Why do you think Dana White was at WWE HQ?


Why the hell would Dana White be in some haggard ass town in Connecticut? And why the hell would he fly there just to "tour" the wwe building.

Anyone who thinks he just took a friendly tour behind a tour guide is absolutely ******ed.

What did Dana White wake up in his condo or whatever the fuck he has in Vegas and decide.. "Hey.. let's fly to WWE headquarters today.. that place looks nice!"

Oh come on.. he obviously had a meeting with someone there. What it was about.. now that is the true mystery. One could speculate all you want, I heard something a while ago about "Big Country" Roy Nelson wanting to do the WWE.... maybe it's that...
Dana being at WWE HQ is being blow WAYYYY out or proportion. I never see UFC doing anything with WWE rather than mentioning guys in the audience. Dana has spent years building UFC's reputation as a true legit sports program. Not to knock wrestling, I am a huge fan that is why I am on this board, but many still consider wrestling a sideshow. I know Vince has tried really hard the last few years to change that perception, but it is still there. If it was anything between the two, my guess would be something to do with Dana trying to get MMA passed to be legal in New York. Vince has a lot of connections in New York and anybody remember where the first Wrestle Mania was? I mean Dana putting a UFC fight in MSG would be equivilent to Mania 1 in many ways. Dana has said on numerous occasions that he would not put another WWE guy in UFC, and there is hardly ever any mention of Lesnar being a WWE guy and if they do talk about it, it is just them briefly discussing his past. I'm sure if Cena, Austin, Taker, Triple H or any of those guys go to a show they will mention them on camera, but that is probably as close to a cross-promotion as you will get. And before any one mentions TNA stars being interviewed on UFC, that was not a UFC cross-promotion that was a Spike promotion.
Since Dana White mentioned that Vince pioneered PPV, I wouldn't be surprised if Dana and Vince McMahon were talking about some sort of PPV crossover deal. And, no, I don't mean WWE vs. UFC. Obviously, some MMA fighters have expressed some interest in joing WWE and some WWE (or former WWE) wrestlers have expressed interest in joining MMA. Perhaps they were discussing using each other's promotions to promote upcoming PPV's. Who really knows?
He was there just to talk a little business, bounce some ideas off of him. Talk about what both companies are doing.



Why the hell would Dana White be in some haggard ass town in Connecticut? And why the hell would he fly there just to "tour" the wwe building.

Anyone who thinks he just took a friendly tour behind a tour guide is absolutely ******ed.

What did Dana White wake up in his condo or whatever the fuck he has in Vegas and decide.. "Hey.. let's fly to WWE headquarters today.. that place looks nice!"

Oh come on.. he obviously had a meeting with someone there. What it was about.. now that is the true mystery. One could speculate all you want, I heard something a while ago about "Big Country" Roy Nelson wanting to do the WWE.... maybe it's that...

Well, I'm sure the most it would be is a UFC fighter showing up to host Raw or something, before a big PPV. maybe something to do with Cain or Dos Santos? Dana is smart to get some ideas from Vince, Vince knows his shit when it comes to promoting.

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