If Brock Lesner didn't leave the WWE?


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Brock Lesner left the world of wrestling (WWE) to prosue a long-shot pipe dream to play football in the NFL. He never did play a (full) game. He was on the roster, but he really didn't play in the games when he was with his hometown team, the Minnasota Vikings. Then he tryed something, mixed-martial arts. In which he became "the man" in that sport in very little time as the UFC's world heavyweight chamipn.

But my question is...What if Brock Lesner never left the WWE???

Would there be a John Cena? A Randy Orton? A Batista? There wouldn't be a JBL, that's for damn sure! Speaking of that. Rumor has it, that if Brock Lesner never left (the way he did) the WWE. It would have been him and John Cena for the WWE championship at wrestlemania 21 in L.A. With Brock as the heel and Cena as the babyface. Therefore Brock passing the torch to Cena as the new "real strong guy" in the WWE

As for Randy Orton. Orton wasn't a killer like Lesner was. In a one -on-one fued, Brock would have killed Orton. And as for mr. Batista. I only knew of one match up between him and Brock at a WWE supershow in Batista's hometown of Washington D.C. I beleive? Lesner and Batista could have done with Batista and the Undertaker did at wrestlemania 23 like at every show or PPV. But now were never know.

What do you think?
As far as I heard, WWE was planning to have Triple H vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 21 and him and Batista did have a match before but it was back in their OVW days.

But if Brock never left WWE, without a doubt guys like JBL, John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit and Batista wouldn't have gotten their big pushes because it was all about Brock when he was around. The guys listed were pushed because they had to fill the void Brock left. But it wasn't only Brock Lesnar who left a void; Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, etc. all left voids.
If Brock Lesnar never left then he would still be the FACE of WWE to this point.Just like how John Cena has been for the past 4 years if Lesnar never left Cena would not have been as Big as he is now so basically Cena is Lesnars replacement so Lesnar only affects John Cena and maybe Batista but that's pretty much it because Edge won the title via MITB and Benoit via Royal Rumble i guess Eddie Guerrero wouldn't be the man he was but you never know.
If Brock would have stayed, he would have ended up killing himself or someone else. he was a major liability in the ring. Remember his botched shooting star press??? He is just a steroid freak who would have gotten 3 strikes very quickly when they instituted the wellness policy and then fired to never return. And if he was clean, he would have definately held everybody down. Brock was overrated plain and simple and now he wants to trash wrestling. MMA is a fad and won't be around in 5 to 10 years anyway so he will come begging for his job back. Bottom line, if Brock would have stayed, the business would be worse for it anyway. Hell, he probably would have went to Tna with the rest of the rejects anyway
Here’s my take. If Brock Lesnar didn’t leave the WWE to go try Football, he might have been on the same plane to Orlando with Kurt. He would have worked for Vince a little more, but he still would have gotten tired of it after a while. Assuming his relationship with Kurt was in good standing and money wasn't as important as free time to Brock, Kurt could have delivered the Next Big Thing to Dixie and TNA may be a step or three higher than they are right now. Think about Angle vs. Lesnar vs. Lashley for the TNA World Title at BFG V. WOW!!

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