Dave Batista Vs. Brock Lesner in Wrestling or MMA??


Pre-Show Stalwart
From what it appears from the blogs by Jim Ross, that Dave Batista is headed to the world that is MMA. In which Batista has been training in that field. With this being in play, it looks that is Dave "The Animal" Batista is indeed headed down that path! The same path someone before big Dave went down, Brock Lesner!

Brock Lesner unlike Dave Batista had left the wrestling world on top as "The Next Big Thing". And after losing his first MMA match, Brock has dominated the MMA/UFC world as a world heavyweight champion. Bobby Lashley is getting there. But Brock Lesner in comparaion to Dave Batista, has almost been the same.

WWE: Both Main Eventers, World Champions, had managers, been on both RAW & Smackdown, headlined Wrestlemanias!

Now with Dave Batista heading into MMA, will we finally see these two superstars face off one-on-one in a MMA match? Because we've (speaking for the people who didn't see it) never seen Brock Lesner vs. Batista in a wrestling match.

They'll wrestled each other in OVW wrestling before they were called on to the main WWE roster, and once in Batista's hometown of Washinton D.C. at a WWE supershow in 2003.

So it would be pretty hard to tell who's the best & who had a better wrestling career.
Brock Lesnar would crush Batista in any MMA fight. He is a legit fighter, with a rock solid REAL wrestling pedigree. On top of that, for his size he is unbelievably quick and agile. Batista lacks the amateur wrestling pedigree, is slow and not agile at all. Lesnar is a legit freak of nature...Batista is just a freak of massive ego.
Wresting hands down, Lesnar could at least make Batista look decent in a wrestling ring and it would be a decent match.
If they fought each other in the UFC, the build would be alright, but that match would end in about 30 seconds with Batista possibly dying at the end of the fight. Batista is old (only a few years younger than Couture, a MMA Legend who got completely destroyed by Lesnar, not to mention Couture has this little thing called skill), not as quick, not as strong, not as agile, and most importantly, not as skilled as Brock Lesnar. Batista physique looks impressive, but thats where it ends. EVERYTHING looks impressive on Lesnar and if they ever fought in the octagon, I would legitimately fear for Batista's well being going into that match, because it wouldn't be pretty.
Brock would hammer Big Dave in MMA, hes a national amature wrestling champion, and so quick for a guy of his size, plus he has already proven he is the real deal in MMA. 'Tista looks amazing, but he is nowhere near as quick and agile as Brock, and so injury prone as weve seen over the years. Id put money on Lesnar being much stronger too, so with his strength and speed I could see Brock destroying Batista in under 2 rounds
bad move on batista's part. he will get destroyed in the octogon. even if he outweighed his opponent by 50-60 pounds, he just doesn't have the moves to be able to compete.
Hes very injury prone, i think sometimes MMA fighters need more respect because some of the wrestlers seem to be under the impression that because they are muscular they could beat the MMA guys. I think Batista could get seriously hurt and even injure himself in the training because it would get very intense. He couldn't slap on a rest hold if he got tired or try to slow it down, because the idea is that obviously they beat you to win.
You would want to see it MMA, because they are actually fighting for something..in wrestling, they get booked to win/lose.... these two in a MMA fight would be amazing....
Hands down to Brock Lesnar....he's just got the background...Batista used to be a bodybuilder..thats all he got...
I'm pretty sure the drug testing policy in MMA is a bit more strict than WWE's. I find it humorous when celebrities, actors, athletes, etc. think it's so easy to just cross over into MMA like that. If Batista is one of them, I sincerely hopes he get's his ass beaten. You ever seen the videos of what happened to Johnnie Morton or Jose Canseco? He'd deserve every bit of it, unless he puts on the effort and training it really takes to be a Professional fighter.
Brock Lesnar would destroy Batista in MMA and wrestling its not even close. Brock was one of the most dominant wrestlers in history, for about 75% of his career he was world champion Batista has had a blah type career. In MMA Brock is a national juco wrestling champ a 2 time ncaa all american and ncaa champ not to mention his hands are the size of my head (i got a pretty big head), Batista was a bouncer and is on steroids Brock wins
It seems to be a little joke , Batista in MMA!

I mean he couldn't even deal with STF , which Cena had to always apply half-ass when he had a match with batista, He never could Talk after a match because of fast breathing , how in the hell he could resist against submissions in MMA?

I'm sorry , but if Batista meets Lesnar in a MMA match , he will have his ass handed to him.

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