CM Steel
A REAL American
Brock Lesner has been back in the WWE for just over a year now on a limited WWE contract. A few times a year Brock Lesner shows up on WWE TV. Now after Wrestlemania 29 Brock has signed another WWE contract with the company for two more years. So that's two more Wrestlemania's! Brock Lesner couldn't remain a Monster heel for those whole two years right? I'd say have Brock remain as a monster for another Wrestlemania match (mainly against the Undertaker breaking the streak). It could be against the Rock as expected at Wrestlemania 30. But during his second year run have Brock Lesner turn babyface one more time.
Because people from back those ten years ago remember Brock Lesner as that big babyface who was the face of the company at one point in his WWE career before turning heel again and leaving the WWE. Have Brock Lesner feud with Ryback heading into Wrestlemania 31 in a badass feud! Since Ryback is compared to Bill Goldberg alot have it build from sometime like that. Brock Lesner cannot stand Bill Goldberg coming from their first & last feud with each other. That would be a sight to behold to see Brock Lesner toss Ryback around like a little bitch!
I say make it happen by that time frame. You?
Because people from back those ten years ago remember Brock Lesner as that big babyface who was the face of the company at one point in his WWE career before turning heel again and leaving the WWE. Have Brock Lesner feud with Ryback heading into Wrestlemania 31 in a badass feud! Since Ryback is compared to Bill Goldberg alot have it build from sometime like that. Brock Lesner cannot stand Bill Goldberg coming from their first & last feud with each other. That would be a sight to behold to see Brock Lesner toss Ryback around like a little bitch!
I say make it happen by that time frame. You?