Drew McIntyre: The Arrogant Playboy?

Well its not "play"boy but it certainly rhymes with play. I would really love to see where WWE gets its gimmicks from. First farting now a "gay" guy that we all know was married and flirted with the Divas on camera not long ago. Its like they signed a bunch of middle schoolers to the writers team. How does WWE expect anyone to take the product seriously when they have a flatulence problem ridden diva, a Funkasaurus, and the "stereotypical" homosexual on the roster. Although I really want to see where they're going to go with this character. Whats the last time they had a full blown gay person on the roster who didnt try to come back as a biker after a horrible wedding scene?

Remember the following:

1) This came from a dirt sheet
2) If this happened, it happened at a house show in Honduras
3) I don't know how many Hoduran women go to WWE house shows, but the answer may be zero. In other words he may have been just blowing kisses at the whole audience.
4) Last I checked we were still in a PG Era
5) A man blowing a kiss at another is more likely a sign of arrogance as opposed to a come-on.
6) This came from a dirt sheet

Don't overreact to this. Odds are that Drew's character is still hetero. I can't vouch for him in real life though.
Ok, I think this actually going to work. He has the look and everything. But the only way I think it would work is if he turns face.
Remember the following:

1) This came from a dirt sheet
2) If this happened, it happened at a house show in Honduras
3) I don't know how many Hoduran women go to WWE house shows, but the answer may be zero. In other words he may have been just blowing kisses at the whole audience.
4) Last I checked we were still in a PG Era
5) A man blowing a kiss at another is more likely a sign of arrogance as opposed to a come-on.
6) This came from a dirt sheet

Don't overreact to this. Odds are that Drew's character is still hetero. I can't vouch for him in real life though.
Not sure if it came off as such but I wasnt overreacting. I'm pretty sure I said I want to see where this goes. Its just that WWE does so much unnecessary shit that sometimes you have to vent. I doubt WWE is going to have him be exclusively gay in honduras. If thats even what his character is and it wasnt some dipshit that saw him blowing kisses generally at the crowd and thought that they were intended for a specific audience member.
I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt. it's from a dirt sheet, & glaad would be all over wwe's ass if this ever came on tv. So, this looks to be a "house show only" thing.
One more thing about the blowing kisses. Watch Cena's promo from this Monday (2/20) night. At the end of the promo he basically blows a kiss to the Rock via the camera. It is clearly a taunt to the Rock, not a gay come-on.
One more thing about the blowing kisses. Watch Cena's promo from this Monday (2/20) night. At the end of the promo he basically blows a kiss to the Rock via the camera. It is clearly a taunt to the Rock, not a gay come-on.
Well obviously, but what does that have to do with D-Mac's new "gimmick"?
If this is the gimmick he's going with it's an all or nothing move from the WWE. He either gets over as a heel (I'm sorry but there's no way you're having a bi face in the WWE) or it's a career credibility ender. It's also very dangerous territory for the WWE and let's face it, they're hardly the most sensible or sensitive company in the world. I have a feeling this is going to blow up in their face.
If this is the gimmick he's going with it's an all or nothing move from the WWE. He either gets over as a heel (I'm sorry but there's no way you're having a bi face in the WWE) or it's a career credibility ender. It's also very dangerous territory for the WWE and let's face it, they're hardly the most sensible or sensitive company in the world. I have a feeling this is going to blow up in their face.
Personally I don't think this is as bad as alot of people are making it out to be. No-one has actually seen it yet!
I don't think it is a career credibility ender either, he's commited to the WWE and will probably most certainly go through another gimmick change in no time at all.......like most other wrestlers in the business!
If by Arrogant you mean Future and my Playboy you mean Endeavored

Then by all means I think its the best thing for Drew going forward to be an Arrogant Playboy...
If by Arrogant you mean Future and my Playboy you mean Endeavored

Then by all means I think its the best thing for Drew going forward to be an Arrogant Playboy...

You sound like a moron – and by moron I mean idiot. Do you know how many Superstars have been labeled worthless, and creative sees nothing in them, only to reemerge with a totally new gimmick to gain alot of popularity and get over? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with experimenting with a new gimmick. You don't know, but it's possible we could have a new mega star on the rise. At least try with him first for fuck’s sake.
You sound like a moron – and by moron I mean idiot. Do you know how many Superstars have been labeled worthless, and creative sees nothing in them, only to reemerge with a totally new gimmick to gain alot of popularity and get over? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with experimenting with a new gimmick. You don't know, but it's possible we could have a new mega star on the rise. At least try with him first for fuck’s sake.

He's been tried, several times and failed. You can blame it on his batshit crazy ex wife, his lack of talent, or on creative either way you cut it, Drew is and has been shit for a while. People don't care about him now, and I'm doubtful that this new change will make people care about him.

Remember when they tried to pair him up with Kelly Kelly and it failed, go read up and watch that, so you can see what's going to happen again.
He's been tried, several times and failed. You can blame it on his batshit crazy ex wife, his lack of talent, or on creative either way you cut it, Drew is and has been shit for a while. People don't care about him now, and I'm doubtful that this new change will make people care about him.

Remember when they tried to pair him up with Kelly Kelly and it failed, go read up and watch that, so you can see what's going to happen again.
Drew has good ability in ring and Promo work people just have to damn much to focus on in the WWE right now.
Drew has good ability in ring and Promo work people just have to damn much to focus on in the WWE right now.

Drew hasn't been worth a fuck since him and Cody Rhodes were split up as a tag team, Cody flourished, Drew flopped. That was almost two years ago. Stick a fork in Drew's career he's done.
Drew hasn't been worth a fuck since him and Cody Rhodes were split up as a tag team, Cody flourished, Drew flopped. That was almost two years ago. Stick a fork in Drew's career he's done.

Your telling me Drew has nothing i say he has the stuff but the Roster is too crowded WWE needs to drop some of their Talent. Look at this if you will.

Smackdown has:

Big Show

and those are only the Main event Caliber guys you still have Tag Teams and Cruiserweights who should soon start getting a push. Yet you think they can make Drew Relevent in what the few minutes they can afford to give him. They really need a third show to give people a chance and hopefully NXT or something else can do that.
Drew Mac Intyre is not at his real place,he started in the same time than Sheamus at WWE and what there it is like an jobber, ridiculous that's an extreme shoking situation for him,he deserves an Intercontinental match against Cody Rhodes
He's been tried, several times and failed. You can blame it on his batshit crazy ex wife, his lack of talent, or on creative either way you cut it, Drew is and has been shit for a while. People don't care about him now, and I'm doubtful that this new change will make people care about him.
But you don't know that. Not only don't you know, but the new gimmick change is proof there are still people in the back that cares about Drew McIntyre. It doesn't matter how many times you try, that next gimmick could be the start of something huge. It's obvious you have a problem with Drew (and just about everyone else on the WWE roster), put that aside for a sec and give the new gimmick a chance. There's always going to be a possibility that he will flop once again but there is a slim chance he could shine through the rest of the roster. You don't score big without taking a leap of faith.
Remember when they tried to pair him up with Kelly Kelly and it failed, go read up and watch that, so you can see what's going to happen again.
Means nothing other than the angle didn't land. Happens all the time. Even with bigger superstars like Triple H and Kane - you know exactly what I mean.
He's been tried, several times and failed. You can blame it on his batshit crazy ex wife, his lack of talent, or on creative either way you cut it, Drew is and has been shit for a while. People don't care about him now, and I'm doubtful that this new change will make people care about him.

Remember when they tried to pair him up with Kelly Kelly and it failed, go read up and watch that, so you can see what's going to happen again.

This is an idiotic viewpoint. If you remember, there is a current champion who just under 2 years ago really broke through and started on his path to the upper midcard where he is now. I'm talking of course about Cody Rhodes.

Yes he was over to an extent during the Legacy days but that was mainly due to being an extension of Randy Orton. I have thought since he originally turned heel and sided with Dibiase that Rhodes had a bright future, he just needed the gimmick and storylines to get him there. He got that and the rest is history. The kid is a future world champion, possibly even this year, and it's because with a change he evolved, got better, and people cared about him more.

Why can't something similar be true of Drew McIntyre? To that point, like Cody, I have thought for some time that Drew has a bright future once he finds his footing. He's gotten much better in the ring and on the mic since his days as IC champion and I think this push could put him right back there and maybe even more.
Also like Cody, Drew is going with a "playboy" gimmick to try to get over. I find it ironic that Cody began to get over with that, but really flourished with the sinister, disfigured gimmick..the sinister part he still uses and is damn good at. Drew began to get over with the sinister gimmick before it fizzled out, but this playboy gimmick could launch him into being the next Rick Rude. Interesting how two young promising stars kind of switch gimmicks like that...it worked for Cody, and I think it will for Drew as well.

One other issue that I saw people bring up is the crowded midcard at the moment. I don't see this being an issue as Wade Barrett will likely be main eventing by year's end while Rhodes and Ziggler are right on that edge. I think once the backstage trouble with Miz clears, he'll move back up as well. All of this is going to leave a huge gap for new midcard heels and Drew is getting a new gimmick and push just in time to take advantage of that.
But you don't know that. Not only don't you know, but the new gimmick change is proof there are still people in the back that cares about Drew McIntyre. It doesn't matter how many times you try, that next gimmick could be the start of something huge. It's obvious you have a problem with Drew (and just about everyone else on the WWE roster), put that aside for a sec and give the new gimmick a chance. There's always going to be a possibility that he will flop once again but there is a slim chance he could shine through the rest of the roster. You don't score big without taking a leap of faith.

Means nothing other than the angle didn't land. Happens all the time. Even with bigger superstars like Triple H and Kane - you know exactly what I mean.
It's obvious someone in the back still cares for Drew, and being the hard worker that he is and has everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him over the past year or so, I think he deserves a good push!

The whole kelly kelly thing was a strange one but his wife at the time didn't approve as she pitched that storyline for her and Drew, and when she was released they used it with kelly kelly instead.....Tiffany was pissed!

Drew will have his time, he just needs a little more fans over in the USA and I think recently getting his visa sorted out and his divorce settled are the main priorities, why push someone when so much stuff is going on behind the scenes still? They are giving him direction though which is good and we'll see after WM what the future really holds for Drew. :)

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