Why Does Everyone Love Christian?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This is not a bash against Captain Charisma, in any way. Sometimes we each have our wrestler that we just don't seem to enjoy as much as everybody else. A few years ago I thought everyone was crazy for jumping on the Jeff Hardy train, and now I'm kinda stumped as to what makes Christian so great. I know he's put on some good matches, but I can't put him up in the same league as guys like Edge and Jericho. I just don't see him carrying feuds or matches, but rather being a smaller part of why some angles end up being so great.

Again, this isn't a bash. It's just me, one guy, not really understanding the hype. I only posted this as a thread because I want to know why others liked him, not so a bunch of people could call me an idiot for hating on their hero. If your one of those people that has Christian Cage tattooed on your happy trail, I really don't want to hear from you...
To me hes a fresh face. Its not often we see Christian involved in the world title picture. I think that the last time was when Cena moved to RAW and guys like Jericho, Christian, Edge, and Kane were all trying to take the title away from him. I think that all culminated into a MITB match but nonetheless the guy is entertaining on the mic, has great matches, and hasnt been shoved down our throats as much as anyone else in the WWE. Hes fun to watch, very talented, and I think if Vince gave Christian the opportunity he could become a fantastic WHC.
Well I personally like Christian cause for me he is one of the all time great.He is one of the most successful wrestler in the world with a 17 year long carrier.He has won IC titles,ECW titles,Tag titles and he has even won the NWA and WH titles.Christian is also one of the most underrated wrestlers in the world(my opinion).Another thing is he is very talented and can put very good matches.Plus he doesn't carry his nickname Captain Charisma for nothing.And weather Christian is heel or face he is very entertaining both out and in the ring.
I shall break this down in a list, Stormtrooper style. :)

1. I like guys who can entertain me both in the ring and with the microphone. Christian is one of those guys. I'll admit, his mic work hasn't been as good as it was back in the mid 2000's, but it's still better than most. I enjoy guys who can build a feud properly and he's been doing a sweet job of it with Orton.

2. He's someone I've followed throughout his entire career. True, the same can be said for guys like Cody Rhodes and Dibiase, but Christian has been going since the late 90's which was just after I started watching. I watched him grow from being a quiet guy who followed his big "brother" through the crowd to being more than just a sidekick. He split from his legendary tag team and was able to become a big name on his own merit, not just an afterthought in Edge's career.

3. I have a thing for guys who clearly love the business. Not to say that I know who does and doesn't, but when Christian won the World Title the first time, you could see that it was the biggest moment in his life. It was the same case with Edge, Punk, and hell, even Miz. I have a tendency to appreciate guys whose work ethic comes through beyond the character.

I certainly can understand why a person wouldn't get the hype behind him, but no one is ever going to be loved universally. Christian just happens to be one of the guys that falls on the "Loved" side of the IWC Schizo coin.
When The Brood debuted along with The Hardys that was kind of a new generation of workers for some of us. There was a stark contrast between the guys we had been seeing for the last 20 or so years and these new guys with their innovative moves and personalities. I remember when Edge retired, I said, wow I saw this guy's entire professional career from start to finish. I was about 17 or so when they came on the scene, to us teens they were our new cool guys. Christian is really the only one left of that group that has any relevance anymore.

Matt and Jeff who knows what's up with them and Edge is retired. Many of the 30 somethings who take their kids to matches now cheer on a guy like Christian because he's one of our guys.

Example : Hogan and Flair were my dad's guys, which coincidentally is why I love them too, I was raised on them. But I will never love them in a way that some one who has witnessed their entire career ever could.

A good way to understand how many people feel about Christian is this. He is our home town team. We will cheer him if he is on the bottom of the card or the top.

So yeah, not everyone is gonna "get it" and that's fine because I don't want everyone to "get it" he belongs to a certain group of fans, much in the same way I don't "get" Cena, he isn't for a certain group of us and that's fine.
The reason he's well liked is because he's a hard worker who has all the talent in the world. He has all these gifts and makes good work with them, whether it be as part of a tag team, working a midcard feud, or competing for World championships, Christian always gives it 110%. I suppose the fact that he was overlooked may have added to his following as people may have sympathised with him, but I assume the main reason is what I stated first. Christian's a tireless worker.
I guess i love Christian because hes been paying his dues for so long in the WWE. The moment that made me a peep was his interview backstage when he said he was leaving WWE and then went to TNA. This was a guy who had been in WWE for over 10 years and was heartbroken to leave the company but felt he had to for the sake of his carear.

Like Nate said the moment he won the title you could see it meant everything to him after 17 years of grafting in the business. For so long he was a solid reliable worker who had to watch as bigger/more popular wrestlers moved ahead of him in the company despite spending a fraction of the time he had working his way through the card.
Iv been a Christian fan for many years and here are my reasons why. He truly is a very talented wrestler with great mic skills, he works his arse off and is dedicated to what he does. Iv been watching him (possibly) all though his wrestling career and has been involved in some legendary matches. He is great as either a heel or a face. That's how good he is. Its a shame the WWE don't utilize his skills a lot more than they should.
It is all about respect with Christian. The guy is one of the few individuals in wrestling who actually had to truly work his way up the ladder. If this was 10 years ago, people would be saying Christian shouldn't be in the main event, but it isn't 2001, it is 2011 and the guy worked incredibly hard for a real long time. Also I don't think I ever heard of anyone having any beef with Christian backstage. He is just a class act who deserves his current spot.
This guy gave so much for the biz. I just wiki him and found out that he actually divorced from his wife after he decided to return to WWE from TNA. I do understand he may not be the most entertaining guy on the guy or in the ring, but he deserves his current spot.

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Well, I speak for myself on Christian. He is who he says he is. He's Captain Charisma. He's one of the most charismatic people in the buisness. When put in the right situation, he can play face/heel perfectly. He's great in the ring, and he proved himself when he went to TNA and showed that he wasn't just some Mid-card shadow of Edge.
I believe the reason why I like Christian is because of three things. He is great in the ring, Good on the mic, and Has a good company head on him.

I enjoy most if not all of his matches, he has alot of the same things in them. But it's not the same thing over and over, he switches it up alot. I'm not a simpleton, but I can see when a wrestler is just coasting in the match. Barring rest peroids, Christian is full bore most of the time.

He has good mic skills, he's one of best in the main event and has been in my mind since he was with Trish Stratus back in the day.

But he loves the buisness, even though he jumped to Tna. I don't see alot wrong with that. He's getting old, maybe he wanted a lighter schedual that Wwe couldn't give to him. But he came back, and has made the best of it!
hes a great wrestler and great on the mic and does his job well when being a heel i think hes better heel when hes champ but thats just me. like for some reason i hate cena but i seem to like him a little when hes not champ same goes with christen (sorry i went off topic)
Before Elimination Chamber I admit I didn't care about Christian but he proved me wrong, he is and he always was a good wrestler, in the microphone he is much like Edge but more goofy.

He deserves every prop he had, he was overshadowed by Edge in the E&C unfortunately, but Christian was very important in the team. I remember the Trish Stratus storyline, that lead to a match against Y2J, and I loved it. I was about 12 years old when that happened and I still remember.
Now he is being gold, I truly love this storyline with Randy Orton, and please give it some personal touch, maybe by making Orton assault Edge or Christian trying to injury Orton so bad. It would instantly turn this feud into a classic.
I personally like Christian a lot because he is so great at everything he does. He has stolen the show at multilple PPV's. He is excellent on the mic. He makes you interested in where his angle is going next whether he is currently a face or a heel. Also, unlike most heels, he is able to back up what he says with what he can do in the ring. Now that he is no longer overshadowed by Edge people are beginning to see more of how great he is.
Behind CM Punk he's currently my favorite active wrestler.

Christian is a nugget, a golden nugget which when it has the light shined upon, is as bright as the sun! Best metaphor I could give to you. Christian has everything required to be better than he even is, he has a natural way when he speaks on the microphone, he has such a great in-ring skill where he can make himself look good while making his opponent look good. Christian has a decent look, he looked much better during his last run but when you take into consideration that this guy was a Cruiserweight at one stage and is now the World Heavyweight Champion - hes worked his ass of in every way to get from what he was to what he is.

Christian has accomplished so much in his career. Whether it be in the WWE or TNA he means more than people know, he can be an over face or a villified heel. He to me, defines everything I like in a wrestler.
Because he's kind, sensitive, a good listener and he holds me when I am scared.;)

Love is strong word. I am a fan of his. He has consistently entertained me for his whole WWE and TNA careers. His career trajectory has been anything but typical.

I remember being shocked when he had his first promo on Raw and how surprisingly comfortable he was on the mic. I remember the early feuds with the Hardyz. The inclusion of the Dudleys and the great TLC matches that he was a part of. 5-second poses. His separation from Edge. His fantastically awesome yet annoyingly heelish entrance, "Christian! Christian! At last you're on your own!" which was too short lived. Him taking a back seat to Edge careerwise but never complaining. His ability to keep up with and enhance promos with guys like the Rock and Jericho. Being mad when he left WWE but happy for him that supposedly he had saved his money. Him having the guts to give TNA a chance. His terrific run in TNA with the belt. His return to WWE and placement in ECW. Threw all this he was never a big part of the gossip that we read about. All the other wrestlers seem to respect him.

All in all he just seems like someone that deserves my respect and therefore I believe WWE should give him the respect of a solid major title run before he ends his career. This is why I was thrilled for him for his Del Rio win and pissed about his quickly dropping the title to Orton. I probably reacted too harshly when he lost to Orton because it has given us a pretty solid feud and now another title run for Christian but I can be a reactionary wrestling fan sometimes.

Was that good enough?
because the iwc are rebels. they like ppl that no casual fans like! christian is shit. he is like edge and hhh, all he does is make jokes and shit

I don't even need to argue against this. I'll just requote it for someone who initially scrolled past it to guffaw at.

Mike "The Kid" Killam;3300956 said:
If your one of those people that has Christian Cage tattooed on your happy trail, I really don't want to hear from you...

So people who'd actually be motivated to defend Christian need not apply?

First thing's first; Edge and Jericho are overrated. Post-2005, Edge struggled to put on a good match and had a sum total of zero chemistry with his opponents. His feud with The Undertaker remains one of the most overrated of recent years. I'm of the opinion than Christian was probably always better than him, even before he came to a screeching halt in the middle of the decade.

Jericho, on the other hand, is great in spurts. I suppose you could compare him to an orgasm - great when you actually climax, but the humping and pumping to get there can be arduous. I can't be the only one that has boring, Chris Jericho-esque sex/wanks. I came to this realisation when reading Jericho's books, when he persistently pointed out how bad his work was. His tremendous matches with the likes of Mysterio and Michaels have risen out of the dreary swamp that is his usual work.

Christian is as capable of carrying a feud as anyone else on the roster - more so, in fact. Just ask Edge - it was Christian who took up the physical duties with Alberto Del Rio when his buddy started losing feeling in his arms. In both TNA and WWE, he's had great feuds and matches with the greenest of the green and the most mediocre of the mediocre. Frankie Kazarian, Jack Swagger (impressive as he may have been for a rookie) and Ezekiel Jackson immediately spring to mind. His feud with Randy Orton has produced the most consistently great matches of the year, and only Cena/Punk shows any signs of eclipsing it.

I don't rate him on the stick as much as others do, but he's no less competent on it than an Edge or a Jericho, and they consistently get (or got) their balls massaged for average promos.
It's quite simple christian is one of the select few left from the attitude era. he is entertaining and comfortable on the mic, yea he may not be as good as austin , rock etc .... but who is? .He is one of the best in the ring today he can be high flying, technical etc.... just look at how could he has made randy orton look in the last few ppv and smackdown matches, when is the last time orton had great match after great match . He is similar to hbk and y2j (i'm not saying he iis as good or better than them) but he can have a match with just about anyone and make it work and he makes the most out of every storyline and leaves it all in the ring whethers it's smackdown. a house show or a ppv. He is reliable and can be quick witted, funny, entertaining, serious. He is over with the crowd and he may not get as big a reaction as taker, hhh, cena etc.... but he gets a decent one and the crowds have changed if you watch videos from christian back in 2005 he was getting bigger reactions than cena, orton, hhh etc..... and he was a heel then. Also if christian isn't mainevent material then none of the new generation are i.e del rio, ziggler, jomo, swagger etc.
He's one of the most complete performers in the WWE today. Plus, the fact that I remember watching him when I was a kid just makes it all the better

I feel like I've watched his evolution from the beginning of his WWE career. So I feel a certain attachment to Captain Charisma
Well, in the "solid worker who can't carry a match/feud/angle" comment (I paraphrased) you make the same argument Vince McMahon makes for NOT making him the top guy...but you ask why I like Christian...so here goes..

1. Face or Heel, he makes me care about him angles/storylines/matches. When Christian talks, he says the right things for the role he plays...his mannerisms as well...like sounding extra whiny in his current heel role, work perfectly.

2. He's solid in the ring. A decent moveset (tho the Killswitch takes too long as a finisher, I'd rather see a quick strike move like the Spear) and he always tells a great story

3. versatility, he can work with any style in any role. He could transition from a face going against monster heels, to being the cowardly heel to being a smart heel, to even being a monster heel in beating up the smallest of the small guys like Evan Bourne or Sin Cara

4. His entrance song, I like "Just Close Your Eyes" Probably not the best reason, but it helps
I hear you. Christian is not a big star like Edge and Jericho. There are reasons it took him that long to scratch and claw his way to the top. And he certainly doesn't have the belt because the WWE expects the ratings to climb from this. With guys like Christian (or eventually Mark Henry), title runs are more of a lifetime achievement reward.

That being said I am a big fan of the guy, and a little offended by the comparison of him to Jeff Hardy. Now there's a guy who was truly overrated and undeserving. (But for some reason the fans got behind him and he got pushed, but that's another story...)

So yeah, Christian is not a big star, but a great wrestler and one most fans (especially long term fans) respect. He deserves a small title run in his resume, just like Kane did. I say give him his 5 minutes on top, some bigshot (probably Orton) will take the belt away from him soon enough. Until that happens I intend to enjoy his run. (I mean come on, how could you not love Christian's reaction last SD when Orton decimated R-truth? Cowardly clinging to the belt, looking like he's finally realizing what drawing the ire of Orton means. He made Orton look like a monster star without even touching him. That's talent!)
It's simple as to why I like Christian, he's good in the ring and on the mic. He makes story lines fun and is good both as a face and heel. The only thing that's pissing me of about him is that him and Orton have been feuding over the title for far too much time now and is getting stale but other than that I'm a fan of his.
I like him but obviously not as much as a lot of posters seeing as I don't feel he should have become Champion. Actually I take that back slightly as I don't feel he should not be Champion...I just don't think he was owed a Title run and I feel he is getting them because of the lack of established main eventers right now on Smackdown. It keeps the WHC scene fresh which is a good thing but I never saw Christian as main event material and still do not. I have watched him since his debut, his amazing TLC matches his TNA run plus much more and I have lots of respect for the guy. He is very entertaining and one of the old crowd but I don't lose any sleep when he loses Titles.
I think it's mostly because of the fact that the IWC loves to play rebel. It started in this case when Edge got pushed and the IWC thought "Hey, why not Christian as well?" At that time though, to be honest there was not much to choose between the two except for maybe the Spear on Jeff Hardy at WM 17 which I believe even Christian could have performed.

Then, I guess that the fact that he was not getting pushed was linked to the fact that he did not have the right body type. In other words, it was linked to the "Vince loves big guys" stuff which overlooked the fact that he was just not ready at that moment. If you look at his matches in 2002 and his matches today, you would see a world of difference. Even his promo cutting skills were not that good. He was funny, sure, he has always been funny, but he not serious enough to really sell across a feud.

Then he got a slight push when he feuded with Chris Jericho. He got a kickass theme music, nickname and even a bodyguard at this point and the IWC started to get even more restless about his push. He even main evented a PPV with John Cena. Some of his promos during this while were completely off the charts and even better than the promos he cuts today. Alas it was a case of good but not good enough with Christian. The roster in 2005 when all the cool things were happening to Christian, was loaded on both brands from top to bottom. As much as some fans like Christian, I am sure they wouldn't rate him as someone better than Angle, HBK, Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker and Triple H. You also had a fresh into the main event Cena who was getting a huge positive reaction at this time and Batista in the hottest phase of his career as a face. That left no room for Christian.

And to complete his love affair with the IWC, Christian went off to TNA. That gave the IWC one more insinuation to level against Vince as the reason why he was not pushing Christian. Also there is this rumor that Christian was supposed to cost Jeff Hardy his championship and have a match against him at Mania 25 but that idea was trashed because it got leaked on the internet. Christian denied another push by Vince's ego( or his business acumen but let's skip that for IWC's sake), how can the IWC not love Christian after that?

I like Christian a lot and that is mostly because I am an Attitude Era guy and Christian was a part of my childhood. Also he was very funny at that time which translated to very good for me at that time. If you notice in all the E&C skits he is the guy who is doing all the crazy stuff, playing the kazzoo or playing sick before Mick Foley and so on. I felt because of this, that Christian deserved his push more than Edge and that feeling has stayed with me ever since. Also this was around the time I was turning smark and so I cannot say that the internet did not shape up how I felt.

But I would say this now. Christian did not deserve a push before 2011. This is not only because he has become better over the years as a worker but because of the roster as well. As I have said before, at most other times in his career, the roster was loaded with guys who were better than him. But that is not the case today and that is why he is getting pushed.

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