell.
I think pushing Sheamus was a great move on the basis of every other star on RAW has credibility of some sort to their names already, all except Sheamus. Him winning the battle royal, and then going on to win the WWE Title gave him status... Let the guy have a little time in the spotlight. It's too early to tell rather or not it was a bad move, but IMO it was a great move. I would go for a M.V.P/Sheamus fued for the belt. I would enjoy that. Sheamus is new, he shockingly won the battle royal which is good b/c frankly sometimes things are a bit too predictable. Lets give him a chance to stand in the spotlight and see what sort of reaction he gets in coming months. If it's not good, no prob.. on to another guy but I'm all for letting the guy have a shot. He does have a interesting look, noone else is out there like him
i think the fans should get behind some one first we tune in purchase ppvs let us decide who we like i hate when some one shows up gets a spot some else deserves ex: legacy,sheamus,taker yeah i said taker he performs at wm 25 takes time off for xyz reasons cm punk becomes a top hell wins world title taker show up half a year later knock off punk and now punk is workin tt matches with luke gallows wtf who really deseves pushes are. christian,benjamin,they deseved them for a long time,mysterio,and while he was around eddie he won the title took it from him to soon wasted what i think couldve been the biggets draw.
There are very few people who are pushed because of the crowd reaction, and for good reason. People often cheer underdogs etc because of what they do, not who they are, and the reaction is a bad indicator. There have been very few people pushed by crowd reaction; Jeff Hardy is the exception that proves the rule. We are still talking about the fact that the audience got him a title shot 2 years after the fact. If the WWE listened to audience reaction in deciding who to push, Rocky Maivia would have been out on his arse, and Yoshi Tatsu would be in title contention.
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