Drew McIntyre: Life after 3MB

Drew McIntyre has grown on me in the last couple years. Not sure why. He's certainly not as green in the ring as he was back when he was still under the "chosen one" gimmick. I think people might be jumping the gun saying that his career is doomed after being a part of 3MB. Better superstars than McIntyre have been stuck with stupid gimmicks as well and were able to breakout into superstardom. I dare not jump to conclusions and assume that such a thing will happen with McIntyre but it's not as if he's short on time. He's still a young man, only 28. He hasn't even hit the peak of his career, if you ask me. If and when WWE decide to scrap 3MB, I think he needs to disappear for awhile. Reestablish himself down in NXT with the other young talent and maybe get repackaged. Maybe even come back with the chosen one gimmick but with more aggression. I'm not sure if McIntyre will become world champion or just a career jobber but time is still on his side for now. I wouldn't write him off as a lost cause just yet.
First off, just because McIntyre claimed to be a VKM guy as part of his original character doesn't mean he ever really was. Heck, even if he was at one point that doesn't mean he is anymore (as clearly demonstrated by his current position within the company).

McIntyre's mic work is atrocious & he is very limited when it comes to charisma. He has a decent look & solid ring work but nothing that really stands out amongst some of the other great talent on the roster, most of which should already be getting a much bigger push than they are.

As a part of 3MB Drew McIntyre is one of the best enhancement talents the WWE has. As a singles star, he is a nobody that would most likely be rarely used on Superstars & NXT like Curt Hawkins or JTG.
If the time does come to split up 3MB, then Drew McIntyre should be the one to cause the split and be pushed the furthest. There is still the chance for a future after 3MB for Drew. Have him get frustrated at the other two members and attack them after a loss, grab a mic and scream "The party's over!" or something. He then feuds with Slater to re-establish himself while Jinder fades into obscurity because he sucks. Drew then gets his old entrance theme and "The Chosen One" gimmick back. Heck, have him align himself with The Authority. Trips can do a promo on how he realized the potential within McIntyre, officially proclaiming him The Chosen One again. This can eventually push up to where he belongs. He could even make it to the World Heavyweight Championship this way. The right push will help him achieve the success he has always had the potential for.
Your comparing Drew McIntyre to the likes of Miguel Perez and Chainz?? What an insult! Both of those guys put together has never achieved what Drew McIntyre has achieved in all their career to what Drew McIntyre did in just two years. Yes Drew McIntyre was "the Chosen One" anas groomed to be a top star in the WWE from the jump. And Drew McIntyre has won championship gold while in the WWE.

So that's real silly of you to make these comparions to these two guys.

Your = You're.

Grammar is your friend.

As for Drew, I stopped caring when they put him in a stable of jobbers.
I can't help but feel 3MB has killed his career. Yes, he has a job in the biggest wrestling company on the planet but he is a jobber. He is a comedy act and that is unjust.

I'm Scottish and therefore biased but I honestly reckon Drew could have been a success. He is good in the ring; solid enough on the mic and was a fantastic heel. I thought his Intercontinental Title run was fantastic. He was so incredibly young and could have had a wonderful career.

Maybe he did something wrong. Maybe he said something he shouldn't have but Drew should have been given a push. When 3MB ends Drew will probably be released. Repackaging him will be difficult but, in my opinion, should happen. Make him a heel and let him go for a mid-card title. Let him become more credible and hopefully he can get his career back on track. At 28 he has time on his side but it will be very difficult.
I can't help but feel 3MB has killed his career. Yes, he has a job in the biggest wrestling company on the planet but he is a jobber. He is a comedy act and that is unjust.

I'm Scottish and therefore biased but I honestly reckon Drew could have been a success. He is good in the ring; solid enough on the mic and was a fantastic heel. I thought his Intercontinental Title run was fantastic. He was so incredibly young and could have had a wonderful career.

Maybe he did something wrong. Maybe he said something he shouldn't have but Drew should have been given a push. When 3MB ends Drew will probably be released. Repackaging him will be difficult but, in my opinion, should happen. Make him a heel and let him go for a mid-card title. Let him become more credible and hopefully he can get his career back on track. At 28 he has time on his side but it will be very difficult.
"apparently" backstage from the powers that be there has been some discussion on Mcintyre moving away from 3MB, heard that last month though, so take that with a pinch of salt if you will? Can't remember the source I'm sure I had a beer ;) that night lol

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