Why Does Everyone Love Drew McIntyre?

Hacksaw Highway

Getting Noticed By Management
It seems that any time there is any mention of Drew MacIntyre on the site, everyone comments about how underrated he is, how he should be getting pushed to the moon, etc, and I don't understand. Honestly, I tend to be somewhat easily impressed in wrestling, yet I've never seen anything special in Drew. When he was getting his push on SmackDown I looked at him as one of those guys who is a big deal on Friday nights but who wouldn't cut it on Raw, and I was right. I don't really see any major flaws in his work, he just seems overwhelmingly average. He isn't bad on the mic, but he doesn't stand out. He has some charisma, but not a lot. His ring skills are adequate, but I've never seen a really great match involving him and he doesn't do much to separate himself from most of the other guys on the midcard. So, Drew fans, explain to me what you see in him. Why do you love Drew?
I admittedly liked Drew because he was the first Scottish WWE superstar I had seen since Roddy Pipper (albeit Drew is the only legit one that I remember.) To be honest with you, I have to disagree about his mic skills cause I think they are pretty good and with some polish could be main event level when compared to the mic work of most of today's Main Eventers. His ring work could use a little improvement, but that's why he's a mid carder and on Superstars, to get the ring work.
Most talents can only be as good as what the WWE gives them to work with. This forum likes him because he has such obvious potential. A good look, he debuted with a great idea, he can talk reasonable well for someone relatively new and his ring work is loved because of his aggression. Infact the only time he's been seen on a PPV this year he was highly impressive, but nope, the WWE buried him again right after that. The guy has WWE champion written all over him and even Vince saw it, explaining his debut.
I'm sorry but as I have stated before, Their is nothing that stands out about him to seperate him from the rest of the pack. I dont know why being tall and having long hair is so spectacular to some people. It was a staple of the NWO/Attitude era, so it's an old precident. Nothing new about it. Will it get you noticed? Yes. Does it give you the intangables? Absolutly Not.

His in-ring preformance for the "Tribute" show was somewhat "Skid marks" style (remeber him from Tough Enough), and it look quite goofy at times. I was extreemly impressed with Sheamous (sp?) for carrying that match.

The only solution for him is to get his body right, develope an agressive in-ring style that isnt just relegated to big man mooves (6'5" is a tweener), and develope close relationships with highly repected wrestlers. If he does this, and with 2 years of "on TV" and consistant serious mid-card programs, he will be in a position to enter the ME title scene.

Something happened that made Vince feel he was not ready.
I love him mainly because of his exceptional gimmick and in-ring skills. His moves like the Future Shock DDT and the Sitout Spinebuster just look so perfect and make me cringe at how much they look like they hurt! His mic work is great, but just needs some work. His aggression just goes unmatched! Name one other guy on the roster that is more aggressive! He also has a great look and has an awesome theme that's goes great with his character.
He definitely could have been World/WWE Champion by now but that stupid little dispute with his Ex-Wife has fucked his career up the wall, unfortunately. Push The Chosen One! :D
everytime Ryan86 says Mcintyre isn't aggressive enough in the ring and survives on his long hair i laugh. he has long hair, lots of males do you FFFFFreak! seriously, who actually pays attention to that idiots views, he can never back them up. For second, just because he didn't have the offence and win at Tribute to the troops doesn't mean Sheamus carried the match, Mcintyre sold his moves well, more than clear to anyone who knows about wrestling as these two guys are very close friends who know each other very well in and out of the ring.

but anyway, on the OP.

Mcintyre is still relatively new, so though his mic skills can improve he hasn't done too badly with the mic when he had it.

He is one of the most aggressive in ring wrestlers(elimination chamber for example and all the time he held the IC)

his music is amazing, which he has added small we bits to how he enters the ring too, which adds to his entrance(if you dont follow superstars you wont have seen this)

all his matches are consistantly good cause he can work well with others.

and for me their is one latest thing... remember everyone going on about Cody and his knee pads... i think Drew having his hair down is his equivelant :p

Yes i am scottish so that is a factor for me, but i genuinely think this guy can work his way up the mid card over time... and if he doesn't become main event he will still become an important part of the roster. He just needs to be used at some point, which as any wrestling fan knows, you cannot push all your talent at the same time.

I hope he has a good showing at Royal Rumble, but lets be honest that will be the Kane show so doubt he will be in longer than a minute.
Everyone doesn't love him. I don't. I find him pretty boring, to be honest.

I mean, to be fair I don't think he's bad by any means, just doesn't really do anything for him. His in-ring skills are so-so, his mic work is so-so. Just nothing spectacular.

Exactly what did you disagree with from my post? I mean you actualy went on to state most of my own points.

It seems to me that you think the main disagrement is about being taller with long hair. So my point is, what 99% of people should objectivly agree with, is that, THAT in it's self does NOT put you over. I'm not ragging on his look at all. Just stating fact.

His look is not what I have a problem with, it's how inconsistant he has been used. That effects your in-ring preformance as he will look weaker compared to the wrestlers who the WWE will use consistantly.

Randy Orton/Dolph Ziggler/Cody Rhodes/Sheamous/and Wade Barret are all leaps and bounds ahead of this guy when it comes to every important catagory. None of these guys earned sucess based on look alone. They had their personal/professional life in-line, improved vastly in-ring, tweaked their mic work, and have dedicated themselves to improve on substance.

It will take Drew a couple years to catch up from inconsistancy.
Anyone else love that two out of the three guys defending Drew are Scottish, and the third is from England. I appreciate your pride in your countrymen, but "exceptional gimmick?" Geez guy, take it down a peg.

He's above average, but the WWE is full of above average guys right now. Mason Ryan is huge and could easily get a push, but he's not. Alex Riley had an incredible face turn, and he's all but done with. Its a bad time to be a pro wrestler, too many incredible talents, only one place to work. On second thought, TNA and Ring of Honor are packed with talented guys too... there are guys from other promotions that could walk in the door with gimmicks and fans and get pushed right up to mid card status. Sorry but he had his shot and blew it, if you drop the ball these days there's a dozen other guys breathing right down your neck that want your 6 minutes of TV time.
Everyone loves him? I personally don't see what separates him from the rest of the young guys on the roster, really. I guess the reason a lot of people supposedly "like" him is not so much that they like him as it is that when people look at him, they see wasted potential. Before he was removed from television, I actually thought he had improved quite a bit in the ring. I was also very impressed when I saw his performance in the Elimination Chamber earlier this year. His problem is that he has an on-screen personality of a doorknob. He doesn't connect with the audience. Having a good in-ring moveset will only get you so far. If the crowd can't get emotionally invested in you, then you don't get pushed. This is McIntyre's biggest flaw and this is what I find so frustrating whenever I think of him. So yeah, people on the forum pretty much like him because they think he's got a lot of potential that's pretty much going to waste at the moment.

Well that and he's a pretty good looking guy to boot. ;)
Well that and he's a pretty good looking guy to boot. ;)

You got that right, Mr. Notorious by way of Queens. In fact, Drew is the best looking %&@#!% wrestler since the %&#@$& sport was invented in Mesopotamia in 3100 B.C. (or something like that).

The thing is, not everyone likes him. The fact he's generated so many threads on this wrestling board is significant, but only to us who'd like to see Drew get a push.

But, face it; the folks who control whether he continues to languish in obscurity apparently don't like him.......I'm talking about the powers-that-be in WWE. I honestly don't know if the business with his ex-wife has caused them to practically remove him from the company map. It seems like a long punishment for something she got arrested for, not him.

But the point is that just because I love him (and he will be mine......oh, yes!) doesn't mean everyone does.

Gotta keep hoping.:)
Ryan86, consistancy of results and what you are doing in a "card" sense doesn't determine how good you are in the ring. thats WWE creative deciding what happens in a match.

therefore it has NOTHNIG to do with how good someone is in the ring, he works excellently in ring with what he has, selling moves to the best a big guy can and showing off his own moves as best his opponents let him. This is why i still continue to disagree with your points.

your chief arguments are on a flawed basis. This thread is about people explaining why they like drew mcintyre, which can be completely subjective to each persons opinions.

but if you are going to make statements about a wrestler you should at least be able to back them up, especially in a thread containing a lot of his fans.

oh and for the record i am half scottish/half english. i first SAW mcintyre before i found out he was scottish(i hadn't heard him speak) to be honest the name didn't click as scottish to me. And from that first moment i was LOVING his in ring work. This is why i tell people not to judge me as a mark of his, i just appreciate what he does for what he does... i like that he is scottish, but it doesn't make me like him more than others. I am still more than aware Cody, Dolph, Punk etc are better than him, but people need to stop comparing superstars that often, they are all their own UNIQUE stars... give them a fucking chance haha.

anyway, rant over... Ryan i will continue to disagree with you on invalid points you make cause i can, especially if its about things i feel strongly about, thats the beauty of the internet and this forum
Anyone else love that two out of the three guys defending Drew are Scottish, and the third is from England. I appreciate your pride in your countrymen, but "exceptional gimmick?" Geez guy, take it down a peg.

He's above average, but the WWE is full of above average guys right now. Mason Ryan is huge and could easily get a push, but he's not. Alex Riley had an incredible face turn, and he's all but done with. Its a bad time to be a pro wrestler, too many incredible talents, only one place to work. On second thought, TNA and Ring of Honor are packed with talented guys too... there are guys from other promotions that could walk in the door with gimmicks and fans and get pushed right up to mid card status. Sorry but he had his shot and blew it, if you drop the ball these days there's a dozen other guys breathing right down your neck that want your 6 minutes of TV time.

God that was beutifully put! Did God actually write that? Cody took his spot and did it 1000 times better.
I think its because they are not using him. When someone is getting burried people tend to complain more about how the WWE messed up.

He lacks charisma, he couldn't pull off the unstable/sinister gimmick and make it believable to the audience. He is below average on the mic. He might have a couple of nice high impact moves but he is average in ring.

He had a great gimmick, got the stamp of approval from Vince (kayfabe) and still couldn't get over. He was even bringing down Cody when they teamed them together.

The best thing he has going for him is that he is still very young (26). Eventually he will get moved back to SD, and they will try again with him.
He has never really stood out in my view.

Yes he has a good look.
Yes he has a good finisher.
Yes he has a somewhat different gimmick.

Give him a bit more TV time and i'll give you my thoughts. In the past i never really paid attention to him, as i said he didn't stand out...
But i would like to watch him and see what all the IWC hype is about.
Is there much Drew love, because i don't see it.

Most think he had the golden gimmick and blew it some think he has potential and some can't see anything.

I think he's decent, i just hate seeing better guys get no TV when you have utter shit like Otunga getting time and Mahal.

A question...Out of McIntyre and DiBiase who would/should get more of a chance/push?
I'm actually surprised to see this thread. I was unaware that everyone liked Drew Macyntire. I'm a fan of his only in a sense that he was on Smackdown which, regardless of what people may believe, is a show that not everyone is capable of determining of they feel about anyone due to the fact that they don't freaking watch it. I was so excited when drew was drafted to raw because I thought he would finally have the opportunity to either wow us or fade into obscurity. But unfortunately he was never even given a chance. Blah blah blah he was intercontinental champion on smack down. Big deal. Let's see what he's got on the main show. I bet it's more than Ryan86 thinks. And dude don't get the wrong idea...Cody is the fuckin man. But regardless of what you think...drew has got the look, he's got the skills, he's got the mic ability...he's got what it takes to be CARED about. Ag least a lot more than the alternatives they're throwing our way. I pray in the future he gets some exposure. If he doesn't stick...fine. But at the moment he's just a guy who's waiting to shine until proved otherwise.
I'm glad people can understand that it takes a couple years of consistant, on TV, serious mid-card pushes, before we run around claiming them to be stars......

Dolph or Cody are perfect examples of what the WWE will expect out of you. Ziggler realy was the latter half of the year's best preformer, as was Cody for SD. Just one year ago, Drew was in line for the push and it was in full swing. Cody came "Dashing" through his path and Vince had a change of heart. Cody was prime time through-out '09, and did everything professionaly right in '10. He got his body where it needed to be, his ring style tells a story, he played his mic work to perfection of what he was asked, and BAM! The fans made the call. He got over. And Cody steped on toes and crushed them (Drew's) to claw his way up. You either have that mean streak as a young kid like Cody in a locker room with grown men and legends, or you buckle under the pressure and shrink. Drew is gonna have to prove him self. I will give him nothing.
You got that right, Mr. Notorious by way of Queens. In fact, Drew is the best looking %&@#!% wrestler since the %&#@$& sport was invented in Mesopotamia in 3100 B.C. (or something like that).

The thing is, not everyone likes him. The fact he's generated so many threads on this wrestling board is significant, but only to us who'd like to see Drew get a push.

But, face it; the folks who control whether he continues to languish in obscurity apparently don't like him.......I'm talking about the powers-that-be in WWE. I honestly don't know if the business with his ex-wife has caused them to practically remove him from the company map. It seems like a long punishment for something she got arrested for, not him.

But the point is that just because I love him (and he will be mine......oh, yes!) doesn't mean everyone does.

Gotta keep hoping.:)
The female fans are a big part of drews exposure and hope for a new push! Nice one!! x:blush:

God that was beutifully put! Did God actually write that? Cody took his spot and did it 1000 times better.
1000 times better? eh no:p ADR took Mcintyre's spot and heat and Swagger got Big Mac's briefcase!!

Is there much Drew love, because i don't see it.

Most think he had the golden gimmick and blew it some think he has potential and some can't see anything.

I think he's decent, i just hate seeing better guys get no TV when you have utter shit like Otunga getting time and Mahal.

A question...Out of McIntyre and DiBiase who would/should get more of a chance/push?
There is a Big Mac thread on nearly every forum I go to! So YES there is much love for the guy and also I think both should get a push(Big Mac/Dibiase) we "are" the IWC!!

I'm glad people can understand that it takes a couple years of consistant, on TV, serious mid-card pushes, before we run around claiming them to be stars......

Dolph or Cody are perfect examples of what the WWE will expect out of you. Ziggler realy was the latter half of the year's best preformer, as was Cody for SD. Just one year ago, Drew was in line for the push and it was in full swing. Cody came "Dashing" through his path and Vince had a change of heart. Cody was prime time through-out '09, and did everything professionaly right in '10. He got his body where it needed to be, his ring style tells a story, he played his mic work to perfection of what he was asked, and BAM! The fans made the call. He got over. And Cody steped on toes and crushed them (Drew's) to claw his way up. You either have that mean streak as a young kid like Cody in a locker room with grown men and legends, or you buckle under the pressure and shrink. Drew is gonna have to prove him self. I will give him nothing.
I agree with you here and I'm also marking for both Rhodes(he had two gimmick changes though!) and Ziggler, love them both, I thought Mcintyre was going in the same direction as both of them? But no! Something strange has went on with the guy, and with endorsements from The Hitman and Piper wanting to take him under his wing, they too obviously know the guy better away from the ring! Around draft time will be the telling time! and oh yeah you said he needs to prove himself? He's still young and has more opportunities, people forget, your first gimmick is your "first" gimmick!! He done not bad, and can do better!:)
I think there are a lot more people who don't like Drew than do. I'm sure a lot of people who do like Drew only like him because he's never on tv. Now that Zack Ryder is on tv consistently the IWC is going to have to find someone else to rally around. Even still I haven't noticed any kind of overwhelming support for Mcintyre here. Sure he has his fans, but with hundreds of active users here everyone is going to receive at least a little support.

I'm one of the people that does like Mcintyre. I think he has the size and the look of a wrestler. I'm not saying his look is anything extraordinary but he looks like he belongs in the ring. I started liking Mcintyre the first time I saw this


When Drew first starting using that theme the first 25 seconds would play before he walked through the curtain. That gave the impression that someone important was entering the arena. Now the first 25 seconds of the song are cut out and Drew appears immediatley. That may seem very minor but it give the subtle impression that Drew is not worth this extra 25 seconds of tv time. Something as simple as an entrance can really shape your perception of a wrestler and I think they short changed Drew when they cut his down.
I dont think that there is anything particularly special about Mcintyre....but whenever I think about people who should be getting Tv Time at the very least... Drew is the first person I think of.

I have no grounds to back it up, but I think he has potential and I want to see him do well in the ring.... I just dont know what happened with him....he was doing so well then he just faded away.
I think there are a lot more people who don't like Drew than do. I'm sure a lot of people who do like Drew only like him because he's never on tv. Now that Zack Ryder is on tv consistently the IWC is going to have to find someone else to rally around. Even still I haven't noticed any kind of overwhelming support for Mcintyre here. Sure he has his fans, but with hundreds of active users here everyone is going to receive at least a little support.

I'm one of the people that does like Mcintyre. I think he has the size and the look of a wrestler. I'm not saying his look is anything extraordinary but he looks like he belongs in the ring. I started liking Mcintyre the first time I saw this


When Drew first starting using that theme the first 25 seconds would play before he walked through the curtain. That gave the impression that someone important was entering the arena. Now the first 25 seconds of the song are cut out and Drew appears immediatley. That may seem very minor but it give the subtle impression that Drew is not worth this extra 25 seconds of tv time. Something as simple as an entrance can really shape your perception of a wrestler and I think they short changed Drew when they cut his down.
Yeah I was the same when he got his new theme. As soon as he walked out in time with the music, there was just something about him. I've been a wrestling fan since the late 80's and have seen quite a bit! Being Scottish Myself I thought piper was ok, but I was more in-tune with the craziness of The Ultimate Warrior! He will always be no1 in my eyes. With The Hitman a close second. I've seen Drew's promos pre-wwe and he is funny for a Scottish guy, but that's the problem, he's Scottish and alot of people don't get us Scots, we wear our heart on our sleeve sometimes and try and do what is right. We are a proud people with a proud History and maybe that's our downfall, we always fallen short, in sports, hell pretty much anything! When Mcintyre first showed promise in 2009 It made me proud us Scots finally had something to shout about! But with like everything else related to Scotland it was doomed to failure! His rise and fall has been epic to pretty much all in Scotland who have seen, and to be honest we are pretty upset for the lad because he does have potential, you can see he's a nice guy deep down and is happy just to be where he is! But that's not even the point! As I've said before I've been watching wrestling for a while and for VKM to give him an endorsement and label him the future, he has to see something in the lad? Yes he's young and yes he's talented, but I think he has gotten more over being on SS as the under-dog and people are starting to care about him, albeit slowly, but it's working! Something must have happened back-stage for him to be where he is now, but I can't understand it!? I've heard all the rumours etc and he still gets TV time on SS, he gets his full intro as you were saying and the camera's always pan to him after the match! So there has to be something else in it, and someone upstairs hasn't given up on the Big Man just yet! If It's a new gimmick so be it, who gets noticed with their first gimmick anyway? not alot, if hardly any!! So I say what's wrong with having the first Scottish born wrestler to win either the WHC or the WWE belt? Have a heart American's remember we also have the "freedom" attitude era! peace:)
Drew McIntyre reminds me of a young Triple H. Similar look, similar finisher. I really hoped that D-Mac would've gotten a push during the Conspiracy Angle as Triple H's protege, as the new COO tries to "continue Vince's vision" of making McIntyre the chosen one.
I've been watching Videos today of Drew on Superstars the past few months, he's consistant on the show and sells and works well with, Tatsu, Ryder, Bryan, near enough anyone. I can't see him get FE after WM, he's got something for him, and he gets good pops good or bad from the crowd everytime he comes out. If people don't see his aggression or intensity, his move set is refreshing also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xYSYkhFRg0&feature=related
I don't think every body loves Drew, but I like him because of his wrestling ability. And yes, I believe he is underrated.

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