Why Does Everyone Love Drew McIntyre?

As for the character, the WWE creative made him un believeable! I mean come on, he was vicious all the time and had been hand-picked by VKM! He got letters from VKM also re-instating his IC belt from Kofi, of course he was stale, no intro just sink or swim! His character was to be hated end of!

As for the WWE doing something with him, they already are! He just needs to be brought back in slowly and introduced to a story that will fit him.

Not everyone likes the same wrestlers and I for one am willing to back Drew Mcintyre wether or not he does well or not! Sometimes it's worth taking a chance on someone if you believe they are capable of more!:)
And oh yeah, not everyone gets over with their first push!:p

He was given a dream of a gimmick - with Vinnie Mac endorsing, getting the IC belt handed to him twice... and he didn't get over. If a good gimmick and an endorsement from a legendary heel magnet couldn't get you over, what would?
It seems that any time there is any mention of Drew MacIntyre on the site, everyone comments about how underrated he is, how he should be getting pushed to the moon, etc, and I don't understand. Honestly, 47F I tend to be somewhat easily impressed in wrestling, yet I've never seen anything special in Drew. When he was getting his push on SmackDown I looked at him as one of those guys who is a big deal on Friday nights but who wouldn't cut it on Raw, and I was right. I don't really see any major flaws in his work, he just seems overwhelmingly average. He isn't bad on the mic, but he doesn't stand out. He has some charisma, but not a lot. His ring skills are adequate, but I've never seen a really great match involving him and he doesn't do much to separate himself from most of the other guys on the midcard. So, Drew fans, explain to me what you see in him. Why do you love Drew?
I don't have the answer to the question, however, I think that Vince wanted something and thought Drew had it....then he saw it in Wade Barrett...and If that was it, then he made the better decision pushing Barrett
Once I came across this thread talking about the current top tier heels not being intimidating enough.

Drew , whether you like it or not, can be intimidating. I actually liked his storyline feud with Matt Hardy. The way he showered his aggression on hardy was pure genius. I was sure back then that he, Sheamus and Wade Barrett could be the future top heels of the WWE.

Then(as i should have predicted) all my surety was thrown into disarray because of three reasons:
1. Drew got drafted to Raw and wasn't given any TV time. He became a part of superstars, which sucks considering he was IC champion. Worse he recently jobbed at Tribute to the Troop to,
2. Sheamus, who became face and that sucked too.
3. Barrett with The Corre was a waste of time, and that match at Wrestlemania sucked monkey testicles. Now thankfully he's building up good heat with the Barrett Barrage, but you have to admit he lost steam during that period of time.

Now back to what I see in Drew McIntyre

Drew has it all. Good wrestling skills, a good build and he's shown that he can be an aggressive heel. Remember Teddy long's humiliation at the hands of Drew?? That was different and wasn't something you saw very often on Smackdown.

His entrance and theme were really good but take a look at this quote.

When Drew first starting using that theme the first 25 seconds would play before he walked through the curtain. That gave the impression that someone important was entering the arena. Now the first 25 seconds of the song are cut out and Drew appears immediatley. That may seem very minor but it give the subtle impression that Drew is not worth this extra 25 seconds of tv time. Something as simple as an entrance can really shape your perception of a wrestler and I think they short changed Drew when they cut his down.

this (as rightly pointed out) just ruined the whole image of Drew. With kids going batshit crazy about cena and orton and other faces, this was the wrong step to take with Drew. They should've pushed him the way they did with Del Rio(without the destiny crap and including the chosen one gimmick). Atleast Drew would've generated heat. No fan even cares about del rio.

What could ("COULD") have set up Drew McIntyre's best years in the WWE was just squashed by creative and Vince(???).
Like me there are many fans(as evident on this thread) who have therefore felt that Drew's current position is not even suited for a man of his calibre. Also if what I suggested or any similar push had worked for drew, the championship feuds this year could've been of a greater variety instead of del rio miz cena and punk over and over again.
To answer the question perfectly honestly, they don't. He splits people pretty much down the middle like a John Cena, most people either seem to love him or not see anything of worth in him.

As somebody who likes him, I would tell you the majority of the reason is that he has a very distinctive in-ring style that many other haven't developed at his level. He has in-ring character and aggression that is practically unmatched (the aggression that is).


From a wrestling stand-point, I think he's ready to be shipped right now. Honestly, I'd have no second thoughts about sending him out on PPV against anybody. But his obvious drawback is his mic work. He can't quite convey his character and the same aggression he displays physically through his words. But that is why I see he is on Superstars. If they wanted rid of him I think they would have done it by now. He still has plenty of time on his side to develop his game on the speaking side to fit in with the WWE way of doing things.

Personally, I see potential. I see that he has the natural ability to do certain things others above him have not yet developed, but he hasn't got a good all-round game. I will say what I say for every guy looking to get to the next level and failing to do so, try to get yourself as much mic time as you can to get comfortable. In this business looking the part, your actions, how you talk, what you say is all more important than what you do in the ring. If you can't convince people to care for what you do before you enter the ring, there is no point in having that match. The more speaking time McIntyre has, the more comfortable he'll be with handling that side of his character, and when he is he'll raise that side of his game to be as good as his wrestling side and he'll be a complete superstar. I just see the potential.

This is my evidence for his in-ring ability although there is plenty more. (And yes I know it's against Rey Mysterio who could make anyone look good but he plays his part too)

To answer the question perfectly honestly, they don't. He splits people pretty much down the middle like a John Cena, most people either seem to love him or not see anything of worth in him.

As somebody who likes him, I would tell you the majority of the reason is that he has a very distinctive in-ring style that many other haven't developed at his level. He has in-ring character and aggression that is practically unmatched (the aggression that is).


From a wrestling stand-point, I think he's ready to be shipped right now. Honestly, I'd have no second thoughts about sending him out on PPV against anybody. But his obvious drawback is his mic work. He can't quite convey his character and the same aggression he displays physically through his words. But that is why I see he is on Superstars. If they wanted rid of him I think they would have done it by now. He still has plenty of time on his side to develop his game on the speaking side to fit in with the WWE way of doing things.

Personally, I see potential. I see that he has the natural ability to do certain things others above him have not yet developed, but he hasn't got a good all-round game. I will say what I say for every guy looking to get to the next level and failing to do so, try to get yourself as much mic time as you can to get comfortable. In this business looking the part, your actions, how you talk, what you say is all more important than what you do in the ring. If you can't convince people to care for what you do before you enter the ring, there is no point in having that match. The more speaking time McIntyre has, the more comfortable he'll be with handling that side of his character, and when he is he'll raise that side of his game to be as good as his wrestling side and he'll be a complete superstar. I just see the potential.

This is my evidence for his in-ring ability although there is plenty more. (And yes I know it's against Rey Mysterio who could make anyone look good but he plays his part too)

I couldn't have put it better myself! It's not hard to see the potential he has and he is different from most of the Raw roster. He should at least be on a main brand.:disappointed:
i honestly have no idea, iv never seen anything in him that makes me think he should be pushed higher than he is, seems like the same people who laud his ability say daniel bryan shouldnt get pushed. really?
Why do I like Drew McIntyre? The guy has the look, the in-ring ability, the fire. His matches should be primary example of that. Also, his entrance theme is the best I've heard in a long time. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he comes across as some Scottish voyager that time traveled to the future. That's what I get from his entrance theme video anyway. Now I know that's a ridiculous gimmick in this day and age, but hey, if it ignites my imagination, then that's a plus. All he needs to do is tweak his mic skills just a bit more and I don't see why he shouldn't be in some high profile matches. He has all the aggression in the world to be a dangerous heel. The only problem is, with other heels like Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Mark Henry and Cody Rhodes marking their territories, is there room for Drew McIntyre to regain his previous status? Will people even care anymore? It's a shame. I really did want to see a European stable of Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett and Sheamus.
Well, you've got to say one thing about this thread and all the others written about Drew: people are talking about him......and I hope to hell WWE has people that monitor Internet boards so they can get an idea that the man is worth another look.

Consider what you've read in this topic:

-Some people like him....others don't
-Some think he gets an amazing crowd reaction....some think the crowd is completely quiet during his appearances
-Some think he has great ring skills....some think he has none
-Some love his Scottish accent....some think it hinders his mic skills
-Some think he has charisma....some think he's a bore
-Some see a great future for him....some think he'll be released soon

If anyone from the company is reading this stuff, it's great for a performer to generate so much discussion; whether good or bad in nature. Don't think it's only positive traits that get a wrestler noticed; that's a short-sighted view. If folks are talking about him, it's good. (Ask Zack Ryder)

Why does everyone love Drew McIntyre?......Not everyone does......but everyone seems to have an opinion about him.

And that's the whole point.
hes a good wrestler decent on mic but cant get over no identity he needs a proper finishing move not just a ddt which shuld b a set up 2 finish move
I for one don't love him. In my eyes he is nothing special compared to all the other midcard talents. His ring work is decent at best and I find him to be very bland. His mic work is not great and he is lacking a lot of charisma. I have admittedly never loved Drew though, Even when he was very popular with the IWC around Wrestlemania 26 as I always have found him bland.
I for one don't love him. In my eyes he is nothing special compared to all the other midcard talents. His ring work is decent at best and I find him to be very bland. His mic work is not great and he is lacking a lot of charisma. I have admittedly never loved Drew though, Even when he was very popular with the IWC around Wrestlemania 26 as I always have found him bland.
Nah, he's not bland! Just Sinister, his return to SD showed that he belongs there and should be on tv more, given the right story angle he will get over and got a pretty decent reaction on his return. Not sure if they are going in the right direction though with this 3 match fired angle? Then again they might just know what they are doing.....hmmmmm?:shrug:

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