Why Do You Hate Rob Terry?

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Plump, Juicy User
Ever since Terry has debuted in TNA, I have not found one other person on this forum who thinks Terry is anything more than a piece of shit. Sure he may be British and have a mullet, but other than that there is really no reason to hate him. There is no proof he's actually taken steroids, even though it may be likely, and he hasn't done anything horrendous in TNA.

He's only wrestled in the ring for like 1 minute combined in the tag match that was interrupted by the riot and in his squash match against Hernandez at Hard Justice. Yet, all everyone ever says about him is that he can't wrestle and he is worthless. How many of you have actually seen a Rob Terry match? Even if you have, no one has seen what he can do in TNA. Sure, he may actually be shit, but there is a chance that's he may be at least decent. As a big guy, there isn't much he really needs to do. Just some power moves and the ability to sell a finisher and he's set. Heck, he can't be much worse than Batista.

So, why do you hate Rob Terry? If you don't hate him, now is the time to come out of the closet.
I know he can't wrestle GD because TNA management knows he can't wrestle. There have been several reports in the Observer over the last few weeks about how TNA management has been actively trying to keep him as far away from the ring as they can and have him wrestle as little as possible. They are literally actively trying to avoid having one of their "wrestlers" from wrestling because of how bad he is in the ring. That's all the confirmation I need that he's shit.

Besides which, just look at him. He's like Batista, only without half of the talent that Batista as (that's saying something isn't it?). He's done nothing thus far but look like a moron and stand around because he has big muscles. I'm shocked the WWE ever let the guy go, he seems to fit perfectly into Vinnie Mac's attraction to huge guys who can't wrestle for shit.

Rob Terry, as of now, is shit GD. Who knows if he'll improve or not, but right now, he's drivel, and a waste of space. Considering how much talent TNA has, they don't need to be wasting any time of the precious 2 hours a week they have on TV on that fucking waste of space.
I'm with x on this. The reason I know he sucks is because of all the various reports, a few of which have been posted on WZ's main page, that the guy doesn't really know how to wrestle. Any training that he's had is only at the most elementary level.

Terry looks phenomenal, but the guy simply can't work effectively. Another reason I don't like the guy very much at this point is the fact that, despite the fact he probably can't do an armdrag takedown at this point, he has a part to play in a feud and faction within the second largest wrestling company in the United States. Now, we all say at some point that "so-in-so" doesn't deserve to be in a certain spot for whatever reason. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for feeling that way, sometimes its said just to be mean or spiteful or negative or whatever. However, as of right now, Rob Terry does not belong in the spot he currently has as part of the TNA roster.
I really didn't even read the reports to find out how shitty Rob Terry is. He was god awful in the the six man tag on Impact last week. I don't think he sold anything that Team 3D or Hernadez dished on him. This guy needs to be kept in the gym and away from television. The guy doesn't even look natural with his pecs that look like a cross between Velvet Sky and Angelina Love's implants.
Why do I hate Rob Terry.

1- He looks stupid. Really come on, the mullet thing has NOTHING to do with his gimmick so why is it there? They really couldn't have someone tell him that it's hideous.

2- He's boring. Maybe he can do something, I don't recall ever hearing him on the mic...but I'm going to bet he's problem not very good. His in ring work isn't all that interesting from what I've seen either.

3- He's apparently terrible in the ring. Like everyone said, there have been tons of reports about him being horrible in the ring. When he wrestles I can see that he's terrible in the ring. If he didn't go to Team 3Ds wrestling school he very likely would be without a job. I can't understand why they don't just release him.

So he has a terrible look, no gimmick, sucks in the ring. I'd people can make a judgement on that.
I remember when he had a match as part of the World Elite, Daniels attempted to perform a cross body on the guy and not only did he not sell the move, he just stood there didn't flinch and attempted to look menacing, that was the first time I started to frown on the man known as Rob Terry.

As i continue to watch the British Invasion i keep seeing this guy who by far is far worse then the gladiator Brutus Magnus and should thanks his lucky stars to even be in a faction with one of Britains most accomplished wrestlers in Doug Williams, because the guy is a prime example of All looks an no talent, TNA wont have this guy compete and to have him taking PPV pay from a far more accomplished talent just to have him job to hernandez for the breifcase is stupid and someone really needs to give this guy the pink slip and stop paying him for his extra money for roids and growth hormones because there is no way he can look that big and not be on anything.

He is one of the many reasons TNA actually needs a hiring policy and a structure on which to hire its wrestling talent, because Dixie carter is seriously shitting on this business and everything it stands for by hiring complete idiots like this guy.

Rant over...
He looks like Scott Steiner did a few years back when Steiner was on steroids so heavily. His muscles are growing muscles and that is not natural. I mean, he is really just being paid to stand around and hit people from behind. If he had talent TNA Management would have had him show it by now. Even when Batista was the bodyguard to Devon he showed he had some talent when he was interfering in matches. Rob Terry hasn't even shown that.
I think he's cool! Big and impressive looking. I think that over time His wrestling skills can improve. As someone said he dosent need much more than a set of power moves. Just remember, just because it may be YOUR opinion that he is "shit". Dosen't mean that reflects the same opinions of other people. Most people on here don't like ANYTHING! So here it is, I confess I'm a Big Rob Terry fan.

....that being said, I do think he needs alot of work! If he is infact on steriods, purely speculative, he should be punished proplerly
Do I hate Rob Terry? No. Do I dislike Rob Terry? No. Do I think he is a horrible wrestler? Yes.

First of all, I can’t say I hate or dislike him because I don’t know actually know him. But I can say that I think he is a horrible wrestler. How do I know? Well there have been various reports right here on WrestleZone and like X mentioned the Observer that he just doesn’t know how to wrestle. It has also been reported that he doesn’t have enough proper training to be able to put on a decent match. Basically, whatever training he had been given during his time in OVW is nonexistent. Then there is the stuff we have seen in TNA and it shows he is horrible. And there is always YouTube, where I’ve seen some of his matches and he is also horrible in them too. Like I said, I don’t hate him but I do think he is a bad wrestler.
I have nothing against Rob Terry. Somehow all these people assume that he can't wrestle without seeing him fully wrestle which amazes me. The guy was in FCW for quite some time and trained in Team 3D's wrestling school for quite a bit so I don't see what the issue here is with all of these smart marks.
rob terry just flat out can't wrestle. the only thing he has done is toss a guy across the ring because he can not do anything else. he has the potential to be an amazing bodyguard but that's it. people hate rob terry because he just sucks
IMO hes a project wrestler, my guess is someone has been training him, and TNA;s hope is within a year he will be good enough to be a singles wrestler, I mean was Batista not in a body guard role for a little while with Devon?

And I don't dislike him, he hasn;t done anything to make me dislike him, he aint out stealing anyones tv time like he would if he was in WWE ala Great Khali or something, hes just out there doing his job and being a body guard/ muscle of a group, and he does that good.

Give him a year from now and then see where hes at, but someone only playing the muscle body guard of a group there just isn;t much to rag on his "wrestling' really.
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really, there is a thread on rob terry, really? wat did he do to even deserve a thread i have no idea. i must say he looks very impressive, and of course there will be alotta jealous guys like alotta guys on this thread who hate on the mans build saying o hes takin somethin hes gonna die in the next 5 years or watever. it aint necessary. we havent really seen him wrestle yet. how is he a piece of shit cuz of his mullet? wat does ur hair look like? lol damn give the guy a break
I kinda hope TNA just keeps Rob Terry as the British Invasion's Enforcer. Williams and Magnus are really good in the ring, and having an insurance policy like that on the outside can make them dominant.

Rob Terry is strictly muscle. He's not a good wrestler, and that's because he's not a wrestler. I like the fact that he's the muscle of the World Elite. I don't need to see him wrestle though.
I don't hate him as said before what has he done to to make me hate him he only wrestled on match and it was ppv and he got squashed you can't judge him on how he got squashed really I mean i guess you could judge his sellling, but bad selling is no reason to hate a non-main eventer. And plus he does his job of being the muscle for brit. invasion very well he basically is a giant muscle and he probably is getting trained to wrestle by someone behind the scenes and is getting experiance watching people like hernandez up close at ringside. I think it's genius to train a wrestler that will get to see other wrestlers that close to help him learn how to sell, mat wrestle and do spots. So right now Rob Terry is doing his job perfectly so why should I hate him.
Rob Terry is the epitome of what someone can achieve by working hard in the gym... NOT REALLY.

This "big guy" was released less than two months in his WWE/FCW contract, and he was only involved in tag matches.

A year later...
TNA thinks "He's British... He's Buff... He's ... MONEY!!!"
But under one condition:
His physical appearance has to overshadow his SEVERE lack of ANY ability to wrestle, so PLEASE keep him FAR away from the ring unless its a run-in, a tag match, or a squash match. How ironic... all of this has happened so far.

Thank God that he's British, or he wouldn't have a job.
Just think... Sonjay and Petey for Rob Terry and Deaner: WOW, what an advancement!
I haven't seen the guy wrestle, but I find it amusing how people will rag on Rob Terry because he can't wrestle, and he has obviously been using steroids.

GUESS WHAT! So have 90% of wrestlers in wrestling today. You boo Rob Terry for not being a great wrestler (and boo John Cena for the same thing), yet people had no problem cheering Hulk Hogan, even though he fought the same wrestling match for twenty-five years. There are plenty of wrestlers today (including Batista) who can't wrestle if their life depended on it, yet they are pushed or cheered. What's the difference?

Secondly, virtually every wrestler walks around with an enormous physique, but not all of them are booed. Rob Terry is far from the only steroid user in wrestling, and I think fans lost the "high moral ground" to condemn steroid users when they cheer wrestlers they KNOW are users.

My point is, Rob Terry seems to be condemned for things that make him far from unique. So, why is he bagged, when Batista, Hulk Hogan and others don't reach the bar either? What do they have that Rob Terry doesn't?
He's probably my third favorite British guy on the TNA roster. Obviously he's not as polished as Brutai, nor does he have the charisma of Teh Doug. But he's easily a happy medium. Great body, spikey hair, tight tops. Wrestling ability isn't important, this is TNA we're talking about. People say that Rob Terry is shit, yet Sting is some sort of Icon, come on.
He's probably my third favorite British guy on the TNA roster. Obviously he's not as polished as Brutai, nor does he have the charisma of Teh Doug. But he's easily a happy medium. Great body, spikey hair, tight tops. Wrestling ability isn't important, this is TNA we're talking about. People say that Rob Terry is shit, yet Sting is some sort of Icon, come on.

Are you crazy to put Sting & Rob Terry in the same sentence? If you're not educated on Sting, I suggest you learn what WCW is and look at the great matches that Sting has had and learn how much of a draw he was when wrestling was at it's height in the 90s. Sting was the Franchise & the face of a company that repeatedly beat WWE and almost put them out of business. Step up your wrestling knowledge! Sting is a legend and even now at his age, he's still quite a decent performer! Don't ever disrespect Sting.
Are you crazy to put Sting & Rob Terry in the same sentence?

How about this for a sentance, Rob Terry has better muscles than Sting.

If you're not educated on Sting, I suggest you learn what WCW is and look at the great matches that Sting has had and learn how much of a draw he was when wrestling was at it's height in the 90s.

Was wrestling at it's height in the 90's? Maybe late 90's in WWE. But despite how popular WCW became within wrestling, it's never been as popular as WWE as a brand.

I'm also sure, that barring Starrcade 1997, Sting was a lower mid card wrestler throughout WCW's biggest run.

Sting was the Franchise & the face of a company that repeatedly beat WWE and almost put them out of business.

His face didn't inspire much business in the later years of WCW, not in TNA for that matter. Unlike Rob Terry who's going to flurish into the promotions top draw any day now.

Step up your wrestling knowledge! Sting is a legend and even now at his age, he's still quite a decent performer! Don't ever disrespect Sting.

Just admit that Rob Terry is better. You and I both know it to be true.
I saw him botch a spot where he had to hit someone on the head with a briefcase a few months back... Nuff said
Y 2 Jake said:
How about this for a sentance, Rob Terry has better muscles than Sting.

Rob Terry also has better muscles than Undertaker & HBK. It doesn't mean much!:shrug:

Y 2 Jake said:
Was wrestling at it's height in the 90's? Maybe late 90's in WWE. But despite how popular WCW became within wrestling, it's never been as popular as WWE as a brand.

I'm also sure, that barring Starrcade 1997, Sting was a lower mid card wrestler throughout WCW's biggest run.

No wrestling was at it's height from the mid-late 90s particulary when all the top wrestling companies were flourishing and putting on quality for the fans. And this was back when WCW was on top of the wrestling world. And are you crazy? WCW from 1996-1998 was beating WWE in the ratings every week. nWo was on top of the world and with Sting being the biggest babyface and oppositon of the nWo stable, WCW was on top of the wrestling and was arguably far more mainstream than WWE. Please learn your history.

Y 2 Jake said:
His face didn't inspire much business in the later years of WCW, not in TNA for that matter. Unlike Rob Terry who's going to flurish into the promotions top draw any day now.

How much business can one's face do if an entire sink is shipping?? It's not one thing that one wrestler could do. The structure of the company and the parent company were unstable. That is something beyond control!

Lol at Sting's face not inspiring business. Just incase you're not aware, TNA signing Sting in 2006 was a big reason why SpikeTV even picked up TNA in the United States, so unless a TV deal isn't a big deal for an upcoming promotion, I don't know what is.

Y 2 Jake said:
Just admit that Rob Terry is better. You and I both know it to be true.

I can't believe I just wasted time giving you a serious reply. :lol::lol::lmao::lmao: Expect no more replies!:lmao:
Rob Terry also has better muscles than Undertaker & HBK. It doesn't mean much!:shrug:

The wrestling boom of the 80's was built on muscles.

No wrestling was at it's height from the mid-late 90s particulary when all the top wrestling companies were flourishing and putting on quality for the fans.

I don't remember the Attitude Era or the n.W.o. producing many great wrestling matches.

As popular as WCW was among wrestling fans, it never gained the popularity that the Steve Austin led Attitude Era did. You never saw WCW merchandise out in force the same way you did WWE. Non-fans never used the initials W.C.W. to describe wrestling.

And this was back when WCW was on top of the wrestling world.

Top of the wrestling world isn't a huge claim. Nearly top of the entertainment world is, which is what WWE was in the late 90's.

nWo was on top of the world and with Sting being the biggest babyface and oppositon of the nWo stable,

Sting was WCW's biggest babyface when he wasn't wrestling, then after he'd faced Hogan he swiftly moved back down the card to the position he was before he turned into the Crow character. What was Sting doing in 1998? Not being the companies biggest face would be one guess.

How much business can one's face do if an entire sink is shipping??

A lot, if they're as good as people think they are.

Lol at Sting's face not inspiring business. Just incase you're not aware, TNA signing Sting in 2006 was a big reason why SpikeTV even picked up TNA in the United States, so unless a TV deal isn't a big deal for an upcoming promotion, I don't know what is.

I was fully aware of that, but where is TNA in the grand scheme of things? Where has it ever been. It's more of promotion to house ageing wrestling talent and wrestlers WWE don't want or need. It's a bit like a dogs home in that respect.

I can't believe I just wasted time giving you a serious reply. :lol::lol::lmao::lmao: Expect no more replies!:lmao:

I can't believe you did either. It's almost like you weren't aware my initial post was sarcastic. I would produce a load of silies now, but I feel like my ridiculous posts are obvious enough without them.
Y 2 Jake said:
I don't remember the Attitude Era or the n.W.o. producing many great wrestling matches.

You don't remember because either you weren't born or you were probably wetting your diapers. Besides main events, the attitude era may not have produced great wrestling but anybody from those days who truly watched wrestling for wrestling can tell you the number of 5 star matches the cruiserweights in WCW were putting on week to week and from PPV to PPV.

Y 2 Jake said:
As popular as WCW was among wrestling fans, it never gained the popularity that the Steve Austin led Attitude Era did. You never saw WCW merchandise out in force the same way you did WWE. Non-fans never used the initials W.C.W. to describe wrestling.

Maybe where you're from that's the case. But where I'm from, everyone was aware of nWo. nWo which was a WCW brand was like the epitome of mainstream and was one of the biggest things in American pop culture. They changed the face of the entire wrestling business.

Y 2 Jake said:
Top of the wrestling world isn't a huge claim. Nearly top of the entertainment world is, which is what WWE was in the late 90's.

nWo was part of pop culture so yes they were on top of the entertainment world as well. Goldberg was also one of the most popular stars on the planet at the time and was household name.

Y 2 Jake said:
Sting was WCW's biggest babyface when he wasn't wrestling, then after he'd faced Hogan he swiftly moved back down the card to the position he was before he turned into the Crow character. What was Sting doing in 1998? Not being the companies biggest face would be one guess.

In 1998, Sting was the world champion and went on to beat Hulk Hogan 2 more times without Hogan ever beating him in a one on one match. Not only that but he became a member of the most over and popular face stable at the time which was the WolfPac. No matter how you slice it, Sting was always the face of WCW.

Y 2 Jake said:
A lot, if they're as good as people think they are.

If your parent company just lost a huge chunk on the stock market, there's nothing a wrestler can do if that company decides to sell one of their wrestling companies to regain back some of that asset.

Y 2 Jake said:
I was fully aware of that, but where is TNA in the grand scheme of things? Where has it ever been. It's more of promotion to house ageing wrestling talent and wrestlers WWE don't want or need. It's a bit like a dogs home in that respect.

And what does that have to do with Sting's presence being a huge reason for SpikeTV picking up the TNA product? The point is that his presence has helped gotten TNA on national TV. That is a huge deal!
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