Undertaker Vs Brock Lesner WM 27!

Lesnar got demolished again, he got battered by Carwin some referees would of called the fight and gave it to Carwin in that first round. and now Valasques did exactly the same and this time the ref called it. His star is quickly fading, hes hardly a real athelete when no one in the MMA community respects his work.

Brock Lesnar is hardly a real athlete?????!!!!!

The man is a phenomenal athlete! Whether the MMA community respect his work or not, and whether they class him as a great fighter or not, the fact of the matter is that Brock Lesnar is an unbelievably talented athlete. One of the best in the world, he is so quick for his size, is incredibly strong and is still one tough S.O.B

He will be back
A Huge post that would just takeup space...

I agree with you on some points, as in Dana wants UFC as far away from WWE as possible due to the conflicting "realism" of the WWE and the realism of the UFC. UFC is a sport and WWE is entertainment.

However some points I disagree with. Brock wont walk out on a contract with the UFC, unless he has been forced to which I really dont see happening either, but if you was offered a BIG money contract for one appearance, would you take it? I sure as hell would, hell it would help him keep in shape too with the cardio training etc. It wont exactly be a huge media circus, probably 4 weeks tops of TV time.

I also disagree with your comments and hate on the Undertaker not being able to hold himself in a fight. Yes he maybe old, but he has 20+ years of conditioning, and he used to be on the road all year apart from a few days back when he wasnt so injury prone, now im not being funny, that takes a lot of training to be that conditioned. I for one wouldnt beable to handle that schedule the WWE does.

Undertaker is a tough guy regardless, and that comment could of meant anything. To me he said it in a friendly way, and obviously lesnar didnt reply due to just losing his title, he is probably focused on seeing what he did wrong.

But i wouldnt shoot the idea of a one time match at WM27
I personally think the whole thing is a work.

Win or Loose Taker was going to start having "issues" with lesnar after the PPV..

Things we know may be likely to happen soon

1. Somebody needs to retire Taker, Lesnar "was" considered a friend up untill this incident

2. Taker want's to go out at Wrestlemania, the only PPV big enough to give Lesnar a big enough check to even consider comming back for "one more feud" with the WWE..

3. Lesnar wanted to take some time off to begin with before the fight

I don't think anything's offical, I don't think they have it "in the bag"... But I wouldn't be suprised if Taker is trying to set up a Lesnar- Taker Feud for WM that ends with Taker offically retiring from the squared circle. WM isn't that far away, he's only got one more match, and if Lesnar is probably one of the only people in the world who have the "kayfabe" credibility to retire Taker.. Even more so now after his latest UFC HW championship run.

I'm not saying it's probably "set in stone", but it seems like the WWE and Lesnar are at least talking about it, and Taker is pretty strict when it comes to staying in character at public event's, and pushing wrestling's possible Feuds as real.

I don't see taker being enough of a dumb ass to legitemately provoke the ex-undisputed UFC heavyweight champion after a tough loss. Especially with how old and torn up his body is.

If Lesnar does come back he's probably ending the streak, and retiring Taker.
JR just Tweeted this:

JRsBBQ said:
Do people actually believe Brock Lesnar is going to lv UFC & meet Undertaker @ WM 27? Really? Some do. Amazing.
JRsBBQ said:
If I were advising Brock, I'm not btw, I'd say finish ur UFC run as WWE is always a 1 off option. Brock will NEVER go back on rd full time.
JRsBBQ said:
Some fans come off as desperate when 'got's 2 have Taker-Lesnar @ wm 27. Wishful thinking by & large. Brock's still ufc's 'face' & ppv guy.
JRsBBQ said:
Take Brock out of picture, doesn't wwe have 1 guy u want 2 see face Taker @ WM27? Not 1 guy? If so, who?

If this is a work, they've even got JR involved with it all.

The WWE has always done a very good job of keeping their Wrestlemania plans under strict confidence. I doubt that any of us can make an accurate guess as to where this whole thing will lead. However, I'm sure we'll all be talking about it for a while.

Who knows... maybe their plan is to bait Brock Lesnar into a Wrestlemania appearance. I doubt it's been etched in stone as of right now so I think this is the WWE's first step in reeling him in. I highly doubt they'd be successful.
If this is a one time deal then I am okay with it. Even though I have seen Taker vs Lesnar earlier I am pretty excited for this. Plus Taker has never fought Lesnar as the deadman and combined with the stardom that Lesnar has acheived in MMA this should be a stellar bout.

But I hope WWE doesn't jump the gun with Lesnar and give him the WWE Championship again. I would hate to see what happened to the IWGP title in Japan (Lesnar walked out as champ allegedly due to visa issues) happen to the WWE title.

Plus he is doing pretty well in MMA. I'm sure he can bounce back after the loss.
this is a complete work....vince mad the offer to brock and taker was asking if he's in...this is classic vince to bring in someone not in wwe for one time wrestlemania apperance..anyone remember L.T. if this did go down brock would be getting a huge payday way more than ufc pays him for one fight.
I do not seriously think that the Undertaker was eyeballing Brock in a sense that says "let's fight." I think The Undertaker probably wanted to train Brock and Brock said no or something. I've never read anything about The Undertaker training with MMA athletes, doesn't mean it's not true, and it wouldn't surprise me either. I just think that Brock and The Undertaker are probably friends. That's where my money is.

Also, am I the only one that thinks a Brock/Undertaker match at 'Mania just isn't that appealing? I would be disgusted as a long-time wrestling and Undertaker fan if Brock ended the streak. And I don't think the Undertaker beating Brock is that good of a way to end his career. I was in and out of wrestling during Brock's mainstay, but he was never that entertaining for me. Granted, I have hardly seen any of his PPV matches.. It wasn't until he became a UFC fighter that I got interested. The only thing that makes a 'Mania match appealing is the aspect of UFC v. WWE.. But even that isn't that great. Because when it comes down to it, the WWE will still be scripted, and the match will have proved nothing. The only thing I can see out of this match, is the Undertaker highly respects Brock, which for all I know is absolutely true.
I am sure WWE would love to do this but I don't see why UFC or Brock would. UFC don't get anything out of this. Dana is trying real hard to get MMA accepted as a credible sport in the minds of everybody, and associating UFC with pro wrestling by letting his top guy appear at Mania wouldn't be ideal for the image of the company. Obviously Dana and UFC can't control Brock if he wanted to do this for a huge payday while he is "on a break" from UFC, but seeing as they obviously wouldn't approve of it, I don't see Brock risking burning his bridges for one payday, albeit most likely a huge one, when he has many potential UFC pay days ahead of him, starting with a possible 3rd Mir fight.

I believe Taker and Brock have real life issues. The story I heard was that Taker didn't like Brock leaving the business when it came to putting guys over, and I find that believable since Taker has the reputation as the "locker room leader" and didn't take kindly to Shawn Michaels initially refusing to put Austin over back in 1998. I believe they had that staredown because Taker legitimately doesn't like Brock. It's not a work, though WWE would love to do something with them if they could.

I'd like to see the match, but I'd prefer somebody like Cena to go up against Taker. From a business perspective Lesnar/Taker would be a dream scenario, but I just don't see it happening.
I was looking up results coverage for Bragging Rights that posts faster than Wrestlezone.com and I found some wrestling rumor site that was quick. I started snooping around and the wrestling site posted this:

Credit: LordsofPain.net
WWE Offers Brock Lesnar Deal To Face Undertaker at WrestleMania This Year
By Amish Patel
Oct 24, 2010 - 7:08:43 PM

- Dave Meltzer has confirmed that World Wrestling Entertainment has made an offer to Brock Lesnar to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

The news was kept secret from the majority of the creative team, and there has been a lot of talk today with people asking what the latest was.

It's thought that Lesnar will not be saying anything publicly for at least two weeks.

I still don't think it's possible for Brock to compete at UFC. This may not even be true, hence a rumor. But, I thought it was interesting and I posted. I don't know if the site I was is bad at finding news thats actually true, but I posted it anyway.

A lot of people are still saying that Taker/Brock won't happen at Wrestlemania. I'm one of those people.
The only way this could ever happen is if Brock Lesnar decides that after the stomach illness/surgery/recovery that he had, he simply isn't at the level he needs to be in UFC. Lets be honest, Some UFC refs would have stopped the Carwin fight in the 1st round too. Truth be told, I think he has lost something since the stomach problems. He isn't the same fighter. There are three things that have to happen for this to even be a possibility:

1a. Brock Lesnar decides that he if can't compete at the highest levels in UFC, he isn't going to compete at all, and decides to retire from MMA competition. I would put these odds somewhere around 20%. Not very likely, but given how his last two fights have gone, the idea cannot be completely dismissed either. If this happens, see 2.


1b. Brock Lesnar obtains permission from the UFC to make a few WWE related appearances, and compete in a single wrestling match at Wrestlemania. This would not require Brock Lesnar to give up MMA competition. However, given that Dana White has said that while under contract with the UFC, there will be NO outside competing, I would put the odds of Dana White changing his stance on this to be around 5%. Vince could make him a cash offer that makes it worth his while to give permission, I guess...not bloody likely though. However, in the incredibly unlikely situation that 1b actually happens, skip directly to 3.

2. Upon his decision to retire from MMA competition, Dana White agrees to let Brock Lesnar out of his contract. This must happen, because legally, Brock cannot do ANY sort of outside competition without permission. Even if Brock Lesnar retires from the UFC, Dana White could simply not release him from his contract. Assuming Brock decides to retire, the odds Dana White would let him completely out of his contract, no catches: 0%. Brock is a money maker, Dana White knows he is a money maker, and isn't dumb enough to let him off without any strings attached. There would have to be some form of no-compete clause that would allow Brock to return to pro wrestling, but not to sign with any MMA organization. Assuming that Brock does retire, odds that Dana White lets him out of his contract with some form of a no-compete clause, instead of making him sit the rest of his contract out: 70%. I would think that should Lesnar retire from the UFC, that Dana White would probably be accomodating. I don't think he would be petty enough to refuse to let him out of his contract, provided he couldn't hurt the UFC by signing with a rival company. Again, this is under the assumption that the scenario outlined in 1a actually happens, as unlikely as it is.

Before I get to the third thing that must happen, I have to point out that my entire post is entirely dependent on Brock Lesnar choosing to return to pro wrestling. He could decide to retire and not return to the WWE at all. Even if he retires, even if he gets let out of his contract, even if there is a no-compete clause, we don't know if Brock Lesnar even would consider going back to the WWE.

3. Assuming Brock retires, gets permission, or is otherwise available, both himself and the Undertaker have to be healthy enough to have a match. This is probably the only time in his entire career that Mark Calloway has to wonder if he is going to even make it to Mania. I know it seems impossible, but with the collection of injuries, its possible that by March 2011, the Undertaker is either injured and cannot compete, or not even in the WWE at all. The Undertaker has a slew of injuries that aren't getting any better. Combine that with the fact that he just put Kane over in a match that 90% of the WWE audience expected him to win, it could mean that Taker is on the way out, and is legitimizing Kane's title by losing. Its purely speculative, but, a case could be made to suggest that Mark Calloway's career as a professional wrestler is virtually over. Odds that Undertaker is capable of competing in a match against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania: 40%. This is the first year I really have had ANY doubts about the Undertaker, but the doubts I have are big enough for me to recognize that at his age, with the injuries he has, whether or not he stays healthy until late March is a complete crapshoot.

When you look at everything that has to happen in order for this match to come to fruition, I just don't see it happening. Too many unlikely things have to happen. It would probably be epic, but, its just a pipe dream.
According to ProWrestling.net, a well-placed source insists that the confrontation between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar at this past Saturday's UFC was an angle that took place without the knowledge or permission of UFC president Dana White.

The source claims several people in WWE knew ahead of time that something would happen between the two, setting up what is a hopeful match between Taker-Lesnar at WrestleMania 27, as has been rumored and reported on several websites since the incident.

More information as this story continues to unfold.

If White seriously didn't know about this, no way he lets Lesnar out of his contract. He'll let Lesnar rot at home before he gives in and makes Vince the winner in this.
This is similar to the Jericho/Micky Rourke and Mayweather/Big Show stuff from a few years ago... its a tried and trusted wrestling technique going back to the carneys... Find a celeb that you want to put on the show and engineer a public challenge... From a PR perspective whether the mark is interested or not they are sucked into the WWE PR machine... Soon people are talking about it and if the mark rejects the proposal is seen and portrayed as scared... Any doomsayers or contractually bound parties are immediately spooked with the "this makes my guy look bad if we say he can't beat a phoney wrestler.."

The wheeze from WWE's perspective is that the mark is never scheduled to lose... they can only make money and gain a wider audience...

This is the first time that WWE has gone after someone exclusively bound to another promoter... Dana White has an alleged rep of blackballing anyone who crosses him from UFC and indeed there are many comparisons to he and an earlier Vince...

Vince is being very smart here... he's put it out there for the world to see... can UFC's money machine really take on one of the toughest wrestlers who ever lived? Forget the gimmick... Mark Callaway is a toughman and fiercly proud wrestler... he will be ready for the confrontation... It also serves another very good purpose...

It steals the thunder of 2 other former WWE stars who crossed Vince by leaving... Bobby Lashley and Batista... Who is gonna care now if Dave signs with Strikeforce? no one cos suddenly the "money match" is Brock v Taker... this could be worked to get either back into the company and indeed the match... but right now all anyone is talking about in both worlds is Taker v Brock... it almost has to happen now for UFC to save face... if Brock destroys taker, so be it... Vince took the risk... but if Taker could do it... boy people would suddenly start looking at wrestling a lot differently...
THTRobtaylor you're missing the whole point. If Lesnar is bound by a contract, White is going to give Vince the big FU and not let Lesnar take any part in anything with the WWE. Even if Lesnar decides he will retire because of it, he is still UFC's property.

it almost has to happen now for UFC to save face

why? why on earth would white feel he HAS to let lesnar wrestle? his promotion is making money. he can give two shits if some wrestling fans want to see a lesnar/undertaker match.
Lesnar made almost half a million dollars at UFC 116.

A few disclaimers regarding the salaries can be found below. However, it's also worth noting that fighters such as Lesnar and St. Pierre also earn a portion of the pay-per-view revenue. In fact, Lesnar reportedly will make approximately $3 million from the fight even before the majority of his sponsorship money is tallied.

If you google "how much does Brock Lesnar make" you'll find that and a list of other numbers that show why Brock can't be offered enough by the E. Also though as said a MILLION times, Dana White will never let him out of his contract. Is there a chance Lesnar ever ends up in a WWE ring again? Maybe sometimes far down the line after he can't win in the octagon anymore but I don't see that happening anytime soon or even really ever to be honest. Lesnar/Taker isn't happening and it was just an incident at an event. Brock was always said to be a stiff wrestler and maybe in their HIAC match Brock messed him up. Maybe Taker's jealous that Brock is having so much main stream success. Who knows what it is. Either way, it wasn't planned or scripted, it just happened. Let it be.
THTRobtaylor you're missing the whole point. If Lesnar is bound by a contract, White is going to give Vince the big FU and not let Lesnar take any part in anything with the WWE. Even if Lesnar decides he will retire because of it, he is still UFC's property.

why? why on earth would white feel he HAS to let lesnar wrestle? his promotion is making money. he can give two shits if some wrestling fans want to see a lesnar/undertaker match.

Very simple... you have 2 products... one is pitched as a real sport... one as a fictional variant of a sport... no one will "force" Dana White into anything except his own UFC fans... They will have bought heavily into the notion that White himself created... This is not your normal cross sport comedy feud... by his actions, Taker (and Vince if he was in on it) have openly challenged UFC's reputation as a sport... while challenging their own fans perceptions of what they think of WWE with the "Stand Up" campaign... its a great double pronged strategy... WWE fans will be clamouring for the match... UFC fans will demand it and Takers urn on a platter for the insult... this will not be a wrestling/sports entertainment match... its Ali v Inoki for this generation...

White can say FU as you say, but from a business standpoint he would be a) turning down but biggest mainstream cross promotional sporting event in years, b) losing UFC respect by not "slapping down the challenge made" to its legitemacy and c) losing a shitload of cash... the show would do the biggest numbers on PPV ever...

IF Dana White as a man can walk through all those 3 barriers and still make Brock Lesnar sit out a contract... then UFC is doomed as he is clearly not in it from a proper sporting business perspective but as a vanity project... which is when all sporting ventures fail... as Vince knows from past experience...

But from Vince's perspective... he can't lose... WWE right now controls the media on 2 fronts... the Election/Stand Up/Lawsuit being a major political story AND the Brock/Taker confrontation being THE talking point from a sporting perspective... You can't buy publicity like this...ever...
Very simple... you have 2 products... one is pitched as a real sport... one as a fictional variant of a sport... no one will "force" Dana White into anything except his own UFC fans... They will have bought heavily into the notion that White himself created... This is not your normal cross sport comedy feud... by his actions, Taker (and Vince if he was in on it) have openly challenged UFC's reputation as a sport... while challenging their own fans perceptions of what they think of WWE with the "Stand Up" campaign... its a great double pronged strategy... WWE fans will be clamouring for the match... UFC fans will demand it and Takers urn on a platter for the insult... this will not be a wrestling/sports entertainment match... its Ali v Inoki for this generation...

White can say FU as you say, but from a business standpoint he would be a) turning down but biggest mainstream cross promotional sporting event in years, b) losing UFC respect by not "slapping down the challenge made" to its legitemacy and c) losing a shitload of cash... the show would do the biggest numbers on PPV ever...

IF Dana White as a man can walk through all those 3 barriers and still make Brock Lesnar sit out a contract... then UFC is doomed as he is clearly not in it from a proper sporting business perspective but as a vanity project... which is when all sporting ventures fail... as Vince knows from past experience...

But from Vince's perspective... he can't lose... WWE right now controls the media on 2 fronts... the Election/Stand Up/Lawsuit being a major political story AND the Brock/Taker confrontation being THE talking point from a sporting perspective... You can't buy publicity like this...ever...

Do you seriously believe what you are spewing? Seriously?!? This is the most absurd look at this situation that I've seen yet......and you were a main contributor on this site at one point?

It's not going to happen. I repeat it's not going to happen! Go back and read my prior post on page 5 if you want to know why. For you to sit and say that Dana and the UFC have to do this to answer them being questioned as a reputable sport is the dumbest statement I've ever read in my life. The way they can be seen as a reputable sport is to run from this as quickly as possible......which is exactly what they are doing. Look at what I wrote originally and what has been said since in the last few days. Everything I wrote was before all the quotes and responses came out about this situation and I was right on the money. Why.....because I'm obviously not a dilusional fan!

Why would Dana do this because Vince has questioned the UFC as a reputable sport? Who is Vince to question what is reputable......including his wife's campaign? Vince is the foreknown authority on nothing but sports entertainment.....light on the sports. He has time and time again stressed the fact that this is not wrestling anymore, it's sports entertainment. Why would Dana want to get involved with him? I mean seriously, who is dumb enough to think this is a wise business decision for anyone but Vince and Co?

The fact of the matter is I am a UFC fan first, wrestling fan second......I don't want this to happen. I never want to see this happen! I can also guarantee you that the VAST MAJORITY of UFC fans would never want to see this. What does this prove? That Brock can beat a "fake" wrestler or that a real professional fighter can be beated by a "fake" wrestler. What does this do for any UFC fan? No one wants to see this. In all honesty most UFC fans could care less about pro wrestling and if it wasn't for watching pro wrestling since I was a kid I would have given up on it a long long time ago like most MMA fans.

Your three mountains that Dana's vanity has to climb are also absurd! The only one that makes sense is the money Dana leaves on the table. While this is true, I can guarantee you that Dana will in the long run lose more money and much more legitimacy by letting this happen. Him picking up some perceived gauntlet thrown down by Vince does nothing for his sport or its legitimacy. The majority of fans and fans he is still trying to win over would never take the UFC at face value again. They would begin to wonder how many interviews were staged or faked. Also wouldn't they begin to wonder how real one of their biggest revenue earners (The Ultimate Fighter) was? How does he win in this situation?

Simple answer, he doesn't. He doesn't win. It's not because of Dana's vanity or this being a vanity project, this is a real sport! Plain and simple! Get over it! He doesn't want anything to do with a fake sport or sports entertainment and I would say he never will.

Also one more thing I forgot to mention. Ali vs Inoki for our generation? Are you serious? First of all Ali was the greatest of all time and will go down as one of the greatest athletes of all time, Brock hasn't reached that level yet, not even close. Second, I'm pretty sure that this matchup happened before kayfabe was broken and everyone knew that wrestling was fake? Am I wrong?

Again how does Dana White win in this situation? He doesn't win and no offense to you because I'm sure that you are an intelligent guy, but you are way off base here!
I sure hope so. It would make for an awesome match. Imagine the publicity WWE could get from this match. I don't care if Dana White likes it or not this has to be done. He is one superstar who could really end Taker's streak. I never thought WWE would bring him back for one more match.
I think some of you don't understand exactly what a contract is. If Lesnar is signed to a deal that runs through WM27 and it says he cannot compete anywhere else, THEN THE MATCH ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This "whether Dana White likes it or not" crap has to go. He gains absolutely nothing except for a quick buck. But in the long run, it makes his promotion look like a joke.

And how on Earth does Lesnar being suspended on medical leave change anything? He's still under contract.

This is just the same as the WWE putting a clause in wrestlers' contracts that they can't wrestle for a certain amount of time after being let go.

I know some would love to see this happen, but it's not going to. As long as Lesnar is under contract, a match will not happen.

And personally, this would piss me off as a wrestler that Vince would have to go outside his own company to make a match. This shows me he has absolutely zero faith in his own workers.
I don't know why Vince is fucking around with the UFC if this is true. What will stop Dana White from scheduling big UFC PPV's the day before Wrestlemanias to screw with their buy rates. The Undertaker is so beat up at this point that the match would be terrible anyways. Vince don't understand how much Dana White could fuck him over if he is trying to dip into his talent pool without giving the OK.
I don't know why Vince is fucking around with the UFC if this is true. What will stop Dana White from scheduling big UFC PPV's the day before Wrestlemanias to screw with their buy rates. The Undertaker is so beat up at this point that the match would be terrible anyways. Vince don't understand how much Dana White could fuck him over if he is trying to dip into his talent pool without giving the OK.

Because Vince doesn't care about anything or anyone outside of his little WWE Universe. He thinks he can get away with anything and not suffer any consequences.

I hope the news that White didn't know about the incident beforehand is true so he can do what you said, schedule all of his PPVs the night before Vince's.
I seriously doubt this will happen & that the two have legitimate beef. If they did, do you really believe Taker would attend all of Brock's fights? He hardly attends all UFC shows, he usually goes when Brock is on the PPV and dont you think if this was to "set up" a match between the two that Taker would've talked crap about him in his interviews just to spice things up further? But no he didnt. Dont you think Brock would've gotten in Taker's face as soon as he asked him "if he wants to do it?" if he was proposing a fight? I'm sure if he did and Lesnar beat the crippled old man up, the courts wouldnt be so harsh on Lesnar as Taker is the one who provoked him and it would hurt Taker's gimmick and match with Kane the day after if he was hurt. I doubt Brock was too angry about his loss to just ignore it and not beat the shit out of a crippled fake wrestler in 1 second right then & there or at least answer him. I've also heard some people say Taker hates Brock because he left WWE for UFC, doubtful. Taker himself admitted he would've switched over to MMA had the sport been big back in the day, why would he contradict himself like that. Plus it's too soon to "set up" a match between the two, in a few months time most people will have forgotten about this confrontation and what good will that do. When you set up a match, you want people to remember it and the only way to do that is do it a few months before WM not 6/7 months before. Do you really believe Taker would agree to lose his streak to a guy who's only making one appearance back in WWE or that Brock would come back to lose which would hurt his & UFC's image on how real UFC is as they helped stage a fake fight and that a real fighter like Brock would lose to a fake wrestler? I think Taker was just proposing something else other than a fight to Brock, summit personal that has nothing to do with wrestling or MMA. Neither promotion turned this into a speculation or even gave a hint about these two having a match with each other at WM, the millions & millions of wrestling fans did, so if you truly believe this is gonna happen just cause another wrestling fans says it will, I feel sorry for you.
I seriously doubt this will happen & that the two have legitimate beef. If they did, do you really believe Taker would attend all of Brock's fights? He hardly attends all UFC shows, he usually goes when Brock is on the PPV

I wouldn't know whether he attends all UFC shows but he attends a fair amount because he is an avid MMA fan. He also stated in that very interview that he thinks Brock is a very good fighter and Brock is the guy everybody wants to see, so why wouldn't he go and see him? I don't think a personal feud would stop Taker from watching his fights if he rates him as a fighter, and Lesnar fights are usually the biggest/most hyped.
I wouldn't know whether he attends all UFC shows but he attends a fair amount because he is an avid MMA fan. He also stated in that very interview that he thinks Brock is a very good fighter and Brock is the guy everybody wants to see, so why wouldn't he go and see him? I don't think a personal feud would stop Taker from watching his fights if he rates him as a fighter, and Lesnar fights are usually the biggest/most hyped.

Well why doesnt he watch him on TV then if they have a personal feud? Paul Heyman, Austin, Rock, JR attend UFC PPV's featuring Brock because they're there to support him in person, if Taker & Brock really hate each other why would Taker be there for Brock let alone rate him as a good fighter, it doesnt make a lick of sense.
Well why doesnt he watch him on TV then if they have a personal feud? Paul Heyman, Austin, Rock, JR attend UFC PPV's featuring Brock because they're there to support him in person, if Taker & Brock really hate each other why would Taker be there for Brock let alone rate him as a good fighter, it doesnt make a lick of sense.

I'd attend the big UFC shows if I was in a position to do so, even if I had a problem with one of the guys. I don't see why his personal issues with Brock would stop him attending but maybe that's just me.
I'd attend the big UFC shows if I was in a position to do so, even if I had a problem with one of the guys. I don't see why his personal issues with Brock would stop him attending but maybe that's just me.

Yes you would do but you definitely didn't want to confront him after a humiliating loss.

I think there is something between WWE and UFC because Undertaker showing up out of character is a rare thing to happen.

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