Why Has Drew McIntyre Been Pushed So Far Down The Roster?

Why? He isn't as good as those currently receiving television time. Better question - who should be forced to give up his spot for Drew McIntyre?

No one. I see a few guys who aren't on television who could be a big deal, but Drew isn't one of them. He reminds me of John Morrison in the sense that he just cannot get over, at least not consistently. No one cares, unfortunately. I'm not a fan of Drew, but objectively speaking, he's right where he belongs.
Do they see him as a young performer with a future in the company?
I believe this, personally. Or at least I hope so.

Drew is young and, as much as his push has halted, he still gets some television time from time to time, even if it's just to lose. So I believe that the WWE is treating as a young man that has potential for the future, a few years down the line.

I expect him to keep jobbing for a while, winning some matches on WWE Superstars, and some time in the future start winning matches on TV again.
They might put him on a tag team again, but I feel like he'd do better solo.
He is simply not that special. However i do believe Vince could use him the right way, as either a tag team wrestler or in some British/European stable. It seems they have a new Brit that they are gonna lead to the top and that's Wade Barrett. He has the look, skills and charisma to be a world champion. Drew has the looks, and skills but he doesn't have the "It" factor to be world champion in my view. So I think that is the reason combined with the fact that they don't like him that much backstage and use him quietly until his contract expires.
I am fan of Drew's and think he is just being used very inconsistently at this time. A few weeks ago he is eliminated in seconds from the Battle Royal and then more recently with the "Biggest Battle Royal" ever, he handled himself very well and even had Booker singing his praises. As we all know, even the commentators are on a short leash with what they say so for him to mention Drew as standing out at least gives hope that his downward push might be reversing.

Should he replace Ziggler or Rhodes? Of course not. But, I think he is at least as good as any of the other mid-card guys (Riley, Swagger, Morrison, Ryan, Ryder, etc). The thing with the mid-card level is that it is really 3 levels. The lower level are those working their way up and occasionally get their TV time (like Ryder was until recently). Then you have the solid mid-card guys like Barrett, Swagger, Morrison, and I believe, Drew. The third is the upper level for the guys competing for the title and eventually getting pushed to the ME scene (like I believe Cody is now with his recent matches/program with Orton). There is room there for a lot of people. You can really have a good 8-10 guys or so within the mid-level picture that are mixed and matched in various feuds/tag matches, ect.

I honeslty think it boils down to recent history in the WWE in that, if you weren't involved in the title picture, then your weren't really given anything to do. That seems to be changing a bit though with Sheamus/Christian, Cara/Cara, and Orton/Rhodes (even though Rhodes has the belt, I can't imagine they will fight for it as that would a step back for Orton).
I think they are just waiting for a chance to push him again, the right time that is. He has been featuring almost exclusively on Superstars putting over everyone under the sun, but he still looks good. The only RAW appearance I can remember was against Orton a couple of weeks ago. His losses will mean nothing if they keep it to Superstars, nobody will remember that. It's a lot less damaging than what they are doing to Morrison for example - who loses on RAW on SD every single week!

He is incredibly polished in the ring for a big man, and he has improved markedly over the last few months. They're just testing him, seeing if he can stomach jobbing all the time, then I'm sure they'll push him again. But RAW is very overcrowded at the moment so he might have to wait a while longer yet.
I just never have been a fan of Drew. He had some chances against Morrison back a couple of years ago. I think a lot of talent has passed him up in terms of being better as well.
if you ask me dolph ziggler's spot should of have been given to Drew because right now if it was Drew would have held everytitle but the WWE title if he had Dolph's spot.

While that might be true, Dolph deserves his spot due to the amount of work he put in to improve himself. He not only deserves his spot but he deserves to move up the card. Drew could have (and should have) won a world title by now, had he kept the momentum of his Chosen One push. Unfortunately that did not happen, and it's probably a result of that whole situation with his ex-wife. They shouldn't hold that against him forever though and he should get another push. As for what potential he has? Drew has all the potential in the world to go straight to the top, it's just a matter of WWE realizing that he's still worth giving a second chance to and pushing him.
I don't know if any of you actually watch Raw or Smackdown (by some of your posts it seems you miss most of whats important) but

Ziggler had an amazing match with Randy Orton on Friday Night Smackdown last week. It was pure gold tucked away in the middle of the program. Ziggler also faced off against Cena a few weeks ago and showed why he's in his current position with the company.

Drew face off with Orton on Raw several weeks back and it was a lackluster match to say the least. Drew's best as talent enhancement at this point. To say that Drew deserves Zigglers spot is absolutely ******ed.

As for Drew holding every title in the WWE excluding the WWE/WHC, Ziggler actually has held every title in the WWE excluding the WWE title. He's a multi time US/IC title holder, hes a former Tag Team Champion from his time as Nickie of the Spirit Squad.

At the rate Zigglers moving its only a matter of time before he's pushed back into the main event and rightfully so.
Never got into his matches much, although he's certainly not the worst thing ever. I think they should at least try to work with him. If his demotion is personal, then that's that, either he is getting buried or is being forced to pay his dues a bit because of some mishap. But if it is because they think he needs to improve, then I hope they really try because he has a good look and seems to have potential.
I love good workers; but WWE doesn't.what makes Drew any better than Tyson Kidd (Who's a MUCH better worker) or Zach Ryder (Who's a much better gimmick)? Nothing. Guys like Drew McIntyre can only get over in the WWE if the WWE pushes them; and that's his problem. Drew's nowhere near the level of Rhodes, Ziggler, and esp not Orton; he's good in the ring (decent in the ring) but doesn't do ANYTHING special nor does he have ANY major selling points. I'm sure he'll get better, but a lot of ppl expected him to shoot straight to the top just bc VKM supposedly loved him.

Who's spot can Drew even take? Jinder Mahal's?


But wasn't Drew touted as a "future superstar"? Wasn't the story that Vince McMahon had anointed him as his "chosen one"?

How embarrassing! Instead of having a wrestler who would have long-term success have the "Chosen One" persona, Vince picked Drew for it. What does that say about Vince's eye for talent. But simply watching "Beyond The Mat" and seeing why Vince gave Darren Drosdov a job tells you all you need to know about what criteria the WWE hire under!
Honestly, that's how I feel about Cody Rhodes; there's nothing in his persona or presence that makes him more worthy of the attention the company has been giving him than McIntyre. Maybe it's the family name, or Dusty himself.

Or maybe it's that Cody was given the ball with his "Dashing" schtick, ran with it and got a reaction from it. Because he did well with his first major angle he was given another and another. Drew was called up and given a golden oppertunity and failed. Consiquently he got pushed down the card. Does that mean he's better than Drew? No, it just means he got better results than Drew when he was given a shot.

Still, Cody is a good example that it's all in the program that Creative comes up with. In a relativity short period of time, Cody has had three major programs written for him. He's done well with them, but my feeling is that a lot of people could have run them equally well.

And I'd estimate that several people in FCW at the time could have done a better job than Drew with the Chosen One programme. But in wrestling it's sometimes better to be lucky than good. Cody was in the right place at the right time to be given his first programme and from there his others grew organically.

If Creative could give Drew the right program and push, it might happen for him, too. The "Chosen One" thing was apparently doomed to fail from the beginning because rumors suggested that Andrew Galloway believed the hype too much and acted badly in the locker room. Since then, I'd wager he's learned a lot.

Thing is, he shouldn't have had to learn not to be a ******** backstage. That's something he should have known already, having wrestled since he was 16. But of course, he'd had the shit pushed out of him wherever he went which possibly contributed to him believing his own hype. But that's still no excuse for being a ********.

But, one way or the other, I'd love to know what the real story is. Does WWE not want Drew anymore? Does he have a contract that requires they pay him until it ends, causing them to keep him around? Do they see him as a young performer with a future in the company? Are they currently looking for a program to build around him?

I'd guess that Drew's got a contract that's good for another few years and that there's no rush to push him (after all, it worked out SO well the first time). He's probably not costing the company much, he's not likely to go anywhere, and he's young enough that they can wait a while and he'll still be in shape to go. Simply put, most young guys are better than him in at least some respect so he's got no right being pushed above them. He'll get another shot eventually but until then he, and his fans will have to wait.

Even if WWE plans to release him, at this point, I'd just like to know what they think.....so I can stop hoping for the push I feel he deserves.:sad:

I doubt he's on the chopping block, he's more than likely in the ingredients cupboard with the other irrelevent guys who aren't being used at the moment. He's not worth pushing at this time, but he's not worth firing either.
He's not over. Done.

Pro wrestling is a business, wrestler's are products. Understand that, and you understand the WWE.

It baffles me that some of you don't get this. "So and so had a great match" "so and so has a great look". Instead of asking "why is the WWE holding back so and so" ask "why doesn't anyone give a shit about so and so?"

WWE doesn't push guys based on moveset, they push them based on how over they are. they sometimes push guys they think will get over (currently mason Ryan) but if they're wrong, they usually depush them (Masters) or if a guy gets more over, he gets pushed more (everyone who's ever made it big).

NOBODY in this business has ever gotten big because of a push. It requires the wrestler getting over. You get pushed becaused you're over. If the WWE could create cash cows that easily, their job wouldn't be so hard.
I love good workers; but WWE doesn't.what makes Drew any better than Tyson Kidd (Who's a MUCH better worker) or Zach Ryder (Who's a much better gimmick)? Nothing. Guys like Drew McIntyre can only get over in the WWE if the WWE pushes them; and that's his problem. Drew's nowhere near the level of Rhodes, Ziggler, and esp not Orton; he's good in the ring (decent in the ring) but doesn't do ANYTHING special nor does he have ANY major selling points. I'm sure he'll get better, but a lot of ppl expected him to shoot straight to the top just bc VKM supposedly loved him.

Who's spot can Drew even take? Jinder Mahal's?
LOL that's ******ed.

"I like workers, I'm a sophisticated wrestling fan who appreciates the hard work of real technicians, blah blah blah" you're full of shit. I never ONCE heard harley race, Terry Funk, or any other legitimate guy in person or in a shoot ever talk about workrate or spots.

If Tyson Kidd was such a hard worker, he'd be working on his character.

WWE doesn't like or dislike "workers". WWE dislikes guys who don't fucking draw. If Tyson Kidd's made a company money, ROH would be HUUUUGE right now. They're not though. Also, HBK was a far better worker than Kidd has ever been, WWE liked him a lot didn't they?

"can only get over if WWE pushes him" no really. If all it took for a guy to get pops and to sell merch was for the WWE to push him, they'd be a trillion dollar company. You can't just push a product and have it sell, that's not how it works. Do you know ANYTHING? About business, about life? Who taught you how wrestling works? Some fat slob in his basement on the internet who would shit his pants if he took a bump because he's so out of shape?

you guys ALL act like all it takes is the WWE giving you a great character and a great program and it's INSANE. Stupidity running wild on wrestlezone.

Cody Rhodes is over, not because of what's written for him, but because he walks, breathes, talks, shits, eats, and blinks IN CHARACTER. He's believable.

Drew looks like a guy playing a character. When you see Rhodes, you BELIEVE that's who he is. It's why Rhodes is over (and pushed) and Drew/Dibiase/etc aren't.

Holy fuck guys take a step back, pull your heads out of your asses and stop being a mark for guys, stop trying to write storylines for yourself, stop looking at the program with a conspiracy theory as to how things work in mind and just observe.

The guys who are over have character ticks and are constantly in character. Every step they make, every word they say, every move they do all is in and makes sense in character. Guys who aren't over don't do this, guys who are do. It's why pro wrestling is so damn hard.

To an extent, we can all do all the moves. It's the other things you do that get you over.-Raven, knows more about wrestling than you.
WTF Why are you posting the same thing again and again in every thread ?

Drew isn't getting the push because of Tiffany just like Morrison was buried because of Melina.
Weird, because when HBK was causing all kinds of trouble backstage, he still got pushed. Stop with the dirtsheet conspiracies.

"Why are you posting the same thing?" Iunno, maybe because it's a response to the same "so and so who isnt' over isn't getting pushed WTF" threads that happen all the time here.

funny how I come on here, and I see all the same shit, no one says anything. Everyone acts like it's normal to watch a product, go online and spend hours bitching about it...and then watch it again...and then bitch about it again. then you read and believe your own bullshit without ever learning or trying to learn anything.

I come on here, I see this mary-go-round of bitch going on, so I respond to it. I'm sorry, I like pro wrestling and I like to understand what's going on. I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I don't believe dirtsheets. I believe the WWE is a business and I believe I understand business (have a degree in economics and will soon have one in business). So I can usaully figure out what's going on when I apply business logic to it and not "ZOMG MY FAV IZN'T PUSHED!!!!!'

Also, how was Morrison BURIED? He came back as a babyface returning from injury against a hot heel and wasn't over. He's a midcarder, which is what he's always been, and that's all he's ever been as over as for any decent period of time. No conspiracy, it's just that a 6 pack and filps don't get you over. It didn't in 1995, it didn't in 2005, and it won't in 2015. People have to give a shit about you.
Honestly, I don't believe they plan anything relevant for him. It's a painful truth to accept for me because, as much as I'll be torn apart for admitting this, I'm a "mark" for McIntyre and I'd defend him to the hilt. The inconvenient truth for me is, that however good I or you think he is, he's been on a ridiculous losing streak on Superstars, until they teased me with a win over Morrison (I was just pleased to see the Future Shock, must have been at least 6 months since he actually pulled it off) then he loses to Alex f***ing Riley.

I think the reason he didn't get over during his first shot was a mixture of both things. Obviously, he was a bit on the young side and probably had to learn a lot but I don't think people are really going to react to a "corporate champion" heel if it's a mid-card title. Surely the "corporate champion" is one who runs rampant on the show with the blessing of the authorities? What did Drew ever do as the "Chosen One"? Get the title placed on him and bully T-Lo. Hardly legendary heel material.

I would LOVE him to get another push as an aggressive, sinister heel, and just have the "Chosen One" stuff dropped completely. See if he himself can get over, 'cause I do think the character he portrays best is one of an overly-aggressive Scotsman trying to tear people apart (a la Elimination Chamber). But I just don't see it any time soon. A glass half-full guy might say he is only 26 and has his career ahead of him but honestly, right now, I don't think he will do anything relevant in the WWE in this stint.
Has anyone said, "Because he isn't that good," yet?

Regardless, I'm saying that now, he isn't that good.

Solid look, but his upside begins and ends there. He was unremarkable on the mic, and pretty vanilla in the ring, and the crowd reactions he received reflected it. He couldn't get the job done by himself, and the crowd quickly lost interest in him.

Drew and his peers face the uphill battle of breaking out in a very crowded midcard. First they have to deal with the main event talent that constantly gets cycled back to the midcard to make room for new main eventers. The Miz, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, and Sheamus all fit into this category. Additionally, they have to fight against each other, and with guys like Ryder, Rhodes, Sin Cara, Kofi, and Dolph Ziggler all doing so well for themselves, it's hard to usurp the reigning kings of the midcard.

McIntyre is a small fish in a big pond, and there are too many big fish around for him to get his fair share.
Honestly, I don't believe they plan anything relevant for him. It's a painful truth to accept for me because, as much as I'll be torn apart for admitting this, I'm a "mark" for McIntyre and I'd defend him to the hilt. The inconvenient truth for me is, that however good I or you think he is, he's been on a ridiculous losing streak on Superstars, until they teased me with a win over Morrison (I was just pleased to see the Future Shock, must have been at least 6 months since he actually pulled it off) then he loses to Alex f***ing Riley.

And the reason he's in this position is because he failed on Smackdown after being given a golden oppertunity, which put him at the bottom of the WWE league table.

I think the reason he didn't get over during his first shot was a mixture of both things. Obviously, he was a bit on the young side and probably had to learn a lot

His age was and is irrelevent, he's been wrestling longer than Dolph Ziggler. He should know how to get over by this stage.

but I don't think people are really going to react to a "corporate champion" heel if it's a mid-card title.

Why not? Association with an over heel like McMahon has usually resulted in an over heel. See also: Vickie Gurrerro and Dolph Ziggler. And even if Vinny wasn't enough on his own he should have been able to capitalise on the time he was given to get a reaction. He failed miserably.

Surely the "corporate champion" is one who runs rampant on the show with the blessing of the authorities? What did Drew ever do as the "Chosen One"? Get the title placed on him and bully T-Lo. Hardly legendary heel material.

Additionally, injure a loved babyface and fail to get over. And people have gotten more over with worse material. See: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Sheamus and "One more match" Christian

I would LOVE him to get another push as an aggressive, sinister heel, and just have the "Chosen One" stuff dropped completely. See if he himself can get over, 'cause I do think the character he portrays best is one of an overly-aggressive Scotsman trying to tear people apart (a la Elimination Chamber).

And what has he done to make you think he'd do any better this time around than he did when he was given a golden chance to get over? He failed on Smackdown and WWE booted him down to Superstars because of that. Drew does absolutely nothing better than the people ahead of him, so he's exactly where he should be.

But I just don't see it any time soon. A glass half-full guy might say he is only 26 and has his career ahead of him but honestly, right now, I don't think he will do anything relevant in the WWE in this stint.

If he doesn't, then so be it. It's not like he's earned another push.
And the reason he's in this position is because he failed on Smackdown after being given a golden oppertunity, which put him at the bottom of the WWE league table.

He didn't fail, they pulled the rug out from under him, just like they've done with every single talent in the last 8 years not named Cena. The very fact that people are talking about his potential based on that short time should tell you about the positive impression he made.
When will the WWE learn that the internal politiking that has derailed so many talents is self-defeating.
He didn't fail, they pulled the rug out from under him, just like they've done with every single talent in the last 8 years not named Cena.

Yes it's a conspiracy by WWE against everybody except John Cena. This is why he didn't get over and consiquently got sent to Superstars. WWE thought he'd do well given his reputation, he didn't and he's exactly where he belongs. Same reaon Wade Barrett got depushed after his string of poor matches against Orton.

The very fact that people are talking about his potential based on that short time should tell you about the positive impression he made.

People also talk about Seth Rollins' awesomness even though I think he's a useless smeghead. Opinions about how good or bad someone is are just that, opinions. But the facts of the matter are that Drew was given a damn good chance to get over and he failed to do so. Miserably. Which is why he's not on Raw.

When will the WWE learn that the internal politiking that has derailed so many talents is self-defeating.

Yeah, it's obviously everyone else's fault that a guy on TV every week wrestling and cutting promos didn't gat over. DAMN YOU POLITICS!
He didn't fail, they pulled the rug out from under him, just like they've done with every single talent in the last 8 years not named Cena. The very fact that people are talking about his potential based on that short time should tell you about the positive impression he made.
When will the WWE learn that the internal politiking that has derailed so many talents is self-defeating.

1. Cody Rhodes. 'Nuff said - or the exception that proves the norm?

If the latter, then Sheamus, then Mark Henry, then Zack fucking Ryder.

2. 'People talk about his potential.' Well, who are those people exactly? Did they see him improve his promos, did he make amends to his character, did he work hard to improve himself during his push and when he became a Superstars regular?

3. Oh, yes, the politics derailed Cody-- owait, his boots are now going to Survivor Series alongside Wade Barrett and against Randy Orton!

Face it - Drew McIntyre was given a golden gimmick by Vince McMahon himself, and his manhood wilted.

Simple as fact.
I for one would love to see Drew Mcintyre get another push "surely" they have other plans for him? Most people say he wasn't that great on his debut bla bla bla but he DID make an Impact and people noticed. He came across that bad that people just did not like him, as I never liked Rick Flair as a kid because I never understood the whole "face" "heel" thing as a child and the way I see it now as hating someone that bad is the sign of a good heel. I have also noticed that Big Mac could play a veriety of heel characters and also down the road a decent face too. If WWE have no plans for him then I would be more than happy to see him at TNA where he would get more TV time.

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