Undertaker Vs Brock Lesner WM 27!

My personal opinion, (Challenge it if you want)

Is that all the signs are there.

1. The Interview with the stand off. (at UFC)
2. Vince walking around claiming hes got it in the bag (From a report a couple of days ago on this site)
3. Brock has injury suspension for a few months
4. Vince is loaded.
5. WWE Classic moment of the week involves Brock.

The only two things against this i can see are:
1. Undertaker was out of character when they stand off happened.
2. Brock is under contract with UFC and left WWE in a not-prefered manor.

I will challenge what you stated. Not being a prick, just want to have a conversation about this. While the signs might be there:

1. The interview was done by a independent 3rd party that has stated for the record that he had nothing to do with this. Why would he lie and what would he have to gain by lying? If he lied and went into business for himself and didn't tell his employers he would run the risk of losing his job. He was doing the interview and it was obvious he had no idea what was going on. If you were Vince and you wanted to use this to catapult one of the hugest fueds and stories in your company's history would you want to take the chance that this interview doesn't even happen at the right time and that The Undertaker doesn't even get his attention when he walks by? Also why would Vince let the Undertaker do this out of character WITH HIS WIFE MICHELLE MCCOOL PRESENT when the occurence happened? If you remember correctly Vince was furious when news leaked that these two were even married a few months ago b/c it ruined his on-screen persona and the storyline at the time of him being injured. Why would he suddenly be okay with them appearing on camera together? Wouldn't he have told the Undertaker to tell Michelle to stay at home for this one?

2. Vince can say what he wants. He has no power over this issue and I'm sure that drives him nuts. The person who can make this call is plain and simple. Dana said that Brock can not compete or appear with the WWE while still under contract with the UFC. Vince can think what he wants he can do nothing about Brock being under contract.

3. Even if Brock has an injury suspension for 180 days this doesn't mean he can't train for a fight.....which is exactly what he'll be doing. He will be training to get better and get in the octagon with more than likely Frank Mir....a man he has a lot of dislike and hatred towards. He is going to give everything he has to beating Mir and he's not gonna let one match at Wrestlemania get in his way.

4. Again this doesn't matter. Vince can have all the money in the world and if Dana doesn't want him to appear with the WWE its not going to happen. Now you might say that Vince could offer Dana a ton of money to make this happen and while it would be good for Dana and the UFC in the short-term, this would absolutely murder the sport's legitimacy in the eyes of the vast majority of fans. Dana knows this and isn't going to risk this for one quick pay day. He has too much to lose in the long run.

5. I'm not going to pretend like I know how the WWE schedules their programming but I can almost guarantee that their On Demand programming is scheduled way ahead of time and not a split second decision. If you have noticed this past weekend was probably the second highest grossing PPV in the UFC's history. Also Spike has run Brocktober all month showing UFC Primetime and UFC Unleashes featuring him. Don't you think the WWE would want to capitalize on all the attention being shown to their former star?

That's all I have to say on these points. If you want to talk about it anymore though, just post back and we'll talk about it.
If he goes to the WWE while under contract with the UFC it will kill UFC in the fans eyes. Especially if they are having "Worked" shoots on UFC TV. With people betting on this sport and WWE getting involved even if for one night will raise a lot of red flags everywhere. This can damage a lot of things for UFC. Also like I said earlier if Vince is screwing around with UFC talent without permission what is to stop Dana White from putting a UFC PPV on the Saturday before every WWE PPV.

Here is the thing. All these dirt sheets always expect something to be worked and they get a hard on for this shit and will run with anything they are given. The UFC doesn't work like that and I think the writers from these sites are just trying to get extra traffic to their sites. Honestly if you watch the interview it really wasn't a big deal yet it turns into Brock was offered a contract and they are setting up worked shoots at an event that is real. If this proves to be all false and UFC releases news on this about how it is false then all these sites, wrestlezone included, should really get new sources or stop making shit up.
You will see Brock Lesnar walk to the cage to the strains of Depeche Mode while wearing a tutu and a ball gag before you see him perform at Wrestlemania 27.

Let's just examine the reasons why you won't see it.

1) The UFC derives their legitimacy from being perceived as a "real" sport. They are competing with the WWE for PPV buys, but they aren't competing in the same ecosystem as professional wrestling. Ken Shamrock got heat for years from the MMA community after his stint in the WWF. (He still has heat, but now it's for his annoying mouth which he can't back up, along with that Kimbo Slice non-incident.) The MMA community doesn't think too highly of Brock Lesnar, but they watch him because he participates in their ecosystem. A cartoon match with a man who can barely walk to the ring anymore would give him the kind of heat that you can't sell PPV's with.

2) He's under contract to a man who understands #1 very well. What's more important to Dana White; keeping the legitimacy of his promotion as a sport and not a circus as he tries to open the New York market (read: make a shitload of money), or trying to make a quick buck off of revenue shares while not promoting what your product is about at all? If you've done more then catch an episode of UFC Unleashed, that's an obvious one.

3) The match would look god awful to anyone who's seen Brock Lesnar fight. I'm trying to imagine Brock having a match with Undi which resembles anything Brock's done in the UFC. It can't happen. It would be gimmicky and slow. Yes, they could work a pro wrestling match together, but that doesn't mean I'd want to see it.

4) The WWE can't pay him enough, or won't be willing to. Brock takes home a few million, after endorsements, appearance fees, revenue shares, and fight bonuses. He's not hurting for cash right now, so he doesn't need to do it. He'd ask for a figure between 1-2 million, and the WWE is still getting over that Mayweather embarrassment. Would they do it? If we ignored #1-3, maybe, they've done crazier things, but signs point to no.

5) Brock's total medical suspension won't be 180 days. Much like the whole "OMG Daniel Bryan has to stay out 90 days" idiocy, the IWC has lept to misunderstand what a medical suspension means. That is the maximum amount of time (not maximum assignable) that he can be prevented from fighting. You can see a doctor and get a clean bill of health; after that, your suspension is lifted. If Brock were to go home, get on top of his wife and play with his kids, and talk to no one, California (and anywhere else in the States- fighting commissions amazingly tend to respect each others decisions) wouldn't agree to let him fight on day 179. Day 181, they can't say squat on medical reasons without cause. Come Wrestlemania, he'll be either training for Frank Mir or Big Nog.

You won't see it, but if you firmly believe you will, hold your breath while you wait.
Brock is on a 6 month medical suspension from UFC, but that can always change if his condition improves. I really don't think there is loop hole in his contract that says he can fight or wrestle anywhere else while under UFC. Even if it is one match, I highly doubt Dana White would allow Brock to break his contract. WWE probably wants this and Brock may want one last match at the biggest stage of them all. I just don't see Brock violating his contract for a wrestling match, no matter how big the pay day is.

Undertaker is out with a major shoulder injury. Even if Brock could wrestle, it doesn't seem like the Undertaker will be able to perform anytime soon.
before i respond i wanna say i haven't been on this forum in over a month and i only read like the first 2 pages of this topic so if i'm repeating something then i apologize now...

anyways i really don't think ppl are taking the time out to let their imagination run wild with this topic.

first and foremost lets get it outta the way...this match will not happen BUT if it did it goes w/o saying it would be HUGE.

honestly a Brock/Undertaker match could and probably would generate more buzz/hype than a return from The Rock and/or Steve Austin to Mania.

would it live up to the hype? probably not from a quality of the match standpoint. IMO Brock was always really good but never GREAT in the ring and as much as i'm still a mark for Taker he's in no condition to carry a main event match @ Mania with a guy who hasn't had a pro wrestling match in years.

would it live up to the hype (money wise)? HELL YEAH. it would get the average 1 million buys (or around that number) the PPV usually gets plus MMA fans who are kinda interested in seeing what would happen.

but the biggest question would be (for Lesnar and White): how would MMA fans who are against this match happening respond to Brock when he went back to MMA full time?

all in all i think it could be the biggest thing to happen in wrestling in a long time. it would generate a ton of money, hype and hope that wrestling isn't still the same boring stuff over and over again.

it could also (possibly) help both companies with ratings (not that they're in desparate need of help). i'm sure if Taker and Brock incorporated some MMA with the wrestling it would interest alot of fans from both "sports" (i use that term loosely for WWE) to maybe check out the other "sport" from time to time.
I would love to see this happen. These two put on one heck of a hell in a cell match back in 2003's No Mercy event. The only issue I have is Lesnar is known in the locker room as a "sell out" and the Superstars may not like Lesnar ever showing up again. I'd still love to see a WWE Superstar vs. UFC Fighter match.

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