Why Does Everyone Love Drew McIntyre?

I think that Drew Mcintyre has potential but as a character he is bland. He has a great moveset and is always improving but he is just not at the point that he has garnered my interest yet. He has yet do something "wow" worthy. Mind you it doesn't have to be big but right now he is just missing something. He does have time to improve though so we will see where Drew goes next.
I don't think that Drew deserves to be a main event guy yet. I think other guys, Ziggler and Rhodes especially, are ready to move to the main event, and that McIntyre could fill their void well in the midcard. He's not the best, but he's got more value than Superstars curtain jerker. I always enjoy his matches, he's got a unique and hard hitting style.
Drew McIntyre reminds me of a young Triple H. Similar look, similar finisher. I really hoped that D-Mac would've gotten a push during the Conspiracy Angle as Triple H's protege, as the new COO tries to "continue Vince's vision" of making McIntyre the chosen one.
On SS he looked more like HHH, he sprayed water like HHH and had wet hair, it just reminded me of HHH a bit!

I've been watching Videos today of Drew on Superstars the past few months, he's consistant on the show and sells and works well with, Tatsu, Ryder, Bryan, near enough anyone. I can't see him get FE after WM, he's got something for him, and he gets good pops good or bad from the crowd everytime he comes out. If people don't see his aggression or intensity, his move set is refreshing also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xYSYkhFRg0&feature=related
He is one of the most intense WWE stars of today, He needs a damn push!

I don't think every body loves Drew, but I like him because of his wrestling ability. And yes, I believe he is underrated.
He is very underrated by the IWC, but thankfully alot of people are starting to notice his worth!

I think that Drew Mcintyre has potential but as a character he is bland. He has a great moveset and is always improving but he is just not at the point that he has garnered my interest yet. He has yet do something "wow" worthy. Mind you it doesn't have to be big but right now he is just missing something. He does have time to improve though so we will see where Drew goes next.
It's the chosen one gimmick, it requires him to be almost stiff faced and kind of generic. He has better characters in the locker though!

I don't think that Drew deserves to be a main event guy yet. I think other guys, Ziggler and Rhodes especially, are ready to move to the main event, and that McIntyre could fill their void well in the midcard. He's not the best, but he's got more value than Superstars curtain jerker. I always enjoy his matches, he's got a unique and hard hitting style.
Yes, I agree, he needs to work his way back up and needs the fans on his side who know his true story! The lad can be a menace if given half a chance and a good story!
I see absoloutly nothing in Drew McIntyre. He has raised my eyebrow ONCE in his entire tenure in WWE and that was in the Elimination Chamber when he snapped on Mysterio. Other then that one showing he's never impressed me at all. He needs a complete repackaging in my eyes....either that or a release.

First thing I would do is put him back on SmackDown. He has no place on RAW.

Second, I would put him in different gear. Way too many superstars are running around in blank trunks these days. Throw him in a pair of tights like Edge wore and maybe cut his hair a little shorter.

Also, I really don't understand why his theme music gets such praise on here. I'll give you it...the song and the video are cool but come on. It's really too slow to be an entrance theme....yeah it picks up after a few seconds but still...it's not a song that's going to hype the crowd up or make them care. Besides, it's attached to his current bland gimmick and I think everything about him needs to go.

He really needs to develop a mean streak too. This is the one thing Morrison was missing. It's really important....if people don't believe what you're doing in the ring they aren't going to care about your character.
cause he has the look, the ability to draw heat and look like a serious threat. They dropped the ball on him just because they had nothing to do with him.
Drew is boring he's a jobbers I never like him he's average he has been winning on superstars and he won the dark match before tlc he is the chosen jobber
This forum likes him because he has such obvious potential..

Also - most of the "IWC" (God, I hate that term) always find, or create, an underdog flavor-of-the-week to rally behind.

In 2009 it was Randy Orton turning face.

In 2010 it was Christian getting that push to the moon.

In 2011 it was Ryder or Riot.

Granted, all of these guys have considerable talent, and considerable appeal, in one way or the other.

Which is the glaring difference between those guys and Drew McIntyre. Drew is good on the microphone, he is[\i] fluid in the ring, but the difference is he was given ample opportunities and the consumer just didn't buy in.

I don't think this is a case of backstage politics, or ex-husbands paying for the sins of their ex-wives, but merely a situation where no one ultimately cares one way or the other[\i] about Drew McIntyre. He was given more than enough time to grab hold of his opportunity and ride it to the moon. He coasted, and in turn ended up being a disposable, hollow, formulaic heel.

Honestly, what feud or program can you remember that really evoked any investment from you, the viewer?

He's great in the ring, big deal, Johnny Ace was a hell of a worker - the guy is credited with inventing the Cutter - but bland is bland. Vanilla will always be vanilla, even if you add sprinkles.
Also - most of the "IWC" (God, I hate that term) always find, or create, an underdog flavor-of-the-week to rally behind.

In 2009 it was Randy Orton turning face.

In 2010 it was Christian getting that push to the moon.

In 2011 it was Ryder or Riot.

Granted, all of these guys have considerable talent, and considerable appeal, in one way or the other.

Which is the glaring difference between those guys and Drew McIntyre. Drew is good on the microphone, he is[\i] fluid in the ring, but the difference is he was given ample opportunities and the consumer just didn't buy in.

I don't think this is a case of backstage politics, or ex-husbands paying for the sins of their ex-wives, but merely a situation where no one ultimately cares one way or the other[\i] about Drew McIntyre. He was given more than enough time to grab hold of his opportunity and ride it to the moon. He coasted, and in turn ended up being a disposable, hollow, formulaic heel.

Honestly, what feud or program can you remember that really evoked any investment from you, the viewer?

He's great in the ring, big deal, Johnny Ace was a hell of a worker - the guy is credited with inventing the Cutter - but bland is bland. Vanilla will always be vanilla, even if you add sprinkles.

That's your opinion! It was his "first" gimmick and he DID make an impact! The character was kind of steely faced and supposed to be brutal, but he never even got a proper introduction or build up and hardly anybody knew of him! Think of WWE'12 do you think people are more taken to him in the game? I bet you they are looking at that and picking him for some matches! As for the IWC not caring? what about all the dozens of threads all over different forums? I must be imagining something then as he DOES seem to have a following! He can change his character and does have more to offer and the WWE know this! They "I think" are just trying to find something for him, remember "first" gimmick and people noticed!They might not have liked the character but they did notice him, and with all that is going on right now it would be silly to throw him in the mix! When you look at Punk and now Bryan being two indie lads who are now World champs, it's not hard to imagine Mcintyre being there in a couple of years also, as he too was great on the indie circuit and he and Sheamus pretty much stole the show everywhere they went back in the UK! All Mcintyre needs is a tweek to his character and getting over with the crowd, as for the IWC he is gaining support from all over as people are starting to see he should be at least a mid-carder and his presence is missed on the main brands. Around draft time will be the telling time for Mcintyre, I for one hope he just polishes up his character and the WWE give him more of the ball to run with as a charcter that is more suited to his indie days!
The better question would be why do people who dislike Drew NOT like him? I personally am a fan because he has everything that a wrestling federation could possibly want in a future world champion. Good on the mic, good in the ring, has the look, and could play either role whether it was a heel or an antihero face. People can talk all they want about how he "wasn't over" and anytime I make a post about McIntyre there is always one or two others who respond with the same crap each time about how they think he wasn't over. Drew's ex-wife caused drama that got her fired and him de-pushed. He would be a former world champion by now had it not been for that. Del Rio instead inherited his push and they didn't even TRY with Drew on Raw. You can't claim he wasn't good enough for Raw when they didn't even push him there.
Although decent on the mic, Drew McIntyre always shows an extremely impressive mean-streak and great aggression in the ring. Which is the main reason I like him. He's really into his character and his in-ring talent is very good. The guy would be at the top of the card right now had it not been for Tiffany.

I really like Drew McIntyre's character and his ability to perform, even as a jobber he's taking it like it is and doing his best while actually given an opportunity to showcase his talents.

So to answer your question, he's a total badass. He's a very good overall talent.
Drew is boring he's a jobbers I never like him he's average he has been winning on superstars and he won the dark match before tlc he is the chosen jobber
Watch his match against Sheamus on FCW tv on YT and tell me he is boring!?
He's much better than he showed in his time as the chosen one on SD, as for being a jobber, Ryder was pretty much on SS all the time too!!!!

Although decent on the mic, Drew McIntyre always shows an extremely impressive mean-streak and great aggression in the ring. Which is the main reason I like him. He's really into his character and his in-ring talent is very good. The guy would be at the top of the card right now had it not been for Tiffany.

I really like Drew McIntyre's character and his ability to perform, even as a jobber he's taking it like it is and doing his best while actually given an opportunity to showcase his talents.

So to answer your question, he's a total badass. He's a very good overall talent.
He is a total bad ass and can get much better! The WWE knows this as he is young and has more time to develop even further! He has come a long way since his ICW and IWW days!
Along with Sheamus and Kane, this guy is among my favourite wrestlers. This week, he finally won again and screamed 'I'M BACK!' Not sure if this means something, but I hope he really comes back again and gets a decent/good push to show what he's got!

This guy has got it all. He has the in-ring ability, he's got the looks, a fresh gimmick, agression, a good pop, his timing and selling is great and he can work well with pretty much anyone in the ring.

I know, I'm a huge Drew mark!
He shouldnt be pushed to the moon but some Tv time would be nice. Not everyones going to be a big star but some guys have to be the backbone and set the stage for someone else's push. Get another foreign guy, team him with Drew, make them win a couple of matches, and eventually the tag titles. When they've reached that whole indestructible point and the fans trully are sick of them get a babyface tag team they want to push and just make Drew and his partner drop the titles to them.
Along with Sheamus and Kane, this guy is among my favourite wrestlers. This week, he finally won again and screamed 'I'M BACK!' Not sure if this means something, but I hope he really comes back again and gets a decent/good push to show what he's got!

This guy has got it all. He has the in-ring ability, he's got the looks, a fresh gimmick, agression, a good pop, his timing and selling is great and he can work well with pretty much anyone in the ring.

I know, I'm a huge Drew mark!
I hope he is back! He won two on the trott and has now vanished again! Maybe he is going to focus on the FCW for the WWE Network with HHH?

He shouldnt be pushed to the moon but some Tv time would be nice. Not everyones going to be a big star but some guys have to be the backbone and set the stage for someone else's push. Get another foreign guy, team him with Drew, make them win a couple of matches, and eventually the tag titles. When they've reached that whole indestructible point and the fans trully are sick of them get a babyface tag team they want to push and just make Drew and his partner drop the titles to them.
Something like that would be a start! The WWE had some great ideas with Mcintyre when he first came on the scene and was pretty over with the FCW crowd, so I can't see why they wouldn't try something like that when he was in his FCW days! One things for sure alot of people recognise Mcintyre even though he was only on tv for about a year and a half and people are still going on about him, so he made more of an impression than most people think and because he is off the main brands people just dismiss him altogether! His matches on SS have been good to great, especially his match with DB and he makes people look good and sells the moves well!:)
The young Drew McIntyre really does remind me of HHH in his very younger days, not many people thought HHH would make it into the big time and the big lights of the Main Event with WWE but take a look at him now.

I do believe this guy also got Bret Hart's endorsement as the real deal.

I also believe creative honestly has nothing for him like alot of their talent, I believe the whole Tiffany heat thing has long since blown over otherwise he would have been released by now. I think what it is going to take to re-introduce Drew McIntyre onto our TV's is a decent angle of some sort. Yes he was the Chosen one of Vince, maybe if they find a way to introduce Stephanie back to our programming maybe he can be the Chosen one endorsed by Stephanie.

In defense of Drew to the haters, you don't need a overly flashy gimmick..be a spot monkey..Twitter King...or master ring technician to make it in the WWE. I miss the days when a Heel was nothing but a bad ass that really didn't give 2 shits for the fans..these days it seems like even the heels are somewhat of a face.
Personally, with the understanding that I might make a certain friend name Sally mad(;)), I don't see much in Drew McIntyre.

I've never seen a one-on-one match from McIntyre where Ive looked at him and thought, "Wow, this guy really has something special." I've seen him have some decent matches now and then, but nothing that sticks out in my mind as being a career maker or a defining match. He was very good in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, but besides that, Ive found his work to be very pedestrian. I'm sure he has talent, and he doesn't have bad matches. But he doesn't have great, memorable matches either.

I've never heard a real explanation for his de-push myself. I know about the Tiffany situation, but it wasn't until long after that where he was taken off of TV. You would figure with the Raw mid-card being quite shallow right now, that if McIntyre was seen as valuable, he'ld be a part of it. Yet he continues to toil away on Superstars, and hasn't shown on Raw since the night after Hell In a Cell. That's very telling in my eyes of how he's perceived.

In the end, Drew does have a decent look, and his mic skills and in-ring skills are average. But he seems to be missing that elusive "It" factor. He was given as good of a storyline as one could get to start off, but he never did anything with it. I was afraid we'ld see him win MITB at WM 26 or MITB 2010, and thankfully neither of those materialized. He's simply not main event material, and he lacks charisma as well. I wouldn't mind seeing him be used in the mid-card, but no further then that. And it seems the powers that be don't even see him as a viable option there.
I disagree with those that talk about Drews lacluster in ring skills. The guy is a heel, he isn't supposed to be flashy or show off the best in ring technical abilities. Take a look back at some old footage from the 80's or even early 90's and you will see some of the most hated heels in the business to go along with been a hated heel had a moveset that was far from elaborate.

As for his gimmick, well the lad is from Scotland. How many guys on the roster do you have from Scotland right now other than McIntyre? None. Charisma? We've never really had a chance to see if the guy has charisma or not.
People think Drew is awesome because the WWE told them he was, they bought into it, now he's not being pushed because he didn't get over, being the contrarians they are on the IWC in general, they think he was somehow wronged.

Also, by "everyone" do you mean "only the IWC"? And "Only the IWC" do you mean "a small portion of the IWC?" I don't hear that much Drew love from ANYONE. He's really not that good.
I disagree with those that talk about Drews lacluster in ring skills. The guy is a heel, he isn't supposed to be flashy or show off the best in ring technical abilities. Take a look back at some old footage from the 80's or even early 90's and you will see some of the most hated heels in the business to go along with been a hated heel had a moveset that was far from elaborate.

As for his gimmick, well the lad is from Scotland. How many guys on the roster do you have from Scotland right now other than McIntyre? None. Charisma? We've never really had a chance to see if the guy has charisma or not.
Uhh....bullshit. Charisma isn't something that only happens when you're on the mic. Drew doesn't have ring charisma either. His entrance doesn't have charisma. He doesn't have charisma. When the Rock/Cena/Orton (yes, just because he walks slow doesn't mean he doesn't haev it) all have charisma even when they aren't talking.
People think Drew is awesome because the WWE told them he was, they bought into it, now he's not being pushed because he didn't get over, being the contrarians they are on the IWC in general, they think he was somehow wronged.

Also, by "everyone" do you mean "only the IWC"? And "Only the IWC" do you mean "a small portion of the IWC?" I don't hear that much Drew love from ANYONE. He's really not that good.
He has potential! Time and potential!! The WWE just need to find the right balance of character that's all! Remember he's still fairly new sice his first gimmick at the end of 2009!

Uhh....bullshit. Charisma isn't something that only happens when you're on the mic. Drew doesn't have ring charisma either. His entrance doesn't have charisma. He doesn't have charisma. When the Rock/Cena/Orton (yes, just because he walks slow doesn't mean he doesn't haev it) all have charisma even when they aren't talking.
Again character! When he is relaxed and more at ease with his self his charisma starts to show! Watch him square up to Randy Orton after the draft on SD, just look at Big Mac, he know he has the tools! We just don't see more of that kind of stuff and to me that is just a teaser of the beginning of how things could be with him!!:)
Uhh....bullshit. Charisma isn't something that only happens when you're on the mic. Drew doesn't have ring charisma either. His entrance doesn't have charisma. He doesn't have charisma. When the Rock/Cena/Orton (yes, just because he walks slow doesn't mean he doesn't haev it) all have charisma even when they aren't talking.

Well I am sorry if a heel to you is supposed to represent someone like The Rock, Cena or Orton.

I am also sorry I forgot we are in 2011, heels are supposed to be flamboyant charismatic have catchy sayings some sort of facial expression or demeanor in the ring.

Even todays heels are somewhat of a face in a way with forms of Social Media and connecting to fans at Live Events. I remember a time when heels were nothing but a pure dick in the ring where it didn't matter whether they were a flashy prick or not.
I will start by saying that I have never been impressed by Drew McIntyre.

The first question that I want to ask is: What, exactly, is his gimmick? Is his gimmick that he's an angry scottish guy? He had the chosen one thing going for awhile, but that fell off fairly quickly. Since then...???

I remember his debut when he beat the crap out of R-Truth (I think) before the match had started and that was kind of cool. Don't see much nowadays. But his "aggressiveness" has turned almost goofy. He gets those wide eyes and shouts and grunts way too much and way too loudly. It, literally, reminds of a women's tennis match. His selling is also way too over the top, and not in a good way. You wanna see someone who sells moves perfectly? Watch Dolph Ziggler. He makes every move, punch, and kick that his opponent throws look extremely powerful. Not in a "I know that you know that what we're doing is scripted", but in a "Wow, I know that that punch didn't connect, but it sure look like it did". For example, when Hugh Jackman threw his infamous punch. Those things make both himself and his opponent look good, which is way more important than making just yourself look good. When I watch McIntyre try to sell moves it's exactly like one other person said. It's like watching Skidmarks from Tough Enough.

His mic work...sigh...There's nothing there. He get's his lines out w/o flubbing through it. Congratulations. He has a Scottish accent...woohoo. There's zero emotion there. In one of his first major feuds he was up against John Morrison. Morrison is far from being good on the mic and out shined Drew by a long shot. He hasn't gotten much, if any, better IMO

His look, ok, I'll give you that. The hair kinda bothers me as 2 seconds into the match it's out of its pony tail and flopping all over the place, but he's big. Apparently, the ladies like him too which can move him up a bit. Although, I don't see it. Maybe it's because I'm a straight man and don't appreciate the finer details of men who are attractive.
Well I am sorry if a heel to you is supposed to represent someone like The Rock, Cena or Orton.

I am also sorry I forgot we are in 2011, heels are supposed to be flamboyant charismatic have catchy sayings some sort of facial expression or demeanor in the ring.

Even todays heels are somewhat of a face in a way with forms of Social Media and connecting to fans at Live Events. I remember a time when heels were nothing but a pure dick in the ring where it didn't matter whether they were a flashy prick or not.
I'm not talking about the type of person. I'm talking about 100% of the time being in character. The way you walk, talk, and wrestle should all be distinct and part of your character.

Heel's aren't supposed to be anything. Wrestlers are supposed to portray a character. Is Mark Henry flashy? Is Randy Orton as a heel all that flashy? No, you have such a simple minded view. all I'm saying is that charisma is something you always have. You have a fleshed out character and people believe in it.

thepiedpiper, no, WWE doesn't need to do shit. They gave him opportunity. DREW needs to figure out what to do. If a good character and a good angle and a good opponent is all that's needed to get him over, then he's not that good is he?

WWE is the big leagues. Put up or shut up. either you get over with your push, or someone else does.
I'm not talking about the type of person. I'm talking about 100% of the time being in character. The way you walk, talk, and wrestle should all be distinct and part of your character.

Heel's aren't supposed to be anything. Wrestlers are supposed to portray a character. Is Mark Henry flashy? Is Randy Orton as a heel all that flashy? No, you have such a simple minded view. all I'm saying is that charisma is something you always have. You have a fleshed out character and people believe in it.

thepiedpiper, no, WWE doesn't need to do shit. They gave him opportunity. DREW needs to figure out what to do. If a good character and a good angle and a good opponent is all that's needed to get him over, then he's not that good is he?

WWE is the big leagues. Put up or shut up. either you get over with your push, or someone else does.
As for the character, the WWE creative made him un believeable! I mean come on, he was vicious all the time and had been hand-picked by VKM! He got letters from VKM also re-instating his IC belt from Kofi, of course he was stale, no intro just sink or swim! His character was to be hated end of!

As for the WWE doing something with him, they already are! He just needs to be brought back in slowly and introduced to a story that will fit him.

Not everyone likes the same wrestlers and I for one am willing to back Drew Mcintyre wether or not he does well or not! Sometimes it's worth taking a chance on someone if you believe they are capable of more!:)
And oh yeah, not everyone gets over with their first push!:p
Because they all secretly want his scottish cock in their mouths. lol. There is nothing to really like about him. He has no personality or at least he is not allowed to show any. IDK. I guess the internet people randomly pick a guy that they think is awesome and start putting his balls in their mouth claiming he is the next big thing. He is average. Nothing special. I could live without seeing him.

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